Teaching eco-translation
Reclaiming the climate crisis discourse in the time of coronavirus
The coronavirus pandemic has kept us individually as well as publicly in a state of preoccupation that prohibited
us from staying with the trouble of an ecologically damaged planet. The authors of this contribution are sharing their experience
and reflections upon teaching, as an active intervention to this absent presence in everyday Covid-19 lives, an eco-translation
course. For this we will first offer a short discussion of our scholarly backgrounds and biases. Second, we will describe our
efforts in translating these biases into concrete teaching. The course that serves here as a case study was taught in a project
format in the 2021 winter term 2 at the Faculty for Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies at Mainz University. It
was a five-day course which blended localisation and nature writing framed by a holistic approach to scholarship and teaching.
Third, we will discuss the teaching experience in terms of the presences and absences it made apparent.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The setting
- 3.The four projects
- 4.The Freitagskonferenz: Becoming presences in a damaged world
- 5.Conclusion: Towards an eco-activist academe
- Acknowledgements
- Notes