Brdar, Mario, Rita Brdar-Szabó & Daler Zayniev
Gutiérrez Rubio, Enrique & Petr Kos
Procesos conceptuales en la acuñación de términos que denotan PENE (español americano).
Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica :44
► pp. 1 ff.

Soto Nieto, Almudena & Javier Morras Cortés
La metonimia en la conceptualización de algunas partes del cuerpo externas en español: los casos de cara, cabeza, boca y mano.
Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas 42
► pp. 149 ff.

Brink, Nina
Metonymic relations underlying the one-word utterances of Afrikaans-speaking infants and toddlers.
Language and Cognition 15:1
► pp. 86 ff.

Kapranov, Oleksandr
Metonymy in Online Discourse on Facebook by Greenpeace Australia Pacific.
LANGUAGE: Codification, Competence, Communication 2:9
► pp. 7 ff.

Wojciechowska, Sylwia
Hand in Hand or Separate Ways: Navigation Devices and Nesting of Metonymic BODY PART Multiword Expressions in Monolingual English Learners’ Dictionaries.
International Journal of Lexicography 36:4
► pp. 388 ff.

Brdar, Mario & Rita Brdar-Szabó
Brdar, Mario, Rita Brdar-Szabó & Tanja Gradečak
Diyanati, Masoumeh & Hadaegh Rezaei
Metonymical noun-noun nominal compounds in Persian.
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 54:2
► pp. 194 ff.

Martín‐Gascón, Beatriz
Why in Spanish “Nos Ponemos Contentos” But not “Satisfechos”: A Cognitive‐Linguistic Review of The “Change‐of‐State Verb Ponerse + Adjective” Construction*.
Studia Linguistica 76:2
► pp. 552 ff.

Pannain, Rossella & Lucia di Pace
Park, Chongwon
Metonymy in the Korean internally headed relative clause construction.
Linguistics Vanguard 8:1
► pp. 355 ff.

Peña Cervel, Ma Sandra
For Better, for Worse, for Richer, for Poorer, in Sickness and in Health: A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach to Merism.
Metaphor and Symbol 37:3
► pp. 229 ff.

Thomou, Paraskevi & Marilena Koutoulaki
Morras Cortés, Javier A. & Xu Wen
Tincheva, Nelly
Blurring the Boundaries between Real Worlds, Discourse Worlds and Text Worlds.
Slavia Meridionalis 21

Jodlowiec, Maria & Agnieszka Piskorska
Poppi, Fabio I. M., Marianna Bolognesi & Amitash Ojha
Imago Dei: Metaphorical conceptualization of pictorial artworks within a participant-based framework.
Semiotica 2020:236-237
► pp. 349 ff.

Soto Nieto, Almudena
La red polisémica denegro.
Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 33:2
► pp. 562 ff.

Viimaranta, Johanna & Arto Mustajoki
What Can Science, Religion, Politics, Culture and the Economy Do? A Corpus Study of Metonymical Conceptualization Combined with Personification.
Scando-Slavica 66:1
► pp. 71 ff.

Zibin, Aseel, Abdel Rahman Mitib Altakhaineh & Elham T. Hussein
On the comprehension of metonymical expressions by Arabic-speaking EFL learners: A cognitive linguistic approach.
Topics in Linguistics 21:1
► pp. 45 ff.

Morras, Javier & Antonio Barcelona
Barcelona, Antonio, Olga Blanco-Carrión & Rossella Pannain
Panther, Klaus-Uwe & Linda L. Thornburg
Rodríguez-Redondo, Ana-Laura
Catalano, Theresa
When Children Are Water: Representation of Central American Migrant Children in Public Discourse and Implications for Educators.
Journal of Latinos and Education 16:2
► pp. 124 ff.

Martin, Paul & Pam Papadelos
Who stands for the norm? The place of metonymy in androcentric language.
Social Semiotics 27:1
► pp. 39 ff.

O'Mara‐Shimek, Michael
Levels of Ethical Quality of Metaphor in Stock Market Reporting.
Business and Society Review 122:1
► pp. 93 ff.

When Richard met CG: reference-point and English copy-raising.
Language and Cognition 9:3
► pp. 473 ff.

Jódar-Sánchez, José Antonio
Eric Fredua-Kwarteng
How Prospective Teachers Conceptualized Mathematics: Implications for Teaching.
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 10:2
► pp. 77 ff.

Jodłowiec, Maria & Agnieszka Piskorska
Metonymy revisited: Towards a new relevance-theoretic account.
Intercultural Pragmatics 12:2

Dr Tanweer Ali & O'Mara-Shimek, Michael
A communicative efficiency and effectiveness model for using metaphor and metonymy in financial news reporting.
On the Horizon 23:3
► pp. 216 ff.

Zhang, Weiwei, Dirk Geeraerts & Dirk Speelman
Visualizing onomasiological change: Diachronic variation in metonymic patterns for woman in Chinese.
Cognitive Linguistics 26:2
► pp. 289 ff.

Zhang, Weiwei, Dirk Speelman & Dirk Geeraerts
Catalano, Theresa & Linda R. Waugh
The ideologies behind newspaper crime reports of Latinos and Wall Street/CEOs: a critical analysis of metonymy in text and image.
Critical Discourse Studies 10:4
► pp. 406 ff.

Catalano, Theresa & Linda R. Waugh
Slabakova, Roumyana, Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro & Sang Kyun Kang
Regular and Novel Metonymy in Native Korean, Spanish, and English: Experimental Evidence for Various Acceptability.
Metaphor and Symbol 28:4
► pp. 275 ff.

Slabakova, Roumyana, Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro & Sang Kyun Kang
Regular and Novel Metonymy: Can You Curl up with a Good Agatha Christie in Your Second Language?.
Applied Linguistics 37:2
► pp. 175 ff.

Villacañas, Beatriz & Michael White
Soto Nieto, Almudena & Antonio Barcelona Sánchez
Principales patrones metonímicos en las extensiones semánticas de los términos cromáticos en español.
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 75
► pp. 287 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 5 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.