2012. Differential Case Marking of Arguments in Amharic. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 742 ff.
Anderson, John M.
2012. Case in Localist Case Grammar. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 121 ff.
Arkadiev, Peter
2012. Poor (Two-Term) Case Systems. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 686 ff.
Bader, Markus & Monique Lamers
2012. Case in Lanuge Comprehension. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 402 ff.
Baerman, Matthew
2012. Case Syncretism. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 219 ff.
Barðdal, Jóhanna & Leonid Kulikov
2012. Case in Decline. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 470 ff.
Bickel, Balthasar & Johanna Nichols
2012. Case Marking and Alignment. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 304 ff.
Bickel, Balthasar & Johanna Nichols
2012. The Geography of Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 479 ff.
Blake, Barry J.
2012. History of the Research on Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 13 ff.
Blevins, James P.
2012. Case and Declensional Paradigms. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 200 ff.
Bobaljik, Jonathan David & Susi Wurmbrand
2012. Case in GB/Minimalism. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 44 ff.
Butt, Miriam
2012. Modern Approaches to Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 27 ff.
Butt, Miriam
2012. Case in Lexical-Functional Grammar. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 59 ff.
Creissels, Denis
2012. Spatial Cases. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 609 ff.
Daniel, Michael & Dmitry Ganenkov
2012. Case Marking in Daghestanian. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 668 ff.
Daniel, Michael & Andrew Spencer
2012. The Vocative – An Outlier Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 626 ff.
de Hoop, Helen
2012. Case in Optimality Theory. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 88 ff.
de Hoop, Helen & Joost Zwarts
2012. Case in Formal Semantics. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 170 ff.
Dench, Alan
2012. Case in an Australian Language. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 756 ff.
Donohue, Mark
2012. Case in an Austronesian Language. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 770 ff.
Eisenbeiss, Sonja, Bhuvana Narasimhan & Maria Voeikova
2012. The Acquisition of Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 369 ff.
Enfield, N. J.
2012. ‘Case Relations’ in Lao, A Radically Isolating Language. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 808 ff.
Haspelmath, Martin
2012. Terminology of Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 505 ff.
Heine, Bernd
2012. Grammaticalization of Cases. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 458 ff.
Iggesen, Oliver A.
2012. Asymmetry in Case Marking. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 246 ff.
Johanson, Lars
2012. Case and Contact Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 494 ff.
Kittilä, Seppo
2012. Case and the Typology of Transitivity. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 356 ff.
Kittilä, Seppo & Andrej L. Malchukov
2012. Varieties of Accusative. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 549 ff.
Kulikov, Leonid
2012. Evolution of Case Systems. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 439 ff.
König, Christa
2012. Casein an African Language. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 730 ff.
König, Christa
2012. Marked Nominatives. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 535 ff.
Lamers, Monique & Esther Ruigendijk
2012. Case in Aphasia. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 419 ff.
Lander, Yury
2012. Varieties of Genitive. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 581 ff.
Luraghi, Silvia
2012. Case in Cognitive Grammar. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 136 ff.
Malchukov, Andrej L.
2012. Rare and ‘Exotic’ Cases. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 635 ff.
Malchukov, Andrej L. & Peter De Swart
2012. Differential Case Marking and Actancy Variations. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 339 ff.
Malchukov, Andrej L. & Heiko Narrog
2012. Case Polysemy. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 518 ff.
Maling, Joan
2012. The Case Tier. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 72 ff.
Maslova, Elena
2012. Case in Yukaghir Languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 789 ff.
Melinger, Alissa, Thomas Pechmann & Sandra Pappert
2012. Case in Language Production. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 384 ff.
Moravcsik, Edith A.
2012. The Distribution of Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 231 ff.
Narrog, Heiko
2012. Varieties of Instrumental. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 593 ff.
Neeleman, Ad & Fred Weerman
2012. Syntactic Effects of Morphological Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 276 ff.
Næss, Åshild
2012. Varieties of Dative. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 572 ff.
Ogawa, Akio
2012. Case in a Topic-Prominent Language. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 779 ff.
Palancar, Enrique L.
2012. Varieties of Ergative. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 562 ff.
Primus, Beatrice
2012. Case, Grammatical Relations, and Semantic Roles. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 261 ff.
Shibatani, Masayoshi
2012. Case and Voice. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 322 ff.
Siewierska, Anna & Dik Bakker
2012. Case and Alternative Strategies. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 290 ff.
Sobolev, Andrej N.
2012. From Synthetic to Analytic Case. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 716 ff.
Spencer, Andrew
2012. Case as a Morphological Phenomenon. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 185 ff.
Stilo, Donald
2012. Case In Iranian. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 700 ff.
Stolz, Thomas, Cornelia Stroh & Aina Urdze
2012. Varieties of Comitative. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 601 ff.
Van Valin, Robert D.
2012. Case in Role and Reference Grammar. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 102 ff.
Wichmann, Søren
2012. Case Relations in Tlaanec, a Head-Marking Language. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 797 ff.
Wierzbicka, Anna
2012. Case in NSM. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 151 ff.
Andrej L. Malchukov & Andrew Spencer
2008. The Oxford Handbook of Case,
Malchukov, Andrej L. & Andrew Spencer
2012. Typology of Case Systems. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 651 ff.
Malchukov, Andrej L. & Andrew Spencer
2012. Introduction. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. 1 ff.
[no author supplied]
2008. Copyright Page. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. iv ff.
[no author supplied]
2008. Abbreviations. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. x ff.
[no author supplied]
2008. The Authors. In The Oxford Handbook of Case, ► pp. xviii ff.
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