Part of
Towards a Social Science of Language: Papers in honor of William Labov
Edited by Gregory R. Guy, Crawford Feagin, Deborah Schiffrin and John Baugh
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 128] 1997
► pp. 285310
Cited by (15)

Cited by 15 other publications

Limerick, Philip P.
2024. Outlier speakers and apparent effects: The case of variable subject placement in Spanish. International Journal of Bilingualism DOI logo
Almeida, Milena Aparecida, Rosane Andrade Berlinck & Stephen Levey
2023. Confronting Grammatical Ideology with Usage: Toward a Socially Realistic Account of Spoken Portuguese. In Understanding Linguistic Prejudice,  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Dion, Nathalie
2023. A question of change: Putting five complementary measures to the test with French polar interrogatives. Language Variation and Change 35:3  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
Meyer, Robin
2023. Iranian Syntax in Classical Armenian, DOI logo
Meyer, Robin
2023. Towards a Typology of Contact‐Induced Change: Questions, Problems and the Path Ahead. Transactions of the Philological Society 121:3  pp. 336 ff. DOI logo
Roussel, Basile
2023. Entre mode et variation : une étude variationniste de l’emploi du subjonctif dans un parler du français acadien. Journal of French Language Studies 33:1  pp. 82 ff. DOI logo
Comeau, Philip
2020. When a linguistic variable doesn’t vary (much): The subjunctive mood in a conservative variety of Acadian French and its relevance to the actuation problem. Journal of French Language Studies 30:1  pp. 21 ff. DOI logo
Cacoullos, Rena Torres & Catherine E. Travis
2015. Gauging convergence on the ground: Code-switching in the community. International Journal of Bilingualism 19:4  pp. 365 ff. DOI logo
2012. What counts as (contact-induced) change. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15:2  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
Schwenter, Scott A.
2011. Variationist Approaches to Spanish Morphosyntax: Internal and External Factors. In The Handbook of Hispanic Sociolinguistics,  pp. 121 ff. DOI logo
Alamillo, Asela Reig
2009. Cross-dialectal variation in propositional anaphora: Null objects and propositionalloin Mexican and Peninsular Spanish. Language Variation and Change 21:3  pp. 381 ff. DOI logo
LeBlanc, Carmen L.
2009. Conditional morphology in si-clauses: A Canadian-French reanalysis. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 54:2  pp. 317 ff. DOI logo
Poplack, Shana & Anne St-Amand
2009. LesRécits du français québécois d’autrefois: reflet du parler vernaculaire du 19e siècle. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 54:3  pp. 511 ff. DOI logo
Sanchez, Tara
2008. Accountability in morphological borrowing: Analyzing a linguistic subsystem as a sociolinguistic variable. Language Variation and Change 20:2  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
Thibault, Pierrette
2003. Regard rétrospectif sur la sociolinguistique québécoise et canadienne. Revue québécoise de linguistique 30:1  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo

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