Translators’ image in Iranian feature films
A sociological perspective
Drawing on the significant influence of audiovisual media on people’s conceptions of any given phenomenon, the current qualitative study
was an attempt to identify the social dimensions of the Iranian translator, represented in feature films in Iran. Specifically,
the study aimed to explore the identity, socioeconomic status and lifestyle of the translator characters depicted in Iranian
feature films. Therefore, 16 Iranian films, involving interlingual translation, were selected. The thematic analysis revealed five
sociological aspects of the Iranian translator reflected in Iranian films: identity of the translator, socioeconomic status of the
translator, lifestyle and attitude of the translator, attitudes of other characters towards the translator, and the role of
translation in the turn of events. The results indicated that translators are generally shown as self-disciplined and dissociable
individuals who are devoted to their work. The translator characters mostly had minor roles in the plot and turn of events.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Literature review
- 2.1Translation as a profession
- 2.2Translator status
- 2.3Representation of translators in the film medium
- 3.Method
- 4.Results
- 4.1Identity of the translator characters
- 4.2Socioeconomic status
- 4.3Lifestyle and attitude
- 4.4The attitudes of other characters towards translators
- 4.5The role of translation in the selected films
- 5.Discussion and conclusions