Bateman, Amanda, Julia Katila & Emily Hofstetter
Exploring Nurse Responses to Spontaneous Breastfeeding Episodes During Routine Infant Health Checks in Finland: A Multimodal Conversation Analytic Approach.
Health Communication ► pp. 1 ff.
Cho, Eunhae, Hee Jin Lee Park & Stephen Daniel Looney
Multimodality in third turn repetitions: Evaluation, mitigation, and the pursuit of responses in a Korean-as-foreign-language classroom.
Language Teaching Research
Fester-Seeger, Marie-Theres
Human presencing: an alternative perspective on human embodiment and its implications for technology.
Hydén, Lars-Christer, Anna Ekström & Ali Reza Majlesi
Thinking About Communication in Late-Stage Dementia. In
Living with Late-Stage Dementia,
► pp. 41 ff.
Hydén, Lars-Christer, Anna Ekström & Ali Reza Majlesi
Scrubbing Potatoes: Staging and Parsing. In
Living with Late-Stage Dementia,
► pp. 165 ff.
Hydén, Lars-Christer, Anna Ekström & Ali Reza Majlesi
Words and Things: The Affordance of Things. In
Living with Late-Stage Dementia,
► pp. 139 ff.
Janin, Loanne
A multimodal perspective on adult learners’ vocabulary explanations in the beginner-level L2 classroom.
Classroom Discourse 15:1
► pp. 94 ff.
Kapon, Shulamit & Maayan Schvartzer
Guided Inquiry into a Physics Equation.
Cognition and Instruction 42:1
► pp. 159 ff.
Mortimer, Eduardo Fleury & Renata Reis Pereira
Recurrent gestures in organic chemistry in tertiary education: creating emblems through material and embodied actions.
Research in Science & Technological Education 42:1
► pp. 54 ff.
Määttä, Simo & Tuija Kinnunen
The interplay between linguistic and non-verbal communication in an interpreter-mediated main hearing of a victim’s testimony.
Multilingua 43:3
► pp. 299 ff.
Stylianou, Despina A., Boram Lee, Ingrid Ristroph, Eric Knuth, Maria Blanton, Ana Stephens & Angela Gardiner
Semiotic mediation of gestures in the teaching of early algebra: the case of the equal sign.
Educational Studies in Mathematics 116:2
► pp. 257 ff.
Yagi, Junichi
“Five” or “ten”: analysing a co-operative correction in Muay Thai coaching.
Sports Coaching Review 13:1
► pp. 107 ff.
Akcakoca, Tuba, Gonul Yazgan-Sag & Ziya Argun
An alternative path of embodying geometrical concepts: Student gestures.
Pedagogical Research 8:2
► pp. em0152 ff.
Eilittä, Tiina, Pentti Haddington, Antti Kamunen, Laura Kohonen-Aho, Iira Rautiainen & Anna Vatanen
On the Complexities of Interaction: An Introduction. In
Complexity of Interaction,
► pp. 1 ff.
Eilola, Laura
The design of requests by adult L2 users with emergent literacy.
Classroom Discourse 14:2
► pp. 167 ff.
Greer, Tim & Johannes Wagner
The interactional ecology of homestay experiences: Locating input within participation and membership.
Second Language Research 39:1
► pp. 85 ff.
Heritage, John
Conversation Analysis. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Language in Context,
► pp. 9 ff.
Horlacher, Anne-Sylvie & Simona Pekarek Doehler
Requêtes et gestion de l’expertise en contexte institutionnel : l’accomplissement multimodal des demandes de révision dans les salons de coiffure.
Langage et société N° 179:2
► pp. 59 ff.
Kamunen, Antti & Pentti Haddington
Building on Linguistically Exclusive Talk: Access, Participation, and Progressivity in a Multinational Military Staff. In
Complexity of Interaction,
► pp. 175 ff.
Kita, Sotaro & Karen Emmorey
Gesture links language and cognition for spoken and signed languages.
Nature Reviews Psychology 2:7
► pp. 407 ff.
Lin, Yu-Han
‘Where are you going?’.
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 14:2
► pp. 241 ff.
Riazi , A. Mehdi, Hessameddin Ghanbar, Fahimeh Marefat & Ismaeil Fazel
Review and analysis of empirical articles published in TESOL Quarterly over its lifespan.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 13:4
► pp. 811 ff.
Rickert, Marie
Bidialectal pre-school: enacting participation frames through linguistic and other semiotic means.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 26:4
► pp. 411 ff.
Spets, Heidi
Intersubjective Interaction During the Word Explanation Activity in Social Virtual Reality. In
Complexity of Interaction,
► pp. 145 ff.
Theobald, Maryanne, Susan Danby, Janet Watts & Amanda Bateman
‘Let’s play crocodiles’.
Research on Children and Social Interaction 6:2
Vossoughi, Shirin, Ananda Marin & Megan Bang
Toward Just and Sustainable Futures: Human Learning and Relationality Within Socio-Ecological Systems.
Review of Research in Education 47:1
► pp. 218 ff.
Yasui, Eiko
Display of understanding in a second story: second teller’s reenactments and reuses of the prior teller’s resources.
Text & Talk 43:3
► pp. 381 ff.
Yasui, Eiko
Sequence-initial pointing: Spotlighting what just happened as a cause of a new sequence.
Discourse Studies 25:3
► pp. 409 ff.
Cartmill, Erica A.
Annual Review of Anthropology 51:1
► pp. 455 ff.
Ekström, Anna, Ali Reza Majlesi & Lars-Christer Hydén
Assisted eating as a communicative activity.
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 14:1
Ferencz-Flatz, Christian
Gesten als Okkasionelle Bedeutungserfüllungen.
Husserl Studies 38:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Collaborative Mobilizations of Interbodied Communication for Cooperative Action.
The Modern Language Journal 106:S1
► pp. 89 ff.
Jia, Mian
Co-operative actions in Chinese freestyle rap battles: a case ofIron Mic.
Multimodal Communication 11:2
► pp. 169 ff.
Jokipohja, Anna-Kaisa & Niina Lilja
Depictive Hand Gestures as Candidate Understandings.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 55:2
► pp. 123 ff.
Learning Grammar for Social Action: Implications for Research and Language Teaching.
The Modern Language Journal 106:S1
► pp. 141 ff.
Radke, Sarah C., Sara E. Vogel, Jasmine Y. Ma, Christopher Hoadley & Laura Ascenzi-Moreno
Emergent Bilingual Middle Schoolers’ Syncretic Reasoning in Statistical Modeling.
Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 124:5
► pp. 206 ff.
Sivunen, Nina & Elina Tapio
“Do you understand (me)?” negotiating mutual understanding by using gaze and environmentally coupled gestures between two deaf signing participants.
Applied Linguistics Review 13:6
► pp. 983 ff.
Thorne, Steven L. & John Hellermann
Coda: the interactional affordances and constraints of technology-rich teaching and learning environments.
Classroom Discourse 13:2
► pp. 231 ff.
Zheng, Keyang, Ben Stein & Rosta Farzan
Use Ping Wisely: A Study of Team Communication and Performance under Lean Affordance.
ACM Transactions on Social Computing 5:1-4
► pp. 1 ff.
Bassetti, Chiara
The tacit dimension of expertise: Professional vision at work in airport security.
Discourse Studies 23:5
► pp. 597 ff.
Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline & Aliyah Morgenstern
Brunner, Marie-Louise & Stefan Diemer
Multimodal meaning making: The annotation of nonverbal elements in multimodal corpus transcription.
Research in Corpus Linguistics 9:1
► pp. 63 ff.
De Stefani, Elwys & Arnulf Deppermann
Les gestes de pointage dans un environnement changeant et éphémère : les leçons de conduite.
Langage et société N° 173:2
► pp. 141 ff.
DeLiema, David, Noel Enyedy, Francis Steen & Joshua A. Danish
Integrating Viewpoint and Space: How Lamination across Gesture, Body Movement, Language, and Material Resources Shapes Learning.
Cognition and Instruction 39:3
► pp. 328 ff.
Fele, Giolo & Gian Marco Campagnolo
Expertise and the work of football match analysts in TV sport broadcasts.
Discourse Studies 23:5
► pp. 616 ff.
Goico, Sara A.
Repeated assemblages in the interactions of deaf youth in Peru.
International Journal of Multilingualism 18:2
► pp. 267 ff.
Greco, Luca & Lorenza Mondada
Charles Goodwin, le langagier, le corporel et la socialité en interaction.
Langage et société N° 173:2
► pp. 9 ff.
Harrison, Simon
Sensing gesture’s relationality. Review of Jürgen Streeck, Self-making Man: A Day of Action, Life and Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Licoppe, Christian, Luca Greco & Nicolas Rollet
Séquences de « perlustration » dans les échographies prénatales : dire et voir le sexe.
Langage et société N° 173:2
► pp. 57 ff.
Majlesi, Ali Reza
The Intersubjective Objectivity of Learnables. In
Classroom-based Conversation Analytic Research [
Educational Linguistics, 46],
► pp. 41 ff.
Shvidko, Elena
Relating through instructing: affiliative interactional resources used by the teacher when giving feedback on student work.
Classroom Discourse 12:3
► pp. 233 ff.
Tuncer, Sylvaine, Oskar Lindwall & Barry Brown
Making Time: Pausing to Coordinate Video Instructions and Practical Tasks.
Symbolic Interaction 44:3
► pp. 603 ff.
Urbanik, Paweł & Jan Svennevig
Action-Depicting Gestures and Morphosyntax: The Function of Gesture-Speech Alignment in the Conversational Turn.
Frontiers in Psychology 12
Ahlstrand, Pernilla
A method called action(re)call. How and why we use it..
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 25:4
► pp. 505 ff.
Edwards, Derek & Jonathan Potter
A Word Is Worth a Thousand Pictures: Language, Interaction, and Embodiment. In
Discursive Psychology and Embodiment,
► pp. 275 ff.
Gilbert, Kristin Enola
Kinesics and Gesture. In
The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology,
► pp. 1 ff.
Katila, Julia & Sanna Raudaskoski
Interaction Analysis as an Embodied and Interactive Process: Multimodal, Co-operative, and Intercorporeal Ways of Seeing Video Data as Complementary Professional Visions.
Human Studies 43:3
► pp. 445 ff.
Keevallik, Leelo & Richard Ogden
Sounds on the Margins of Language at the Heart of Interaction.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 53:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Stukenbrock, Anja
Deixis, Meta-Perceptive Gaze Practices, and the Interactional Achievement of Joint Attention.
Frontiers in Psychology 11
Arano, Yusuke
Interculturality as an interactional achievement: Doubting others’ nationality and accounting for the doubt.
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 12:2
► pp. 167 ff.
Arano, Yusuke
Doing reflecting: Embodied solitary confirmation of instructed enactment.
Discourse Studies 22:3
► pp. 261 ff.
Burdelski, Matthew & Chie Fukuda
Cekaite, Asta & Anna Ekström
Emotion Socialization in Teacher-Child Interaction: Teachers’ Responses to Children’s Negative Emotions.
Frontiers in Psychology 10
Euler, Elias & Bor Gregorcic
Algodoo as a Microworld: Informally Linking Mathematics and Physics. In
Mathematics in Physics Education,
► pp. 355 ff.
Fukuda, Chie & Matthew Burdelski
Multimodal Demonstrations of Understanding of Visible, Imagined, and Tactile Objects in Guided Tours.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:1
► pp. 20 ff.
Hellermann, John, Steven L. Thorne & Jamalieh Haley
Building Socio-environmental Infrastructures for Learning. In
Conversation Analytic Research on Learning-in-Action [
Educational Linguistics, 38],
► pp. 193 ff.
Katila, Julia & Johanne S. Philipsen
Katila, Julia & Johanne S. Philipsen
Forms of professional interkinesthesia in nurses' body work: A case study of an infant's stepping.
Frontiers in Communication 7
Lilja, Niina & Arja Piirainen-Marsh
How Hand Gestures Contribute to Action Ascription.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:4
► pp. 343 ff.
Rohlfing, Katharina J. & Friederike Kern
Integration von Gesten und Lautsprache aus der Perspektive des Spracherwerbs.
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes 66:4
► pp. 402 ff.
Samuelsson, Robin
Multimodal interaction for science learning in preschool: Conceptual development with external tools across a science project.
International Journal of Early Years Education 27:3
► pp. 254 ff.
Takanashi, Katsuya & Yasuharu Den
Field Interaction Analysis: A Second-Person Viewpoint Approach to Maai.
New Generation Computing 37:3
► pp. 263 ff.
Zappavigna, Michele
The Organised Self and Lifestyle Minimalism: Multimodal Deixis and Point of View in Decluttering Vlogs on YouTube.
Multimodal Communication 8:1
Bietti, Lucas M & Michael J Baker
Collaborating to remember collaborative design: An exploratory study.
Memory Studies 11:2
► pp. 225 ff.
Edwards, Terra
Re‐Channeling Language: The Mutual Restructuring of Language and Infrastructure among DeafBlind People at Gallaudet University.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 28:3
► pp. 273 ff.
Hosoda, Yuri & David Aline
Hydén, Lars-Christer, Eleonor Antelius, Anna Ekström, Camilla Lindholm, Ali Reza Majlesi & Christina Samuelsson
Communication and Collaboration in Dementia. In
Living With Dementia,
► pp. 93 ff.
Ralph Ludwig, Steve Pagel & Peter Mühlhäusler
Linguistic Ecology and Language Contact,
Matoesian, Gregory & Kristin Enola Gilbert
Multimodal Conduct in the Law,
Matsumoto, Yumi
Teachers’ Identities as ‘Non-native’ Speakers: Do They Matter in English as a Lingua Franca Interactions?. In
Criticality, Teacher Identity, and (In)equity in English Language Teaching [
Educational Linguistics, 35],
► pp. 57 ff.
Material Moments: Teacher and Student Use of Materials in Multilingual Writing Classroom Interactions.
The Modern Language Journal 103:1
► pp. 179 ff.
Soulaimani, Dris
Talk, voice and gestures in reported speech: toward an integrated approach.
Discourse Studies 20:3
► pp. 361 ff.
Soulaimani, Dris
Multimodal arguments: language, script, and politics.
Multimodal Communication 12:3
► pp. 245 ff.
Tai, Kevin W. H. & Adam Brandt
Creating an imaginary context: teacher’s use of embodied enactments in addressing learner initiatives in a beginner-level adult ESOL classroom.
Classroom Discourse 9:3
► pp. 244 ff.
Wagner, Johannes
Multilingual and Multimodal Interactions.
Applied Linguistics 39:1
► pp. 99 ff.
Wagner, Johannes
Towards an Epistemology of Second Language Learning in the Wild. In
Conversation Analytic Research on Learning-in-Action [
Educational Linguistics, 38],
► pp. 251 ff.
Albirini, Abdulkafi & Brahim Chakrani
Switching codes and registers: An analysis of heritage Arabic speakers’ sociolinguistic competence.
International Journal of Bilingualism 21:3
► pp. 317 ff.
Davidsen, Jacob & Thomas Ryberg
“This is the size of one meter”: Children’s bodily-material collaboration.
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 12:1
► pp. 65 ff.
Ekström, Anna, Ulrika Ferm & Christina Samuelsson
Digital communication support and Alzheimer’s disease.
Dementia 16:6
► pp. 711 ff.
Harrison, Simon & Robert F. Williams
Monitoring the swimzone while finding south: sustained orientation in multiactivity among beach lifeguards.
Text & Talk 37:6
► pp. 683 ff.
Unpacking Sensemaking.
Science Education 101:1
► pp. 165 ff.
Kusters, Annelies, Massimiliano Spotti, Ruth Swanwick & Elina Tapio
Beyond languages, beyond modalities: transforming the study of semiotic repertoires.
International Journal of Multilingualism 14:3
► pp. 219 ff.
Maddox, Bryan & Bruno D. Zumbo
Observing Testing Situations: Validation as Jazz. In
Understanding and Investigating Response Processes in Validation Research [
Social Indicators Research Series, 69],
► pp. 179 ff.
Matsumoto, Yumi & Abby Mueller Dobs
Pedagogical Gestures as Interactional Resources for Teaching and Learning Tense and Aspect in the ESL Grammar Classroom.
Language Learning 67:1
► pp. 7 ff.
Nishizaka, Aug
The Perceived Body and Embodied Vision in Interaction.
Mind, Culture, and Activity 24:2
► pp. 110 ff.
Nishizaka, Aug
Appearance and Action: The Sequential Organization of Instructions in Japanese Calligraphy Lessons.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 53:3
► pp. 295 ff.
Nishizaka, Aug
Seeing and knowing in interaction: Two distinct resources for action construction.
Discourse Studies 23:6
► pp. 759 ff.
Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline, Aliyah Morgenstern & Dominique Boutet
A Child’s Multimodal Negations from 1 to 4: The Interplay Between Modalities. In
Negation and Polarity: Experimental Perspectives [
Language, Cognition, and Mind, 1],
► pp. 95 ff.
Burch, Alfred Rue & Gabriele Kasper
Canagarajah, Suresh
TESOLas a Professional Community: A Half‐Century of Pedagogy, Research, and Theory.
TESOL Quarterly 50:1
► pp. 7 ff.
Hillewaert, Sarah
Tactics and Tactility: A Sensory Semiotics of Handshakes in Coastal Kenya.
American Anthropologist 118:1
► pp. 49 ff.
Hjulstad, Johan
Practices of Organizing Built Space in Videoconference-Mediated Interactions.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 49:4
► pp. 325 ff.
Kääntä, Leila, Gabriele Kasper & Arja Piirainen-Marsh
Explaining Hooke’s Law: Definitional Practices in a CLIL Physics Classroom.
Applied Linguistics ► pp. amw025 ff.
Ma, Jasmine Y.
Designing Disruptions for Productive Hybridity: The Case of Walking Scale Geometry.
Journal of the Learning Sciences 25:3
► pp. 335 ff.
Veyrier, Clair-Antoine & Christian Licoppe
Faire apparaître un tiers à l’écran en visiocommunication.
Réseaux n° 194:6
► pp. 169 ff.
Enyedy, Noel, Joshua A. Danish & David DeLiema
Constructing liminal blends in a collaborative augmented-reality learning environment.
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 10:1
► pp. 7 ff.
Fox, Barbara A. & Trine Heinemann
The Alignment of Manual and Verbal Displays in Requests for the Repair of an Object.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 48:3
► pp. 342 ff.
Licoppe, Christian & Maud Verdier
L’interprétariat par visioconférence au sein des chambres de l’instruction en France : une étude conversationnelle de l’activité d’interprétariat dans un dispositif interactionnel médiatisé.
Langage et société N° 153:3
► pp. 109 ff.
Markee, Numa
Where Does Research on Classroom Discourse and Interaction Go From Here?. In
The Handbook of Classroom Discourse and Interaction,
► pp. 507 ff.
Nevile, Maurice
The Embodied Turn in Research on Language and Social Interaction.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 48:2
► pp. 121 ff.
Ronan, Briana
Intertextuality and Dialogic Interaction in Students’ Online Text Construction.
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice 64:1
► pp. 379 ff.
Steier, Rolf, Palmyre Pierroux & Ingeborg Krange
Embodied interpretation: Gesture, social interaction, and meaning making in a national art museum.
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 7
► pp. 28 ff.
Streeck, Jürgen
Gesture. In
The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction,
► pp. 1 ff.
Streeck, Jürgen
Embodiment in Human Communication.
Annual Review of Anthropology 44:1
► pp. 419 ff.
Davitti, Elena & Sergio Pasquandrea
Enhancing research-led interpreter education: an exploratory study in Applied Conversation Analysis.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 8:3
► pp. 374 ff.
Goodwin, Charles
Narrative as Talk‐in‐Interaction. In
The Handbook of Narrative Analysis,
► pp. 195 ff.
Goodwin, Charles
The Cooperative, Transformative Organization of Human Action and Knowledge. In
The Ethnomethodology Program,
► pp. 188 ff.
Hazel, Spencer
The paradox from within: research participants doing-being-observed.
Qualitative Research 16:4
► pp. 446 ff.
Kataoka, Kuniyoshi
On Intersubjective Co-construction of Virtual Space through Multimodal Means: A Case of Japanese Route-Finding Discourse. In
Approaches to Language, Culture, and Cognition,
► pp. 181 ff.
Mondada, Lorenza
Multiple Temporalities of Language and Body in Interaction: Challenges for Transcribing Multimodality.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 51:1
► pp. 85 ff.
Nevile, Maurice, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann & Mirka Rauniomaa
Sinclair, Nathalie & Elizabeth de Freitas
Stevanovic, Melisa & Maria Frick
Singing in interaction.
Social Semiotics 24:4
► pp. 495 ff.
Thompson, Sandra A & Ryoko Suzuki
Reenactments in conversation: Gaze and recipiency.
Discourse Studies 16:6
► pp. 816 ff.
Alibali, Martha W., Mitchell J. Nathan, R. Breckinridge Church, Matthew S. Wolfgram, Suyeon Kim & Eric J. Knuth
Teachers’ gestures and speech in mathematics lessons: forging common ground by resolving trouble spots.
ZDM 45:3
► pp. 425 ff.
Deeb, Hadi Nicholas
Boiling Down to the M‐Word at the California Supreme Court.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 23:1
► pp. 41 ff.
Goldin-Meadow, Susan & Martha Wagner Alibali
Gesture's Role in Speaking, Learning, and Creating Language.
Annual Review of Psychology 64:1
► pp. 257 ff.
Herrera, Juan Sebastian & Eric M. Riggs
Relating Gestures and Speech: An analysis of students' conceptions about geological sedimentary processes.
International Journal of Science Education 35:12
► pp. 1979 ff.
Keevallik, Leelo
The Interdependence of Bodily Demonstrations and Clausal Syntax.
Research on Language & Social Interaction 46:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Kääntä, Leila & Arja Piirainen-Marsh
Manual Guiding in Peer Group Interaction: A Resource for Organizing a Practical Classroom Task.
Research on Language & Social Interaction 46:4
► pp. 322 ff.
Nemirovsky, Ricardo, Molly L. Kelton & Bohdan Rhodehamel
Playing Mathematical Instruments: Emerging Perceptuomotor Integration With an Interactive Mathematics Exhibit.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 44:2
► pp. 372 ff.
Seedhouse, Paul
Conversation Analysis. In
The Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics,
► pp. 91 ff.
Young, Richard F. & Alice C. Astarita
Practice Theory in Language Learning.
Language Learning 63:s1
► pp. 171 ff.
Alibali, Martha W. & Mitchell J. Nathan
Embodiment in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Evidence From Learners' and Teachers' Gestures.
Journal of the Learning Sciences 21:2
► pp. 247 ff.
Arnold, Lynnette
Dialogic Embodied Action: Using Gesture to Organize Sequence and Participation in Instructional Interaction.
Research on Language & Social Interaction 45:3
► pp. 269 ff.
Buttny, Richard
Protean experience in discursive analysis.
Discourse & Society 23:5
► pp. 602 ff.
Kärkkäinen, Elise & Tiina Keisanen
Linguistic and embodied formats for making (concrete) offers.
Discourse Studies 14:5
► pp. 587 ff.
Matlen, Bryan J., Kinnari Atit, Tilbe Göksun, Martina A. Rau & Maria Ptouchkina
Representing Space: Exploring the Relationship between Gesturing and Geoscience Understanding in Children. In
Spatial Cognition VIII [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7463],
► pp. 405 ff.
Prior, Paul
Multimodality and ESP Research. In
The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes,
► pp. 519 ff.
Stein, Alejandra & Celia-Renata Rosemberg
Compartir cuentos en el hogar. Diferentes estilos de lectura en poblaciones urbano marginadas de Argentina.
Infancia y Aprendizaje 35:4
► pp. 405 ff.
Bourbousson, J., G. Poizat, J. Saury & C. Seve
Description of dynamic shared knowledge: an exploratory study during a competitive team sports interaction.
Ergonomics 54:2
► pp. 120 ff.
Bourbousson, Jerome, Germain Poizat, Jacques Saury & Carole Seve
Team Coordination in Basketball: Description of the Cognitive Connections Among Teammates.
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 22:2
► pp. 150 ff.
Symbiotic Gesture and the Sociocognitive Visibility of Grammar in Second Language Acquisition.
The Modern Language Journal 94:2
► pp. 234 ff.
Fernández‐Cárdenas, Juan Manuel & Marcela Lucía Silveyra‐De La Garza
Disciplinary knowledge and gesturing in communicative events: a comparative study between lessons using interactive whiteboards and traditional whiteboards in Mexican schools.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 19:2
► pp. 173 ff.
Keating, Elizabeth & Chiho Sunakawa
Participation cues: Coordinating activity and collaboration in complex online gaming worlds.
Language in Society 39:3
► pp. 331 ff.
Liben, Lynn S., Adam E. Christensen & Kim A. Kastens
Gestures in Geology: The Roles of Spatial Skills, Expertise, and Communicative Context. In
Spatial Cognition VII [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6222],
► pp. 95 ff.
Müller, Cornelia & Tag, Susanne
The Dynamics of Metaphor: Foregrounding and Activating Metaphoricity in Conversational Interaction.
Cognitive Semiotics 10:6
► pp. 85 ff.
Lymer, Gustav, Jonas Ivarsson & Oskar Lindwall
Contrasting the use of tools for presentation and critique: Some cases from architectural education.
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 4:4
► pp. 423 ff.
Jurow, A. Susan, Rogers Hall & Jasmine Y. Ma
Expanding the Disciplinary Expertise of a Middle School Mathematics Classroom: Re-Contextualizing Student Models in Conversations With Visiting Specialists.
Journal of the Learning Sciences 17:3
► pp. 338 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 7 september 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.