Foster‐Cohen, Susan, Jayne Newbury, Toby Macrae & Anne van Bysterveldt
Word type and modality in the emerging expressive vocabularies of preschool children with Down syndrome.
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 58:3
► pp. 864 ff.

Frizelle, Pauline, Rebecca Allenby, Elizabeth Hassett, Orlaith Holland, Eimear Ryan, Darren Dahly & Ciara O'Toole
Embedding key word sign prompts in a shared book reading activity: The impact on communication between children with Down syndrome and their parents.
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 58:4
► pp. 1029 ff.

Onnivello, S., E. K. Schworer, L. A. Daunhauer & D. J. Fidler
Acquisition of cognitive and communication milestones in infants with Down syndrome.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 67:3
► pp. 239 ff.

Suttora, Chiara, Annalisa Guarini, Mariagrazia Zuccarini, Arianna Aceti, Luigi Corvaglia & Alessandra Sansavini
Integrating Gestures and Words to Communicate in Full-Term and Low-Risk Preterm Late Talkers.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19:7
► pp. 3918 ff.

Locatelli, Chiara, Sara Onnivello, Francesca Antonaros, Agnese Feliciello, Sonia Filoni, Sara Rossi, Francesca Pulina, Chiara Marcolin, Renzo Vianello, Enrico Toffalini, Giuseppe Ramacieri, Anna Martelli, Giulia Procaccini, Giacomo Sperti, Maria Caracausi, Maria Chiara Pelleri, Lorenza Vitale, Gian Luca Pirazzoli, Pierluigi Strippoli, Guido Cocchi, Allison Piovesan & Silvia Lanfranchi
Is the Age of Developmental Milestones a Predictor for Future Development in Down Syndrome?.
Brain Sciences 11:5
► pp. 655 ff.

Bello, Arianna, Silvia Stefanini, Pasquale Rinaldi, Daniela Onofrio & Virginia Volterra
Hahn, Laura J., Nancy C. Brady & Theresa Versaci
Communicative Use of Triadic Eye Gaze in Children With Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Other Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 28:4
► pp. 1509 ff.

Pulina, Francesca, Renzo Vianello & Silvia Lanfranchi
Cognitive profiles in individuals with Down syndrome. In
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities - State of the Art of Research on Down Syndrome [
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 56],
► pp. 67 ff.

RINALDI, Pasquale, Patrizio PASQUALETTI, Silvia STEFANINI, Arianna BELLO & Maria Cristina CASELLI
The Italian Words and Sentences MB-CDI: normative data and concordance between complete and short forms.
Journal of Child Language 46:3
► pp. 546 ff.

Conners, Frances A., Tungate, Andrew S., Abbeduto, Leonard, Merrill, Edward C. & Faught, Gayle G.
Growth and Decline in Language and Phonological Memory Over Two Years Among Adolescents With Down Syndrome.
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 123:2
► pp. 103 ff.

Mason-Apps, Emily, Vesna Stojanovik, Carmel Houston-Price & Sue Buckley
Longitudinal predictors of early language in infants with Down syndrome: A preliminary study.
Research in Developmental Disabilities 81
► pp. 37 ff.

Özçalışkan, Şeyda, Lauren B. Adamson, Nevena Dimitrova & Stephanie Baumann
Do Parents Model Gestures Differently When Children’s Gestures Differ?.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 48:5
► pp. 1492 ff.

Kaat‐van den Os, Danielle te, Chiel Volman, Marian Jongmans & Peter Lauteslager
Expressive Vocabulary Development in Children With Down Syndrome: A Longitudinal Study.
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 14:4
► pp. 311 ff.

Dimitrova, Nevena, Şeyda Özçalışkan & Lauren B. Adamson
Parents’ Translations of Child Gesture Facilitate Word Learning in Children with Autism, Down Syndrome and Typical Development.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46:1
► pp. 221 ff.

Zampini, Laura, Paola Zanchi, Chiara Suttora, Maria Spinelli, Mirco Fasolo & Nicoletta Salerni
Baby sign but not spontaneous gesture predicts later vocabulary in children with Down Syndrome.
Journal of Child Language 43:4
► pp. 948 ff.

te Kaat- van den Os, Danielle JA, Marian J Jongmans, M (Chiel) JM Volman & Peter EM Lauteslager
Do gestures pave the way?: A systematic review of the transitional role of gesture during the acquisition of early lexical and syntactic milestones in young children with Down syndrome.
Child Language Teaching and Therapy 31:1
► pp. 71 ff.

Zampini, L., A. Salvi & L. D'Odorico
Joint attention behaviours and vocabulary development in children with Down syndrome.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 59:10
► pp. 891 ff.

Bello, A., D. Onofrio & M.C. Caselli
Nouns and predicates comprehension and production in children with Down syndrome.
Research in Developmental Disabilities 35:4
► pp. 761 ff.

Zampini, Laura, Laura D'Odorico, Paola Zanchi, Marcella Zollino & Giovanni Neri
Linguistic and psychomotor development in children with chromosome 14 deletions.
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 26:11-12
► pp. 962 ff.

Luyster, Rhiannon J., Anne Seery, Meagan R. Talbott & Helen Tager‐Flusberg
Identifying Early‐Risk Markers and Developmental Trajectories for Language Impairment in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 17:2
► pp. 151 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 5 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.