Frame integration and head-switching
RISK in English and Japanese
Employing Frame Semantics as implemented in the Berkeley FrameNet database, this paper analyzes English sentences
expressing concerns of risk derived from the British National Corpus and their Japanese translations (created for the purposes of
the current study). It introduces the ideas of content and interpretation predicates, frame integration, and head-switching as
effectual devices for recognizing obscure constructional equivalences across languages. Our findings shed light on the development
of a new contrastive framework for verbal predicativity: that is, a framework based on the recognition of content and
interpretation predicates and how it intersects with the categorical distinction in lexicalization patterns between verbs and
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Frame integration between interpretation and content predicates
- 1.2Frame Semantics as implemented in FrameNet
- 2.The Run_risk frame
- 3.Three profiles of the Run_risk frame and head-switching
- 3.1The Jeopardizing profile (English)
- 3.2The Incurring profile (English)
- 3.3The Daring profile (English)
- 4.Translating Risk.v sentences into Japanese
- 4.1The Jeopardizing profile (Japanese)
- 4.2The Incurring profile (Japanese)
- 4.3The Daring profile (Japanese)
- 5.Discussion
- 6.Conclusions
- Notes
- Abbreviations
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