Book review
Ramesh Mohan (ed.). Indian Writing in English. New Delhi: Orient Longman, 1978. 260 pp. 32.00
References (9)
Bowen, J. Donald, “Varieties of English: A Worldwide Question”, English Teaching Forum 15:3 (1977).
Firth, J. R., The Tongues of Men and Speech. London: OUP, 1964.
Lal, P., Modern Indian Poetry in English. Calcutta, 1969.
Mehrotra, R. R., “English in an Indian Context”, The Hindustan Times: Weekly Review. February 7, 1971.
Mehrotra, R. R., Matrimonial advertisements: a study in correlation between linguistic and situational features. Studies in Linguistics. Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 1975.
Mehrotra, R. R., “Indian English: A Sociolinguistic Profile”, in John Pride, ed., The New Englishes. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, forthcoming.
Mukherjee, Meenakshi, The Twice Born Fiction. New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann, 1971.
Naik, M. K., S. K. Desai and G. S. Amur, eds., Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English. Madras: Macmillan, 1977.
Narsimhaiah, C. D., ed., The Awakened Conscience: Studies in Commonwealth Literature. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1978.