Book review
Willy Elmer. Diachronic Grammar: The history of Old and Middle English subjectless constructions. Willy Elmer. [Linguistische Arbeiten, 97]. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1981. XI, 177 pp.
References (10)
Anderson, John M. 1979. On Being without a Subject. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Univ. Linguistics Club. Mimeo.
Fischer, O. C. M. & F. C. van der Leek. 1983. “The Demise of the Old English Impersonal Construction”. JL 19:2.337–68.
Gaaf, Willem van der. 1904. The Transition from the Impersonal to the Personal Construction in Middle English. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
Jespersen, Otto. 1909–1949. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. 71 vols. London: Allen & Unwin.
Lightfoot, David W. 1979. Principles of Diachronic Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Lightfoot, David W. 1981a. “Explaining Linguistic Change”. Explanation in Linguistics: The logical problem of language acquisition ed. by Norbert R. Hornstein & David W. Lightfoot, 209–240. London: Longman.
Lightfoot, David W. 1981b. “A Reply to Some Critics”. Lingua 551.351–68. [In particular in response to the review article by O. C. M. Fischer & F. C. van der Leek, “Optimal vs Radical Re-Analysis: Mechanisms of syn-tactic change”, Lingua 551.301–349 (1981).]
McCawley, Noriko A. 1976. “From OE/ME ‘Impersonal’ to ‘Personal’ Con-structions: What is a ‘subjectless’ S?”. Papers from the Parasession on Diachronic Syntax ed. by Sanford B. Steever, Carol A. Walker & Sa-likoko S. Mufwene, 192–204. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
Tripp, Raymond P., Jr. 1968. “The Psychology of Impersonal Construct-ions”. Glossa 121.177–87.
Wahlén, Nils. 1925. The World of English Impersonalia. Part I: Imper-sonal expressions containing verbs of material import in the active voice. Goteborg: Elander.