Les exercices de résumé sont utlisés durant l’apprentissange des techniques d’interprétation consecutive, mais rares sont les études empiriques sur l’efficacité de cette méthode. Un groupe témoin et un groupe expérimental sont composés pour tester l’efficacité de ces exercices. Le groupe témoin, qui ont fait moins d’exercices de resumés était moins performant que le groupe experimental. Cependant, la différence statistique était trop insignifiante pour pouvoir trancher. Pourtant cette étude pourrait être utilisé comme catalyseur pour encourager les recherches empiriques sur l’enseignement de la consécutive.
Kalina, S. & Koeln, F. (2000). Interpreting Competences as a Basis and a Goal for Teaching. The Interpreters’ Newsletter, No.10: 3–32.
Kaplan, R. (2002). The Oxford Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Liu, M. (2005). From descriptive translation studies to constructivism: researching and teaching interpretation. Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation, 33(4): 42–50.
Newmark, P. (1993). Paragraphs on Translation. Bristol, PA: Multilingual Matters.
Nguyen, T.C.P. (1998). Influence de la carte de concepts et du résumé sur la compréhension et la production orales propres à l’interpré tation consécutive chez les étudiants interprétes vietnamiens. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, Canada.
Poechhacker, F. & Shlesinger, M. (2002). The Interpreting Studies Reader. London: Routledge.
Poechhacker, F. (2004). Introducing Interpreting Studies. London, England: Routledge.
Pressley, M. & Woloshyn, V. (1995). Cognitive strategy instruction that really improves children’s academic performance. (2nd ed.) Cambridge, MA: Brookline Books.
Pressley, M., Symons, S., McGoldrick, J. A. & Snyder, B. L. (1995). Reading comprehension strategies. In M. Pressley & V. Woloshyn (Eds.), Cognitive strategy instruction that really improves children’s academic performance (2nd ed. pp. 57–100). Cambridge, MA: Brookline Books.
Shreve, G. M. (2002). Knowing translation: Cognitive and experiential aspects of translation expertise from the perspective of expertise studies. In A. Riccardi (ed.) Translation Studies: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Silliman, E. & Wilkinson L. (2004). Language and Literacy Learning in School. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Viaggio, S. (2005). The importance of the metacommunicative purposes of communication. Meta, L, 1: 78–95.
Williams, J., Hall, K. & Lauer, K. (2004). Teaching expository text structure to young at-risk learners: building the basics of comprehension instruction. Exceptionality, 12(3): 129–144.
Cited by (6)
Cited by six other publications
Liu, Yubo & Wei Zhang
2023. Discourse-based recall, language anxiety and achievement motive: revisiting interpreting aptitude testing in the Chinese context. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 17:1 ► pp. 54 ff.
Zhang, Yifan & Andrew K. F. Cheung
2022. A corpus-based study of modal verbs in Chinese–English governmental press conference interpreting. Frontiers in Psychology 13
Shang, Xiaoqi & Guixia Xie
2020. Aptitude for interpreting revisited: predictive validity of recall across languages. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 14:3 ► pp. 344 ff.
Shang, Xiaoqi & Guixia Xie
2023. Investigating sight translation as a predictor of interpreting performance. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 17:1 ► pp. 73 ff.
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