Fictions of Adolescent Carnality

Sexy sinners and delinquent deviants

 | Luleå University of Technology
ISBN 9789027201553 | EUR 95.00 | USD 143.00
ISBN 9789027272041 | EUR 95.00 | USD 143.00
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Fictions of Adolescent Carnality considers one of the most controversial topics related to adolescents: their experience of desire. In fiction for adolescents, carnal desire is variously presented as a source of angst, an overwhelming experience over which one has no control, bestial, disgusting and, just occasionally, a source of pleasure. The on-set of desire, within the Anglophone tradition, has been closely associated with the loss of innocence and the end of childhood. Drawing on a corpus of 200 narratives of adolescent desire, Kokkola examines the connections between sociological accounts of teenagers’ sexual behaviour, adult fears for and about their off-spring and fictional representations of adolescents exploring their sexuality. Taking up topics such as adolescent pregnancy and parenthood, queer sexualities, animal-human connections and sexual abuse, Kokkola provides wide-ranging insights into how Anglophone literature responds to adolescents’ carnal desires, and contributes to on-going debates on the construction of adolescence and the ideology of innocence.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 6 May 2013
Table of Contents
“Congratulations to Lydia Kokkola on this interesting book, which provides thoughtful and important analyses and is written in a lively, engaging style. Each chapter is valuable in its own right, and combines aptly chosen theory with equally well selected examples. Most importantly, it provides a framework and gives food for thought for analysing other works from literature and other media.”
“This volume is a major contribution to the field of children’s literature. No critic has so thoroughly and intelligently analyzed the ideological pressures on the concept of innocence as it has influenced the depiction of sexuality in adolescent literature. The author persuasively deconstructs Anglophone notions of innocence to demonstrate how authors writing for teenagers imbue the genre with depictions of sexuality that undermine and diminish the legitimacy of carnal desire. This volume is a unique and rigorous contribution to an under-studied issue in adolescent literature.”
Fictions of Adolescent Carnality should be commended as an excellent and probing study into Western cultural constructions of adolescence.”
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Literature & Literary Studies

Theoretical literature & literary studies

Main BIC Subject

DSY: Children's literature studies: general

Main BISAC Subject

LIT009000: LITERARY CRITICISM / Children's & Young Adult Literature
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2013006280 | Marc record