Publications received published In:
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 10:1/2 (1983) ► pp.165194
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledged separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed.
, ed. 1982 . Papers from the 5th International Conference on Historical Linguistics / Referate von der Fünften Internationalen Konferenz für Historische Sprachwissenschaft / Communications de la Cinquième Conférence internationale de Linguistique historique . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 21 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XXIX, 527 pp. [ Papers from 5.ICHL, which took place at the University College, Galway, Ireland, 6–10 April 1981. The front matter consists of a preface (vii-ix), a list of participants (x-xvii), the actual conference program (xx-xxv) and the table of contents (xxvii-xxix). Except for the special panel discussion papers by Konrad Koerner, William M. Christie, Jr., Brean-dán Ó Buachalla, and Henning Andersen, the ensuing discussion, and Elizabeth Closs Traugottߣs “Concluding Remarks” (404–441, 442–59, and 460–66, respectively), all* papers accepted for publication (and, in most cases, substantially revised for this purpose) are printed in alphabetical order by author. They include papers by Joëlle Bailard, Joan Bybee & Dan Slobin, Thomas Cravens, Dorothy Disterheft, Louis Goossens, Jandranka Gvozdanović, Alice C. Harris, John Hewson, Eugene Holman, Esa Itkonen, Richard Janda, Mikko Korhonen, Marianne Mithun, Herbert Penzl, Anna Giacalone Ramat, Sture Ureland, Kees Verstegh, Jana Vizmuller, Hans Christoph Wolfart, and others. Rather than having individual references appended to the papers, this carefully edited volume concludes with the following useful back matter: “Index Fontium et Nominum” (467–507), actually a master list of references, with references given to places on which individual titles are mentioned; “Index Linguarum” – from Afrikaans to Zyryan (508–515), and “Index Rerum” (516–27). – *Exception: Martin Harrisߣs introductory survey “On Explaining Language Change” (1–14) .]
, ed. Language Form and Language Variation: Papers dedicated to Angus Mcintosh . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 15 .) Amsterdam [& Philadelphia] : John Benjamins B.V. , 1982 , VIII, 496 pp. [ The contributions by the majority of authors deals with those subjects in which McIntosh made his most important contributions himself, such as medieval and modern English syntax, dialectology, and stylistics. Of particular interest to readers of this journal may be: “The Phonological Representation of the Welsh Mutations” (75–95) by Colin J. Ewen; “Isophones or Isographs? A problem in historical dialectology” (117–28) by Jacek Fisiak; “Old English Man ‘one’: Two notes” (277 to 284) by Bruce Mitchell; “Latin for Old English in Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts” (395–400) by Fred C. Robinson; “Wh- and Yes/No Questions: Charles Butlerߣs Grammar (1633) and the History of a Linguistic Concept” (401–426) by Vivian Salmon, and the paper by the late Barbara M(ary, Lady) H(ope) Strang (1925–82), “Some Aspects of the History of the Ве+ing Construction” (427–74). The list of distinguished contributors includes Fred Cassidy, John C. Catford, Robert M. W. Dixon, Jan Firbas, Michael A. K. Halliday, Eric Hamp, Archibald A. Hill, Ivan Poldauf, Randolph Quirk, and Josef Vachek. James Peter Thorne wrote the ‘dedicatory preface’ and contributed a paper. No index! ]
Balkan-Archiv . Neue Folge , Band 51 , Hamburg : Helmut Buske , 1980 , 311 pp. [ 5 out of 8 contributions are devoted to questions concerning HoL. In the centre of attention is the life and work of Gustav Weigand (1860–1930), the “Begründer der deutschen Rumänistik”. 4 papers are devoted to him: “G. W. und seine Bedeutung für die Romanistik und die Balkanologie” (7–64) by Reiner Schlösser; “G. W. und sein ‘Linguistischer Atlas des dacorumänischen Sprachgebietes’” (65–75) by Johannes Kramer; “G. W. und die Nationalbewegungen auf dem Balkan” (77–88) by Wolfgnang Dahmen, and “Gustav Weigand, mein erster Universitätslehrer” (89–108) by Sextil Puşcariu (1877–1948). This last-mentioned article had previously appeared in S. Puşcariu, Călare pe două veacuri (Bucareşti, 1968), pp.30–42; the translation was prepared by Johannes Kramer (who also added a brief, informative foreword). A further paper of interest is Rudolf Windisch, “B[ogdan] P[etriceĭcu] Hasdeŭ [(1836–1907)], Etymologicum Magnum Romaniae: Ein früher Beitrag zur etymologischen Forschung in der Romania” (265–80) .]
, eds. 1983 . Argumentation: Approaches to theory formation . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XVII, 333 pp. [ The volume brings together papers that resulted from a Univ. of Groningen meeting between philosophers, linguists, and communication theorists held in 1978. They are organized under the following major headings: I, “Re-Modelling Logic”; II, “Choosing the Rules”; III, “Describing Argumentative Dialogues”; IV, “Analysing Philosophy”, and “Analysing Interaction”. Contributors are – besides E. M. Barth, who wrote brief introductions to all individual sections as well as a paper – Arne Naess, Paul Lorenzen, Jaakko (and Merill B.) Hintikka, L. Apostel, Erik C. W. Krabbe, Kuno Lorenz, Arnold Günther, Carl H. Hei-drich, and F. van Dun. The back matter consists of “Theory of Argumentation: A chronological bibliography of some important works” (297 to 328), which begins with Isaac Watts’ (1674–1748) Logick of 1725, followed by Jeremy Benthamߣs (1748–1832) Book of Fallacies of 1824, and ending with recent studies in the field on theory of argumentation, and an index of names to the bib. (328–33). There is no index of terms and concepts .]
. 1981 . The Indo-European Lexicon: A full synchronic theory . (= North-Holland Linguistic Series, 44 .) Amsterdam & Oxford : North-Holland Pub. C. ; New York : Elsevier-North Holland, Inc. , XVII, 389 pp. Bound, Hfl. 1101 ,-; US$53.75 . [ “The present book represents a return to the work of R[obert] B[enjamin] Lees [i.e., his The Grammar of English Nominalizations (The Hague: Mouton, 1960) and two later papers] in an effort to reevaluate it and see what, in the light of recent advances in TG-grammatical theory, might be salvaged from it. [Jerzy] Kuryłowiczߣs [(1895–1978)] distinction [of 1936 between ‘dérivation lexicale’ and ‘dérivation syntaxique’] will offer a starting point.” (Introduction, p.4). It has the following chaps.: 1, “Evidence of Words and Lexicons” (11–26); 2, “The Functions and Properties of the Lexicon” (27–52); 3, “The Sound-Meaning Relation” (53–70)- in which the author harks back to Sergej Iosifovič Karcevkijߣs (18841955) 1929 paper, “Du dualisme asymétrique [not: asymmetrique, as printed on p.366] du signe linguistique”, TCLP 1.88–93, repr. in 1956 in CFS 14.18–24; 4, “Lexical Issues and IE Languages” (71–83), followed by notes of this first ‘book’ (85–87). 5, “The Separation of Derivation and Affixation” (91–113); 6, “The Indo-European Posses-sional Adjectives in Serbocroation” (115–148); 7, “The Morphological Component: Affixation” (149–69); 8, “The Types of Lexical Derivations” (171–235), followed by ‘Notes to Book II’ (237–42). 10, “Lexical Performance” (245–80); 11, “The Intersection of the Diachronic and Synchronic Axes” (281–308), and 12, “Conclusions and Prospects” (309346), followed by ‘Notes to Book III’ (347–50). Appendix of “structurally or semantically attested derivations of 46 … lexical primes” (351–55). Bib. (357–74). Indices of Affixes and Derivations (375–77), Authors (379–81), and Subjects (383–89). – An (historically) interesting feature of B’s book is the recognition it bestows on the work and/or theoretical insights of Kuryłowicz and Karcevskij (see above) as well as of Aleksandar Belić (1876–1960) and Charles Ernest Bazell (b.1909) and the admission (p. 2) that “Chomskyߣs ‘Remarks on nomi-nalization’ returned us to Kuryłowiczߣs (1936) position.” ]
, ed. & transl. 1982 . The Other Shakespeare: The Two Gentlemen of Verona . ( Unexpurgated edition .) Rhinebeck, NY, P.O. Box 461 : Valentine Pub. & Drama Co. ( Bardavon Books , IX, 284 pp. [ A text edition, with critical comments, of Shakespeareߣs drama, with a modern American English translation on facing page. Apart from the at times strikingly new interpretations the editor offers, scholars in lexicography will take particular delight from the “Glossar” (273–77). There is a “Pertinent Bibliography” (279–84), but no index .]
( with the assistance of H[ans] Borkent ), comp. 1982 . Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1979, and supplement for previous years / Bibliographie Linguistique … . The Hague-Boston-London : [Published for the Comité International Permanent des Linguistes by] Martinus Nijhoff [and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publ Group, Dordrecht, The Netherlands] , L, 747 pp. [ This most important bibliographical research tool in linguistics contains important information on recent work relevant to the history of linguistics. In particular, viable material can be found in the “Festschriften and Miscellanies” (13–23) and in the “Biographies” (23–40) sections, the latter containing accounts of the life and work of some 400 scholars – e.g., J. Baudouin de Courtenay, Friedrich Bechtel (1855–1924), Bernardino Biondelli (1804–1886), Josef Dobrovský (1753–1829), Konrad Duden (1829–1911), Zoltán Gombocz (1877–1935), Bohuslav Havránek (1893–1978), Bernhard Karlgren (1889–1978), and many others. The section on “History of linguistics” (82–91) is of course of prime interest, with some 175 entries for 1979, though other sections, in particular those dealing with linguistic terminology and philosophy of language should be consulted as well. Last but not least, the in dex of authors (675–747) should be made use of, as it frequently includes the names of authors treated, e.g., Saussure, Whitney, et al. ]
1982 . Ancient Philosophy and Grammar: The Syntax of Apollonius Dyscolus . (= American Classical Studies, 10 .) Chico, California : Scholars Press [for American Philological Association] , XI, 123 pp. [ This revised version of the authorߣs 1980 Princeton Univ. dissertation “attempts to show that the distinction between technical and philosophical grammar is not applicable to the Syntax of Apollonius Dyscolus [2nd century A.D.], since this work is founded on and utilizes theories concerning the origin of language, the epistemolo-gical status of linguistic data, the manner in which language performs its semantic function and the way in which expressions are said to be ‘correct’.” (Preface, p.ix). It consists of the following chapters: 1, “Introduction [General background & Apollonius Dyscolus]” (1 to 10); 2, “Apollonius’ Methodology” (11–19); 3, “The Orderliness of Syntax [Preliminaries, Analogy in syntax, and The order of the intelligibles]” (21–39); 4, “Pathology [‘irregularity’] and Regularity” (41–49), and 5, “Conclusion” (51–53). Appendix on “ҡατ αλληλos in Grammatical and Critical Usage” (55–57); endnotes (59–89), abbreviations to ancient sources (91–92); bib. (93–111), and ‘Index locorum’ (113–23) .]
). 1982 . “ Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920) ”, and “ Rasmus Rask (1787–1832) ”. Săpostavitelno ezikoznanie 7 : 4 . 86 – 90 , 90 – 93 . [ Offprints of biographical accounts of the German psychologist and the Danish linguist, who together span one and a third century .]
. 1983 . Saint Julien de Jonzy: Patois et vie rurale . Preface by G. Taverdet . Fontaine-lès-Dijon : Association Bourguignonne de Dialectologie et d’Onomastique , 22 rue de la Bresse , 80 pp. [ The study deals with place names and other terms in the community indicated in the title, and, in addition, the phonetics and morphology of the local dialect and ‘Aspects de la vie quotidienne’ (with many drawings). Detailed ‘lexique’ (55–77) .]
. 1981 . Anredeverhalten im Norwegischen , (= SAIS – Arbeitsberichte aus dem Seminar für Allgemeine und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft, 4 .) Kiel : Dept of General & Indo-European Linguistics, Univ. of Kiel , [VIII], 392 pp., 61 pp.  – the latter consisting of the detailed questionnaire ( entitled “Fragebogen”, although the entire text is in English, not in German ). [ A 1981 diss., Univ. of Kiel, devoted to linguistic behavior in address in Norwegian. Bib. (382–92); no index .]
. 1982 . Control and Ability: Towards a biogenetics of language . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, III:4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , V, 123 pp. [ The study “undertake [s] to develop a conception of the phenomenon of language that puts into a framework of physical, biological and social evolution. [… It] “is mainly concerned with the mental process of linguistic and nonlinguistic human action. […] Most of this book was written during my stay in Berkeley 1975 and 1976. This explains why not many references to literature published after this time can be found in it” (Introduction, pp.1 and 4). The book has 3 major sections: I, “Action theoretic explanations [the concept & establishment of control and the logic of ability]” (5–49); II, “Describing action [controllers]” (51–96), and III, “Biosystems and language [genetics, embryology and the language analogy]” (99–119). Notes (120–21), and a bib. (122–23) consisting of some 20 items; no index .]
, ed. 1983 . Archéologie du signe . (= Papers in Medieval Studies / Recueils d’Etudes médiévales, 3 .) Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies , XI, 369 pp. [ The volume prints the majority of papers presented at a colloquium by the same title held at the Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle, France, 2–12 Aug. 1977; they all deal with the medieval period except for Alan Reyߣs more general introduction to the volume, “Lecture du ‘signe’” (1–16). The other papers are: “The Stoic theory of verbal signification and the problem of lies and false statements from antiquity to St.Anselm” by Marcia Colish (17–43); “De lߣoeil à lߣoreille: les voies de lߣallégorie de Philon d’Alexandrie” by Wladys-law Godzich (45–61); “Moi lyrique et société chez les troubadours” by Rainer Warning (63–100); “La spécialité dans lߣinvention des topiques” by Douglas Kelley (101–125); “Merlin and the modes of medieval legal meaning” by R. Howard Bloch (127–44); “Structures idéologiques et structures sémiotiques dans les sermones ad status du XIIIe siècle” by Maria Corti (145–63); “De la signification selon Jean de Meun” by Daniel Poirion (165–85); “Roger Bacon on the significatum of words” (187–211); “Textualité logique et forme summuliste” by Alain de Libera (213–34), followed by a paper commenting upon this argument and extending it, “The Sumule dialectis of Roger Bacon and the summulist form”, by Thomas Maloney, who also authored the preceding paper on Bacon (235–49). The final papers are: “Une solution médiévale du paradoxe du menteur et son intérêt pour la sémantique contemporaine” by François Récanati (251–64); “Guillaume d’Occam: Signification et supposition” (265–86); “Présentation des sophismata phy-sicalia: Contribution à l’étude du chiasme sémantique/physique” by Frédéric Nef (287–304), and, last but not least, “Metaphoric morals: Ethical implications of Cusaߣs use of figure” by Nancy S. Struever (305–334). The back matter consists of a large bib., divided into “Ancient, medieval, and Renaissance authors” (337–43), and (modern) “Monographs and Studies” (343–62), both complementing the bib. found in HL VII.265–99, and a general index of authors, concepts, and terms (363–69) .]
, ed. 1982 . Latin and the Vernacular Languages in Early Medieval Britain . [ Leicester :] Leicester Univ. Press, published & distributed in the U.S.A. by Humanities Press, Atlantic Heights, N.J. , XI, 170 pp. , 41 plates . [ The volume presents a few research papers first presented at the Fifth Annual Symposium held at the Centre for Advanced Historical Studies in the Univ. of St.Andrews, Scotland, on 12 May 1979. It consists, apart from a brief preface by the ed. (ix-xi), three major studies: 1, “Latinitas Britannica: Was British Latin Archaic?” (1–79) by Adrian S. Gratwick; “Clerics as Rulers: Some implications of the terminology of ecclesiastical authority in early medieval Ireland” (81–97) by Wendy Davies, and 3, “The Study of Latin Texts in late Anglo-Saxon England: The evidence of Latin glosses”, Part I (99–140) by Michael Lapidge, Part II (141–65) by Raymond I. Page. Index of authors, terms and subjects (167–70) .]
. 1981 . A Census of Medieval Latin Grammatical Manuscripts . (= Grammatica Speculativa, 4 .) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Fromman-Holzboog , 392 pp. in small-4° . [ This important research tool for scholars in the history of medieval linguistic thought “includes more than 4000 manuscript books which contain more than 7000 treatises and more than 3000 different initia” (Introduction, p.12). “The census has … tried to include all the manuscript material dating from the 11th to the 15th centuries which deal with grammar (in the broadest sense of the term) still preserved in the manuscript collections of libraries in Europe and North America.” (Ibid., p.13). “The census includes treatises by grammarians known to be substantial figures in the history of medieval grammatical theory, e.g. William of Conches, Petrus Helias, Jordan of Saxony, Nicholas of Paris, Robert Kilwardby, the Modistae and the nominalist grammarians of the 14th century as well as commentaries of their work.” (P.14). The inventory consists of two parts: A, “Libraries” (19–293), which follows the place of the library, arranged alphabetically, and, within places such as Oxford and Cambridge according to the College libraries in question, again in alphabetical order. The other portion, B, “Index initiorum”, lists all incipits in alphabetical order and supplies the references to the places in which manuscripts beginning with this phrase can be found (295–359). There is in addition C, “Index nomi-num et rerum” (361–71), and, finally, a bibliography of the various catalogues published – 318 in all (373–82), followed by secondary (382–85), and modern editions of medieval grammatical texts (385–86). “Addenda et corrigenda” (387–92) necessited by the long delay of the publication of the Census .]
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge grec et latin, publiés par de directeur de l’Institut . Nos. 41–431 . Copenhagen : Inst. of Greek & Latin Medieval Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen [Distributed by Erik Paludan, International Boghandel, Fiolsstræde, DK-1171 Copenhagen K] , 1982 . [ No.41 is in memoriam of the Instituteߣs Director, Jan Pinborg (1937 to 1982), and contains the following items: A brief vita of Pinborg by Sten Ebbesen (iii-vi), followed by a list of P’s publications (viii to xii), the edition of a text by Pinborg: “Anonymi Quaestiones in Tractatus Petri Hispani I-III Traditae in codice Cracoviensi 742 (anno fere 1350)” (1–170), and an account of the authors (if identifiable) and the output of “The 14th Century Schools of Erfurt: Reper-torium Erfordiense” (171–92). – No.42 prints 3 logical treatises ascribed to Thomas Bradwardine (fl.1322–25): Lauge Olaf Nielsen, “Thomas Bradwardineߣs Treatise on ‘cincipit’ and ‘desinit’: Edition and Introduction” (1–83); N. J. Green-Pedersen, “Bradwardine (?) on Ock-hamߣs Doctrine of Consequences: An edition” (85–150), and Jan Pinborg, “Opus Artis Logicae” (151–64). – No.43 consists of two contributions: Karen Elisabeth Dalgaard, “Peter of Irelandߣs [(fl.1239–44)] Commentary of Artistotleߣs Peri Hermeneias” (3–44), and Adam Bülow-Jacobsen & Sten Ebbesen, “Vaticanus Urbinas Graecus 35: An Edition of the Scholia on Aristotleߣs Sophistici Elenchi” (45–120) .]
Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure No. 351 ( 1981 ). Geneva : Librairie Droz , 157 pp. [ Actually published late in 1982, as is evident from Robert Go-del’ s Nachruf on Roman Jakobson in “Quelques souvenirs” (153–55) who had died on 17 July 1982, this issue contains a number of interesting papers concerning the Saussure-Forschung produced inside and outside of Saussureߣs native city, such as R. Godelߣs “Retractio” (29–52), in which he corrects and supplements his masterly Sources manuscrites du Cours de linguistique générale de F. de Saussure (Geneva, 1957), Luis J[orge] Prieto, ‘Le sens comme but de lߣacte de parole” (53–64), in which the author extends Saussurean notions; Iwar Werlen, “Hjelms-levs Saussure-Rezeption” (65–86), which reviews the evidence of the Danish scholarߣs interpretation of certain notions found in the Cours; and Peter Wunderli, “Der Schachspielvergleich in der analytischen Sprachphilosophie” (87–130), which delineates the chess game model and/or metaphor in philosophy of language from Saussure to John R. Searle, Gilbert Ryle, Wittgenstein, and others. There is an index of articles and other texts published in vol.25–35 of the Journal .]
( a cura di ). 1981 . Catalogo dellߣeditoria linguistica italiana . (= Pubblicazioni delia Società di Linguistica Italiana, 18 .) Roma : Bulzoni Editore , XIV, 105 pp. [ This is not simply a listing of all Italian publishers in the field of tha language sciences – such a list can in effect be found in the back matter of the volume, “Elenco e Indirizzo delle case editrici” ([101]-[105]), but in effect much more than that: Part I, “Soggetti” (1–55), lists individual subjects from “analisi grammaticale” to “Zingari” [i.e., gypsies], incl. ‘Aristotle’, ‘bilingualism’, ‘(Italian) dialects’, ‘etymology’. (It distinguishes between “glottologia” (p.18) and “linguistics” (p.4244), the latter evidently meaning post-Saussuriean linguistics.) The list on histories of linguistics (p.45) contains 11 entries, 5 of which (Mounin [2 vols.], Leroy, Robins, and Waterman, are translations from the English or French; the others are books by Tullio De Mauro, Elia Annibale, Lia Formigari, Mario Pozzi, and Carlo Taglia-vini. Below the heading “Saussure, Ferdinand de” 5 references can be found (p.50), but no mention is made of De Mauroߣs influential translation of and notes to the Cours; it can be found in part II of the volume, “Autori” (59–100), on p.93 under ‘Saussure’ .]
, ed. 1982 . Slips of the Tongue and Language Production . Berlin-New York-Amsterdam : Mouton [Division of Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York] , 293 pp. (= Linguistics 19:7/8.561–847 – cf. the Preface by the Board of Editors. This special issue, which here appears in book form, contains the following individual contributions: A “Guest editorial: The reliability of speech error data” (7–28) by Anne Cutler; “Linguistics and language error” – first published in Linguistic Inquiry 1.397–414 (1970) – by Manfred Bierwisch (29–46), with a (1981 or so) postscript by the same (46–71, Bib. 71–72), curiously spelled Bierswisch [sic] in the Preface, p.[5]; “Speech errors: Old data in search of new theories (73–108) by Brian Butter-worth, followed by contributions by David Fay, Jean Aitchinson & Miron Straf, Paul Meara & Andrew W. Ellis, and Alan Garnham and 4 other collaborators, and, finally, a review article by Carol A. Fowler of the Errors in Linguistic Performance volume, ed. by Victoria A. From-kin (New York: Academic Press, 1980). Name index (287–89); Subject index (291–93). – Frequent references can be found to the pioneering work by Rudolf Meringer & Carl Mayer, Versprechen und Verlesen, first published in 1895 and reprinted, with an introduction by Anne Cutler & David Fay in 1979 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins) .]
. 1983 . Montemayor’ s “Diana”, Music, and the Visual Arts . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [v], 115 pp. [ Jorge de Montemayorߣs Siete libros de la Diana (Valencia, 1559) are “filled with references to music, songs, and musical instruments, and also mentions of dancing” (4). Similar observations can be made about ‘pictorial themes’ which “are injected in the prose and poetry of the novel” (5). The author investigates both areas and draws conclusions concerning the poetry and culture of Spanish Renaissance .]
. 1982 . The Spanish of Argentina and Uruguay: An annotated bibliography for 1940–1978 . (= Janua Linguarum; Series maior, 105 .) Berlin-New York-Amsterdam : Mouton [distributed by Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York] , IX, 360 pp. [ This bib. is organized under the following 5 headings, of which the first in particular has many subsections, such as pertaining to the different provinces of Argentina, to specialized fields of investigation, etc.: I, “Lexicography, semantics, and etymology” (4–244), indeed the bulk of the compilation; II, “Inter-language influence (245–73); III, “Phonology and phonetics” (274–88), incl. intonation; IV, “Grammar”, morphology, syntax, etc. (289–301), and V, “Miscellaneous studies” (302–331). Endnotes (332–42); list of abbreviations (343–48), and index of authors cited (349–60). The bib. contains over 1,200 entries, the great majority of which have been inspected by the compiler and analysed in sufficient detail .]
, eds. 1982 . Romanees Tradicionales de Castilla y León . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [4], 161 pp. [ The vol. contains a selection of romances that are still sung in Castillia and León, and which until today have an oral tradition only. Each text is accompanied by a commentary and the music. There is a good annotated bib .]
, eds. 1982 . Festschrift für Karl Schneider zum 70. Geburtstag am 18. April 1982 . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XX, 595 pp. , 11 portrait . [ The contributions to this volume are organized under altogether 8 headings, four of them of linguistic concern. The contributors include Elmer H. Antonsen, Hans Schwarz, Winfred P. Lehmann, Edgar C. Polomé, Rudolf Schützeichel and others, nota bene Peter Hartmann, Helmut Gip-per, Götz Wienold. Of particular interest for HL readers are the papers by the following two scholars: Jürgen Schäfer, “Alt- und Mittelenglisch in der Lexikographischen Tradition des 17. Jahrhunderts” (169–85), and Shoichi Watanabe, “The Tradition of Grammatical Studies since the OE Period and their Meaning in the Present Age” (265–75), which in particular lauds the efforts of 17th and 18th century English grammarians, including John Brinsley, John Wallis, Lindley Murray .]
. 1983 . The Decline of the Celtic Languages: A study of linguistic and cultural conflict in Scotland, Wales and Ireland from the Reformation to the twewntieth century . Edinburgh : John Donald Publishers Ltd. , XIII, 258 pp. , 31 maps. [ This historical account of the fate of the Celtic languages over the past 500 or so years is structured according to 6 subject headings: 1, “Reformation, language and culture” (1–44); 2, “The charity school movement in the 18th century” (45–95); 3, “Evangelical religion and the rise of literacy in the mother tongues” (96–153); 4, “The developing educational role of the Celtic languages” (154–88); 5, “National resurgence in the Celtic fringe” (189–213), and “Causes of decline” (214–29). Each chap, has its own endnotes appended. The back matter consists of a classified bib., distinguishing between primary (uncluding MS) and secondary sources (230–50), and an index of names and subjects, including certain book titles .]
( con la colaboración de Stephen Fleming y Jineen Krogstad [Archivos y Bibliografía], Francisco Santayo Vázquez [Programación], Joaquín González Cuenca [Colaborador en España] ), comp. 1982 . Catalogo-Indice de la Poesia Cancioneril del Siglo XV . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , 21 vols. , XV, 285 , and [v] 293 pp. , resp. [ Vol.1 consists of a preface and an introd. (vii-xv), followed by a “Catálogo de fuentes manuscritas e impresas” (1–231) and an “Indice de primeros versos” (233–85). – Vol.II contains a plethora of further indices: An “Indice maestro” (1–140), which lists all known variants of a given poem, followed by indices of authors (141–98), ‘destinatarios’ (199–218), ‘titolos’ (219–23), ‘géneros’ (223–26), languages (226–27), ‘relaciones’ (228–32), ‘fuentes manuscritas’ (233–38), ‘fuentes impresas’ (239–46). In addition, there is an “Indice de los poemas publicados por Foulché-Delbosc” (247–56), a select bib. (257–67), and two appendices: I, “Descripción técnica [of the computer-aided compilation]” by Francisco Santoyo Vázquez; II, “La musica y los compositores” by Jineen Krogstad .]
. 1982 . Augenkommunikation: Methodenreflexion und Beispielanalyse , (= Linguistik Aktuell (LA), 2 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins B.V. , VII, 150 pp. [ On non-verbal communication, in particular on the use of the eye as a means of communication; cf. chap.3, “Das Bewegungspotential des Auges” (21–42); 5, “Zum Ausdrucksrepertoire des Auges” (48–77); 6, “Deliberatives Wegblicken” (78–113), etc. Bib. (143–50); no index .]
, eds. 1982 . Sprache und Computer: Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstag von Hans Eggers, 9. Juli 1982 . (= Sprachwissenschaft-Computerlinguistik, 9 .) Dudweiler : AQ-Verlag , 430 pp. [ This FS contains 25 contributions, several of them in English and French organized under 7 headings: ‘The computer as an aid in the humanities’; ‘The preparation and evaluation of corpora’; ‘Formal languages’; ‘Earlier stages of language’; ‘Analysis and translation’; ‘Textual analysis’, and ‘Structures of knowledge’. No index .]
. 1982 . Situation et signification . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, III:1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , V, 160 pp. [ Starting from J. R. Firthߣs concept of ‘collocation’, this study develops a program of contextual semantics under the following headings: 1, “Les contraintes du discours” (1–5); 2, “Variétés des clichés” (7–28); 3, “Lieux communs” (29–33); 4, “Indices du caractère lié des énoncés” (35–57); 5, “Ellipses en situation” (59–69); 6, “Aspects interlinguistiques” (71–72); 7, “Usure et création” (73–94); 8, “Aspect diachronique” (95–108); 9, “Enoncées liés et grammaire” (109–121), and 11, “Post-face” (123–25). The back matter consists of endnotes (127–32), bib. (133–46), and a detailed index of terms, expressions, and examples (147–60) .]
. 1981 . La Sémantique fonctionnelle . (= Le Linguiste, 21 .) Paris : Presses Universitaires de France , 222 pp. [ This textbook on ‘functional semantics’, dedicated to Georges Mounin, consists of 6 major chapters: 1, “Introduction: Quelques remarques dߣordre épis-témologique” (13–38); 2, “L’organisation de lߣexpérience humaine” (39–73); 3, “La délimitation des champs sémantiques” (74–104); 4, “La notion de points de vue” (105–133); 5, “Les traits de sens” (134–62), and 6, “L’ambiguîté sémantique” (163–98). The back matter consists of a conclusion (199–202), a bib. (203–214), and an ‘Index des notions’, followed by an index of authors (215–19 and 221–22, respectively). The book treats in particular the theories advanced by Jost Trier (1894–1970), Georges Matoré, Georges Mounin (b.1910), Luis Jorge Prieto, Eugenio Coseriu, and a number of others .]
. 1982 . A History of Semantics . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 30 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , VIII, 284 pp. [ In altogether 19 chapters the author outlines, for the first time in the history of linguistics, the development of the study of ‘meaning’, from the pioneering work of Christian Karl Reisig (1792–1829), Friedrich Haase (1808–1867), Ferdinand Heerdegen (1845–1930), Arsène Darmesteter (1846–88) and Michel Bréal (1832–1915) in the 19th century to the work done by 20th-century scholars such as Saussure, Antoine Meillet, Albert Carnoy, Charles Kay Ogden & Ivor Armstrong Richards, Gustaf Stern, Jost Trier, Leo Weisgerber, Bloomfield, John Rupert Firth, Rudolf Hallig & Walter von Wartburg, Georges Matoré, Eugene Anderson Nida, Pierre Guiraud, and the late Uriel Weinreich, to mention just the most important figures whose work is discussed in the book. Endnotes (246–59), bib. (260275), and index of names (i.e., authors treated, 277–80) and an index of subjects and terms (281–84) .]
. 1982 . Sprachnorm, Sprachplanung und Sprachpflege: Bibliographie theoretischer Arbeiten aus Linguistik und Nachbarwissenschaften . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft, 6 .) Münster : Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität , 232 pp. [ This valuable research bibliography on language planning lists, following an introduction on the normative character of language and its impact on language development (7–32) a listing of some 1400 titles (in alphabetical order by author), most of them with a brief annotation. The back matter (219–32) consists of a detailed subject index from ‘Abweichung’ to ‘Terminologielehre’ .]
. 1982 . Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung: Ein Beitrag zur Kritik und zur historischen und methodologischen Selbstver-gewisserung der Disziplin . (= Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, Nr. 352 .) Lauterburg (near Stuttgart) : Kümmerle Verlag , [IX], 357 pp. [ This 1981 dissertation submitted at the Freie Univ. Berlin is an important contribution to the current debate concerning the epistemol-ogy and methodology of linguistic historiography. It consists of two major parts of unequal length: I, ‘Historiographical Problems and their Treatment in Histories of Linguistics’ (35–210) and II, ‘Theory and Linguistic Historiography’ (213–78). According to the authorߣs conclusion (280–82, on p.280) the work is an “attempt at a contribution, in different directions and on the basis of differing points of departure, to the future formulation of an historical and theoretical self-understanding of the history of linguistics.” – On the basis of the histories by Benfey (1869), Steinthal (1890–91), Thomsen (1927[1902]), Waterman (1970), Ivić (1965), Leroy (1970), Mounin (1967–70), Arens (1969), Robins (1967), Helbig (1970), Amirova et al. (1980), and others, the author discusses, in individual chapters, the following subjects: 1, “Das Problem der Darstellungsintention” (37–56); 2, “Das Problem von Anfangssetzung und Periodisierung” (5779); 3, “Das Problem des Gegenstandsverständnisses “ (80–113); 4, “Das Problem des Geschichtsverständnisses” (114–64), and 5, “Das Problem einer Darstellung Wilhelm von Humboldts” (165–203), followed by a brief summary of part I (204–207) and a anticipatory note on part II (208–210). Part II presents, in 2 untitled chapters, the authorߣs views on the subject of the relationship between theory and linguistic historiography, followed by a summary of the argument (275–78). The back matter consists of the following: an ‘Anhang’ containing biographical sketches of Heymann Steinthal (285–89), Theodor Benfey (289 to 292), and Vilhelm Thomsen (292–95), an historical sketch on the origin of the series “Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland” (296–99), endnotes (301–346), and a bib. (348–57); no index .]
. 1981 . La Clôture chomskyenne . (= DRLAV – Revue de Linguistique, 24 .) Paris : Centre de Recherche de l’Université de Paris VIII, 142 pp. [ This thought-provoking account offers a brief history of Transformational Grammar in France as well as an analysis of recent developments in the field, in particular those emanating from Chomsky himself. The monograph has the following parts (following an introd.): I, “Etape fictive: L’unification des contraintes et la chasse aux variables libres dans la forme logique” (7–70); II, “L’étape où apparaît le CAS: Une certaine façon dߣintégrer son propre reflet” (73–89); III, “L’étape des Conférences de Pise ou L’unité brisée” (93–121), and IV, “Synthèse de la critique” (125–37). Bib. (139–42); no index .]
(1883–1960). 1982 . Leçons de linguistique … . Publiées sous la direction de Roch Valin, Walter Hirtle et André Joly . 1956–1957: Systèmes linguistiques et suecessivité historique des systèmes II . Texte établi par Guy Plante . Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval ; Lille : Presses Universitaires de Lille , [VI], 311 pp. [ First ed. of lectures given by Guillaume at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, between 26 Nov. 1956 and 23 May 1957, the original manuscripts of which were bequeathed by Guillaume to Roch Valin and are deposited at the Fonds Gustave Guillaume of the Univ. Laval in Quebec City, where all of Guillaume lectures notes, many of them carefully written, of his teaching at the EPHE (1938–1960) can be consulted. – For those who, like the present writer, have been under the impression that Guillaume taught at Laval for a certain period, it should be said that Guillaume never left Paris during his academic career, but that, through an historical coincidence Guillaume’ s Nachlass ended up in Quebec. – On this history, cf. the paper by Roch Valin, “Histoire dߣune vocation scientifique: les imprévus dߣun destin”, Langues et Linguistique No.8, Tome 1 (1982), 1943. – The present ed. has the following back matter: “Table analytique” (251–80), index of names and terms (281–309), and a brief index of personal names and works cited in the lectures (311) .]
. 1980 . The Language Makers . London : Gerald Duckworth & Co. , [VII], 194 pp. [ The author argues that “Languages do not come ready-made, any more than philosophies, religions, or forms of government. They are what men make them. As language-makers, men need more than heads for talking. They need the physical and mental equipment to take part in the many social activities which alone provide the context for a relevant conceptualisation of what language is.” (Preface, p.[vii]. Rather than supplying regular chapter headings, the author has chosen to give quotes from James Harris’ (1708–1780) Hermes, or A Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Universal Grammar (London: Nourse, 1751; 4th ed., 1786). The book deals in particular with modern linguistic thought, in particular the ideas of Wittgenstein and Saussure, although frequent references to classical authors, notably Plato, are made. Bib. (188–92); brief index (193–94). – There appeared a number of reviews of this book by now, such as those in The Times (London) of 25 May 80 by Randolph Quirk, The Observer of 16 June 1980 by Anthony Burgess, TLS of 11 July 1980 by T. P. Waldron, etc., but also in learned journals such as Language 57.698–701 by Mary Louise Pratt, JLS 10.116–19 (1981) by Charles-James N. Bailey, and Tijd-schrift voor Filosofie 44:4 (1982) by Herman Parret .]
. 1981 . The Language Myth . London : Gerald Duckworth & Co. , IX, 212 pp. [ A sequel to the same authorߣs The Language Makers (cf. supra), the book reviews critically the views of language put forward during the past 150 years, though in particular those associated with the names of Saussure, Bloomfield and Chomsky. The chapters are titled: 1, “Idols of the market” (1–31); 2, “A science of language” (32–53); 3, “The grammarians’ legacy” (54–85); 4, “Form and meaning” (86–111); 5, “Language and thought” (112–49), and 6, “Linguistics demythologised?” (150–204). Bib. (205–208), and index of names and terms (209–212).-- For reviews, cf. Jonathan Lear in TLS (2 Oct 1981) P. 1130; Michael Dummet in London Review of Books (19 Aug – 2 Sept 1982), pp.14–15, to mention just these two. In this book – as a prelude to Harris’ translation of the Cours (cf. Saussure 1983 below) – Saussure is the most frequently discussed author (cf. esp. pp.45–55, 71–74, 86–88, 95–103, and elsewhere) .]
. 1982 . Reason and the Passions in the Comedias of Calderón . (= Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages, 11 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XI, 119 pp. [ A study of the philosophy of good and evil as advanced in the various plays, ‘matrimonial’, political, and philosophical, by the great Spanish dramatist Pedro Caldéron de la Barca (1600–1681). Bib. of primary and secondary literature (115–19) .]
1982 . Number and Inner Space: A study of grammatical number in English . Québec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval , V, 142 pp. [ The monograph, which appears in the “Cahiers de Psychomécanique du Langage” series, treats the subject under the following chapter headings: 1, “Searching for the system” (3–31); 2, “Defining the limits” (33–48); 3, “The internal plural” (49–78); 4, “‘Mass’ nouns” (79–95); 5, “The uses of s-ending” (97–119); 6, “The system” (121–31) and 7, “Prospects” (133–38). Bib. (139–42). No index .]
Histoire – Epistémologie – Langage . Tome 4 , fasc.1 ( 1982 ). Lille : [For the Société d’Histoire et d’Epistémologie des Sciences du Langage published by] Presses Universitaires de Lille , 174 pp. [ This issue prepared by Cl[aude] Désirat, T. Hordé & S[ylvain] Auroux is organized in 3 sections (2 devoted to individual articles dealing with questions of grammar and philosophy and with various extra-linguistic matters, the 3rd consisting of a bib. on “Les idéologues et les sciences du langage”, a subject to which the entire issue is supposed to be devoted). In addition to the 3 collaborators on this issue there are contributions by R[ichard] Baum – cf. his contribution to HL II. 67–90 (1975), S. Delessale, S. Branca, F. Dougnac, J. Jamin, J[ean]-Cl[aude] Chevalier, N. Jacques-Chaquin, M.-S. Staum, L[ia] Formigari. Among the subjects treated are: “Destutt lecteur de Beauzée”; “La néologie”; “Le syndrome chonois des idéologues ou les débuts de la so-ciolinguistique”; “La vague condillacienne”, and “Les premiers périodiques linguistiques français (1784–1840). The back matter includes brief English abstracts of all contributions (171–74) – French being the ‘métalangage’ of the periodical .]
, eds. 1982 . Handlung und Interpretation: Studien zur Philosophie der Sozialwissenschaften . (= Grundlagen der Kommunikation [unnumbered series] .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , [V], 224 pp. [ German transl., prepared by Wolfgang Grassl & Hans Georg Zilian, of Action and Interpretation: Studies in the philosophy of the social sciences (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1978). The vol. unites papers by Mary Hesse, Alan Ryan, John Skorupski, Nick Jardine, John McDowell, John Dunn, and the 2 editors devoted to basic questions in the philosophy of the social sciences, such as rationalism, morals, theology, realism, progress, etc., including a proposal (by Dunn) to treat history and social science on a ‘realistic’ basis (183–222). According to the author index (223–24) – there is no other index – the most frequently cited authors are Wittgenstein, Quine, Putnam, and D. C. Davidson .]
. 1982 . Foundations of Western Linguistics: From the beginning to the end of the first millenium A.D . Oslo : Universitets-forlaget [Distributor in North America: Columbia Univ. Press, 136 S. Broadway, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533, USA] , 157 pp. [ This is the first part of a survey of Western linguistic thought, from ‘folk’ linguistics (cf. the story in Genesis I) to the reflections on grammar and language in Peter Abailardߣs (1079–1142) Dialéctica. The study consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction” (9–11); 2, “In the beginning was the word: Very ancient linguistics” (12–18); 3, “Where it all started: Greek linguistics” (19–67) – from Plato to Apollonius Dyscolus; 4, “The age of Taxonomy: Roman linguistics” (68 to 105) – from Varro to Priscian; 5, “Linguistics in the service of the church: European linguistics from St.Augustine to St.Anselm”, and 6, “Conclusion” (106–139 and 140–41, respectively). There is an annotated bib. (142–50) and an index of names, subjects and terms (151 to 157). The book resulted from lectures on the subject delivered at the Univ. of Oslo during 1976–78; it provides a useful survey of both the period and the scholarship of recent decades .]
[(1896–1982)]. 1981 . Selected Writings . Volume III1 : Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry . Edited, with a preface, by Stephen Rudy . The Hague-Paris-New York : Mouton Publishers [to be ordered through Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York] , XVIII, 814 pp. [ The vol. constitutes the third in a series, the fourth in actual chronology of publication – vol.IV ob Slavic Epic Studies appeared as early as 1966 – which appears to be open-ended, limited only by the life-time output by the late Jakobson. (Vol.VI is entitled ‘Early Slavic Paths and Crossroads’.) The present vol. brings together almost all (for a few exceptions, cf. Preface, p.xiv and p.xvi, n.9) papers devoted to questions of poetry and poetic analysis, several of the latter executed in collaboration with others, e.g., Paolo Va-lesio, Lawrence G. Jones, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and others. They are presented under the following major headings: I, “Principles [for the study of language and literature]” (3–154); II, “Readings [i.e., ‘close reading(s)’ in the sense of literary analysis]” (157–676), the bulk of J’s writings on the subject; III, “On the Margins of Literary Art” (679–714), and IV, “Early Sketches [written between 1919 and 1937]” (717–62). The back matter consists of a(n undated) “Retrospect” (765–89), written in 1980–81 (if the bib. references are an indication), and indices of names (793–802), of languages discussed (803–804), and of subjects (805–814) .]
, 1860–1943 ). 1982 . Growth and Structure of the English Language . 10th ed. , with a Foreword by Randolph Quirk . Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Press ; Oxford : B. Blackwell , [XII], 244 pp. [ Apart from the foreword, this ed. constitutes a reprinting of the 9th and last edition repared by Jesepersen himself in 1938; it first appeared in 1905, and has ever since been a ‘classic’ among the introductions to the history of the English language. In fact, the book underwent fairly minor revisions in its many subsequent editions. Its chap. headings are: 1, “Premilinary sketch” (1–16); 2, “The beginnings” (17–30); 3, “Old English” (31–54); 4, “The Scandinavians” (55–77); 5, “The French” (78–105); 6, “Latin and Greek” (106 to 139); 7, “Various sources [of English vocabulary]” (140–48); 8, “Native resources” (149–67); 9, “Grammar” (168–98); 10, “Shakespeare and the language of poetry” (199–221), and 11, “Conclusion” (222–34). Bibliographical footnotes; index of words and terms (236–44) .]
, eds. 1981 . Langage et psychomécanique du langage: Etudes dédiées à Roch Valin . Lille : Presses Universitaires de Lille ; Québec : Presses de l’Univ. Laval , XVIII, 594 pp. [ This festschrift for R. Valin – cf. “Notice biographique” (ix-xxi) and bib. (xii-xiv) – carries some 35 papers arranged under three major headings: I, “La psychomécanique du langage: histoire, principes, méthode” (3–110), with contributions by Jean Stéfanini, Bernard Pot-tier, Jean-Claude Chevalier, and others; II, “Etudes de psychosystématique et psychosémiologie” (113–399), including papers by Christine Tessier, Claude Guimier, Walter Hirtle, the late Gérard Moignet, Lionel Meney, John Hewson, and others, and III, “Applications et perspectives” (403–581), printing articles by Marc Wilmet, Michel Gla-tigny, André Jacob, Robert Martin et al. The vol. is rounded off by an “Index des noms cités” (582–86), in which naturally the name of Gustave Guillaume figures most prominently, and an “Index des matières” (587–94). – For historians of linguistics the paper by Jean Stéfanini, “Avant-propos à une histoire de la psychmécanique” (3–18), is of course of particular interest .]
. 1982 . The Semantics of John Stuart Mill . (= Synthese Historical Library: Texts and studies in the history of logic and philosophy, 23 .) Dordrecht-Boston-London : D. Reidel Publ. Co. [distributed by Kluwer Academic Publ. Group, Dordrecht, The Netherlands] , XVII, 248 pp. [ This is an English transl., done Herbert Donald Morton, of the authorߣs Dutch dissertation at the Vrije Univ. van Amsterdam, 1979 (cf. Preface, p.ix). It is devoted to a careful analysis of John Stuart Millߣs (1806–1873) philosophical semantics which of course is of interest to linguists too, given the association of philosophy and linguistics of long standing, from the Greeks to the present. The study has the following chapter headings: 1, “The classification of names in A System of Logic [published by J. S. Mill in 1843]” (1–17); 2, “Themes from the history of logic” (18–44); 3, “Thinking in intension and extension” (45–71); 4, “From predicables to real kinds” (72–106); 5, “Theories of the copula” (107 to 123); 6, “The semantics of propositions” (124–58); 7, “Meaning” (159–79); 8, “Semantics and metaphysics” (180–203), and 9, “Apraisal” (204–222). The back matter consists of the following items: Appendix 1 (“Some biographical notes [on Mill]”, 223–24); Appendix 2 (a chart based on Philippus Du Trieuߣs Manuductio ad Logicam of 1662, p.225); Appendix 3, “Prediction and supposition” (226–28) devoted to medieval authors such as Petrus Hispanus, William of Sherwood, and Ockham; a list of symbols (229), endnotes (230–35), a bib. (236–43), and indices of names (244–45) and of subjects (246–48) .]
. 1982 . Hungarian Linguistics . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , [VII], 599 pp. [ This volume brings together papers by 17 scholars, almost all of them Hungarians, and 7 of them attached to the Institute of Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, devoted to all sorts of aspects of language, historical, synchronic, and stylistic. Of interest to readers of HL are especially the following two: Katan E. Kiss, “Samuel Braissaiߣs Theory of the Sentence” (331–49), which deals in particular with Braissaiߣs (17891889 [!]) voluminous work on Hungarian syntax (1860–65) and the work of his contemporaries, including Henri Weil in France; and Zsigmond Telegdi, “On the Formation of the Concept of ‘Linguistic Sign’ and on Stoic Language Doctrine” (537–88), an earlier version of which had appeared in ALHung 26.267–305 (1976). It is interesting to note that both in Kissߣs article and in Panhuisߣs monograph of the same year (see infra) the work of Georg von der Gabelentz (1840–93), in particular his articles on syntax and word order of 1869 and 1875 are referred to. – There is no index .]
, eds. 1982 . Sublanguage: Studies of language in restricted semantic domains . Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , VI, 240 pp. [ The term ‘sublanguage’ is indicated already in the subtitle to mean “language in restricted semantic domain”; it seems to replace the much more clumsy phrase “language(s) for specific purposes” and appears to be paralleled by the German term ‘Fachsprache’, a term of long standing. In 10 major papers – the 11th is a brief summary by Zellig Harris (“Discourse and Sublanguage”, 231236) specific types of language in fields such as information science, medicine, automatic translation, law, and other subjects, a number of them devoted to specific linguistic domains, are discussed. Subject index (237–240). – Each contribution has a list of references appended; there is no comprehensive bib. and no index of authors .]
. 1982 . La Langue française de la technique et de la science . Wiesbaden : Oscar Brandstetter Verlag , 259 pp. [ The book constitutes a broad analysis of “language resources that constitute French specialized technological and scientific texts” (English summary, p.258). At the same time, it is a thorough introduction to the problems and methods of investigation of language for special purposes, not simply the exclusive treatment of scientific and technical terminologies as is customary in most works of this kind. In fact, it treats all levels of language, from the grapheme to the text. The book consists of 5 chapters: 1, “Délimitation et diversité de la langue de spécialité” (11–32); 2, “Spécificité linguistique de la langue technique et scientifique” (33–85); 3, “Formation et signification des termes” (86–157); 4, “Structure terminologique” (158–79); 5, “Application et appréciation” (180–204). The back matter consists of a very comprehensive bib. (207–234), an index of authors (235–40), an index of terms (241–55), and both a German (256257) and an English (258–59) summary. The richness of the material and the many fresh ideas that the author brings to the subject make his book not only of great interest to linguists investigating scientific-technological terminology, but also to those concerned with the teaching of the subject .]
, ed. 1982 . Substrate und Superstrate in den romanischen Sprachen . (= Wege der Forschung, Bd CDXXV .) Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , XII, 551 pp. in-16° . [ The vol. brings together seminal papers in the development of the theory of ‘substrata’, ‘superstrata’, and ‘adstrata’ developed over the past 100 years, beginning, in ‘scientific linguistics’ with Graziadio Isaia Ascoliߣs study first published in 1881–82 in Rivista di Filologia e d’Istruzione Classica, and in 1887 in an authorized German transl. (Leipzig: S. Hirzel), though, as the ed. shows in his introduction (1–27, on pp. 2–3), the possibility of language mixture and its resulting phenomena were seen much earlier by Dante, Flavio Biondo, and others. Following the reprint of a portion of Ascoliߣs Sprachwissenschaftliche Briefe (29–54), the anthology includes: Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1950); Antoine Meillet (1933), summaries of papers prepared and/or announced for the 4th (1936) and 5th (1939) Congresses of Linguists by Kristian Sandfeld, Matteo Bartoli, Sextil Puşcariu, St. Romansky, and many others (67–107), followed by texts in German or French by Ernst Ga-millscheg (1960), Bertil Malmberg (1961), Kurt Baldinger (1963), Niels Age Nielsen (1952), Gerhard Rohlfs (1930/1952), Clemento Merlo (1933), and several others. There are detailed bib. and many indices .]
. 1982 . Grundzüge der spanischen Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts . (= Grundzüge, 47 .) Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , VI, 194 pp. [ The book consists of two parts: I, “Das 19. Jahrhundert” and II, “Das 20. Jahrhundert”. Each part begins with a sketch of Spanish history. Part I carries the main chaps. “Die Romantik in Spanien” and “Die Literatur der zweiten Jahrhunderthälfte”; the main chaps. of Part II are titled “Die Literatur vor dem Bürgerkrieg”, followed by a “Kursorische Bibliographie” (185–88). Index of authors & subjects (189–94) .]
Language & Communication: An interdisciplinary journal . Vol. 2 , No. 1 , 103 pp. [ Editor: Roy Harris, Univ. of Oxford; Publisher: Pergamon Press, Oxford & Elmsford, NY. Contributions by Philip Pettit, Richard L. Street, Jr., Adrian Furnham, David D. Clarke, J. Gerard Wolff, and Rhonda B. Friedman on metaphor, speech pragmatics, communication, language acquisition, reading disorders, and other subjects .]
Langues et Linguistique . [ Edited by the Département de Langues et Linguistique de l’Univ. Laval, Québec ] No. 81 , Tome 21 ( 1982 ), 294 pp. [ Of particular interest to HL readers is the contribution by Arthur Padley, “L’importance de Thomas Linacre (env.1460–1524) comme source dans l’évolution des théories grammaticales en Europe au XVIe et au XVIIe siècle” (17–56); Engl, summary (283–84) .]
. 1983 . Language: An introduction . New York : Random House , XII, 241 pp. [ According to the author, this book is a successor to his Descriptive Linguistics : An introduction, first published in 1972 with the same publishing house. Significantly, this new book includes chapters devoted to historical aspects of language. It has the following chapter headings: 1, “What is language?” (1–14); 2, “How societies use language” (15–34); 3, “The sounds of language” (35–66); 4, “Analytic grammars” (67–95); 5, “Generative grammars” (97–120); 6, “Beyond the sentence” (121–36); 7, “Semantics” (137–48); 8, “Features common to languages; universale” (149–61); 9, “Perspectives on human language” (163–80); 10, “Language history” (181–200); 11, “Dynamism of language” (201–215), and 12, “Language in its diversity” (217–27). Bib. (229–33); index of names, terms, and subjects (235–41) .]
, eds. 1982 . Perspectives on Historical Linguistics . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 24 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XII, 379 pp. [ The volume prints revised versions of papers first presented at two sections of the Modern Language Association of America program held in San Francisco on 27–29 December 1979, which had been allotted to the Language Theory Division of the Association. These are: “Introduction: Diachronic Linguistics” (1–16) by Winfred P. Lehmann; “Building on Empirical Foundations” (17–92) by William Labov; “A Semiotic Model of Diachronic Process Phonology” (93–131); “Semantically-Marked Root Morphemes in Diachronie Morphology” (133–243) by Yakov Malkiel; “From Propositional to Textual and Expressive Meanings: Some semantic-pragmatic aspects of grammaticalization” (245–71) by Elizabeth Closs Traugott; “Romance Etymology” (273–89) by Steven N. Dworkin, and “Indo-European Etymology with Special Reference to Grammatical Category” by Carol F. Justus (291–328). The bib. is actually a master list of references (329–72). Subject index (373–76); author index (377–79) .]
Lendemains: Zeitschrift für Frankreichforschung & Französischstudium , No. 281 ( 7. Jahrgang , 1982 ). Cologne : Pahl Rugenstein Verlag , 160 pp. [ Publications in German and French. Of interest to readers of HL is the contribution by Blanche-Noëlle Grunig, “Ideologische Strömungen und Entwicklung der Sprachwissenschaft in Frankreich heute” (88–94); brief French résumé (p.94). Note in particular her observations on the work in the history of linguistics done in France (p.90) .]
Letres de Hoje: Estudos e debates de assuntos de lingüistica, litera-tura e lingua portuguesa . No. 481 ( June 1982 ). Published by the Centro de Estudos da Lingua Portuguesa, Pontifícia Univ. Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil . [ The issue – No.2 of Vol.15 of the periodical- carries papers on translation, narrative grammar and other linguistic and literary subjects, but nothing on the history of linguistics .]
. 1982 . Sprachbetrachtung und Sprachwissenschaft im vormodernen Japan . (= Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften; Vorträge, G 258 .) Wiesbaden : Westdeutscher Verlag , 37 pp. [ In this paper, the author surveys the development of the study of language in Japan, while first mentioning the occidental tradition (including its historiography which usually excludes the Far East) and tracing the Chinese tradition from 200 B.C. onwards, from the 9th century to the Meiji period in the last third of the 19th century when Western linguistics began to make its impact on the study of grammar in Japan. The Tokugawa period (1603–1868) is described as the phase during which the national grammatical tradition in Japan found its full expression, including the indulgence toward foreign influence (2628); even the modern Japanologist Motoki Tokieda (1900–1967) followed the national tradition in his linguistic analysis (p.34). There are 111 bibliographical footnotes .]
(1881–1966). 1981 . Tscheremissisches Wörterbuch . Mit Unterstützung durch Hans-Peter Reiter aus dem Nachlaß herausgegeben von Hartmut Katz . (= Beiträge zur Kunde des Tscheremissischen, 3 = Münchener Universitäts-Schriften; Finnisch-Ugrische Bibliothek, 4 .) Munich : Wilhelm Fink Verlag [distributed by Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn] , VIII, 286 pp. [ This volume constitutes the first ed. of a Cheremiss dictionary which Levy compiled before 1920, with additions and revisions added by him somewhat later, but never published. It appeared, with minor changes introduced by the ed., exactly 100 years after the authorߣs birth, a fact not noted in the foreword (v-vii), which concentrates on the technical aspects of the dictionaryߣs presentation and indicates the fate of the manuscript .]
. 1982 . The Written Language Bias in Linguistics . (= Studies in Communication, 2 .) Linköping, Sweden : Department of Communication Studies, Univ. of Linköping , VII, 195 pp. [ The study has the following chaps.: 2, “Speech and Writing”; 3, “The sources of the written language bias in linguistics” (13–30); 4, “The written language bias in linguistics: The scope of our claims” (31–34); 5, “Linguistics and the overall theory of language” (35–61); 6, “Grammar” (63–88); 7, “Semantics” (89–128); 8, “Phonology” (129–41); 9, “Linguistic Communication” (143–62), 10, “Language Acquisition” (163–66), and 11, “Linguistic Variation” (167–75). Bib. (179–95); no index .]
. 1983 . Pararealities: The Nature Of Our Fictions And How We Know Them . (= Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages, 12 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XI, 170 pp. [ “The objective of this study is to inquire, from a broad epistemol-ogical view, into the underlying nature of fictions [in writing], and above all, to discover how it is possible to create and process them. … [The book] by and large, … continues the line of inquiry initiated by Hans Vaihingerߣs Philosophy of “As If”, though without his positivistic bias.” (Foreword, p.vii). Rich bib. (153–70) .]
1981 . Semantic Structures for the Syntax of Complements and Auxiliaries in English . (= Janua Linguarum; series minor, 171 .) The Hague – Paris – New York : Mouton Publishers [represented by W. de Gruyter, Berlin & New York] , IX, 165 pp. [ The study consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Some theoretical concerns” (1–13); 2, “Some support for transfer features and semantic governance of syntactic forms” (14–24); 3, “Studies on English complement structures” (25–49); 4, “The verbal complements in English” (50–69); 5, “Studies on the English modal auxiliaries” (70–92); 6, “Further studies on the English auxiliaries” (93–124), and 7, “A semantic feature analysis of the English modal auxiliaries” (125–58). Bib. (159–63); index of names (164 to 165) .]
Nordlyd: Tromsø University Working Papers on Languages & Linguistics , No. 61 , 1982 . [ Contains, inter alia, Jacek Fisiak, “English-Polish Con-trastive Linguistics in Poland: A brief survey” (37–59; Bib. 6–68) .]
Obščestvennye nauki v SSSR [ Social sciences in the U.S.S.R ], Serija 61 : Jazykoznanie [Linguistics] . Moskva : Institut naučnoj informacii po obščestvennym naukam, Akademija Nauk SSSR , 1982 , Nos. 3–61 . [ This useful research tool carries reviews of recent publications in the Soviet Union; the section on HoL includes a report on V. I. Gorelovߣs work on The Development of Grammatical Thought in China of 1981 (3. 21–22), on a collective volume on The History of Linguistic Studies: The Medieval East of 1981 – rivalling those in HL VIII:2/3 of the same year (4.13–19), on various articles devoted to the history of Slavic linguistics (5.15–20), and on, inter alia, the first Japanese manuel of Russian from 1796 (6.20–21) .]
Obščestvennye nauki za rubežom [ Social sciences abroad ], Serija 61 : Jazykoznanie, Moskva : Institut naučnoj informacii … , 1982 , 4–61 . [ The corresponding series to the preceding one, it reports on linguistics publications outside the Soviet Union, reporting, inter alia, on a paper by Kees (alias C.H.M.) Versteegh on “The Stoic Verbal System” (3.9–10), on S. Barbarić’s (1981) 1464-page [!] study, Zur grammatischen Terminologie von Justus Georg Schottelius und Kaspar Stieler: Mit Ausblick auf die Ergebnisse bei ihren Vorgängern (pp.10–13); on Peter Wunderliߣs Saussure-Studien – cf. HL IX.230 – by V. V. Straxo-va (4.14–20), and Pierre Swiggerߣs paper of 1981, “La théorie du verbe dans la ‘Grammaire’ de Port-Royal” (6.17–18) .]
1982 . The Communicative Perspective in the Sentence: A study of Latin word order . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 11 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , VIII, 178 pp. [ This former Univ. of Michigan Ph.D. diss., Ann Arbor, 1981, develops the concept of ‘Functional Sentence Perspective’ (FSP) traditionally associated with the name of Vilém Mathesius (1882–1945), but in fact going back to a large part to Henri Weilߣs pioneering Order of Words, first published in French in 1844, and translated into English in 1887 (new ed., Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1978 – an ed. ignored by P.). It consists of 7 chaps.: 1, “Introduction” (1–6); 2, “Theoretical background and status quaestionis” (7–29); 3, “The communicative perspective in colloquial Latin: Plautus” (31–57); 4, “Colloquial Latin: Patterns, problems, prospects” (59–98); 5, “The place of the verb in legal and religious texts and the emergence of a literary convention” (99–116); 6, “The communicative perspective and the place of the verb in classical Latin: Caesar” (117–49), and 7, “Concluding remarks” (151 to 160). Bib. (161–72); place index (173–76), and author index (177178) .]
, ed. 1983 . Readings on Aphasia in Bilinguals and Polyglots . Montreal : Marcel Didier (Canada), Ltd. , XVII, 832 pp. [ This bulky vol. consists of excerpts of writings, many of them translated into English for the first time, by physiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and (neuro)linguists on aphasic phenomena concerning bi- and multilinguals. The selections are prefaced by Acknowledgements, a brief preface by Henry Hécaen (ix-x), a short introduction by the ed., and other front matter. The back matter consists of an Epilogue surveying the history and state of the art of bilingualism and aphasia (802–813) and a bib. (814–32); there is no index. Selections are made from the work of the following (date in parenthesis indicates the year of original publication): Jacques Lordat (1843), M. Peter (1864), J. Winslow (1868), Claude-Etienne Bourdin (1877), Pierre-Cyprien Oré (1878), Joseph Grasset (1884), Désiré-Antoine-François Bernard (1885), Leonardo Bianchi (1886), J. Rinckenbach (1886), Alfred Adler (1889), Sigmund Freud (1891), F. Ghilarducci (1892), A. Pitres (1895), J. T. Eskridge (1896), Carl Bonhoeffer (1902), James Hinshelwood (1902), Arnold Pick (1903, 1913, 1915, 1921), Marcel Briand & Maurice Brissot (1909), and of the writings of some 70 more scientists, among whom Mieczysław Minkowski (1927, 1928, 1933, 1949, 1963, 1965) and Kurt Goldstein (1933, 1948) appear to be the most prominent. Among more recent authors/contributors are Friedrich Kainz (1960), Ilse & Karl Gloning (1965), Günther Peu-ser & Anton Leischner (1974), and Ernesto Zierer (1974), an excerpt of whose paper “Psycholinguistic and pedagogical aspects in the bilingual education of a child of pre-school age” concludes the selections. There is, however, a summary cases of aphasia reported during 1975 and 1982 (798–801) .]
1981 . Ken Pike: Scholar and Christian . Dallas, Texas : Summer Institute of Linguistics , VI, 268 pp. [ A biography of Kenneth Lee Pike (b.1912), written by his sister, with a number of pictures of Pike, his family, and collaborators. Of particular interest – also in view of the upcoming centenary of his birth – is Pikeߣs meeting with Edward Sapir (1884–1939), when he took two courses with him at the LSA Summer Institute held at the Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1937, and the high esteem for Sapir Pike has held ever since (cf. pp.66–70). The back matter consists of a list of secondary sources (249–51) and Pikeߣs own bib., divided up into ‘secular’ (252–63), ‘religious’ (264–67), and ‘poetic’ (267–68) writings. One regrets the absence of an index .]
. 1981 . Tagmemics, Discourse, and Verbal Art . Ed. by Richard W. Bailey . Ann Arbor : Michigan Studies in the Humanities, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, Univ. of Michigan , XVI, 67 pp. [ Following a preface by the ed., “Tagmemics and the Universe of Discourse” (vii-xiv), the booklet prints 3 hitherto unpublished papers by Pike, who also provided an introduction to them (3–7), going back to presentations made at conferences during 1977–78. These are: 1, “Linguistic Complexity in a Two-Page Instruction Sheet” (921); 2, “Levels of Observer Relationship in Verbal Art” (23–46), and 3, “ Grammar versus Reference in the Analysis of Discourse” (47–64). Bib. (65–67); no index .]
. 1982 . Linguistic Concepts: An introduction to Tagmemics . Lincoln & London : Univ. of Nebraska Press , XVI, 146 pp. , many graphs and illustrations . [ A very basic introduction to the subject of language analysis without being simplistic, the textbook consists of 4 major parts, I, “The Observer and Things” (1–38); II, “The [Linguistic] Unit” (39–65); III, “[Grammatical, Phonological, and Referential] Hierarchy”, and IV, “[Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic] Context” (67–106, and 107–136, respectively). Bib. (137–40), and index of terms and concepts (141–46) .]
, ed. 1982 . Homage to Georges Dumézil . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies; Monograph, 3 .) Washington, D.C. , 144 pp. [ This festschrift contains, following the edߣs introd. (5–15), which is an appraisal of Dumézilߣs work in the field of IE cultural history and social anthropology of myth and religion, the following contributions: Jean Haudry, “Comparative mythology and comparative philology” (17–23); Jaan Puhvel, “The Warrior at Stake” (25–33), and papers by Udo Strutynski, C. Scott Littleton, Bruce Lincoln, Alf Hiltebeitel, François-Xavier Dillmann, J(ean-) С(laude) Rivière, T(homas) L(loyd) Markey, and Eric P(ratt) Hamp, most of them on literary topics. No index .]
. 1982 . C. F. Aichingers “Versuch einer teutschen Sprachlehre”: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der deutschen Grammatik Schreibung im 18. Jahrhundert . (= Documenta Linguistica: Deutsche Grammatiken des 16. bis 18, Jahrhunderts; Studienreihe, 1 .) Hildesheim-Zürich-New York : Georg Olms Verlag , XII, 539 pp. [ This is a very thorough study of the importance and place of Carl Friedrich Aichingerߣs Versuch of a German grammar (1753, 2nd ed., Wien: Johann Paul Kraus, 1754) in the discussion of 18th-century Standard German, which was dominated by the work of Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700–66). The present study consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Einleitung” (121), which begins with a survey of the secondary literature (and the sorry state of the history of 17th and 18th century German linguistics); 2, “Aichingers [(1717–82)] Leben und Werk” (22–37); 3, “Aichingers Sprach- und Grammatikverständnis” (38–185); 4, “Analyse der Verbalgrammatik” (182–320) – the last two being the most extensive portions of the work, followed by 5, “Aichingers Literaturverarbeitung am Beispiel seiner Rezeption von [Christian Ernst] Steinbach [f1.1724 to 1734] und [Georg Heinrich] Ursinus [f1.1691–1701]” (321–77), and 6, “Schluss” (378–412). The back matter consists of altogether six appendices, one of which constitutes a biobibliographical sketch of Ursinus (1606–1667). Rich bib. of primary and secondary sources (514 to 539). The author prepared an index of the names and sources cited in Aichingerߣs major work (486–92), but not one for the present work .]
. 1981 . López de Velasco en la teoría gramatical del siglo XVI . Murcia : Universidad , 132 pp. [ Apart from his Ortgographia y Pronunciacion Castellana (Burgos, 1582), the work of Juan Lopez de Velasca (1530–98) has largely been neglected in the literature. The present monograph constitutes a first introduction into his linguistic thinking. Following brief introductory chaps. – “Noticia biográficas” (7–9); “La obra de López de Velasco en la historia de la gramática española” (11–14); “Estructura y contenido de la obra” (15–18), and “Principios de linguistica general de L. de V.” (19–31) – the author investigates, in successive chaps., the very advanced phonetic and orthographic doctrine of Lopez de Velasco and his attempts at a systematization: “Ortografía y pronunciación: principios generales” (33–43), “Clasificación fonológica del español” (45–48), and “La descripción fonológica” (49–93). Further chaps. are devoted to the numerous ‘etymologies’ in his work, which frequently were used in his argument in favour of a particular orthography (cf. “Contribución a la lingüística diacrónica: la formación del castellano” [95–111]), and to the “Repercusión de la obra: López de Velasco y la Real Academia” (111–21). There is an ‘apendice textual’ which parallels citations from the Orthographia with those of the Ortografía de la lengua castellana of the Real Academia of 1815 (123–28). There is no index .]
. 1982 . The Structure of Complementation . (= Studies in Generative Linguistic Analysis, 3 .) Ghent-Antwerp-Brussels : E. Story-Scientia [Distributed in the U.S.A. by Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, N.J.] , XII, 172 pp. [ “The purpose of this study is to provide an adequate description of certain types of sentential complements in Portuguese from the viewpoint of the theory of transformational grammar as outlined in Chomsky (1965).” (Introduction, p. 1). Historically, this is an interesting affirmation in a dissertation apparently completed at MIT in late 1971 or early 1972 (if the references are an indication), but published 10 years later .]
. 1982 . Anton Marty, Filosofo del linguaggio: Uno strut-tuealismo presaussuriano . [ Roma :] La goliardica Editrice , 318 pp. [ Preface by Adriano Bausola (11–13). This study, appearing in the series “Strumenti per una nuova conoscenza”, constitutes a re-evaluation of the work of the Swiss philosopher of language Anton Marty (18471914), who taught at the (then German-speaking) Univ. of Prague from 1880 until his death, and whose work has received renewed attention by philosophers and linguists (cf. the authorߣs “Studi su Anton Marty” [291–306], esp. pp.301ff.). The present study deals, in 7 chaps., with the following subjects: 1, life & work (21–53); 2, “Articolazio-ne interdisciplinare della ricerca e suoi metodi” (55–102); 3, the study of language (103–133); 4, language origin and the relationship between language & thought (135–69); 5, the form-matter binomy in linguistics (171–207); 6, Martyߣs contribution to descriptive semantics (209–250), and 7, the psychological-philosophical framework and his semasiological doctrine (251–83). Bib. of M’s writings (285–90); indexes of authors (309–314) and of subjects & terms (315–18) .]
. 1982 . Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt: Eine Studie über die Okonomie der Forschung . Transl, from the English by Gerhard Schäffner . (= Grundlagen der Kommunikation [unnumbered series] .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , XVII, 305 pp. [ German transi. of Scientific Progress (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1978), this study addresses itself to the prospects of scientific research, given the fact that research depends of funding which in turn is based on the economy of a given country or society supporting the research. The authors argues that there will be a slower progress made in the sciences in the future, not so much because we are close to having discovered all what can be known but because of the progressive difficulty in obtaining adequate financial support for research. – Bib. (290–98); index of persons (299–302), and index of subjects (303–305) .]
1982 . Concordances of the Sonnets of Góngora . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [6], 185 pp. [ Excellent concordance (of the keyword-in-context type) of the Gón-goras ed. done by B. Ciplijauskaité (cf. HL IX.197, 1982). The alphabetic arrangement of entries follows the ‘base form’; function words are omitted .]
. 1983 . Course in General Linguistics . Translated & annotated by Roy Harris . London : Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd. , XX, 236 pp. [ This is an entirely fresh translation of the Cours as compiled by C. Bally and A. Sechehaye, with the collab. of A. Riedlinger, and published in Lausanne & Paris in 1916, not in Geneva in 1915 as can still be found in various linguistics publications! To this the translator has added an introduction (ix-xvi), in which he sets out his reasons for translating the ‘vulgata’ text, and several footnotes – though nothing approaching a general annotation of the in fact unauthorized edition of Saussureߣs Geneva lectures. In the margins the page references to the 3rd (1931) and subsequent editions of the Cours have been added, thus allowing easy comparison between the English translation and the French original. – By the way, the French text has at least 3 occurrences of the term ‘structure’ (cf. pp.180, 244, and 256), not just one as suggested by the present index. Also, like Bally & Sechehaye, the technical use of ‘terme’ in Saussureߣs theory has not been recognized. In view of the less than adequate earlier translation of 1959 (reprinted as late as 1974), the present effort will be welcomed by many students interested in the foundations of modern linguistic thought .]
. 1982 . Aktiv und Passiv im Deutschen und Schwedischen . (= SAIS – Arbeitsberichte aus dem Seminar für Allgemeine und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft, 5 .) Kiel : Dept of General & Indo-European Linguistics, Univ. of Kiel , 274 pp. [ A Univ. of Kiel dissertation investigating the modes in German and Swedish. Bib. (253–74); no index .]
Sciences of Language , ed. by Roman Jakobson & Shirô Hattori , No. 81 ( Feb. 1981 ). Tokyo : Published by the Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies of Language . [ With the exception of the contribution by the late R. Jakobson, “Notes on the Contours of an Ancient Japanese Poem” (1–10), all papers are in Japanese .]
, ed. 1983 . Alfonso XI. Libro de la Monteria . Based on MS Y.II.19 . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [8], LIX, 155 pp. [ Facs. of the Old Spanish hunting book by King Alfonso XI (1312–50), preceded by a detailed introduction, devoted to “Medieval hunting, surgical, and legal treatises and the ‘Libro de la Monteria’”, the ‘medieval diffusion’ of this book, and the MS tradition. The back matter consists of an Old Spanish/English glossary (139–45), and a bib. (147–54) .]
, comps. 1981 . Frensko-bălgarski rečnik-minimum po lingvistična terminologija / Vocabulaire dߣinitiation à la terminologie linguistique (français-bulgare) . Sofija : Sofijski Univ. “Klement Oxridski” , 164 pp. [ A dictionary of linguistic terms from ablătif to zoosémiotique (3–151), evidently prepared for Bulgarian students of French linguistics. In an appendix, short bio-bibliographical information is provided on Charles Bally (1865–1947), Emile Benveniste (1902–1976), Leonard Bloomfield (1887–1949), Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929), Gustave Guillaume (1883–1960), Louis Hjelmslev (1899–1965), André Martinet (b.1908), Antoine Meil-let (1866–1936), Edward Sapir (1884–1939), Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913), Lucien Tesnière (1893–1954), Nikolaj (Sergeevič) Tru-betzkoy (1890–1938), Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897–1941), Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835), Noam Chomsky (b.1928), and Roman Jakobson (1896–1982), in that order. Short bib. (163–64) .]
, eds. 1982 . The Structure of the Literary Process: Studies dedicated to the memory of Felix Vodička . (= Linguistics & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , VIII, 613 pp. , 11 portrait . [ This memorial collection contains contributions by some 25 literary scholars, the majority with a background in Slavic and subscribing to a ‘structuralist’ approach to literary analysis. The most prominent contributors are no doubt Wolfgang Iser, Hans Robert Jauss, and Ladislav Matějka. F. W. Galan, apart from contributing a paper on “Is Reception History a Literary Theory?” (161–86), has compiled a select bib. of Vodičkaߣs publications (599–607). The back matter consists further of a brief note on each of the contributors (609–613); there is no index .]
. 1982 . Richtungen der modernen Sprachwissenschaft. II: Die fünfziger Jahre (1950–1960) . Heidelberg : Carl Winter – Universitätsverlag , XIV, 318 pp. in-16° . [ Sequel to the authorߣs volume by the same title published in 1971 – cf. the review by Thomas Lloyd Markey in HL 1.129–36 (1973), the present volume surveys, in great detail, the following trends, traditions, and schools: V, “Die Sprachwissenschaft in der Sowjetunion”, from Marr to Shaumjan (1–21); VI, “Amerikanische Linguistik II”, the post-Bloomfieldians, with particular attention to Harris (23–57); VII, “Prager Phonologie an [der Universität] Harvard und [am] MIT” (59–78), with particular regard to the work of Jakobson and Halle; VIII, “Historische und vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft in Amerika: Indogermanistik – Glottochronologie -Whorfianismus” (79–105), in which the work of Carl Darling Buck (1866 to 1955), Roland Grubb Kent (1877–1952), Edgar Howard Sturtevant (1875–1952), and living scholars such as Winfred Philipp Lehmann, Calvert Watkins, Henry Max Hoenigswald, Eric Pratt Hamp, Warren Cow-gill, and Jaan Puhvel are surveyed, followed by accounts of the work by Morris Swadesh (1909–1967) on glottochronology and Benjamin Lee Whorfߣs (1897–1941) and ‘Whorfians’ during the 1950s. There follow: IX, “Die historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft in Europa”, organized along languages and language branches treated rather than individual countries (107–151), though with special attention to the work of Benveniste and Kuryłowicz on the laryngeal theory and brief mentions of scholars in Italy (138–39), Spain (139–40), Switzerland (140–41), Germany (142–44), and Eastern Europe (144–46); X, “Die Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft in Frankreich” (153–222), with individual sections on Martinet (153–88), Lucien (Valérius) Tesnière (1893–1954) and Gustave Guillaume (1875–1960) – cf. pp.188–207 and 207–222, respectively. The last two chapters are on “Die Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft in England” (223–49), from Sweet to Wittgenstein and Ull-mann via Daniel Jones, Alan Henderson Gardiner and John Rupert Firth, and on “Die Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland” (251–78). which begins with the ‘Humboldt-Renaissance’ in the work of Leo Weisgerber (b.1899) and deals in particular with the ‘Bonner Schule’ associated with Weisgeber, esp. Hans Glinz and Helmut Gipper. The final section deals with the contribution of Eugenio Coseriu (276–78). Bib. (279–315), Addenda (p.317), but no index .]
Travaux d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques No. 11 ( Série II ), 1982 . Paris : Equipe d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques, Département de Recherches Linguistiques, Université Paris 7, [VI], 67 pp. [ Prints three papers on medieval linguistic thought: “La grammaire spéculative” by Irène Rosier (1–29); “La logique mediévale et la théorie de la supposition” (31–57) et “Grammaire et théologie au Moyen Âge” by Alain de Libera and Jean Jolivet (59–67), respectively .]
Travaux d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques No. 11 ( Série VIII ), [VIII], 21 pp. Paris : Equipe d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques, Département de Recherches Linguistiques . [ Apart from the ‘Présentation’, i.e., the introductory note explaining the purpose of this enterprise (which is identical in each subseries), the present issue carries one paper only, namely, “Linguistique et anthropologie en France (1600–1900)” by Sylvain Auroux. This sketch of the relationship between linguistics and anthropology in France, especially from the late 18th century to 1900, contains a number of original findings, most of which would require further, more detailed investigation (pp.6–16). Earlier periods too – the entire range of inquiry conducted by 17th and 18th century missionaries – deserves no doubt monograph treatment .]
. 1982 . Selected Papers in Structural Linguistics: Contributions to English and general linguistics written in the years 1928–1978 . Afterword by Roman Jakobson . Vilém Fried ( Editor ). (= Janua Linguarum; Series maior, 88 .) Berlin-New York-Amsterdam : Mouton Publishers (distributed by Walter the Gruyter, Berlin & New York) , XI, 392 pp. [ An important selection from the writings of the late founding member of the Cercle linguistique de Prague, Bohumil Trnka (1895–1981), many of which translated here for the first time into English (usually from his native Czech) by the editor, who also supplied a biographical introduction (1–19), though, for reasons indicated in note 4 (p.15), he was unable to include a full bibliography of Trnkaߣs writings. The material is organized under 5 headings: I, “General Linguistics” (23–109); II, “Synchronic Phonology” (113167); III, “Statistical Linguistics” (171–201); IV, “Historical Linguistics: Diachronic phonology and morphology” (205–284), and V, “Synchronic Morphology, Syntax and Style” (287–381). Index of names (385–88); index of subjects (389–92). – Of particular interest to historians of linguistics may be his 1952 paper, “Zur Erinnerung an August Schleicher” (61–69), the distinguished 19th-century Indo-Eu-ropeanist and Slavicist, to whose work Trnka refers on various occasions in his writings; cf. in particular his 1941 paper on the problem of style (364–81), esp. 364–65, 377–78. – Another paper of interest to readers of HL is no doubt T’s paper, first published in English translation in 1966 (as an appendix to Josef Vachekߣs The Linguistic School of Prague (Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press), 152165, “Linguistics and the Ideological Structure of the Period” (4960), even though T. was not quite right in assuming that Schleicher attempted to apply Darwinߣs findings to linguistics (p.49) .]
1980 . La lengua española en Flandes en el siglo XVII: Contribución al estudio de la interferencias léxicas y de su proyección en el español general . Prologo de A. Zamora Vincente . Madrid : Insula , 245 pp. [ Remarkable investigation into a rather neglected area of research, namely, Spanish in Flanders during 1555–1713. Although the author has based his corpus on J. A. Vincartߣs Relación de la campaña de Flandes en 1647 only, he has made use – in his computer-guided research – of a number of older dictionaries of Spanish, such as the one by A. de Palencia of 1490 as well as the 1726–39 Diccionario de Autoridades (cf. bib. references on pp.235–36). – Cf. also the monograph-length study by the same author, “Contribución al estudio de la lexicografía española en Flandes en el siglo XVII (1599–1705)”, BRAE 59.289–369 (1979) .]
Voortgang van het onderzoek . III1 ( 1982 ), 284 pp. Amsterdam : Faculteit der Letteren, Subfaculteit Nederlands, Vrije Univ. Amsterdam . [ This working papers issue publishes a dozen studies devoted to literary and linguistic ideas concerning the study of Dutch. It includes historical studies, such as the one by J. Knol, “Nederlands voor Duit-sers in de achttiende eeuw: Nadere gegevens over Matthias Kramer [(1640–С.1730)] en J. C. Cuno [(1708-c.1780)]” (157–73), which deals with the early 18th-century grammar of Dutch ascribed to Kramer as well as others attributed to Cuno, and the other by Jan Noordegraaf, “Algemene grammatica en logische analyse: Nederlandse taalkunde in de jaren vijftig van de negentiende eeuw” (174–208), in which the author shows that 19th-century Dutch linguists (influenced by German grammarians such as Ferdinand Becker, J. C. A. Heyse, and H. Steinthal) rejected, among other things, the idea of language as anything comparable to a ‘living organism’, thus making the critique of this idea advanced by Bréal, Gaston Paris, and other French scholars look much less innovative than recent studies on Saussure and his ‘French connection’ have claimed .]
, eds. 1982 . Here and There: Cross-linguistic studies on deixis and demonstration . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, III:2/3 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , V, 296 pp. [ Following an introductory survey by the editors (1–12), the volume prints contributions (all in English except for one by Fritz Pasierbsky on the historical development of ‘Personendeixis’ in Chinese) devoted to aspects of means of deixis in various European, African, Far Eastern as well as Australian languages. The contributors to the volume (which is the outgrowth of a workshop held at the annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft held in March 1979 in Tübingen) consist of the following researchers: Clifford Hill, Veronika Ehrich, Hubertus Opalka, Volker Heeschen, Ulrike Mosel, Priska-Monika Hottenroth, István Bátori, Christa Hauenschild, Dietrich Hartmann, Florian Coulmas, Eckehart Malotki, and Peter Austin. The index of names (287–90) makes it obvious that the writings of Karl Bühler (1879–1963) on the subject are the most frequently referred to publications; indeed, there is hardly a contribution that does not refer, critically and/or aprov-ingly, to the pioneering work of Bühler. One therefore regrets that there is not a single reference to one of the most prominent interpreter in English of Bühlerian ideas in North America, Paul L. Garvin, in this volume. – An index of subjects (291–96) concludes the collection .]
. 1982 . Bibliographie zur Grammatik der deutschen Dialekte… [ see preceding entry ]. Bern : Peter Lang AG . Kartenteil . [ Separate publication of the maps – 5 in number – to accompany the bibliographical work .]
(“ unter Mitarbeit von Gertraude Voigt ”), comps. 1982 . Bibliographie zur Grammatik der deutschen Dialekte: Laut-, Formen-, Wortbildungs- und Satzlehre, 1800–1980 . Bern & Frankfurt/Main : Peter Lang , LV, 515 pp. [ This major working tool for research in High & Low German dialectology from the beginning of the 19th century to the present contains about 5,000 entries. These are organized under the following major headings: 1. “Hochdeutsche Dialekte”, 1.1 “Oberdeutsche Dialekte” (Alemannisch, Bairisch, Ostfränkisch); 1.2 “Westmitteldeutsche Dialekte” (Rheinfränkisch, Zentralhessisch, Osthessisch, Nordhessisch, Mittelfränkisch, Niederfränkisch); 1.3 “Ostmitteldeutsche Dialekte” (Thüringisch, Obersächsisch, Nordobersächsisch-Südmärkisch mit Berlinisch, Schlesisch, Hochpreußisch); 2. “Niederdeutsche Dialekte”, 2.1 “Westfälisch, 2.2 “Ostfälisch”, 2.3 “Nordniederdeutsch”, 2.4 “Brandenburgisch”, 2.5 “Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch”, 2.6 “Mittelpommersch”, 2.7 “Ostpommersch”, 2.8 “Niederpreußisch”, and 2.9 “Baltendeutsch”. There follow sections on “Deutsche Sprachinseln in Mittel-, Südost- und Ost-Europa” under headings such as 3.1 “Binnensprachinseln”, e.g., “Schwäbische Kolonie in Westpreußen”; 3.2 “Außensprachinseln”, e.g., “Sprachinsel Siebenbürgen (Altland, Nöserland, Burzenland)”; 3.3 “Außensprachinseln der Neuzeit”, e.g., “Sprachinseln in Bessarabien”, and an appendix on (apparently) lost handwritten or typed dissertations and theses. This highly complex bib. is prefaced by an introduction (xxvii-xlvi), a list of sources (xlvii-1) and of acronyms (li-lv), and a general section concerning the study of dialects (1–24). A full index of authors and editors (485–515) rounds off this most impressive work .]
Working Papers: A Report of Speech and Language Research in Progress . [ Published by the ] School of English & Linguistics, Macquary University, North Ride, N.S.W. 2113, Australia , Vol. 3 , Nos. 2–4 . [ Most of the material is devoted to phonetic research; the issues contain nothing of interest to readers of HL .]
. 1981 . Studia nad rozwojem językoznawstwa polskiego od końca XVIII wieku do roko 1918 (Ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wiel-kopolski) . [ Studies in the development of Polish linguistics from the end of the 18th century till 1918 (with particular reference to (what the author retains as a technical term) Wielkopolska .] Warsaw & Poznan : Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe [Polish Scientific Publishers] , 1581 pp. [ In 9 chaps., the author delineates the development of the study of Polish grammar in Poland from around 1880 to the end of the First World War. English summary (154–58)’ Bib. (150–53); no index .]