Mental health songs
Corpus-based analysis and implications for EFL education
This study explores how mental health is represented and discussed in English-language pop song lyrics. To this
end, a specialized corpus of mental health songs, understood as songs that explicitly mention or refer to issues related to mental
health and resilience, is analyzed through a combined linguistic/language-educational lens. The aim is to describe these songs
linguistically in order to discuss opportunities as well as limitations for the development of mental health literacy in EFL
classes. It emerges that relevant lyrics possess the potential to familiarize learners with the relevant discourse of mental
health and mental disorders, and several practical language-educational suggestions are offered. On a general note, it is argued
that lyrics not only offer starting points for the development of linguistic and literary competencies, but also for a critical
examination of a complex, highly relevant, and timely topic.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Music, song lyrics, and mental health
- 3.Data and methodology
- 4.Analysis of mental health songs
- 4.1Keywords
- 4.2N-grams
- 4.3Key semantic domains
- 4.4Themes
- 5.Implications for EFL education
- 6.Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Notes