A critical approach proposal for training translation memory systems in translator education programs
The fast pace of todays translation market and the definite integration of translation memory systems TMS in the translators workstation have created new demands in terms of technological skills expected from novice translators. Aiming to prepare future translators to meet market demands, many translation undergraduate programs in Brazil have included the training on translation memory systems in their curricula. Applying the action-research methodology, this paper reports on the training methodology used for TMS in translation classrooms at two Brazilian public universities. The collected data in both contexts suggest that TMS may affect both the composing of the final translation and the decision-making of trainee translators and the quality of their production if they do not reflectively challenge their choices and the suggested output.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Implications of TMS use for the translator’s production quality
- 3.Investigating the application of translation memory systems in two academic translator-training settings
- 3.1The experience at Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), Brazil
- 3.1.1Degree and course information
- 3.1.2Method, participants and texts
- 3.1.3Results
- 3.2The experience at São Paulo State University, Brazil
- 3.2.1Degree and course information
- 3.2.2Method, participants and texts
- 3.2.3Results
- 4.Concluding remarks