Death and traumatic affect on Twitter
References to death appear frequently in activist
discourse. Activists make death matter on- and offline when they speak the
names of people killed, hold die-ins and vigils, mention the number of lives
lost, and tell the stories or share pictures of those who have died. This
chapter examines how death materializes in digital activism on Twitter.
Using a relational ontological approach (Cooren, 2018) to analyze agents and relationships evident in
tweets about death in her own Twitter profile, the author works to
understand how references to death are used in digital disability activism
and what kinds of affective impact references to death might have on Twitter
users. Taking as a focal point disability activists’ responses to comments
about COVID-19 deaths made by the Director of the US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, the analysis demonstrates how references to death
are used to mobilize activists, hold authorities to account, and reframe
states of affairs to center the needs of vulnerable community members.
Putting this case study in dialogue with other references to death on
Twitter reveals the power of traumatic affect (Richardson, 2018), a force that materializes in the
body and positions audience members in moral relation with those who have
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.A relational ontological approach
- 3.Making death matter on Twitter
- 3.1An upstream agent: Walensky’s interview
- 3.2Initial reactions: Critique, contestation, and conspiracy theories
- 3.3Eugenic discourse
- 3.4Hypothetical reported discourse
- 3.5Downstream dialogues
- 4.Death and traumatic affect
- 5.Conclusions
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