Televised confessions in the People’s Republic of China
A multimodal analysis of lexical grammar, gaze, and identity
This study examines the use of lexical grammar and gaze in three televised confession news segments discussing national
identity shown on PRC state-backed media in 2016. It aims to apply discourse analysis methodologies previously used to study PRC mass media
Fang 1994,
Fang 2001,
Feng 2013,
Feng 2016,
Renwick and Cao
1999) to subject matter previously researched mainly in other disciplines (
Leung 2017,
Fiskesjö 2017,
Sorace 2019,
Dahlin 2018). Following multimodal analysis of lexical grammar and gaze patterns, social identity theory is applied
to understand narrative messaging similarities across the three segments. By applying the methodologies of discourse analysis, multimodal
analysis, and social identity theory to a heretofore neglected topic, the study aims to better understand this phenomenon and to determine
what methodological adjustments might be necessary in its investigation.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Literature review
- 3.Data and methods
- 4.Analysis
- 4.1Lexical grammar
- 4.2Gaze
- 4.3Social identity analysis
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
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A Bibliometric Study on Chinese Discourse (1994–2021).
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► pp. 78 ff.

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