Chinese as a Second Language (漢語教學研究—美國中文教師學會學報)
Volume 52, Issue 2 (2017)
2017. iii, 97 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 10 November 2017
Published online on 10 November 2017
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Student perceptions of the classroom learning environment and motivation to learn ChineseChongmin Ji, Stacy Duffield, Justin J. Wageman & Anita G. Welch | pp. 111–126
Chinese language learners’ anxiety toward chat partners in computer-mediated communicationYanlin Wang, Steven M. Crooks & Stefanie Borst | pp. 127–147
Language learning strategy and language learning achievement: An empirical study among intermediate Chinese L2 learnersJia Lin | pp. 148–171
试析师生性格特征与口头纠正性反馈之间的关系 [Understanding the relationship between personality traits and oral corrective feedback from the perspectives of teachers and students]孙培健 | pp. 172–186
怎么引导深入讨论? [How to elicit deep discussions of complex topics?]焦立为 | pp. 187–191
Jane C. M. Kuo. 2007. Startup business Chinese: a beginning course for professionals (Level 1) [《新世纪商用汉语初级会话》], Jane C. M. Kuo. 2011 Startup business Chinese: an intermediate course for professionals (Level 2) [《新世纪商用汉语中级会话》] & Jane C. M. Kuo. 2014 Startup business Chinese: an intermediate-high course for professionals (Level 3) [《新世纪商用汉语中级会话》]Reviewed by Mien-hwa Chiang | pp. 192–196
Fangyuan Yuan. 2016. Classroom-based research on second language acquisition [《基于课堂的第二语言习得研究》]Reviewed by Shuai Li | pp. 197–201
Jiening Ruan, Jie Zhang & Cynthia B. Leung (eds). 2016. Chinese language education in the United StatesReviewed by Wenxia Wang | pp. 202–207
Book reviews
Main BIC Subject
CJA: Language teaching theory & methods
Main BISAC Subject