Article published In:
FORUMVol. 17:2 (2019) ► pp.225–248
Developing and validating involvement in translation scale and its relationship with translation
The concept of involvement has not been touched by professionals in Translation Studies. The present study aimed
to develop and validate a scale of involvement in translation and to examine its relationship with students’ translation ability.
In so doing, altogether, a pool of 20 translation teachers and 120 translation students participated in the study. Initially, the
researcher tried to elicit the most commonalities from translation teachers regarding students’ involvement in translation. Then,
the reliability and validity of the designed scale were determined by means of Cronbach’ Alpha, Factor Analysis and Structural
Equation Modeling. The validated scale was named Involvement in Translation Scale, including four underlying constructs. Finally,
the results confirmed that there was a large, positive correlation between students’ scores on involvement in translation and
their translation ability [r = .72, n = 40, p < .05]. Translation students
are suggested to focus on those aspects of their translation that foster their immersion in translation practice.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical background
- 2.1Interdisciplinary approaches to Translation Studies
- 2.2Research methods of mental processes in translation
- 3.Methodology
- 3.1The qualitative phase
- 3.2The quantitative phase
- 4.Results
- 4.1Factors gathered from interviews
- 4.2Validation process
- 4.2.1Phase I
- 4.2.2Phase II
- 4.3The relationship between ITS and translation ability
- 5.Discussion and conclusion
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