Geoparsing and geocoding places in a dynamic space context
The case of hiking descriptions
Mauro Gaio | LMAP, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour & CNRS, France
The backbone of the proposal in this chapter is an automatic parser and a formal encoder of information describing places, spatial and verbal relations in textual documents in order to reconstruct and map the textually described itinerary. These tools allow us to show how to combine the information expressed in French texts, referring to places, spatial actions associated with them, and data found in external geographical resources to build a geocoded representation of an itinerary. Our approach focuses on the automatic reconstruction of routes and transcribes them in their geographical setting, identifying locations and routes by interpreting spatial information in a dynamic space context.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background and related work
- 2.1Parsing in computational linguistics
- 2.2Named entity recognition and classification
- 2.3Construction grammars
- 2.4Geoparsing, toponym ambiguities and geocoding
- 3.Recognizing and locating places in a dynamic space context
- 3.1Geoparsing extended spatial entities
- 3.1.1Extended named entity (
) structure
- 3.1.2Motion verbs and extended spatial named entity structures
- 3.2Geocoding
- 3.2.1Subtyping of place named entities
- 3.2.2Density-based spatial clustering
- 3.2.3Geocoding for unreferenced toponyms
- 3.2.4Automatic reconstruction of itineraries
- 4.Evaluation
- 4.1Named entity recognition and classification
- 4.2Toponym disambiguation
- 4.3Density-based spatial clustering
- 4.4Geocoding for unreferenced toponyms
- 5.Conclusion