
Online-first articles

The following articles have been published online-first, and have not yet been published in an issue.

19 July 2024

Insubordination and what happens after it: Evidence from Hittite
Andrei V. Sideltsev | 43 pp.

2 July 2024

The dialect chain tree
Erik Elgh and Harald Hammarström | 23 pp.
An agent-based modelling approach to wave-like diversification of language families
Frederik Hartmann | 25 pp.
Natural Language Processing for Ancient Greek: Design, advantages and challenges of language models
Silvia Stopponi, Nilo Pedrazzini, Saskia Peels-Matthey, Barbara McGillivray and Malvina Nissim | 22 pp.

25 June 2024

A typological approach to language change in contact situations
Kaius Sinnemäki, Francesca Di Garbo, Ricardo Napoleão de Souza and Mark Ellison | 35 pp.

13 June 2024

Mother left, Father right: Artificial signs and diachronic change in sign language dialects in Belgium and the Netherlands
Victoria Nyst and Anique Schüller | 48 pp.

11 June 2024

An approach to path movement in the diachronic study of sign languages: Biomechanics and nonarbitrariness
Donna Jo Napoli and Nathan Sanders | 48 pp.

30 May 2024

On the dating of sound changes and its implications for language relationship: The case of Proto-Yeniseian *p - > Ket h- , Yugh f-
Simon Fries and Natalie Korobzow | 31 pp.

7 December 2023

Abrupt grammatical reorganization of an emergent sign language: The expression of motion in Zinacantec Family Homesign
Austin German | 32 pp.