Article published In:
FORUMVol. 17:2 (2019) ► pp.127–148
On the translatability of Qur’anic pun
This paper explores the translatability of Qur’anic pun. With reference to a phalanx of authoritative Qur’anic
exegetes and three leading Qur’anic translations, and by drawing on
ʿAtīq’s (1985)
taxonomy of Arabic pun, and
Delabastita’s (2004) model of pun translation, the study
examines a four-fold classification of pun: (1)
abstract pun, (2)
pun, (3)
far-meaning-oriented pun, and (4)
aided pun. Given the semantic indirectness
and sophistication immanent in punning, it is argued that Qur’anic pun, as a rhetorical device, is quite thorny from a
translational standpoint. The study reveals that three out of nine translation strategies have been used: the
strategy, the
manipulative strategy, and the
situational strategy. The
literal strategy capitalizes on the immediate meaning, and ‘auctions off’ or ‘pulverizes’ the punning
meaning, which, subsequently, may result in
incommensurate translation damage. The
strategy involves adding,
for the entire translation, a descriptive word or phrase between brackets,
and the
manipulative strategy advocates
text-in-context perspective. The study wraps up with a
proposal for the
interpretive strategy, which hinges upon
exegesis-driven paraphrasing. This
particular translation strategy has a greater emancipatory potential.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical model
- 2.1Pun from a translational perspective
- 3.Methodology
- 4.Discussion
- 4.1Abstract pun/
- 4.2Immediate-meaning-oriented pun/
- 4.3Far-meaning-oriented pun/
- 4.4Aided pun/
- 5.Conclusion
Electronic references
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Electronic references
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Hassanein, Hamada
Translating Semantic Cases from Qur’anic Arabic into English.
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 51:1
► pp. 58 ff.

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