Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic, and Typological Linguistics
Festschrift for Oswald Szemérenyi on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
This two-volume collection of papers was brought together in honor of Oswald Szemerényi on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The volumes contain 70 papers, most of which deal with Indo-European (historical) linguistics.
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 11] 1979. xiv, 487, x, 506 pp. (2 vols.)
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 19 December 2011
Published online on 19 December 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | pp. vii–ix
List of publications of Oswald Szemerényi | pp. 1–12
Syntax: Conjecture and factOlga Akhmanova and Olga Dolgova | pp. 13–22
Word order typology and prepositions in Old IndicPaul Kent Andersen | pp. 23–34
Generative grammar and language change: Irreconcilable concepts?Raimo Anttila | pp. 35–51
Sonorität und LautwandelMichael Back | pp. 53–69
Why but implies although: A functional approachCharles-James Bailey | pp. 71–75
Die Auffälligkeit und das UniversaleHelmut J.R. Birkhan | pp. 77–121
Typological studies and the identification of the Indo-European laryngealsAllan R. Bomhard | pp. 123–137
Mehrsprachigkeit, Diglossie und Sprachprobleme in SkandinavienKurt Braumüller | pp. 139–157
Bemerkungen zu den PhrasenkompositaBela Brogyanyi | pp. 159–165
Zur Struktur des kurdischen VerbsTheodora Bynon | pp. 167–178
Typologische Rekonstruktion und IndogermanischEnrico Campanile | pp. 179–190
Sui numerali da “1” a “5” in anatolico e indoeuropeoOnofrio Carruba | pp. 191–205
The Aeolic dative pluralJohn Chadwick | pp. 207–211
A semantic approach to the identification of Iranian loanwords in ArmenianPatrick Considine | pp. 213–228
Altirisch dúasJohan Corthals | pp. 229–234
Kukko kiekuu und käki kukkuuGyula Décsy | pp. 235–238
The vowel phonemes of KhotaneseRonald E. Emmerick | pp. 239–250
Due note epigrafiche di morfologia grecaCarlo Gallavotti | pp. 251–263
Über den Sinn der slavischen offenen SilbeHerbert Galton | pp. 265–281
Hierarchical relationships of dominance as phonological universals and their implications for Indo-European reconstructionThomas V. Gamkrelidze | pp. 283–290
No Old Persion spaθmaidaIlya Gershevitch | pp. 291–295
Eblaite and its affinitiesCyrus H. Gordon | pp. 297–301
Struttura lessicale e prestitoRoberto Gusmani | pp. 303–316
Subjectless verbs and the primacy of the predicate in Romance and LatinRobert A. Hall | pp. 317–323
Formal vs. functional considerations in phonologyMorris Halle | pp. 325–341
On syllabic reduction and syntaxEric P. Hamp | pp. 343–350
Der Vorgang der Begegnung: Eine historisch-kontrastive Studie zum Irischen, Englischen und LateinischenHans Hartmann | pp. 351–372
Structural evidence on the reality of literary punningArchibald A. Hill | pp. 373–385
γέφυρα: A Semitic loan-word?James T. Hooker | pp. 387–398
Die syntaktischen UniversalienGheorghe Ivănescu | pp. 399–415
On non-volitional verbal constructions in Indo-EuropeanVyacheslav Ivanov | pp. 417–421
Linguistique genetique et typologique: Remarques epistemologiquesGuy Jucquois | pp. 423–436
L’importance de William Dwight Whitney pour les jeunes linguistes de Leipzig et pour F. de SaussureE.F.K. Koerner | pp. 437–454
Schleicher’s tale after a centuryWinfred P. Lehmann and Ladislav Zgusta | pp. 455–466
The diachronic possibilities of the Indo-European ‘amplified’ sentence: A case history from anatolianKim R. McCone | pp. 467–487
Latinate diglossia in Finno-Ugric: Could Hungarian have become a Romance language?Adam Makkai | pp. 489–506
Semantic universals, lexical polarization, taboo. The Romance domain of ‘left’ and ‘right’ revisitedYakov Malkiel | pp. 507–527
L’apophonie e/o en grecWitold Mańczak | pp. 529–535
Quelques lectures nouvelles sur les inscriptions louvites hiéroglyphiques d’EmirgaziEmilia Masson | pp. 537–547
Remarques sur les noms en -ᾶς en attiquesOlivier Masson | pp. 549–553
Lautliche Interferenzen — Ursachen und Wirkungen am Beispiel Italienisch-ZimbrischWolfgang Meid and Karin Heller | pp. 555–562
Die lateinisch-romanischen Verbalbildungen mit Präfixen. Als Beispiel: die Familie von lat. ramusHarri Meier | pp. 563–576
The Luwian languages and the Hittite -ḫi conjugationAnna Morpurgo Davies | pp. 577–610
On the origins of the Greek hexameter: Synchronic and diachronic perspectivesGregory Nagy | pp. 611–631
Le denominazioni della “confinazione tra campi e tra prati” nei dialetti friulani e alpiniGiovan Battista Pellegrini | pp. 633–654
Pour une syntaxe de la langue parlée: La construction anglaise à redoublementHerbert Pilch | pp. 655–661
Due xenia auguraliVittore Pisani | pp. 663–668
Luvio geroglifico SAR+r(-à) KAT-taMassimo Poetto | pp. 669–677
Creolization theory and linguistic prehistoryEdgar C. Polomé | pp. 679–690
The voiceless bilabial spirant in Indo-EuropeanErnst Pulgram | pp. 691–704
Die idg. Wurzel *reudh- im LateinischenErnst Risch | pp. 705–724
Abstrakte Komplemente in UrindogermanischenHelmut Rix | pp. 725–747
Sexist language and the competence/performance distinctionSol Saporta | pp. 749–753
Rekonstruktion grundsprachlicher SatzbaupläneAnton Schrerer | pp. 755–762
Über einige Universalien tierischer und menschlicher KommunikationBernfried Schlerath | pp. 763–778
Universals, explanation, and a minor problem of Hittite phonologyWilliam R. Schmalstieg | pp. 779–791
Zur Vorgeschichte des indogermanischen GenussystemsKarl Horst Schmidt | pp. 793–800
φερέ-οικος – οἰκο-φόρος und die wechselnde Stellung des Verbalbestandteiles bei einigen griechischen KompositaRolf Schulze | pp. 801–828
Etymology as an operational principleHansjakob Seiler | pp. 829–835
Phonologische Regelhierarchie oder Wortbildung? (Lat. floralis, Cerialis und Zugehöriges)Klaus Strunk | pp. 837–851
Zu den syntaktischen Grundlagen der Nominalkomposition: Die Reihenfolge der TeilgliederJohann Tischler | pp. 853–868
Logic, epistemology, and Prague phonological ideasJindřich Toman | pp. 869–883
Das Irische und die TypologieAntonio Tovar | pp. 885–902
Ein Fall der Typologie: Das Problem der ‘alten Arier’ und die arische TrennungOleg N. Trubačev | pp. 903–908
Contribution a l’interpretation du vocabulaire hittite et indo-européenA.J. van Windekens | pp. 909–925
Synchronie, diachronie et évolution des langues: Quelques considérations théoriquesAriton Vraciu | pp. 927–940
Global syntactic diffusionStephen Wallace | pp. 941–958
Kongruenz wird zu Diskontinuität im DeutschenOtmar Werner | pp. 959–988
On the importance of links not missingWerner Winter | pp. 989–994
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Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General