Chapter 10
The dialectical legacy of epigenetics
In this article I recognise three major historical phases of epigenetics, the first initiated by Child, Needham and Waddington during the first half of last century, focused on a dialectical analysis of biological processes between the organisms and their environments. The second phase started with the Bellagio conferences organised by Waddington where general principles derived from quantum physics were used to establishing a global order underpinned by scientific, objective facts beyond ethical and moral judgments. In the third phase, started with the failure of the Human Genome Project, there isn’t any consensus on the operative and philosophical notion of nature – i.e. the environmental context. Then, I highlight the necessity to reunify knowledge and moral within epigenetics.
Article outline
- Inheritance redefined
- The reappearance of epigenetics
- The new epigenetics and the gap between knowledge and morality
- Reframing epigenetics
- Conclusion