Book review
Pietro Bortone. Greek Prepositions: From antiquity to the present. Pietro Bortone. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. xvi, 345 pp.
References (7)
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Chatzikyriakidis, Stergios. 2010. Clitics in 4 Dialects of Modern Greek: A dynamic account. PhD dissertation, King’s College, London.
Goutsos, Dionysis. 2003. “Hellenic corpus: Design and implementation”. [Soma Elinikon Kimenon: sxediasmos ke ilopiisi]. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, University of Crete, September 18–21 2003 ed. by Georgia Katsimali, Alexis Kalokerinos, Elena Anagnostopoulou, & Ioanna Kappa. [URL] (accessed Feb 15 2011). ILSP.
Hellenic National Corpus (HNC). Institute for Language and Speech Processing. [URL], (accessed March 4 2011).
Revithiadou, Anthi. 2006. “Prosodic filters on syntax: An interface account of second position clitics”. Lingua 1161.79–111.