Shin, Naomi & Karen Lynn Miller
Children’s Acquisition of Morphosyntactic Variation: A Reply to Commentaries.
Language Learning and Development 20:1
► pp. 83 ff.

Chandra, Pritha
Introducing Language Variation. In
Variation in South Asian Languages,
► pp. 1 ff.

Fritzsche, Rosa
Ordering discontinuous $$\varvec{\varphi }$$-feature agree: verbal -s in North Eastern English.
The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 26:1

Levshina, Natalia, Savithry Namboodiripad, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, Mathew Kramer, Luigi Talamo, Annemarie Verkerk, Sasha Wilmoth, Gabriela Garrido Rodriguez, Timothy Michael Gupton, Evan Kidd, Zoey Liu, Chiara Naccarato, Rachel Nordlinger, Anastasia Panova & Natalia Stoynova
Why we need a gradient approach to word order.
Linguistics 61:4
► pp. 825 ff.

Wood, Jim & Raffaella Zanuttini
11. Variation in Morphosyntax.
Publication of the American Dialect Society 108:1
► pp. 206 ff.

Jakubów, Ana Paula S.P. & Letícia M. Sicuro Corrêa
Hicks, Glyn & Laura Domínguez
A model for L1 grammatical attrition.
Second Language Research 36:2
► pp. 143 ff.

Choueiri, Lina
Syntactic variation. In
The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Sociolinguistics,
► pp. 155 ff.

Leivada, Evelina, Roberta D’Alessandro & Kleanthes K. Grohmann
Eliciting Big Data From Small, Young, or Non-standard Languages: 10 Experimental Challenges.
Frontiers in Psychology 10

Rupp, Laura & David Britain
Verbal –s in Existential there Sentences. In
Linguistic Perspectives on a Variable English Morpheme,
► pp. 237 ff.

Rupp, Laura & David Britain
Past BE. In
Linguistic Perspectives on a Variable English Morpheme,
► pp. 165 ff.

Rupp, Laura & David Britain
Verbal –s. In
Linguistic Perspectives on a Variable English Morpheme,
► pp. 25 ff.

Ortiz López, Luis A. & Héctor Aponte Alequín
Microvariación sintáctico-semántica-pragmática: El infinitivo frente al subjuntivo en el español (caribeño y mexicano).
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 11:1
► pp. 131 ff.

Romero, Rey & Sandro Sessarego
Sessarego, Sandro & Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach
Barbosa, Pilar, Maria da Conceição de Paiva & Celeste Rodrigues
Hinskens, Frans
Dialectology and Formal Linguistic Theory. In
The Handbook of Dialectology,
► pp. 88 ff.

Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt & Lieselotte Anderwald
Corpus‐Based Approaches to Dialect Study. In
The Handbook of Dialectology,
► pp. 300 ff.

Alboiu, Gabriela & Virginia Hill
Bidese, Ermenegildo, Federica Cognola & Manuela Caterina Moroni
Cornips, Leonie & Frans Gregersen
The impact of Labov's contribution to general linguistic theory.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 20:4
► pp. 498 ff.

Denis, Derek
Oral Histories as a Window to Sociolinguistic History and Language History: Exploring Earlier Ontario English with the Farm Work and Farm Life Since 1890 Oral History Collection.
American Speech 91:4
► pp. 513 ff.

Domínguez, Laura & Glyn Hicks
Haugen, Jason D.
Ora Matushansky & Alec Marantz (eds.), Distributed Morphology today: Morphemes for Morris Halle. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2013.
Word Structure 9:2
► pp. 250 ff.

Newkirk-Turner, Brandi L. & Lisa Green
Roeper, Tom W.
Multiple Grammars and the Logic of Learnability in Second Language Acquisition.
Frontiers in Psychology 7

Sessarego, Sandro & Letania Ferreira
Aponte Alequín, Héctor & Luis A. Ortiz-López
Reglero, Lara & Emma Ticio
King, Ruth
Morphosyntactic Variation. In
The Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics,
► pp. 445 ff.

Brandner, Ellen
Syntactic Microvariation.
Language and Linguistics Compass 6:2
► pp. 113 ff.

Miller, Karen L. & Cristina Schmitt
Variable Input and the Acquisition of Plural Morphology.
Language Acquisition 19:3
► pp. 223 ff.

Tagliamonte, Sali A. & R. Harald Baayen
Models, forests, and trees of York English:Was/werevariation as a case study for statistical practice.
Language Variation and Change 24:2
► pp. 135 ff.

Tagliamonte, Sali A.
Variation as a window on universals. In
Linguistic Universals and Language Variation,
► pp. 128 ff.

Clark, Lynn
Re-examining vocalic variation in Scottish English: a Cognitive Grammar approach.
Language Variation and Change 20:2
► pp. 255 ff.

Embick, David
Variation and Morphosyntactic Theory: Competition Fractionated.
Language and Linguistics Compass 2:1
► pp. 59 ff.

Trudgill, Peter
English Dialect “Default Singulars,” Was versus Were, Verner's Law, and Germanic Dialects.
Journal of English Linguistics 36:4
► pp. 341 ff.

Wiltschko, Martina
The syntax of non-inflectional plural marking.
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 26:3
► pp. 639 ff.

Variability and modularity: A response to Hudson.
Journal of Linguistics 43:3
► pp. 695 ff.

Adger, David
Language variability in syntactic theory. In
Rethinking Parameters,
► pp. 49 ff.

Cornips, L.
Variation and Formal Theories of Syntax, Chomskyan. In
Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics,
► pp. 330 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 2 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.