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Vol. 31:4 (2014) ► pp.465505
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Cited by four other publications

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2020. German V2 and Doubly Filled COMP in West Germanic. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 23:2  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo
Bacskai-Atkari, Julia
2020. Non-degree equatives and reanalysis. In Approaches to Hungarian [Approaches to Hungarian, 16],  pp. 5 ff. DOI logo
Bacskai‐Atkari, Julia
2016. On the Diachronic Development of a Hungarian Declarative Complementiser. Transactions of the Philological Society 114:1  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Poletto, Cecilia & Emanuela Sanfelici
2018. On relative complementizers and relative pronouns. Linguistic Variation 18:2  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo

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