Article published In:
Evolution of Communication
Vol. 3:2 (1999) ► pp.135147
Cited by (58)

Cited by 58 other publications

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Shelley, Erin L. & Daniel T. Blumstein
2005. The evolution of vocal alarm communication in rodents. Behavioral Ecology 16:1  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Templeton, Christopher N., Erick Greene & Kate Davis
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2004. Olfactory eavesdropping by a competitively foraging stingless bee,Trigona spinipes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 271:1548  pp. 1633 ff. DOI logo
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2004. Behavioral function of the anomalous song in the bush warbler,Cettia diphone. Korean Journal of Biological Sciences 8:2  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo

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