Book review
Brigitte Nerlich. Change in Language: Whitney, Bréal, Wegener. Brigitte Nerlich. [Routledge History of Linguistic Thought Series, [unnumbered]]. London & New York: Routledge, 1990. xiv, 213 pp.
References (16)
Anttila, Raimo. 1991. Field Theory of Meaning and Semantic Change. (= L.A.U.D., A301.) Duisburg: Linguistic Agency Univ. of Duisburg.
Anttila, Raimo. 1992. “Historical Explanation and Historical Linguistics”. Explana-tion in Historical Linguistics ed. by Garry W. Davis & Gregory K. Iverson (=
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, 841), 17–39. Amsterdam & Phila-delphia: John Benjamins.
Anttila, Raimo. 1993. “Change and Metatheory at the Beginning of the 1990s: The primacy of history”. Historical Linguistics: Perspectives and problems ed. by Charles Jones, 43–74. London: Longman.
Bréal, Michel. 1900[1897]. Semantics: Studies in the science of meaning. Transi, from the French by Mrs. Henry Cust. London & New York: Henry Holt & Co. (Repr., with an introd. by Joshua Whatmough, New York: Dover, 1964.)
Erdmann, Karl Otto. 1925. Die Bedeutung des Wortes: Aufsätze aus dem Grenzgebiet der Sprachpsychologie und Logik. 3rd. ed. Leipzig: H. Haessel. (1st ed., 1900; 2nd ed.; 1910; 4th unchanged ed., Darmstadt: Wissen-schaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1966.)
Itkonen, Esa. 1991. “Two Notions of Universal Grammar”. SKY • 1991 (The Linguistic Association of Finland), 53–90. Helsinki
Keller, Rudi. 1990. Sprachwandel: Von der unsichtbaren Hand in der Sprache (=
, 1567.) Tübingen: A. Francke.
Keller, Rudi. 1992. “Zeichenmetamorphosen und Bedeutungswandel”, Zeitschrift für Semiotik, in press.
Polkinghorne, Donald E. 1988. Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences. Albany, N.Y.: State Univ.of New York Press.
Shapiro, Michael. 1991. The Sense of Change: Language as history. Bloomington: In-diana Univ. Press.
Wegener, Philipp. 1885. Untersuchungen über die Grundfragen des Sprach-lebens. Halle/S.: Max Niemeyer. (Repr., with an introd. in English by Clemens Knobloch, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1991.)
Whitney, William Dwight. 1875. Life and Growth of Language. New York: D. Appleton & Co.; London: H. S. King. (Repr., with a preface by Charles F. Hockett, New York: Dover, 1979.)