Cited by (88)

Cited by 88 other publications

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2024. Negative concord by phase: multiple downward agree and the parametrization of edge features. The Linguistic Review DOI logo
White, Michelle Jennifer, Frenette Southwood & Kate Huddlestone
2023. Children’s acquisition of negation in L1 Afrikaans. First Language 43:1  pp. 22 ff. DOI logo
Pfau, Roland, Tamar Makharoblidze & Hedde Zeijlstra
2022. Negation and Negative Concord in Georgian Sign Language. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Pheiff, Jeffrey
2022.  Ann-Marie Moser: Negationskongruenz in deutschen Dialekten . Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 41:2  pp. 417 ff. DOI logo
Pickl, Simon
2021. Ein korpuslinguistischer Beitrag zu Herkunft und Entwicklung des negativen Indefinitumskein. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 49:1  pp. 84 ff. DOI logo
Beaver, David & Kristin Denlinger
2020. Negation and Presupposition. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 369 ff. DOI logo
Bohn, Manuel, Josep Call & Christoph J. Völter
2020. Evolutionary Precursors of Negation in Non-Human Reasoning. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 577 ff. DOI logo
Breitbarth, Anne
2020. The Negative Cycle and Beyond. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 530 ff. DOI logo
Christensen, Ken Ramshøj
2020. The Neurology of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 725 ff. DOI logo
de Swart, Henriëtte
2020. Double Negation Readings. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 479 ff. DOI logo
Delfitto, Denis
2020. Expletive Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
Dwivedi, Veena D.
2020. Individual Differences in Processing of Negative Operators. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 713 ff. DOI logo
Viviane Déprez & M. Teresa Espinal
2020. The Oxford Handbook of Negation, DOI logo
Fleisher, Nicholas
2020. Calculating the Scope of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
Francis, Naomi & Sabine Iatridou
2020. Modals and Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Fălăuş, Anamaria
2020. Negation and Alternatives. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 333 ff. DOI logo
Gianollo, Chiara
2020. Evolution of Negative Dependencies. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 546 ff. DOI logo
Gianollo, Chiara
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2020. Negation and the Brain. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 694 ff. DOI logo
2020. Negative sensitive items in Turkish: Negative polarity or negative concord?. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :21  pp. 724 ff. DOI logo
Hochmann, Jean-Rémy
2020. Cognitive Precursors of Negation in Preverbal Infants. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 589 ff. DOI logo
Horn, Laurence R.
2020. Negation and Opposition. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Horn, Laurence R.
2020. Neg-raising. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Joshi, Shrikant
2020. Affixal Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Kaup, Barbara & Carolin Dudschig
2020. Understanding Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 635 ff. DOI logo
Martins, Ana Maria
2020. Metalinguistic Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 349 ff. DOI logo
Mayr, Clemens
2020. Intervention Effects with Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 216 ff. DOI logo
Moeschler, Jacques
2020. Negative Predicates. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 26 ff. DOI logo
Muller, Hanna & Colin Phillips
2020. Negative Polarity Illusions. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 656 ff. DOI logo
Papeo, Liuba & Manuel de Vega
2020. The Neurobiology of Lexical and Sentential Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 740 ff. DOI logo
Pearce, Elizabeth
2020. Negation and Constituent Ordering. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 152 ff. DOI logo
Penka, Doris
2020. Negative Indefinites and Negative Concord. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Poletto, Cecilia
2020. The Possible Positioning of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
Prieto, Pilar & M. Teresa Espinal
2020. Negation, Prosody, and Gesture. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 677 ff. DOI logo
Quer, Josep
2020. The Expression of Negation in Sign Languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Ripley, David
2020. Denial. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Romero, Maribel
2020. Form and Function of Negative, Tag, and Rhetorical Questions. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Schein, Barry
2020. Negation in Event Semantics. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Sánchez, Liliana & Jennifer Austin
2020. Negation in L2 Acquisition and Beyond. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 615 ff. DOI logo
Thornton, Rosalind
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Tortora, Christina & Frances Blanchette
2020. Negation in Non-Standard Varieties. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 515 ff. DOI logo
Tovena, Lucia M.
2020. Negative Polarity Items. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 391 ff. DOI logo
Tubau, Susagna
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van der Auwera, Johan & Olga Krasnoukhova
2020. The Typology of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Wallage, Phillip
2020. Quantitative Studies of the Use of Negative (Dependent) Expressions. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 499 ff. DOI logo
Weir, Andrew
2020. Negative Fragment Answers. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 441 ff. DOI logo
Zeijlstra, Hedde
2020. Negative Quantifiers. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 426 ff. DOI logo
Zeijlstra, Hedde
2022. Negation and Negative Dependencies, DOI logo
Bar-Asher Siegal, Elitzur A. & Karen De Clercq
2019. From negative cleft to external negator. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 228 ff. DOI logo
Batllori, Montserrat, Elisabeth Gibert-Sotelo & Isabel Pujol
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2019. Cycling through diachrony. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
De Clercq, Karen
2019. French negation, the Superset Principle, and Feature Conservation. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
De Clercq, Karen
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Fuß, Eric
2019. When morphological and syntactic change are not in sync. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Garzonio, Jacopo
2019. Negative Concord in Russian. In Studi di linguistica slava [Studi e ricerche, 20], DOI logo
Garzonio, Jacopo & Silvia Rossi
2019. Weak elements in cycles. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Kinn, Kari
2019. Bare singular nouns in Middle Norwegian. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
Labelle, Marie
2019. The French Jespersen’s Cycle and Negative Concord. In Contributions of Romance Languages to Current Linguistic Theory [Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 95],  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Moreno, Mitrović
2019. Quantificational cycles and shifts. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Moser, Ann-Marie
2019. Negative concord in Alemannic. In Morphological Variation [Studies in Language Companion Series, 207],  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
Poletto, Cecilia & Emanuela Sanfelici
2019. On the relative cycle. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
van Gelderen, Elly
2019. Cyclical change and problems of projection. In Cycles in Language Change,  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
Cao, Luwen & Zhiming Bao
2018. Negation in Singapore English. In Negation and Negative Concord [Contact Language Library, 55],  pp. 153 ff. DOI logo
Prescod, Paula
2018. Licensing negation and negative concord in Atlantic Creoles. In Negation and Negative Concord [Contact Language Library, 55],  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo
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Schümer, Cordula, Bruno Jacobs, Eckhart Baum, Ulrich Kleinewillinghöfer, Erdmute Alber, Rolf Hofmeier, Gerd-Rüdiger Hoffmann, Werner Huβ, Gabriele Sommer, Ampie Coetzee, Gerd-Rüdiger Hoffmann, Eike W. Schamp, Rudolf Leger, Oliver Seibt, Dymitr Ibriszimow, Roland Herrmann, Susanne Gärtner, Eckhard Baum, Fouad Ibrahim, Ursula Verhoeven, Jan Assmann, Johannes Triebel, Damien Rwegera, Leonhard Harding, Ayse Caglar, Georges Ngal, Klaus-Jürgen Müller, Simon Heap, Hans-Rudolf Singer, Karl Jansen-Winkeln, Rainer Voigt, Karola Elwert-Kretschmer, Thomas Zitelmann, Rüdiger Krause, Frank Schulze-Engler, Hein Möllers, Jacob E. Mabe, Peter Meyns, Klaus Hock, Jonathan Owens, Frank Bliss, Wiebke Walther, Annemarie Fiedermutz-Laun, Benson Osarhieme Osadolor, Karlheinz Schüssler, Anne Storch, Hans H. Bass, János Riesz, Hans F. Illy, Helmut Ziegert, Raimund Kastenholz, Reinhard Klein-Arendt, Georg Elwert, Stefan Eisenhofer, Kamal Naït-Zerrad, Philippe Essomba, Ernst-Ulrich Reuther, Ute Ritz-Müller, Karl Vorlaufer, Peter Beyerhaus, Wolfgang Küper, Tobias Debiel, Samir Amin, Astrid Meier, Fred Krüger, Klaus-Dieter Osswald, Katja Werthmann, Gesine Krüger, Ute Röschenthaler, Thomas Krings, Albert Mbonerane, Otto Honke, Florian Carl, Ulrich Braukämper, Thomas Geider, Till Förster, Antonie Nord, Rainer Voβen, Hanns Brennecke, Raimund Vogels, Achim v. Oppen, Samir Amin, Axel Klein, Jörg Janzen, Peter Körner, Robert Kappel, Karl Wohlmuth, Roland Hermann, Gerhard Grohs, Axel Harneit-Sievers, Jean-Godefroy Bidima, Rainer Tetzlaff, Carola Lentz, Heinz Halm, Ulrich Bauer, Theo Sundermeier, Roland Richter, Karl Wolfgang Menck, Henriette Mbollé, Elisabeth Arend, Elke Richter, Anne-Barbara Ischinger, Gabriele Zdunnek, Flora Veit-Wild, Dieter Neubert, Toyin Falola, Ralf Elger, Adam Jones, John Thornton, Ute Luig, Klaus Hüser, Franz Ansprenger, Ulf Vierke, Peter Spahn, Boubacar Barry, Johannes Augel, Michael Broβ, Meinrad Hebga, Stephan F. Miescher, Henning Melber, Markus Wauschkuhn, Eli Bar-Chen, Sofolo Randrianja, Gerhard Böhm, Jürgen Martini, Marie-Hélène Gutberlet, Klaus Fiedler, Gunther Schlee, Kerstin Bauer, Erhard Gabriel, Jobst-Michael Schröder, Mechthild Reh, Peter Probst, Bernhard Streck, Ogbu Kalu, Anja Pauls, Roland Kieβling, Gerd Grupe, Heiko Meinhardt, Said A. M. Khamis, Russell H. Kashuela, Oyeniyi Okunoye, Patrice Nganang, Stefanie Hoehn, Wunyabari O. Maloba, Wolfgang Benedek, Giancarlo Collet, Cord Jakobeit, Lothar Berger, Regina Wegemund, Günther Schlee, Stephan Johannes Seidlmayer, Albrecht Berger, Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst, Heinz Kimmerle, Ingeborg Grau, Imanuel Geiss, Christoph Emminghaus, Wolfgang Wickler, Uta Seibt, Hans P. Hahn, Bernth Lindfors, Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Kerstin Klenke, Harald Sippel, Ulrike Wanitzek, Doris Lohr, Gerhard Seibert, Birgit Martin, Line Göttke, Richard Kuba, Amady Aly Dieng, Ulf Engel, Joseph E. Inikori, Lorenz Homberger, Jorg Janzen, Steffen Fleβa, Ulrich Ammon, Andreas Eckert, Walter Peters, Andrea Engel, Juliet Leeb-du Toit, Kurt Beck, Karlheinz Schussler, Ulrich Rebstock, Ulrike Groβ, Eckhard Breitinger, Stefan Porembski, Kerstin Winkelmann, Iris Rödiger, Pathé Diagne, Like W. Schamp, Jean-Marie Molassoko, Dymitr Ibriszimow, Heidi Wilier, Editha Platte, Gudrun Honke, Walter Thomi, Eugène Désiré Eloundou, Günter Bräuer, Geoffrey V. Davis, Steve Robert Renombo Ogoula, Renombo Ogoula, Steve Robert, Doris Löhr & Babacar Fall
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