Article published In:
English World-Wide
Vol. 29:2 (2008) ► pp.117147
Cited by (52)

Cited by 52 other publications

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Botha, Werner, Bertus van Rooy & Susan Coetzee‐van Rooy
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van Rooy, Bertus
2019. English in Africa. In The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes,  pp. 210 ff. DOI logo
Cecelia Cutler & Unn Røyneland
2018. Multilingual Youth Practices in Computer Mediated Communication, DOI logo
van Rooy, Bertus & Haidee Kruger
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Schneider, Edgar W.
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2012. Forms and functions of SMS messages: A study of variations in a corpus written by adolescents. Journal of Pragmatics 44:12  pp. 1701 ff. DOI logo
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Deumert, Ana & Rajend Mesthrie
2012. Contact in the African area: A Southern African perspective. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of English,  pp. 549 ff. DOI logo
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2014. ‘I wanna go in the phone’: literacy acquisition, informal learning processes, ‘voice’ and mobile phone appropriation in a South African township. Ethnography and Education 9:1  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
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Goumi, A., O. Volckaert-Legrier, A. Bert-Erboul & J. Bernicot
2011. SMS length and function: A comparative study of 13- to 18-year-old girls and boys. European Review of Applied Psychology 61:4  pp. 175 ff. DOI logo
Meierkord, Christiane
2011. Chapter 2. U r ma treasure bila measure. Identity construction in Kenya’s multilingual spaces. In Postcolonial Linguistic Voices,  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
2011. English on the internet and a ‘post‐varieties’ approach to language. World Englishes 30:4  pp. 496 ff. DOI logo
Vold Lexander, Kristin
2011. Texting and African language literacy. New Media & Society 13:3  pp. 427 ff. DOI logo
Vold Lexander, Kristin
2013. Le SMS amoureux. Une étude des pratiques de l’écrit plurilingues liées à la vie amoureuse des jeunes Sénégalais. Journal des Africanistes :83-1  pp. 70 ff. DOI logo
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2010. The effect of bilingualism on communication efficiency in text messages (SMS). Multilingua - Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication 29:2  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
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2010. Students' Silent Messages: Can Teacher Verbal and Nonverbal Immediacy Moderate Student Use of Text Messaging in Class?. Communication Education 59:4  pp. 475 ff. DOI logo
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2018. Bibliographie. In Textos : assemblages hétérosémiotiques [Champs linguistiques, ],  pp. 297 ff. DOI logo

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