What drives emotion and physiological arousal in adverts?
The critical role of figurative operations
The inclusion of figurative operations in
marketing videos has the potential to improve the effectiveness of
marketing campaigns due to their reported ability to trigger
emotional responses, thus making the campaigns resonate more
strongly with the viewer. This study explored the relationship
between the presence of three figurative operations (hyperbole,
metaphor and metonymy) in campaign videos and the levels of
physiological arousal and emotion that were triggered by those
videos. Seven videos were coded for these three embedded figurative
operations. Participants watched the videos in laboratory
conditions, where their levels of electrodermal activity and
self-report emotional responses were recorded. The ability of these
figurative operations to trigger physiological arousal was compared
to that of two other features that have been shown to promote
arousal (the presence of humor and unmarked contrast). The presence
of hyperbole led to higher levels of arousal than humor and unmarked
contrast, the presence of metaphor led to higher levels of arousal
than humor, and the presence of metonymy led to higher levels of
arousal than humor, but lower levels than unmarked contrast.
Associations between these arousal levels and the reported emotions
are discussed, and collectively provide insights into the optimal
use of figurative operations in marketing campaign videos. Our
findings contribute to a deeper theoretical understanding of the
relationship between figurative operations and arousal, and provide
practitioners with information regarding which figurative operations
are likely to evoke a stronger emotional response when used in
marketing videos.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background to the study
- The benefits of incorporating figurative operations in
- The role of emotion in advertising
- The ability of metaphor, hyperbole and metonymy to trigger
- 3.Methodology
- Stimuli
- Measures
- Independent variable
- Dependent variables
- Participants
- Procedure
- 4.Analyses and results
- Video effects
- Figurative operations
- Physiological arousal
- Emotion
- 5.Discussion and conclusion
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