Clinical Linguistics
Theory and applications in speech pathology and therapy
This book covers different aspects of speech and language pathology and it offers a fairly comprehensive overview of the complexity and the emerging importance of the field, by identifying and re-examining, from different perspectives, a number of standard assumptions in clinical linguistics and in cognitive sciences. The papers encompass different issues in phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, discussed with respect to deafness, stuttering, child acquisition and impairments, SLI, William’s Syndrome deficit, fluent aphasia and agrammatism. The interdisciplinary complexity of the language/cognition interface is also explored by focusing on empirical data from different languages: Bantu, Catalan, Dutch, English, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.
The aim of this volume is to stress the growing importance of the theoretical and methodological linguistic tools developed in this area; to bring under scrutiny assumptions taken for granted in recent analyses, which may not be so obvious as they may seem; to investigate how even apparently minimal choices in the description of phenomena may affect the form and complexity of the language/cognition interface.
The aim of this volume is to stress the growing importance of the theoretical and methodological linguistic tools developed in this area; to bring under scrutiny assumptions taken for granted in recent analyses, which may not be so obvious as they may seem; to investigate how even apparently minimal choices in the description of phenomena may affect the form and complexity of the language/cognition interface.
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 227] 2002. xxiv, 353 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 24 October 2011
Published online on 24 October 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | p. v
Editor’s IntroductionElisabetta Fava | p. ix
I. Phonology in clinical applications
Phonology as human behavior: Theoretical implications and cognitive and clinical applicationsYishai Tobin | pp. 3–22
Segmental vs syllable markedness: Deletion errors in the paraphasias of fluent and non-fluent aphasicsDirk-Bart den Ouden | pp. 23–45
II. Words in deafness and stuttering
Morphosyntactic fragility in the spoken and written Italian of the deafRoberto Ajello, Giovanna Marotta, Laura Mazzoni and Florida Nicolai | pp. 49–74
The EXPLAN theory of fluency control applied to the diagnosis of stutteringPeter Howell and James Au-Yeung | pp. 75–94
The EXPLAN theory of fluency control applied to the treatment of stutteringPeter Howell | pp. 95–115
III. Morphology and syntax in child language disorders
Verb Movement and finiteness in language impairment and language developmentRoelien Bastiaanse, Gerard Bol, Sofie van Mol and Shalom Zuckerman | pp. 119–130
A-bar movement constructions in Greek children with SLI: Evidence for deficits in the syntactic component of languageStavroula Stavrakaki | pp. 131–153
Morphological accessibility in ZuluSusan M. Suzman | pp. 155–174
Language production in Japanese preschoolers with specific language impairment: Testing theoriesYumiko Tanaka Welty, Jun Watanabe and Lise Menn | pp. 175–193
IV. Issues on grammar and cognition
Testing linguistic concepts: Are we testing semantics, syntax or pragmatics?Leah R. Paltiel-Gedalyovich | pp. 197–211
SLI and modularity: Linguistic and non-linguistic explanationsDušana Rybárová | pp. 213–227
The language/cognition interface: Lessons from SLI and Williams SyndromeVesna Stojanovik, Michael R. Perkins and Sara Howard | pp. 229–245
V. Grammatical structure in aphasia
Grammar and fluent aphasiaSusan Edwards | pp. 249–266
Failure to agree in agrammatismAnna Gavarró | pp. 267–278
The Verb and Sentence test: Assessing verb and sentence comprehension and production in aphasiaJudith Rispens, Roelien Bastiaanse and Susan Edwards | pp. 279–298
Case assignment as an explanation for determiner omission in German agrammatic speechEsther Ruigendijk | pp. 299–314
The role of verbal morphology in aphasia during lexical access: Evidence from GreekKyrana Tsapkini, Gonia Jarema and Eva Kehayia | pp. 315–335
Index of Subjects | pp. 337–344
List of Contributors | pp. 345–353
“One of the greatest strenghts of this collection is that it draws from many languages. This allows a particular disorder to be examined in different linguistic contexts and for theories to be tested on languages other than those with which they were developed. [...] even though each paper is interesting in and of itself, the real value of the collection is in the integration of the various ideas presented.”
Shari A. Epstein, University of Arizona in Linguist List (Jan. 2003)
“It contributes to the understanding of normal as well as disordered language processes.”
Liang Chen, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, in Language, Vol. 80:4 (2004)
Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Alduais, Ahmed, Abdullah Alduais, Hind Alfadda & Silvia Allegretta
Khamis-Dakwar, Reem
2020. Clinical linguistic research in the study of Arabic diglossia. In Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXII [Studies in Arabic Linguistics, 9], ► pp. 155 ff. 
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 11 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General