On the translation of Japanese politeness into Cantonese
A case study of anime
This paper utilizes the reconstructive nature of translation to examine how formal (neutral and honorific) and
plain forms of Japanese are represented in Cantonese dubbing with the aim of exploring some common politeness features of
Cantonese that the translator adopts in order to compensate for the difference between the two languages. Address terms that do
not exist in the Japanese original, for example deferential terms and kinship terms, are inserted in Cantonese dubbing to
represent different speech levels of Japanese. This paper further argues that such inserted address terms help to realize
politeness by either recognizing the superior status of addressees or by including an addressee as an in-group member. Some cases
of insertions also suggest strategic adoption of address terms in Cantonese. In addition to observing social norms and addressing
each other appropriately, Cantonese speakers can also exploit address terms strategically to achieve specific pragmatic goals.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data and methods
- 3.Analysis
- 4.Discussion
- 5.Conclusions
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Kádár, Dániel Z., Juliane House, Keiko Todo & Tingting Xiao
Revisiting the binary view of honorifics in politeness research.
Journal of Politeness Research 20:2
► pp. 533 ff.

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