On the impact of the initial phrase length on the position of enclitics in Old Czech
This paper presents an analysis of the relationship between the length of the initial phrase and the positions of pronominal enclitics in a clause. The hypothesis predicting the negative correlation between the length of the phrase and the proportion of enclitics in the post-initial position was set up and tested. For testing the hypothesis, selected books – Genesis (Gn), Isaiah (Is), Job (Jb), Sirach (Sir), Gospel of St. Matthew (Mt), Gospel of St. Luke (Lk), Acts (Act), and Revelation (Rev) – from the first edition of the Old Czech Bible translation were used. The hypothesis was not rejected; however, some differences among particular pronouns were revealed.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Classification of the word ordering of enclitics in Old Czech
- 3.Language material
- 4.Methodology
- 5.Results
- 6.Conclusion