Positioning in Media Dialogue

Negotiating roles in the news interview

 | Bar Ilan University
ISBN 9789027210203 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027290816 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
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This book proposes a socio-pragmatic exploration of the discursive practices used to construe and dynamically negotiate positions in news interviews. It starts with a discursive interpretation of ‘positioning’, ‘role’ and ‘challenge’, puts forward the relevance of a distinction between social and interactional roles, demonstrates how challenges bring to the fore the relevant roles and role-components of the participants, and shows that in news interviews speakers constantly position and re-position themselves and each other through discourse.The discussion draws on an empirical fine-grained analysis of a 24-hour corpus of news interviews on Israeli television and a corpus of media references. The author postulates a discrepancy between interlocutors’ normative expectations, which presuppose an asymmetrical division of labor, on the one hand, and real-life practice, which exhibits partial symmetry in speakers’ selection of discourse patterns as well as reciprocity in the use of challenge strategies, on the other. Special attention is given to irony and terms of address, which are shown to act as the center-points of satellite challenge strategies, geared as an ensemble toward the co-construction of reciprocal positioning. The analysis of three case studies further sheds light on the negotiations of intertwined positionings in context.
[Dialogue Studies, 3] 2008.  xiv, 208 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 19 December 2008
Table of Contents
Positioning in Media Dialogue presents theoretical contributions to pragmatics and positioning theory as well as intriguing findings regarding its rich data, in a concise, lucid, and accessible style. The study demonstrates and promotes a detailed, comprehensive, context-sensitive, and sequentially-sensitive pragmatically-oriented discourse analysis, based on theoretical and methodological depth and integration. This allows for highlighting and delineating the complex, multifaceted, and negotiated character of naturally occurring discourse. As such, the book offers an interesting and worthy contribution to the fields of pragmatics and discourse analysis.”
“This book offers a worthy contribution to the study of media dialogue in the form of news interviews, and linguists who are interested in the expression and functional use of irony, terms of address and challenge will surely benefit from the descriptions and insights that this book provides.”
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Communication Studies

Communication Studies

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CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis

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LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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