Article published In:
English World-Wide
Vol. 27:1 (2006) ► pp.124
Cited by (30)

Cited by 30 other publications

Calude, Andreea S., Eline Zenner, Laura Rosseel & Hēmi Whaanga
2024. Māori loanwords in New Zealand English. Language Problems and Language Planning 48:1  pp. 48 ff. DOI logo
Onysko, Alexander & Marta Degani
2024. General extenders in New Zealand Englishes. World Englishes DOI logo
Daly, Nicola & Julie Barbour
2023. Using dual language picturebooks to teach language contact phenomena in a tertiary context. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 26:7  pp. 876 ff. DOI logo
Oh, Yoon Mi, Simon Todd, Clay Beckner, Jen Hay, Jeanette King & Michael C. W. Yip
2023. Assessing the size of non-Māori-speakers’ active Māori lexicon. PLOS ONE 18:8  pp. e0289669 ff. DOI logo
Schneider, Gerold & Maud Reveilhac
2023. Colloquialisation, compression and democratisation in British parliamentary debates. In Exploring Language and Society with Big Data [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 111],  pp. 336 ff. DOI logo
Trye, David, Andreea S. Calude, Te Taka Keegan & Julia Falconer
2023. When loanwords are not lone words. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 28:4  pp. 461 ff. DOI logo
Calude, Andreea, Louise Stevenson, Hēmi Whaanga & Te Taka Keegan
2020. The use of Māori words in National Science Challenge online discourse. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 50:4  pp. 491 ff. DOI logo
Calude, Andreea Simona, Steven Miller & Mark Pagel
2020. Modelling loanword success – a sociolinguistic quantitative study of Māori loanwords in New Zealand English. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 16:1  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Fuchs, Robert
2020. The progressive in 19th and 20th century settler and indigenous Indian English. World Englishes 39:3  pp. 394 ff. DOI logo
Kotze, Haidee & Bertus van Rooy
2020. Democratisation in the South African parliamentary Hansard? A study of change in modal auxiliaries. Language Sciences 79  pp. 101264 ff. DOI logo
Sarah Ogilvie
2020. The Cambridge Companion to English Dictionaries, DOI logo
Oh, Y., S. Todd, C. Beckner, J. Hay, J. King & J. Needle
2020. Non-Māori-speaking New Zealanders have a Māori proto-lexicon. Scientific Reports 10:1 DOI logo
Tent, Jan & Paul Geraghty
2020. Miegunyah: From bark huts to grand houses and a Fiji cane farm. Australian Journal of Linguistics 40:4  pp. 428 ff. DOI logo
Trye, David, Andreea S. Calude, Felipe Bravo-Marquez & Te Taka Keegan
2020. Hybrid Hashtags: #YouKnowYoureAKiwiWhen Your Tweet Contains Māori and English. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3 DOI logo
Calude, Andreea S., Sally Harper, Steven Miller & Hemi Whaanga
2019. Detecting language change. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 5:2  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
Kiesling, Scott F.
2019. English in Australia and New Zealand. In The Handbook of World Englishes,  pp. 70 ff. DOI logo
Levendis, Katharine & Andreea Calude
2019. Perception and flagging of loanwords – A diachronic case-study of Māori loanwords in New Zealand English. Ampersand 6  pp. 100056 ff. DOI logo
Barr, Sophie & Corinne A. Seals
2018. He Reofor Our Future: Te Reo Māori and Teacher Identities, Attitudes, and Micro-Policies in Mainstream New Zealand Schools. Journal of Language, Identity & Education 17:6  pp. 434 ff. DOI logo
Degani, Marta
2017. Cultural Conceptualisations in Stories of Māori-English Bilinguals: The Cultural Schema of marae. In Advances in Cultural Linguistics [Cultural Linguistics, ],  pp. 661 ff. DOI logo
2016. Modeling world Englishes from the perspective of language contact. World Englishes 35:2  pp. 196 ff. DOI logo
Evans, Stephen
2014. The evolutionary dynamics of postcolonial Englishes: A Hong Kong case study. Journal of Sociolinguistics 18:5  pp. 571 ff. DOI logo
Evans, Stephen
2015. Word-formation in Hong Kong English: diachronic and synchronic perspectives. Asian Englishes 17:2  pp. 116 ff. DOI logo
Evans, Stephen
2016. Introduction: Exploring the Diffusion and Diversification of English. In The English Language in Hong Kong,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
2014. Tears of Rangi. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 4:3  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
2012. Culturally motivated lexis in New Zealand English. World Englishes 31:2  pp. 162 ff. DOI logo
2010. Hybrid compounding in New Zealand English. World Englishes 29:2  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Degani, Marta & Alexander Onysko
2024. Cultural variation in New Zealand English stories about place. World Englishes 43:3  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
Macalister, John
2006. The Maori lexical presence in New Zealand English: Constructing a corpus for diachronic change. Corpora 1:1  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
2007. Weka or woodhen? Nativization through lexical choice in New Zealand English. World Englishes 26:4  pp. 492 ff. DOI logo
Macalister, John
2010. Emerging voices or linguistic silence?: Examining a New Zealand linguistic landscape. Multilingua - Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication 29:1  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo

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