Book review
Glen A. Akers. Phonological Variation in the Jamaican Continuum. Ann Arbor: Karoma, 1981. x + 127 pp. $8.50
References (5)
DeCamp, David, “Analysis of a post-creole speech continuum”, in Dell Hymes, ed., Pidginiza-tion and Creolization of Languages. London: Cambridge University Press, 1971, pp. 349–70.
Ferguson, Charles, “Diglossia”, in Dell Hymes, ed., Language in Culture and Society. New York: Harper and Row, 1964, pp. 429–37.
Francis, W. Nelson, “Some dialect isoglosses in England”, in Harold B. Allen and Gary N. Underwood, eds., Readings in American Dialectology, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971, pp. 246–54.
Lawton, David L., “Code shifting in Puerto Rican Spanish and English”, Linguistics (1979), 257–65.
Orton, Harold, “An English dialect survey: Linguistic Atlas of England”, in Harold B. Allen and Gary B. Underwood, eds., Readings in American Dialectology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971, pp.246–54.