- Actor-Network Theory (ANT)89–90
- Adulthood1, 3, 7, 9–11, 38, 49–50, 75, 79, 83, 107, 115, 117–118, 142, 145, 209
- Affect6, 7, 10, 44, 104, 105, 108, 113, 118, 124, 139, 140, 143, 147–148, 171–173, 175, 179, 181, 210
- Age7–8, 10, 24, 74–76, 78–79, 83, 102–103, 106–111, 113–119, 214–215
- Agency5–6, 11, 25, 55, 65, 76, 82, 105, 107, 126, 130, 138–40, 209
- Child agency3, 8, 24, 12, 15, 60, 65, 76, 89, 105, 107, 155–156, 215
- More-than-human agencies6, 41, 35–39, 42–43, 45, 48, 54–55, 57, 59, 60–62, 123, 132, 138–139, 141, 153, 164, 180–181, 205, 207–208, 209, 212–213
- Animals6, 8–9, 21, 28, 30–31, 35, 40, 52–66, 83, 93, 97, 127–130, 132, 160, 163–164, 197, 212, 216
- Andersen, Hans Christian 20–26, 177
- Anthropocentrism2, 9, 11, 48, 50, 54–56, 59–60, 125–126, 128–129, 131, 164, 209
- Anthropocene9, 52, 55, 131–132, 152, 154, 164
- Anthropomorphism40, 43, 52, 57–61, 129
- Arts-based research/methods153, 168, 177
- Barad, Karen5, 6, 27, 59, 73, 82, 105, 126, 140–141, 149 159, 186, 190–194, 204–205, 2
- Becomings75–77, 81, 198, 209
- Bennett, Jane36–37, 40, 41, 45, 49, 104, 165
- Barrie, J.M.71–73, 75, 79–80, 82
- Childhoodnature6, 52, 55–57, 59–66
- Data8, 89, 102–103, 106, 108, 119, 124, 140, 149, 186, 190, 204
- Deleuze and Guattari156, 158, 159, 172, 182, 186, 191–192, 195
- Disney22–25, 56, 58–59, 62, 80
- Embodied31, 37, 138–141, 143, 145, 168, 206
- Entanglement6–7, 9–10, 12, 28, 56, 62, 105, 108, 115, 124–126, 134, 141, 148, 164, 192, 194, 204–206
- Ethics of care129, 132, 141, 144, 205
- Film24, 53–54, 57–59, 61–64, 66, 145–147, 149, 216
- Animated film54, 56–57, 66, 147
- Made by children122–124, 126–128, 130, 132, 137–138, 142, 162
- Growing sideways7–8, 32, 75
- Haraway6, 20, 37, 39, 52, 55, 57, 60, 64, 125, 129, 134, 141, 156, 162, 165
- Intergenerational76, 83, 103, 107, 11, 113–117, 119, 123–124
- Intergenerational solidarity/collaborations11, 14, 15, 76, 123
- Intra-action 5–7, 28, 30–31, 65, 105, 140, 148, 149, 159, 168, 185–187, 188, 194, 201–205, 210–212
- Kinship3, 60, 76, 107, 210
- Kraftl, Peter2, 8–10, 38, 49, 50, 56, 65, 74–75, 77, 79, 81, 91, 117–118, 124, 132, 133
- Le Guin, Ursula K.152, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164–166, 168
- Literacy14–15, 153–156, 159, 162, 172–176, 181–182, 189
- Malone, Karen55, 103, 108–109, 112
- Manning, Erin185–187, 191–193, 195
- Memory83, 130, 137, 139–148, 165
- Multimodal138, 147, 148, 157, 185, 188–191, 194, 196
- New materialism 2, 12, 26, 32, 54, 57, 102–104, 115, 204, 206–207
- Ontology5–6, 8–10, 12, 181, 186, 202, 205, 207, 209, 212–213, 215
- Participatory research with children1, 3, 155, 158
- More-than-human participatory research132–133, 163–164
- Picturebook 53–54, 138–139, 146, 177, 181, 201, 211, 216
- Poetry5, 7, 155, 185–198, 216
- Posthumanist literary studies36, 48, 53, 138, 159
- Post-qualitative research141, 193, 198
- Power2, 4–5, 8, 25, 37, 45, 48, 75–76, 102–109, 111–119, 209–210, 212, 215
- Response-ability141, 153, 193
- Sensory6–7, 10, 27–28, 130, 139, 158
- Sparrman, Anna4–5, 89, 98
- Spectrality72, 74–75, 78, 81–83
- Spinoza, Baruch37, 165, 173, 192
- Spyrou, Spyros8–9, 11, 56, 89, 105
- Stevenson, Robert Louis71–72
- St. Pierre, Elizabeth141, 177, 192–193
- Storytelling61, 130, 133–134, 138, 141, 143
- Tactility58–60, 112, 139, 144, 147
- Toys10, 35–45, 47–50, 79–80, 123, 160–161
- Transcorporeality26–27, 31
- Transitivity140, 146–147, 149
- Tsing, Anna56, 160, 166–167
- Van Dooren, Tom66, 124–125, 131, 133–134
- Voice44, 92, 95
- Children’s voices66, 82, 98, 107, 123, 162, 191