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2012. Grammaticalization and directionality. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 163 ff.
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2012. Collocations in grammaticalization and variation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 225 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization in Sinitic Languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 786 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and conversation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 424 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and linguistic complexity. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 153 ff.
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2012. The grammaticalization of definite articles. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 522 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and syntax: a functional view. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 365 ff.
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2012. The grammaticalization of quotatives. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 646 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and semantic change. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 389 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization as analogically driven change?. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 31 ff.
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2012. Construction grammar and grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 92 ff.
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2012. Iconicity versus grammaticalization: a case study. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 462 ff.
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2012. Negative cycles and grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 570 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and corpus linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 239 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization in Brazilian Portuguese. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 729 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and language contact. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 279 ff.
Mithun, Marianne
2012. Grammaticalization and explanation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 177 ff.
Narrog, Heiko & Bernd Heine
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2012. Grammaticalization in Japanese. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 775 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and semantic maps. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 318 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and sociolinguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 118 ff.
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2012. Pragmatic aspects of grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 401 ff.
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2012. Degrammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 475 ff.
Ohori, Toshio
2012. The Grammaticalization of subordination. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 636 ff.
Onodera, Noriko O.
2012. The grammaticalization of discourse markers. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 614 ff.
Pfau, Roland & Markus Steinbach
2012. Grammaticalization in sign languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 683 ff.
Poplack, Shana
2012. Grammaticalization and linguistic Variation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 209 ff.
Ramat, Anna Giacalone & Caterina Mauri
2012. The grammaticalization of coordinating interclausal connectives. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 656 ff.
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2012. Adverbial grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 502 ff.
Raumolin‐Brunberg, Helena & Arja Nurmi
2012. Grammaticalization and language change in the individual. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 251 ff.
Rhee, Seongha
2012. Grammaticalization in Korean. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 764 ff.
Smith, Andrew D. M.
2012. Grammaticalization and language evolution. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 142 ff.
Sun, Chaofen & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
2012. Grammaticalization and word order change. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 378 ff.
Thompson, Sandra A. & Ryoko Suzuki
2012. The Grammaticalization of final particles. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 668 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and mechanisms of change. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 19 ff.
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2012. The grammaticalization of agreement. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 491 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and generative grammar: a difficult liaison. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 43 ff.
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2012. The grammaticalization of passives. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 535 ff.
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2012. Grammaticalization and word formation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 356 ff.
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2012. The grammaticalization of modality. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, ► pp. 595 ff.
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