Part of
Papers from the 7th International Conference on Historical Linguistics
Edited by Anna Giacalone Ramat, Onofrio Carruba and Giuliano Bernini
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 48] 1987
► pp. 109122
Cited by (179)

Cited by 179 other publications

Fábregas, Antonio
2024. Un análisis sintáctico de las irregularidades flexivas en futuro y condicional. Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxía DOI logo
Hu, Zhuanglin
2024. Issues in the Study of Grammaticalization. In Halliday and Chinese Linguistics: The Full Circle [The M.A.K. Halliday Library Functional Linguistics Series, ],  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
Mélac, Eric & Joanna Bialek
2024. Evidentiality as a grammaticalization passenger. Studies in Language 48:3  pp. 638 ff. DOI logo
Nuyts, Jan
2024. On the link between grammaticalization and subjectification. Studies in Language 48:3  pp. 608 ff. DOI logo
Prescod, Paula
2024. Evidence from bare verbs for the future versus non-future split in Creoles. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 39:2  pp. 435 ff. DOI logo
YI, Linya & Yoshiki OGAWA
2024. Comparison of the Verb of Motion GO in English and Chinese in Terms of Grammaticalization. Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 30:1  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
Assenza, Elvira
2023. Usi deittici e modali del futuro sintetico nel siciliano nord-orientale. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana 30  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
Fries, Simon, Jakob Halfmann, Eugen Hill & Denise Hübner
2023. From noun to future tense. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 76:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
2023. Regularized modal verbs in Middle English dialects. English Language and Linguistics 27:1  pp. 23 ff. DOI logo
Yaguchi, Michiko
2023.  Development of the Subject of BE going to in Grammaticalisation from the 1820s to 2010s in Comparison with BE about to . English Studies 104:7  pp. 1287 ff. DOI logo
Börjars, Kersti & Tine Breban
2022. Structural persistence as an explanatory factor in synchrony and diachrony*. Transactions of the Philological Society 120:2  pp. 299 ff. DOI logo
Ippolito, Michela & Donka F. Farkas
2022. Assessing alternatives: the case of the presumptive future in Italian. Linguistics and Philosophy 45:4  pp. 943 ff. DOI logo
Kuo, Yueh Hsin
2022. From dynamic modal to conditional protasis connective. Functions of Language 29:2  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Paul, Katharina, Maik Thalmann, Markus Steinbach & Marco Coniglio
2022.  Gehen as a new auxiliary in German. In Language Change at the Interfaces [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 275],  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Yew, Boon Hock
2022. 上古漢語「且」的來源及發展. Language and Linguistics. 語言暨語言學 23:3  pp. 521 ff. DOI logo
Zhan, Fangqiong
2022. A constructional account of the development of the Chinese stance discourse markerběnlái. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 23:2  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Koohkan, Sepideh & Jan Nuyts
2021. Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification in an Iranian modal verb: A paradox resolved by Dutch. Australian Journal of Linguistics 41:4  pp. 389 ff. DOI logo
Lara Bermejo, Víctor
2021. El futuro morfológico en las lenguas iberorromances. Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 56:2  pp. 297 ff. DOI logo
Víctor Lara Bermejo
2021. Futuro y condicional en las lenguas iberorromances. Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics 10:1  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Penkova, Yana A.
2021. Middle Russian Future Periphrastic Constructions in the Light of Language Contacts. Scando-Slavica 67:1  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
Yeh, Tzu-Fen
Requena, Pablo E.
2020. A Usage-Based Perspective on Spanish Variable Clitic Placement. Languages 5:3  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A. & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
2020.  English why don’t you X as a formulaic expression. In Fixed Expressions [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 315],  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Bochnak, M. Ryan
2019. Future reference with and without future marking. Language and Linguistics Compass 13:1 DOI logo
Fidler, Masako U.
2019. The power of ‘not saying who’ in Czech onomatopoeia. In Ideophones, Mimetics and Expressives [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 16],  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
2019. Beyond the Present Indicative: Lexical Futures as Indicators of Development in L2 Spanish . The Modern Language Journal 103:2  pp. 481 ff. DOI logo
Ansaldo, Umberto, Walter Bisang & Pui Yiu Szeto
2018. Grammaticalization in isolating languages and the notion of complexity. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 219 ff. DOI logo
Arkadiev, Peter & Timur Maisak
2018. Grammaticalization in the North Caucasian languages. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 116 ff. DOI logo
Coupe, Alexander R.
2018. Grammaticalization processes in the languages of South Asia. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Esseesy, Mohssen
2018. Typological features of grammaticalization in Semitic. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Galor, Oded, Ömer Özak & Assaf Sarid
2018. Geographical Roots of the Coevolution of Cultural and Linguistic Traits. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Galor, Oded mname, mer mname zak & Assaf mname Sarid
2018. Geographical Origins of Language Structures. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Haig, Geoffrey
2018. Grammaticalization and inflectionalization in Iranian. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Johanson, Lars & Éva Á. Csató
2018. Grammaticalization in Turkic. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 146 ff. DOI logo
Klamer, Marian
2018. Typology and grammaticalization in the Papuan languages of Timor, Alor, and Pantar. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
McWhorter, John H.
2018. Is grammaticalization in creoles different?. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 394 ff. DOI logo
Melis, Chantal & Marcela Flores
2018. The dative experiencer of Spanish gustar . In Studies in historical Ibero-Romance morpho-syntax [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 16],  pp. 123 ff. DOI logo
Moyse-Faurie, Claire
2018. Grammaticalization in Oceanic languages. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 282 ff. DOI logo
Mushin, Ilana
2018. Grammaticalization and typology in Australian Aboriginal languages. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 263 ff. DOI logo
Narrog, Heiko, Seongha Rhee & John Whitman
2018. Grammaticalization in Japanese and Korean. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 166 ff. DOI logo
Operstein, Natalie
2018. Inflection in Lingua Franca: from Haedo’s Topographia to the Dictionnaire de la langue franque. Morphology 28:2  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Hiram L.
2018. Addressing questions of grammaticalization in creoles. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 372 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Hiram L.
2019. Has nigga Been Reappropriated as a Term of Endearment?. American Speech 94:4  pp. 420 ff. DOI logo
Zariquiey, Roberto
2018. Diachronic stories of body-part nouns in some language families of South America. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 350 ff. DOI logo
Üredi, Lütfi & Ömer Gökhan Ulum
2018. A Study on the Morpho-syntactic Profiles of Syrian Children Learning Turkish as a Second Language. In Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016 [Springer Proceedings in Complexity, ],  pp. 483 ff. DOI logo
Galor, Oded, mer zak & Assaf Sarid
2017. Geographical Origins and Economic Consequences of Language Structures. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Ghafar Samar, Reza & Tej Bhatia
2017. The future of ‘future’. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 3:2  pp. 130 ff. DOI logo
Van linden, An
2015. Comparative modals. Functions of Language 22:2  pp. 192 ff. DOI logo
Yao, Xinyue
2015. The present perfect and the preterite in Australian English. In Grammatical Change in English World-Wide [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 67],  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
Grossman, Eitan & Stéphane Polis
2014. On the pragmatics of subjectification: The grammaticalization of verbless allative futures (with a case study in Ancient Egyptian). Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 46:1  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
Myers, Jay L.
2014.  Fixin’ To: THE EMERGENCE OF AN AMERICAN Quasi-Modal. American Speech 89:1  pp. 42 ff. DOI logo
Orozco, Rafael & Joshua J. Thoms
2014. The future tense in Spanish L2 textbooks. Spanish in Context 11:1  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Dreer, Igor
2013. The Use of the Future and Conditional in High Medieval Literature. In Research on Old French: The State of the Art [Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 88],  pp. 221 ff. DOI logo
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.
2012. The grammaticalization of evidentiality. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 605 ff. DOI logo
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.
2018. Areal diffusion and the limits of grammaticalization. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 337 ff. DOI logo
Bisang, Walter
2012. Grammaticalization and linguistic typology. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
Brinton, Laurel J.
2012. The grammaticalization of complex predicates. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 559 ff. DOI logo
Bybee, Joan L.
2012. Usage‐based theory and grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
Börjars, Kersti & Nigel Vincent
2012. Grammaticalization and directionality. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 163 ff. DOI logo
Cacoullos, Rena Torres & James A. Walker
2012. Collocations in grammaticalization and variation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
Chappell, Hilary & Alain Peyraube
2012. Grammaticalization in Sinitic Languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 786 ff. DOI logo
Couper‐Kuhlen, Elizabeth
2012. Grammaticalization and conversation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 424 ff. DOI logo
Dahl, Östen
2012. Grammaticalization and linguistic complexity. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 153 ff. DOI logo
Dahl, Östen
2018. Grammaticalization in the languages of Europe. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
De Mulder, Walter & Anne Carlier
2012. The grammaticalization of definite articles. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 522 ff. DOI logo
DeLancey, Scott
2012. Grammaticalization and syntax: a functional view. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 365 ff. DOI logo
Deutscher, Guy
2012. The grammaticalization of quotatives. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 646 ff. DOI logo
Diessel, Holger
2012. Grammaticalization and language acquisition. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 130 ff. DOI logo
Diewald, Gabriele
2012. Grammaticalization and pragmaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 450 ff. DOI logo
Eckardt, Regine
2012. Grammaticalization and semantic change. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 389 ff. DOI logo
Fischer, Olga
2012. Grammaticalization as analogically driven change?. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2012. Grammaticalization of reference systems. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 625 ff. DOI logo
Gisborne, Nikolas & Amanda Patten
2012. Construction grammar and grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 92 ff. DOI logo
Haiman, John
2012. Iconicity versus grammaticalization: a case study. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 462 ff. DOI logo
Hansen, Maj‐Britt Mosegaard
2012. Negative cycles and grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 570 ff. DOI logo
Harder, Peter & Kasper Boye
2012. Grammaticalization and functional linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 56 ff. DOI logo
Heine, Bernd
2012. Grammaticalization in African languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 696 ff. DOI logo
Heine, Bernd
2018. Grammaticalization in Africa. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 16 ff. DOI logo
Heine, Bernd & Tania Kuteva
2012. The areal dimension of grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
Hengeveld, Kees
2012. The grammaticalization of tense and aspect. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 580 ff. DOI logo
Hilpert, Martin
2012. Grammaticalization in Germanic languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 708 ff. DOI logo
Hilpert, Martin
2016. Change in modal meanings. Constructions and Frames 8:1  pp. 66 ff. DOI logo
Johanson, Lars
2012. Grammaticalization in Turkic languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 754 ff. DOI logo
Joseph, Brian D.
2012. Grammaticalization: a general critique. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Kortmann, Bernd & Agnes Schneider
2012. Grammaticalization in non‐standard varieties of English. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 263 ff. DOI logo
Krug, Manfred
2012. Auxiliaries and grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 547 ff. DOI logo
König, Christa
2012. The grammaticalization of adpositions and case marking. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 511 ff. DOI logo
Lamiroy, Béatrice & Walter De Mulder
2012. Degrees of grammaticalization across languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 302 ff. DOI logo
Langacker, Ronald W.
2012. Grammaticalization and Cognitive Grammar. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Ledgeway, Adam
2012. Grammaticalization from Latin to Romance. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 719 ff. DOI logo
Lightfoot, Douglas
2012. Grammaticalization and lexicalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 438 ff. DOI logo
Mair, Christian
2012. Grammaticalization and corpus linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Martelotta, Mário Eduardo T. & Maria Maura Cezario
2012. Grammaticalization in Brazilian Portuguese. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 729 ff. DOI logo
Matras, Yaron
2012. Grammaticalization and language contact. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 279 ff. DOI logo
Mithun, Marianne
2012. Grammaticalization and explanation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Mithun, Marianne
2018. Shaping typology through grammaticalization: North America. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 309 ff. DOI logo
Narrog, Heiko & Bernd Heine
2012. Introduction. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Heiko Narrog & Bernd Heine
2018. Introduction. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Heiko Narrog & Bernd Heine
2018. Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective, DOI logo
Narrog, Heiko & Toshio Ohori
2012. Grammaticalization in Japanese. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 775 ff. DOI logo
Narrog, Heiko & Johan van der Auwera
2012. Grammaticalization and semantic maps. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 318 ff. DOI logo
Nevalainen, Terttu & Minna Palander-Collin
2012. Grammaticalization and sociolinguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 118 ff. DOI logo
Norde, Muriel
2012. Degrammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 475 ff. DOI logo
Ohori, Toshio
2012. The Grammaticalization of subordination. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 636 ff. DOI logo
Onodera, Noriko O.
2012. The grammaticalization of discourse markers. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 614 ff. DOI logo
Pfau, Roland & Markus Steinbach
2012. Grammaticalization in sign languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 683 ff. DOI logo
Poplack, Shana
2012. Grammaticalization and linguistic Variation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Quesada Castillo, Félix
2012. Desarrollo del futuro en las lenguas de los Andes Centrales. LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 6:1  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Ramat, Anna Giacalone & Caterina Mauri
2012. The grammaticalization of coordinating interclausal connectives. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 656 ff. DOI logo
Ramat, Paolo
2012. Adverbial grammaticalization. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 502 ff. DOI logo
Raumolin‐Brunberg, Helena & Arja Nurmi
2012. Grammaticalization and language change in the individual. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 251 ff. DOI logo
Rhee, Seongha
2012. Grammaticalization in Korean. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 764 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Andrew D. M.
2012. Grammaticalization and language evolution. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 142 ff. DOI logo
Sun, Chaofen & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
2012. Grammaticalization and word order change. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 378 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A. & Ryoko Suzuki
2012. The Grammaticalization of final particles. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 668 ff. DOI logo
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
2012. Grammaticalization and mechanisms of change. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
van Gelderen, Elly
2012. Grammaticalization and generative grammar: a difficult liaison. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
van Gelderen, Elly
2012. The grammaticalization of agreement. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 491 ff. DOI logo
Waltereit, Richard
2012. Grammaticalization and discourse. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 413 ff. DOI logo
Wichmann, Anne
2012. Grammaticalization and prosody. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 331 ff. DOI logo
Wiemer, Björn
2012. Grammaticalization in Slavic languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 740 ff. DOI logo
Wiemer, Björn
2012. The grammaticalization of passives. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 535 ff. DOI logo
Wischer, Ilse
2012. Grammaticalization and word formation. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 356 ff. DOI logo
Ziegeler, Debra
2012. The grammaticalization of modality. In The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization,  pp. 595 ff. DOI logo
Ziegeler, Debra
2014. Replica grammaticalisation as recapitulation. Diachronica 31:1  pp. 106 ff. DOI logo
Cacoullos, Rena Torres
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]

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