Chapter 5. Dialogic voices of writers and readers in traveller forums through interpersonality
Francisca Suau-Jiménez | IULMA (Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas), Universitat de Valencia
This study explores web-based discourse genres and applies a dialogic framework
to the study of interpersonality in traveller forums. This genre belongs to
the domain of travel and tourism, where the interaction of writers-readers leads
towards its ultimate purpose: to persuade others through positive or negative
opinions. The theory of Dialogic Action Games (Weigand 2008, 2009, 2010)
aids to understand its rationale since these dialogic interactions can be seen as
an application of Weigand’s principles (2010), in this case materialized through
interpersonal markers (Vande Kopple 1985; Crismore et al. 1993). A corpus of
traveller forums (180 threads of conversation) from Trip Advisor was compiled
and analyzed. The quantitative and qualitative analyses draw on the notion
of voice (White 2003; Hyland 2008), divided into writer’s stance and reader’s
engagement. This research shows that they are encoded in a number of interpersonal
markers which participate in the genre’s rhetorical characterization.
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