Chapter 4
The expert you are (not)
Citizens, experts and the limits of science communication
Considering any democratic government, it goes without saying that the more knowledgeable the citizens are, the better the democratic process will work. Therefore, leveraging scientific information among laypeople is intuitively linked to the growth of an educated population; some factors, though, taint this positivist account. Amateurization as an explicit stance on the one hand, “edutainment” matched with the ever-growing complexity of scientific matters on the other. In this paper we argue that while encouraging the diffusion of a general “love for science” should inspire an appetite for more robust scientific knowledge, it also foster the emergence of problematic cognitive situations, as the propagation of the so-called epistemic bubbles or the progressive belittlement of the role of experts in society.
Article outline
- Introduction
- 1.The golden age of electoral democracies?
- 2.The asymmetry of science communication
- 3.Scientific facts as black box arguments
- 4.Discovering information on-line: Produsers, filter bubbles, and self-made experts
- 5.The appeal of ignorance and the epistemic bubble
- 6.Desultory scientific information
- 7.Concluding remarks
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Arfini, Selene
How Do We Become Ignorant? Affording Ignorance Through Epistemic Actions. In
Embodied, Extended, Ignorant Minds [
Synthese Library, 463],
► pp. 209 ff.

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