Publications received published In:
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 14:3 (1987) ► pp.407454
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those works that deal with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher. It should be pointed out, however, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are published as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those briefly commented upon in the present rubric.
. 1986 . Diccionario de lingüística de la escuela española . Prólogo de Rafael Lapesa . (= Biblioteca Románica Hispánica] Diccionarios, 12 .) Madrid : Editorial Gredos , 283 pp. [ Following an introduction entitled “Menéndez Pidal y su escuela” (15–43, with a brief annotated bib. inserted on pp.35–41), the author presents a dictionary of terms and concepts, with definitions usually cited from primary sources and relevant bibliographical references, from ‘acento’ to ‘Yuxtapuestas, Oraciones’, including such terms as ‘epéntesi’, ‘jerga’, ‘nombres del idioma’, ‘sintonema’, etc. (45–249). The vol. is rounded off by an epilogue “Las ideas lingüísticas en España en el siglo XX” (250–68), a bib. (269–75), and an “Indice complementario de algunas conceptos” (279–81) .]
1985 . Pragmatics and Fiction . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VI :2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [v], 79 pp. [ According to the author (“Introduction”, p.1) “Pragmatics and fiction complement each other: Pragmatics is concerned with the principles of language use, in which the speaker and the hearer are major categories that determine linguistic interpretation. Fiction is a form of language use that exemplifies the need to seek the relationship between language and language users in order to derive an interpretation.” Bib. (75–79); no index .]
. 1986 . Glossaire de Mercury . Fontaine les Dijon : A.B.D.O. [ 22, rue de la Bresse, Fontaine-lès-Dijon, France ], vi, 53 pp. [ Text of the regional dialect of which J. Ancelin (1882–1969) was a native speaker, ed. by Gérard Taverdet, author of the dialect atlas of Burgundy .]
1984 . Bilingual Conversation . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, V:8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [vii], 116 pp. [ This monograph is entirely devoted to the interactional perspective of bilingual communication (which involves frequent code-switching), leaving aside the grammatical and sociolinguistic aspects. Bib. (109–114); no index .]
1985 . The Pragmatics of Left Detachment in Spoken Standard French . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, Vl:3 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 123 pp. [ This study is devoted to a phenomenon of (usually spoken) syntax termed ‘left detachment’ by Richard Kayne in 1975. Bib. (121–23); no index .]
. 1986 . Essays in Logical Semantics . (= Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, 29 .) Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster-Tokyo : D. Rei-del , xi, 225 pp. [ This vol. brings together previously published papers by the author (1983–86), which have been revised to fit its 10 chaps, which are organized under 3 major headings: I, “Constraints on Denotations” (3–119); II, “Dynamics of Interpretation” (125–76), and III, “Methodology of Semantics” (181–214). The back matter consists of a bib. (215–19) and indices of names (221–22) and of subjects (223–25) .]
. 1986 . Lexicographic Description of English . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 14 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiii, 288 pp. [ Followeing a preface and a list of abbreviations, there are 6 chaps.: 1, “Historical introduction” (2–12), which briefly surveys the field from the 16th to the 20th century; 2, “Modern varieties of English: British and American” (13–174), which is the centre piece of the book; 3, “The phonemic transcription of English” (175–201), and 4, “Basic principles of lexicographic definition” (202–262). Bib. (263–75), followed by a detailed general index (276–88) .]
. 1986 . The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English: A guide to word combinations . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxxvi, 286 pp. [ An innovative type of dictionary, which provides for each term the regular ‘collocations’ (Firth), i.e., the phrases in which they habitually occur .]
Bibliographie Linguistique / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1984 and Supplement for Previous Years . Edited by Mark Janse and Hans Borkent , with the assistance of [the late] J. J. Beylsmit [ cf. obituary in HL 131 . 469 – 471 , 1986 ] and Sijmen Tol . Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster : Martinus Nij-hoff Publishers [ for the Comité International Permanent des Linguistes ], lix, 1020 pp. [ This is by far the largest annual volume ever produced in the 30-year history of the BL, with a more complete coverage than ever and noticeable revision of its sections, work on which was started soon after the main editors took charge of the enterprise. Those consulting the section on ‘History of Linguistics’ for instance will notice that the compilers have frequently added life-dates of scholars treated in articles or monographs. They may also notice that this section contains 483 items whereas the rubric ‘Linguistic Theory’ carries some 200 only. The revised section ‘Biographical Data’ (61–78) adds another 468 items of interest to the History of Linguistics .]
1986 . Science Encounters the Indian, 1820–1880: The early years of American ethnology . Norman & London : The University of Oklahoma Press , xiii, 290 pp. , 9 ill . [ Following a general introduction (1–15) the author treats, in individual chaps., the following pioneers of American Indian ethnology: “Albert Gallatin [(1761–1848)] and Enlightenment ethnology” (16–54); “Samuel G. Morton [(1799–1851)] and the [craniological] calculations of inferiority [of the American Indian]” (55–103); “Ephraim George Squier [(1821–1888)] and the archaeology of mental progress” (104–145); “Henry Rowe Schoolcraft [(1793–1864)] and the ethnologist as historian and [Christian] moralist” (146–93), and “Lewis Henry Morgan [(1818–1881)] and the evolution of an Iroquois scholar” (194–251). Bib. (253–82) and general index (283–90), which however does not include mention of Wilhelm von Humboldt (cf. p.125 and p.131, together with his brother Alexander) or terms such as ‘relativity’ (cf. pp.158,189, and elsewhere) .]
. 1986 . Revolution und Revision in der generativen Theoriebildung . (= Studien zur englischen Grammatik, 3 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , xiv, 266 pp. [ Slightly rev. version of the author’s doctoral diss., Univ. of Hamburg, 1984. According to the English summary (p.261), “This study outlines and critically evaluates the most important revisions in generative transformational grammar since the publication of Noam Chomsky’s Aspects of the Theory of Syntax in 1965. It is directed toward both the expert and the general reader with only rudimentary knowledge of the Standard (Aspects) Theory of transformational grammar (ST).” The author tries to show that there are, within the generative framework, many more convincing solutions can be found than in the more recent Government & Binding model. Following a brief introd. (1–10), there are three main chaps.: I, “Syntax in den siebziger Jahren” (11–114); 2, “TOUGH-MOVEMENT: Eine zähe Angelegenheit” (115–57), and 3, “Relativsatz und Wahrnehmungsstrategien” (158–231). The back matter includes endnotes (232–52), bib. (253–59), E. summ. (261–62), and indices of subjects (263–64) and of names (265–66) .]
. 1985 . Slavic Structuralism . (= Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 11 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins ; Budapest : Akadémiai Kiadó , 160 pp. [ This is a translation, by Helen Thomas, from the Hungarian original (apparently) published some 10 years earlier (the bib. does not extend further than to 1973). It consists of 4 main chaps.: 1, “Slavic structuralism as a trend in literary criticism” (9–42); 2, “Functional structuralism: Jan Mukařovský [(1891–1974)]” (43–79); 3, “Ontological structuralism: Roman Ingarden [(1891–1970)]” (80–121), and 4, “After structuralism” (122–41). The conclusion (142–46) is followed by a bib. (147–55) and indices of authors (156–58) and of subjects (159–60) .]
1985 . John of Holland: Four Tracts on Logic (suppositiones, fal-fallacie, obligationes, insolublia) . First critical edition from the manuscripts, with an introduction and indices . (= Aristarium, 5 .) Nijmegen : Ingenium Publishers , 47*, 192 pp. [ The introductory informs us about the life and work of this lesser known scholar who lived during the second half of the 14th century, probably studied at Oxford and later taught at Prague (13*-32*) and outlines “The establishment of the present edition” (33*-44*), followed by a bib. (45*-47*). The remainder of the study presents, in separate parts with carefull prepared indices of examples, sophisms, and cone lusions of fallacious arguments for each individual text, the 4 treatises mentioned in the title .]
. n.d. [ printed Dec. 1985 ]. Ricerche saussuriane: ‘Langage: langue e parole’ o ‘langage, parole e langue’? . (= Nuova Collana di Linguistica, 2 .) Pisa : Giardini Editori , 85 pp. [ This monograph has 4 chaps., preceded by a brief introduction (7–10), and concluded by an epilogue (63–66), endnotes (67–75), and a bib. (77–83). These are entitled: I, “Langue e parole” (11–17); 2, “Langue, parole e espressivita” (19–32); 3, “Langage” (33–51), and 4, “Langage e linguistica teorica contemporanea” (53–62). No index .]
. 1986 . César-Pierre Richelet (1626–1698): Biographie et oeuvre lexicographique . (= Lexicographic; Series maior, 15 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , xiii, 335 pp. [ This revised doctoral dissertation done at the Univ. of Erlangen under the supervision of Franz Josef Hausmann in 1986 deals with life and work of this author of the first monolingual French dictionary of definitions, the Dictionnaire frangois (Genève: J. H. Widerhold, 1680). Despite this and the success the Dictionary enjoyed during the 18th century, it fell into oblivion in the following centuries, and the present study constitutes the first full account of Richelet’s life and work as well as a reappraisal of his lexicological approach and lexicographic practice. The work concludes with an English summary (290–99), a bib. of primary & secondary sources (300–313), and a variety of indices of names of authors, of publishers, etc. (314–35) .]
. 1986 . La Linguistica prestructurale . Bologna : Nicola Za-nicelli , 259 pp. [ This book is actually a little history of linguistics from antiquity to the 1960s. It begins, in “Cenni sulla stohografia linguistica” (17), with a discussion of the status, methodology and espistemology of linguistic historiography, followed by a presentation of various (traditional) questions in “Linguistica preistorica e protostorica” (18–45). The next chaps, are entitled: 3, “L’epoca greco-romana” (46–68); 4, “Dal Medioevo latino al Rinascimento plurilingue” (69–100); 5, “La linguistica] dei filosofi” (101–132), which deals with the 17th and 18th centuries; 6, “La linguistca scientifica [i.e., the discovery of Sanskrit in Europe and the development of historical-comparative grammar]” (133–61); 7, “La linguistica storica [essentially the tradition established by the Junggrammatiker]” (162–80); 8, “La dialettologia” (181–204); 9, “La linguistica teorica [whose beginning is put in the 17th century and which ends with the work of N. Chomsky]” (205–243). The back matter consists of a rather condensed bib. (244–51) and an index of names (252–59) .]
, ed. 1986 . Las coplas de Mingo Revulgo . Edición, estudio preliminar y notas . Madison : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [viii], 310 pp. [ Edition of a Span, satyrical poem, written ca.1460, based on 7 MSS and 4 earlier text editions. Detailed introd. (1–84). Contrary to the page references given in the ‘Indice’ (p.vii), chap.viii (“Apendice: Descripción, bibliografía y transcripción de BPO [= MS from the Biblioteca del Palacio de Oriente]”) not on p.301, but on p.279; the same applies to other such references .]
, eds. 1986 . Germanic Dialects: Linguistic and philological investigations . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 38 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 693 pp. [ The vol. brings together original articles in the circumscribed field by Alfred Bammesberger, Siegfried Beyschlag, Kurt Braumüller, John R. Costello, the late Siegfried Gutenbrunner, Anatoly Liberman, Thomas L. Markey, Edgar Polomé, Elmar Seebold, and others. No index. – Cf. Joseph B. Voyles’ review in Diachronica lll:2 (1986) for details .]
. 1986 . Das Kawi-Werk Wilhelm von Humboldts: Untersuchungen zur empirischen Sprachbeschreibung und vergleichenden Gram-matikographie . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft 4 .) Münster : Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität , xii, 394 pp. [ This 1985 doctoral diss., undertaken at the University of Münster under the direction of Peter Schmitter, is one of the first studies devoted to Humboldt as an empirical linguist, and not as a language philosopher and linguistic theoretician. The investigation is based on Humboldt’s posthumously published 3-volume opus entitled Lieber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java (Berlin, 1836–39), and has the following chaps.: I, “Einleitung” (1–11); 2, “Das Kawi-Werk: Hintergrund und Problemstellung” (12–66); 3, “Richtungen der Grammatikographie im 18. und beginnenden 19. Jahrhundert” (67–145); 4, “Die Grammatikkonzeption Wilhelm von Humboldts” (146–221); 5, “Exemplarische Analyse grammatischer Beschreibung: Die Verbalgrammatik des Tagalogs [one of the languages treated by Humboldt in some detail]” (222–61); 6, “Exkurs zur grammatischen Vorgehensweise in anderen empirischen Arbeiten Wilhelm von Humboldts” (262–75), and 7, “Schlusszusammenfassung und Ausblick auf den sprachphilosophischen Hintergrund des Kawi-Werks” (276–89). The back matter consists of a “Verzeichnis der in der Einleitung zum Kawi-Werk und im Kawi-Werk selbst verwendeten Quellen” (290–365), a considerable feat indeed (where one only regrets the absence of first names of several authors, of names of publishers, and of life-dates of authors) and a detailed bib. of primary (365–70) and secondary (370–94). Unfortunately, there is no index to this important and thorough work .]
. 1984 . The Chicago School of Sociology: Institutionalization, diversity, and the rise of sociological research . Chicago & London : The University of Chicago Press , xix, 285 pp. , Ill. & fig. [ This thorough study presents the origin and development of the so-called ‘Chicago School of Sociology’, headed by Robert E. Park (1864–1944), which flourished especially during 1915–1935, and with which Edward Sapir came into contact during his professorship there (1925–31). (On this subject, see now Stephen O. Murray, “Edward Sapir in The Chicago School’ of Sociology”, New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality [see Cowan et al. 1986 below for full reference], 241–91.) The study focusses especially on the period of the 1920s, analyzing the background, including the general milieu at the Univ. of Chicago, and the specific research programs undertaken at the time. Detailed endnotes (229–74), but no general bib., and index of names and subjects (275–85). Note: Sapir is referred to on a number of occasions (e.g., pp.39, 110, 146, 171, 187, 192, 199ff.) .]
, eds. 1986 . Les Ideologues: Sémiotique, theories et politiques linguistiques pendant la Revolution frangaise . Proceedings of the Conference held at Berlin , October 1883 . (= Foundations of Semiotics, 12 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvi, 404 pp. [ The 19 papers united in this vol. are organized under 4 headings: 1, “Ouvertüre nocturnes: La mise aux oubliettes”; 2, “Crépuscule: L’ére du soupgon sémiotique”; 3, “Mehr Licht: Le langage, la démocratie et l’éduca-tion”, and 4, “Newspeak: Révolutionner la langue”. Of particular interest to HL readers may be the following contributions: “La critique de I’arbi-traire du signe chez Condillac et Humboldt” by Jürgen Trabant (73–96), “Ere française et Deutsche Bewegung: Les Ideologues, l’historicité du langage et la naissance de la linguistique” by Wulf Oesterreicher (97–143), “Les sociétés linguistiques fondées par F[rangois]-U[rbain] Domergue à Paris de 1791 à 1811” by Frangoise Dougnac (299–322) – cf. on Domergue (1745–1810) the annotated bib. by Winfried Busse in HL 12.165–88 (1985). Index of (last) names of authors (395–404) .]
, eds. 1986 . Studies in the History of Western Linguistics: In honour of R. H. Robins . Cambridge-London-New York, etc. : Cambridge Univ. Press , x, 285 pp. [ Vol. of 14 papers on the occasion of Robins’ 65th birthday on 1 July 1986, which includes contributions by European and North American scholars, but not, as one might have expected, by two of Robins’ former doctoral students who have distinguished themselves in the field of linguistic historiography, namely, G. L. Bursill-Hall and Francis P. Dinneen. From the contents: “Originality in the Medieval normative tradition” by Vivien Law (43–55); “Effort and achievement in seventh-century British linguistics” by Vivian Salmon (69–95); “August Schleicher: Indo-Europeanist and general linguist” by Theodora Bynon (129–49); “Karl Brugmann and late nineteenth-century linguistics” by Anna Morpurgo Davies (150–71), and “Edward Sapir’s six-unit classification of American Indian languages: The search for time perspective” by Regna Darnell & Dell Hymes (202–244). The back matter consists of a list of R. H. Robins’ publications, 1951–1985 (279–83) and a brief subject index (284–85) .]
. 1986 . Kunst der Ueberlistung: Studien zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Rhetorik . (= Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur und der Schönen Künste, 76 .) München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 204 pp. [ Contents: “Einleitung” (9–21); “Der Anfang des rhetorischen Unternehmens [in ancient Greece]” (22–39); “Piaton wissenschaftstheoretisch” (40–61); “Aristoteles und die Schrift” (62–82); “Quintilians Medizin” (83–106); “Ramus: Rhetorik und Natur” (107–147); “Das Ende der Rhetorik [in the 2nd half of the 18th century]”; “Epilog” (179–87). Bib. (188/189–200); index of names (202–204) .]
, eds. 1985 . Questions on Social Explanation: Piagetian themes reconsidered . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VI:4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [vii], 141 pp. [ This number brings together 9 contributions by the editors and others scholars, e.g., Hermine Sinclair, Willem Doise, Hans Furth, and others, organized under the following headings: 1, “Language and cognitive development”; 2, “Cognitive development and social interaction”; 3, “Cognitive development and affectivity”, and 4, “Piagetian theory and educational issues”. General bib. (131–41); no index .]
. 1986 , II segno di Giano: Studi su Louis Hjelmslev . (= Testi e studi, 54 .) Presentazione di Romeo Galassi . Milano : Edizioni Unicopli , 160 pp. [ This study of Helmslev’s theory of language – and of linguistics, its epistemológica! bases as well as its semiological ramifications consists of the following chaps.: I, “Louis Hjelmslev: Dalla linguistica all’e-pistemologia” (19–54); 2, “II segno di Giano” (55–78); 3, “Giano, o dell’-omologia: Lavoro, scienz, economia” (79–97); 4, “L.H. e la storia della semiotica” (99–108); 5, “Un’epistemologia del ‘non’” (109–127), and 6, “H. opera aperta” (129–51). Detailed bib. (153–60) – see also the references at the end of R. Galassi’s ‘Presentation’ (14–16); no index .]
. 1984 . ‘Well’ in Dialogue Games: A discourse analysis of the interjection ‘well’ in idealized conversation . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, V: 5 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 104 pp. [ According to the author (p.ix), the present monograph “is an extension of an omitted section of Carlson (1983)”, i.e., his book Dialogue Games: An approach to discourse analysis (Dordrecht: D. Reidel). Bib. of sources (99–100) and list of references (101–104); no index .]
. 1985 . “ Linguistic Light from Three Lesser Stars” – reprintedd from the “Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester ”, vol. 68 , No. 1 ( Autumn 1985 ), pp. 34 – 52 . [ This paper deals with the linguistic ideas of Bhartrhari (7th century A.D.), Sanctius, and Whitney in an interesting and critical manner. Bib. (48–52) .]
, eds. 1986 . New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenary Conference (Ottawa, 1–3 Oct. 1984) . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 41 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiv, 627 pp. , portrait, 17 ill . [ This is the third – and most important – publication to honour Edward Sapir (1884–1939) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth (besides issue XI:3, 1984, of HL and a collection of appraisals on him published in the same year -cf. Koerner 1984 detailed in HL 12.294, 1985). The vol. brings together the papers (and the ensuing discussions) presented at the Sapir Conference held in the Victoria Memorial Museum, Ottawa, Canada, where Sapir had his office for most of his time as Chief of the Anthropological Division of the Geographical Survey of Canada (1910–1925). The contents of the vol. follows the program printed in HL 10.367–69, 1983, fairly closely, except that Fred Eggan’s keynote address, “An overview of Edward Sapir’s career” (1–16) was placed at the beginning. The list of contributors includes: Victor Golla, Michael Silverstein, Margaret Langdon, Michael E. Krauss, Ives Goddard, William N. Fenton, Stephen O. Murray, Ya-kov Malkiel, the late Stanley S. Newman (1905–1984), Regna Darnell, and others, not to mention the participants in the reminiscences session such as Mary Haas, Frederica de Laguna, Fang-Kuei Li, or Kenneth L. Pike. Detailed index of names, which includes life-dates of all relevant authors (617–627) .]
, ed. 1986 . Noun Classes and Categorization: Proceedings of a Symposium on Categorization and Noun Classification, Eugene, Oregon, October 1983 . (= Typological Studies in Language, 7 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 481 pp. [ This vol. publishes 20 contributions from the Symposium, organized under the following headings: 1, “On Categorization”; 2, “Typological Variation and Classifier Systems”; 3, “Semantic Features of Classifiers”; 4, “Semantic and Pragmatic Functions of Classifiers”, and 5, “History and Acquisition of Classifier Systems”. Contributors include George Lakoff, Talmy Givón, Robert M. W. Dixon, Karen Adams, Paul J. Hopper, Marianne Mithun, and others. “Language index” (473–78) .]
[ note that the title page also mentions Hubert Cuyckens as ‘special editor for this volume’! ], ed. 1985 . Dialogue: An interdisciplinary approach . (= Pragmatics & Beyond Companion Series, 1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiv, 473 pp. [ The vol. brings together papers presented at the [First] International Encounter on the Philosophy of Language held in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, in August 1981. Contributors include Donald Davidson, George Lakoff, E. M. Barth, Herman Parret, Georg Meggle, Kuno Lorenz, Gilles Gaston Granger, and many others. Indices of subjects (461–68) and of names (469–73) .]
. 1986 . La Linguistique, la grammaire et l’école, 1750–1914 . Paris : Armand Colin , 368 pp. [ This vol. brings together papers published by the two authors, individually, between 1976 and 1986. These are organized under 5 major headings: I, “Un débat crucial pour la fondation de la linguistique [1750–1850, i.e., the word-order question from Port-Royal to Henri Weil (1818–1909)]”; II, “Encyclopédistes et Ideologues”; III, “Société, énonciation ettypologie des langues”; IV, “Naissance de la sémantique et développement de l’en-seignement”, and V, “Les métamorphoses d’un concept [i.e., that of ‘analogie’ from Port-Royal and Vaugelas to Saussure and Chomsky’s critique of the concept]”. “Conclusion” (359–63) and (fairly detailed) ‘table des ma-tiéres’ (365–68), but no index .]
. 1985 . Storia delle lingue e polemiche linguistiche: Dai sag-gi Berolinesi, 1783–1804 . A cura di Claudio Marazzini . Alessandria : Edi-zioni dell’Orso , xxi, 143 pp. [ This booklet reprints papers, in French or in Italian, read by Denina (1731–1813) before the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin during his sojourn in that city during 1783 and 1802. On him, cf. also the ed.’s paper, “Carlo Denina linguiste: Aux sources du com-paratisme”,HL 10.77–96 (1983). To this the ed. has added the Preface to vol.I of Denina’s 3-volume Clefs des Langues (Berlin, 1804) – here pages 113–30. The back matter consists of a detailed “Repertorio di etimolo-gisti dei Secc.XVI-XVIII citati da Denina” (131–39), which may also serve as a name index. Bib. (xvii-xxi). – cf. also the brief review by Daniel Droixhe in Bulletin d’Information de la Société d’Histoire et d’Epistémolo-gie des Sciences du Langage No.16, 1986, 26–27 .]
D’Eschyle à Genet: Etudes sur le théatre: En hommage à François Prunier . Dijon : Editions Universitares Dijonnaises [ Campus Montzumard, F-21000 Dijon ], xiv, 329 pp. [ Festschrift in honour of the Dijon prof, of literature; 26 contributions dealing with the theatre from antiquity to the present .]
. 1985 . Theoretical Aspects of Passivization in the Framework of Applicative Grammar . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VI:1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 115 pp. [ A formal account of passivization in Indo-European and non-IE languages. Bib. (111–15); no index .]
( with the collaboration of Gabi Willenberg ), comps. 1986 . Bibliography of Semiotics, 1975–1985 . (= Library & Information Sources in Linguistics, 16 .) 21 vols. Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 948 pp. in toto . [ Contents: “Preface” (7–9), “Numbered list of periodicals” (11–31) – well over 700 in number! – the bib. itself (33–776), “Index of reviews” (777–81), and “Index of subjects and names” (783–948) .]
. 1986 . Called to Die: The story of American linguist Chet Bit-terman, slain by terrorists . Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan Publishing House , 198 pp. [ Authorized biography of Chester Allen Bitterman (1952–1981), who, while working in Bogota, Columbia, as a member of the Summer Institute of Linguistics there, was abducted by M-19 guerillas and subsequently killed .]
, eds. 1986 . Semiotics and International Scholarship: Towards a language of theory . (= NATO ASI Series D: Behavioural and Social Sciences, 33 .) Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers , xxii, 225 pp. [ This vol. publishes papers presented at an institute by the same name hel in Alcabideche, Portugal, 18–30 Sept. 1983, with scholars from 13 countries attending. It contains 10 papers, including the following: “Tradition, speculation and cognition: A prospective investigation of semiotic terminology” by Paul Bouissac (1–24); “La sémiotique peircienne comme métalangage: Eléments théoriques et Es-quisse d’une application” by Gerard Deledalle (25–47); “Ontogenesis of iconicity and the accessibility of the mental image by children’s drawings” by Martin Krampen (85–99); “The place of semiotics in the study of literature” by Jørgen Dines Johansen (101–126). Subject index (223–25) .]
, ed. 1986 . Christian von Ehrenfels: Leben und Werk . (= Studien zur österreichischen Philosophie, 8 .) Amsterdam : Editions Rodo-p¡ B.V. , [x], 286 pp. [ Following the editor’s biographical sketch of Christian v. Ehrenfels (1859–1932), who is probably best known for his paper of 1890, “Ueber Gestaltqualitäten”, which appeared in Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie 14.249–92, there are 9 papers discussing a variety of his interests and his impact on contemporary debates in psychology, philosophy, and economic theory, such as in “Die Gestalttheorie von Christian v. Ehrenfels im Lichte moderner Kognitionspsychologie” by Theo Herrmann (65–84); “Mathematik als Wissenschaft der Gestalten” by Peter M. Simons (112–35), and “The theory of value of Christian von Ehrenfels” by Barry Smith (150–71). Index of names (282–86) .]
. 1986 . Kronik van en eeuw universitaire frisistiek . Rede, in verkorte vorm uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar in de friese taal- en letterkunde vanwege de Fryske Akademy aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op 21 april 1986 . Ljouwert/ Leeuwarden : Fryske Akademy/Koperative Utjowerij , 46 pp. [ An historical overview of Frisian studies in Holland from the 18th century to the present. Biobibliographical endnotes (30–45) .]
. 1987 . Saussure: Une science de la langue . (= Philo-sophes, 11 .) Paris : Presses Universitares de France , 128 pp. [ Under headings like “Signe”, “L’objet”, “Le mécanisme”, etc. the booklet reproduces selections from the Vulgata’ text of the CLG , at various times together with comments by the author. These are preceded by two introductory chaps., “Un maitre qui n’était pas un” (5–15), which offers a biographical background to Saussure and his lectures on general linguistics, and “Comment le «CLG« est fait” (16–28), which traces the genesis of the Cours and presents Rudolf Engler’s ‘édition critique’. There is a rather meagre bib. (127–28), and no index .]
. 1985 . Gli studi di fonetica di Agostino Gemelli . (= Scienze filologiche e letteratura, 28 .) Milano : Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuo-re , 119 pp. , ill. [ An account of the phonetic work of (Brother) A. Gemelli (1878–1959), founder of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan in 1921, where he established a phonetic laboratory soon thereafter. The present study delineates in detail his research from 1929 till the end of his life, in two parts: “II laboratorio” (15–45) and “Le temati-che” (47–96). The back matter consists of pictures of technical apparatuses (97–101), reproductions of letters received from well-known phoneticians such as Giulio Panconzelli-Calzia (1878–1961), Eberhard Zwirner (1899–1985), Jean-Paul Vinay (b.1910), and others (102–108), a bib. of Gemelli’s work (109–115), and an index of names (117–19) .]
, eds. 1986 . Focus on the Caribbean . (= Varieties of English around the World, G8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 209 pp. [ Contributions by John Holm, Hubert Devonish, Marlis Hellinger, Dennis R. Craig, Barbara Lalla, F[rederic] G[omes] Cassi-dy, John D. Roy, Velma Pollard, Salikoko S. Mufwene, Pauline Chrisdtie and John M. Lipski. “Addresses of authors” (209); no index .]
. 1986 . The Origin of Writing . London : Duckworth , x, 166 pp. , ill. [ The nicely illustrated monograph has the following chaps.: 1, “From folklore to technology” (1–28); 2, “The tyranny of the alphabet” (29–56); 3, “The evolutionary fallacy” (57–75); 4, “Writing as representation” (76–121), and 5, “The great invention” (122–57). The remaining pages are taken up by a brief epilogue (158), a brief annotated bib. (159–63), and a general index (164–66) .]
. 1985 . Aviatiion Lore in Faulkner . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 195 pp. [ An account of the use of air craft and aviation subjects and terminology in the literary work of William Harrison Faulkner (1897–1962) .]
, ed. The History of Lexicography: Papers from the Dictionary Research Centre Seminar at Exeter, March 1986 . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 40 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 265 pp. [ See HL 13.157 (1986) for a mention of the prepublication version. From the contents: “A concise history of the Concise Oxford Dictionary [first published in 1911]” by Robert A. Allen (1–11); a paper on Richelet’s Dictionnaire frangois of 1680 by Laurent Bray [see his monograph on Richelet above] (15–22); “Learned lexicographers of the North: Seventeenth-century vignettes” by Einar Haugen (99–105); “The paradigm of John Wilkins’ Thesaurus” by Werner Hüllen (115–23); “The Humanist period in Renaissance bilingual lexicography” by Douglas A[lan] Kibbee (137–46); “Sixteenth-century English-vernacular dictionaries” by Gabriele Stein (219–28), and Roger J[acob] Steiner, “The three-century recension in Spanish and English lexicography” (229–39). The back matter consists of two appendices, a “Bibliography of cited dictionaries” (241–57), and a program and list of participants (and contributors, 258–65); no index .]
Hispanic Studies in Honor of Alan D. Deyermond: A North American Tribute . Ed. by John S. Miletich . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [vi], 330 pp. [ This festschrift appears on the occasion of the ‘thirtieth year of academic instruction’ of this literary historian. It contains 22 contributions to Spanish lit. from the middle ages to the beginning of the Siglo de Oro. The front matter carries a bib. of his writings (1–13); it concludes with a ‘tabula gratulatoria’ (325–29); no index .]
Histoire – Epistémologie – Langage 8 : 1 ( 1986 ), 203 pp. [ Dedicated to the memory of Jean Stéfanini (1917–1985), this issues contains 11 papers, including the following: “La lexicographie espagnole jusqu’à [Sébastien de] Covarrubias [in 1611]” by Hans-Josef Niederehe (9–19); “The concept of signification in J. C. Scaliger [(1540)]” by Kristian Jensen (21–52); “Ramisme et post-ramisme: La répartition des ‘arts’ au XVIe siécle” by Genevieve Clérico (53–70); “Arsène Darmesteter (1846–1888)” by Gabriel Bergougnioux (107–123), and “La notion de partie du discours chez les grammairiens latins” by Frangois Charpin (125–40). – At the beginning of each article there are a brief abstract in English and a short résumé in French .]
Histoire – Epistémologie – Langage 8 : 2 ( 1986 ), 277 pp. [ This issue is devoted to the ‘histoire des conceptions de l’énonciation’; the papers published here derive from a colloquium organized by S.H.E.S.L. and the Univ. of Paris Vlll-Vincennes and held at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm in Dec. 1985; they are here introduced by Simone Delesalle, was in charge of the issue. From the contents (10 papers in all): “L’énonciation dans la rhétorique antique: Les ‘figures de pensée’” by Françoise Desbordes (25–38); “Aspects de l’énonciation chez Apollonius Dyscole” by Frédéric Lambert (39–52); “Siibawayhi [sic] et l’énonciation: Une proposition de lecture” by Jean-Patrick Guillaume (53–62); “Enonciation et redistribution des savoirs à la Renaissance” by Pierre Lardet (81–104); “Y-a-t-il en glossématique une théorie de l’énonciation?” by Michel Arrivé (177–89); “L’énonciation de [Emile] Benveniste [(1902–1976)] à [Harald] Weinrich [(b.1927)]” by Jacqueline Fontaine (207–220), and “Z[ellig] Harris [(b.1909)], ou l’énonciation esquivée” by Catherine Fuchs (221–231) .]
. 1986 . 10 Voyages in the Realms of Meaning . Toyama : HokuShin [ 1–1 Omachi, Toyama, Japan 930], international agent for Kuroshio Publishers, 168 pp. [In 10 chaps, this textbook deals with the following topics: 1, “Markedness”; 2, “Opposition & negatives”; 3, “Deixis”; 4, “Orientations”; 5, “Modal verbs”; 6, “Time: Tense & aspect”; 7, “Words to sentences”; 9, “Meaning & context”, and 10, “Combining sentences”. Scant bib. footnotes; no index .]
1987 . The Character of the Word: The texts of Zora Neale Hurston . (= Contributions in Afro-American and African Studies, 102 .) Westport, Ct. : Greenwood Press , xvii, 129 pp. [ An analysis of the language in the literary work of the Black American author, who during the 1920s and early 4930s was a student of Franz Boas (1858–1942) at Columbia Univ., New York City, in the field of anthropology .]
In Memoriam Leo Weisgerber: Reden gehalten am 15. Januar 1986 bei der Akademischen Gedenkfeier […] . (= Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Bonn, 62 .) Bonn : Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann , 29 pp. , 11 portrait . [ Contributions by Konrad Repgen, Helmut Gipper, Johann Knobloch et al. on life and work of Leo Weisgerber (1899–1985) .]
, eds. 1986 . Zeichen und Verstehen: Akten des Aachener Saussure-Kolloquiums 1983 . (= Aachener Studien zur Semio-tik und Kommunikationsforschung, 3 .) Aachen : RaderVerlag , iv1 , 184 pp. [ According to the editors’ ‘Vorbemerkung’ (p.iii), the meeting took place in 1981. The vol. publishes 9 papers, of which the following appear to be of particular historical interest: “Zur Abgrenzung einer Semiologie in saus-surischer Sicht” by Rudolf Engler (1–6); “Linguistische Konsequenzen der Semiologie Saussures” (35–52); “Signifiant und Signifié: Einige Bemerkungen zu einer relationslogischen Interpretation des Zeichenbegriffs bei Ferdinand de Saussure” by Achim Eschbach (97–108), and “Vierzig Jahre Umgang mit dem ‘Cours’ von Saussure” by Hans Glinz (151–84). No index .]
( unter Mitarbeit von Martha Taylor ). 1986 . Die Lautgestalt der Sprache . Uebersetzt von Christine Shannon & Thomas F. Shannon . (= Janua Linguarum; Series major, 75 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , xxiii, 337 pp. [ German transl, of The Sound Shape of Language (Bloomington & London: Indiana Univ. Press, 1979). Fairly extensive “Vorwort des Uebersetzers [why not: der Uebersetzer, since there were two?]” (xi-xviii), which places this ‘letzte Meisterwerk eines der namhaftesten Sprachwissenschaftler unseres Jahrhunderts’ within its biographical and historical context. Vast bib. (277–329); index of subjects (331–37) .]
( in collaboration with Hartmut Haberland ), eds. 1986 . Pragmatics and Linguistics: Festschrift for Jacob L. Mey on his 60th birthday 30th October 1986 . (= Odense University Studies in Linguistics, 5 .) Odense : Odense Univ. Press , [ix], 248 pp. [ From the 23 contributions, the following may be of particular interest to readers of HL: “Jacob Grimm on the Germanic generic second person singular pronoun” by Hartmut Haberland (79–84). The back matter presents Mey’s list of publications (243–48); there’s no index .]
, n.d. [ late 1986 ]. Notes on the Development of the Linguistic Society of America, 1924 to 1950 . [ Ithaca, N.Y. : Linguistica ( P.O.Box 988, Ithaca, NY 14851 )], [v], 170 pp. [ Photomechanic reproduction of the typescript that Martin Joos (1907–1978) prepared of his (rather idiosyncratic) account of the history of the Linguistic Society of America during its first quarter-century in the early 1970s. It contains much useful information, however, including reports on the LSA summer institutes, and a very detailed general index (147–70) .]
1986 . News Interviews: A pragmatic analysis . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, Vll:4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 195 pp. [ Doctoral diss., Univ. of Zürich, 1986, done under the supervision of Udo Fries .]
. 1986 . Obshchee i tipologicheskoe jazy-koznanie . Ed. by A[gnija] V. Desnickaja . Leningrad : Izd . “ Nauka ”, 298 pp. [ This collection of papers under the title of ‘General and typological linguistics’ of the late author (d. on 30 Dec. 1985), organized under 3 major headings: I, ‘Language and thought’; II, ‘Historical typology’, and III, ‘On the history of linguisdtics’, which contains 2 papers on Saussure: “Ling-visticheskaja koncepcija F. de Sossjura” (255–72) and “Uchenie Sossjura o znachimosti [Saussure’s theory of value]” (52–57). The book ends in a list of Kacnel’son’s publications, 1934–1985 (291–96) and a detailed table of contents (297–98); no index .]
, eds. 1985 . South American Indian Languages: Retrospect and prospect . Austin, Tex. : University of Texas Press , vi, 863 pp. [ The important volume – complementing the one ed. by Lyle Campbell & Marianne Mithun in 1979 on the North American Indian languages – contains 22 contributions by specialists in the field, organized under 3 headings: I, “Indigenous Languages of Lowland South America”; II, “Indigenous Languages of the Andes”, and III, “Indigenous Languages of Southern and Eastern South America”. Contributors are, apart from the editors (who wrote several papers each): Ernest C. Migliazza, Arthur P. Sorensen, Mary Ruth Wise, Kenneth M. Kensinger, Irvine Davis, David Price, Marshasll Durbin, Aryon D. Rodrigues, Bruce Mannheim, Luc Therina Briggs, Martha J. Hardman, Christos Clairis, and Robert A. Croe-se. General references (11–14); index of languages and language groups (847–63) .]
( with the collaboration of Carlos P. Otero ), comps. 1986 . Noam Chomsky: A personal bibliography, 1951–1986 . (= Library and Information Sources in Linguistics, 11 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 217 pp. , 11 port., 3 ill . [ This very detailed bib. of Chomsky’s output (which includes translations into Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish) is organized under 3 major headings: I, “Writings in Linguistics and Related Fields [1951–86]” (1/3–87); II, “Writings on Political Issues and Other Non-Linguistic Subjects [1966 to 1986]” (91/93–162), and III, “Interviews and Discussions with Noam Chomsky” (163/65–178). In an appendix there follows an account by C. P. Otero, “Dissertations written under the supervision of Noam Chomsky, 1964–1986” (181/83–204). Full index of names (205–217) .]
. 1986 . Sentence Adverbials in a Functional Description . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VII:2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 96 pp. [ The monograph argues, “within the framework of a functional generative description, for an alternative proposal concerning a joint syntactico-semantic treatment of certain adverbial expressions (including adverbs as well as prepositional phrases) which have hitherto been referred to under different headings” (Introd., p.1). Bib. (91–96) .]
, eds. 1987 . Explanation and Linguistic Change . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 45 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 300 pp. [ The papers here united derive from a workshop on ‘Explanation and Linguistic Change’ held at the Univ. of Amsterdam on 9–10 April 1985. Contributors (apart from the editors) are: Jean Aitchi-son, Jean Bossuyt, Fred Weerman, Geert Koefoed & Jaap van Marie, Roger Lass, Frans Plank, M. L. Samuels, Jan Stroop, and Thomas E. Toon. Detailed subject index (295–300) .]
. 1987 . Functional Syntax: Anaphora, discourse and empathy . Chicago & London : The University ofChicago Press , viii, 320 pp. [ Following an Introduction, in which the author presents his ‘functional’ approach, there are the following chapters (which discuss proposals by others): 2, “Pronouns and reflexives” (31–101); 3, “Direct discourse perspective” (102–152); 4, “Pronouns and reflexives (2) [now presenting the author’s analysis]” (153–202); 5, “Empathy perspective” (203–270), and (brief) “Conclusions” (271–72). Endnotes (273–308), bib. (309–313), and index of subjects (315–20) .]
. 1987 . Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What categories reveal about the mind . Chicago & London : The University of Chicago Press . [ This 614-page book consits of 2 major parts (of altogether 24 chaps.) titled “The Mind beyond the Machine” and “Case Studies”, of which the former is subdivided into 2 major sections titled “Categories and cognitive models” and “Philosophical implications”. Bib. (589–600); name index (601–603), and subject index (605–614) .]
. 1986 . The Philosophy of Language in Britain: Major theories from Hobbes to Thomas Reid . New York : AMS Press [ distributor in Britain: Eurospan, Ltd., 3 Henrietta St., London WC2E 8LU], [vii], 255 pp. [This 2nd vol. in the AMS Studies in the Seventeenth Century series consists of 5 chaps.: I, “[Thomas] Hobbes [(1588–1679)]: Formalism” (5–29); 2, “Lockean Theory: Idealism” (31–77); 3, “Berkeleian Theory: Structuralism” (79–130); 4, “[Adam] Smith [(1723–90)] and [James Burnett, Lord] Monboddo [(1714–99)]: The search for origins” (131–92), and 5, “[James] Harris [(1709–1780)] and [Thomas] Reid [(1710–96)]: Rationalism and common sense” (193–235). Endnotes (243–48), bib. of primary and secondary sources (249–51), and general index (253–55) .]
, ed. 1986 . Language Typology 1985: Papers from the Linguistic Typology Symposium, Moscow, 9–13 December 1985 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 47 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 209 pp. [ Contributions by the following scholars on a variety of languages: Viktoria N. Yartseva, Robert Austerlitz, Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, Vladimir M. Solntsev, Alice C. Harris, Alan Timberlake, Georgij A. Klimov, Mirra M. Gukhman, Paul J. Hopper, Johanna Nichols, A. E. Kibrik, and Michael E. Krauss. Master list of references (187–203) and general index (205–209) .]
, ed. 1986 . The English Reference Grammar: Language and Linguistics, Writers and Readers . (= Linguistische Arbeiten, 172 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , [vi], 450 pp. [ This vol. brings together papers presented at the first conference on ‘English grammar – English grammars’ held at the Freie Universität in Berlin in July 1985. They are organized under 2 headings: I, “Contemporary and Future Reference Grammars”, and II, “Historical and National Profiles of English Grammars”. Among the latter group of papers the following appear to be of particular interest to HL readers: “The evolution of English grammar books since the Renaissance” by Robert H. Robins (292–306); “The constants and variables which guided the development of American grammar writing in the 18th and 19th centuries” by Charlotte Downey (334–50); “Goold Brown [(1791–1857)] – the American grammarian of grammarians in the 19th century” by Kurt Wächtler (351–62), and “Parallelism and sequence in early English prescriptive grammar” by Bertil Sundby (396–408). The back matter prints brief summaries of all papers (432–36), capsule information on individual contributors (437–41), and indices of names (442 to 446) and of terms & concepts (447–50) .]
. 1986 . Maurice Grevisse und die französische Grammatik: Zur Geschichte eines Phänomens . (= Abhandlungen zur Sprache und Literatur, 2 .) Bonn : Romanistischer Verlag [ Hochkreuzallee 45, D-5300 Bonn 2 ], 208, [76] pp. [ Die reich mit Bildern und Tabellen versehene, unter der Leitung von Richard Baum (Aachen) entstandene Dissertation behandelt Leben und Werk des belgischen Grammatikers Maurice Grevisse (1895–1980), der mit seiner weltweit verbreiteten Grammatik Le Bon Usage bewusst an Wegbereiter des klassischen Französisch im 17. Jht. wie Claude Favre, sieur de Vaugelas (1585–1650) anknüpft. In der “Einleitung” (13–21) geht die Verfasserin sehr detailliert auf die Vita von Grevisse ein, wobei sie gelegentlich auch Anekdotisches nicht ausspart. Ein zweiter Teil der Einleitung ist ‘Anlage und Zielsetzung’ überschrieben; darin wird der Bon Usage zu Recht als traditionelle, die Wortarten in den Vordergrund stellende, anwendungsorientierte, und das heisst gleichzeitig auch (ohne negative Konnotation) theoriefernere Grammatik charakterisiert. Hieran schliesst sich ein Überblick über Studien an, denen Daten zu einer Geschichte der anwendungsorientierten Grammatik entnommen werden könnten, welche selber jedoch noch nicht geschrieben sei. Kap.2 (22–29) behandelt “Grevisse in der Tradition der frz. Sprachpflege”, wobei auf einige Gründe für den Erfolg seiner Grammatik (die Rolle André Gides; das anfängliche Schweigen darüber, dass die Grammatik von einem Belgier und nicht von einem Franzosen geschrieben ist) eingegangen wird. Es schliessen sich kürzere Ausführungen zum Normkonzept (“le consentement des bons écrivains et des gens qui ont souci de bien s’exprimer”, p.24) und zum ‘Grammatikkonzept’ (vgl. p.26) an, wobei jedoch namentlich die Aussenseiterrolle des Belgiers Grevisse vordem eigentlichen Durchbruch seiner Grammatik behandelt wird. Wesentlich umfangreicher ist Kap. 3, “Struktur des Werkes” (30–93). Die Verf. behandelt darin in einem ersten Teil die ‘Konzeption der Grammatik’, dann die ‘Konzeption der [von Grevisse in Zeitungen publizierten] Sprachchronik[en]’; so wenigstens verspricht es das Inhaltsverzeichnis (p.9). Zunächst erfährt man jedoch einiges über die Schwierigkeiten, die Grevisse anfänglich bei der Suche eines Verlegers (schliesslich Duculot) hatte. Dann folgt (unter der Überschrift ‘Formale Aspekte’ (p.32) eine kurze Charakterisierung jener Grammatiken, welche G. in seiner Bibliographie ausdrücklich erwähnt. Die weitgehende Unabhängigkeit von Vorbildern wird dabei betont. Unter ‘Inhaltliche Aspekte’ (p.41) charakterisiert die Verf., gestützt auf drei auserwählte Kapitel, die Aufbauprinzipien des Bon Usage. Eine Behandlung der von dieser Grammatik abgeleiteten Schulversion und Übungsbücher schliesst sich an. Gute Einblicke in Arbeitsweise und Anschauungen Grevisses liefert auch der den Sprachchroniken gewidmete Teil, der dieses Kapitel beschliesst. Sehr unterschiedlichen Aspekten ist das 4. Kap., “Evolution im Werke” (94–174) gewidmet. Die Verf. kann u.a. feststellen, “dass Grevisse akkumulierend arbeitet, d.h. in den seltensten Fällen eine einmal eingeflochtene Bemerkung wieder zurücknimmt” (p.97). Sie untersucht ferner Auflagenhöhen, Autorenzitate (und die für Grevisse damit verbundenen Normvorstellungen), den Einfluss ‘philologische[r] Literatur’ (153–63), ‘Erfolg und Nutzen’ (163–068), u.v.m., wobei grosser Wert auf statistisch erfassbare Daten gelegt wird. Mit einem “Rückblick und Ausblick” (175–78) schliesst der Hauptteil der Dissertation. Es folgen die, nach Kapiteln getrennten und somit wenig leserfreundlich untergebrachten, Anmerkungen und das Literaturverzeichnis (192–208). Der 76 unpaginierte Seiten umfassende Anhang dürfte, was seinen Bildanteil anbelangt, sicherden Nachfahren von M. Grevisse Freude bereiten. Er enthält fernerhin eine Reihe von Tabellen, die wohl im eigentlichen Text nicht mehr unterzubringen waren (“Verzeichnis der in den 11 Auflagen des Bon Usage zitierten Autoren / Werke”; “Erstmaliges Erscheinen der Autoren / Werke in den . Auflagen des Bon Usage”; “Die Sprachchroniken a) Grobgliederung; b) Feingliederung”). Indices fehlen. – Hans-Josef Niederehe, Universität Trier .]
. 1986 . Die Relation in der Philosophie der Stoiker . (= Elementa – Schriften zur Philosophie und ihrer Problemgeschichte, 37 .) Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann ; Amsterdam : Rodopi , 150 pp. [ Following the front matter, consisting of table of contents and list of primary and secondary sources, the study, concentrating on the concept of ‘relation(ship)’ in the philosophy of the Stoics, is divided into two parts of unequal length: Part I, devoted to the concepts of ‘physis’ (17–61) and ‘logos’ (62–110), respectively, with Part II dealing with ‘external relations’ such as those concerning space, time and movement, etc. as well as ‘inner relations’ such as the ‘transcenden-tale Relation (111–41). The study ends with an “Exkurs: Zur Physis” (141–50); there is no index .]
. 1986 . Explorations in Japanese Sociolinguistics . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VII:1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 153 pp. [ The monograph consists of 4 chaps.: 1, “Japanese sociolinguistics – with special reference to Western research” (132); 2, “The ethnography of ritual and address at a Japanese wedding reception” (33–56); 3, “Speaking of giving: The pragmatics of Japanese donatory verbs” (57–78), and 4, “Cross-cultural contrasts [between Western and Japanese codes of politeness, etc.]” (79–117). Endnotes (121–34) and detailed bib. (135–53); no index .]
1986 . Constraints on Error Variables in Grammar: Bilingual misspelling orthographies . (= Benjamins Paperbacks, 4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xix, 504 pp. [ Following a lengthy introduction (I-47), in which a variety of aspects of ‘differential linguistics’ are discussed, the work is organized into 8 chaps., with a detailed conclusion (323–93), followed by smaller (393–96) appendices and a fairly large appendix presenting the corpus (397/98–447), given the target samples and the actual ‘attempts’. The back matter carries a bib. (449–80) and indices of names (481–84) and of subjects (485–504). – The focus of the work is the attempt of native speakers of German in the production and spelling of English under headings such as ‘putative “transpositions” in spelling’, ‘letter naming as a spelling strategy’, ‘substitutions’ of vowels and consonants, ‘additions’ and ‘omissions’, etc. ]
. 1986 . Methodengeschichte des Englischunterrichts . Band I1 : 1800–1880 . (= Augsburger I & I-Schriften, 35 .) Augsburg : Universität Augsburg [ to be ordered through : Institut für Anglistik, Univ. Augsburg , D-8500 Augsburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany ], 406 pp. [ This history of the teaching of English in Germany during the 19th century is organized according to the different teaching methods and schools, of which the author distinguishes the following: I, “Die Methode [developed by Johann Valentin] Meidinger [(1756–1822)]” (19–47); 2, “Die Methode [proposed by James] Hamilton [(1756–1831) and Joseph] Ja-cotot [(1770–1840)]” (49–103); 3, “Die Methode [according to the works of J.H.P.] Seidenstücker [(1765–1817 and Franz] Ahn [(1796–1865)]” (105–150); 4, “Die Methode [developed by] Seidenstücker-[& Carl] Ploetz [(1819–1881)]” (151–217); 5, “Die Methode [of Karl W. E.] Mager – cf. the review by Herbert E. Brekle of a recent edition of Ma-ger’s works in the present issue of HL – [(1810–1858)]” (219–77); 6, “Die Gesprächsbuch-Methode” (279–336), illustrated in the works of Johann Martin Minner (1813), Samuel D. Waddy (1857; 26th ed., 1912), T. S. Williams (1826; 5th ed., 1838); August Albrecht (1849; 23rd ed., 1891), Ludwig Albert (1848; 32nd ed., 1903), and others; finally, 7th, “Die Methode [of Frangois] Gouin [(1831–96)]” (337–72). Endnotes (373–79); bib. (381–98) – one small suggestion: it might be informative to have the actual number of pages added to each of these textbooks in order to obtain an idea of their respective sizes – and indices of authors (399–401) and of subjects (403–406) .]
. 1986 . A Manual of Manuscript Transcription for the Dictionary of Old Spanish Language . 4th ed. , Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [vii] 33 pp. , 421 plates . [ This is a slightly rev. ed. of the useful manual of the transcription of Old Spanish texts for computer processing (3th ed., 1984), with a couple of additions, such as ‘language mnemonics’ and an increase of the sample facsimiles of MSS by 9 .]
, eds. 1985 . Linguistics and Philosophy: Essays in honor of Rulon S. Wells . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 472 pp. , I1 portrait . [ Following the front matter, which also includes a bib. of Wells’ publications (vii-xii), there are 23 contributions organized under 5 headings, namely, I, “On the Philosophy of Language and General Theoretical Issues”; II, “Phonology”; III, “Syntax and beyond’” IV, “Historical and Typological Linguistics”, and V, “On Diachronie abnd Synchronic Derivation”. Of particular interest to HL readers may be the following: “Kuhnian paradigms as systems of markedness conventions” (23–43) by James D. McCawley; “Rask’s lecture on the philosophy of language [posthumously published in Louis Hjelmslev’s ed. of Rask’s Udvalgte Afhandlinger, and presented here – pp.80–82 – in English translation]” by William M. Christie, Jr. (77–83), and “Knowledge of the past [and its limitations]” by Charles F. Hockett (317–41). No index .]
. 1984 . Language and Action: A reassessment of speech act theory . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, V:6 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [x], 165 pp. [ This former Ph. D. diss, in philosophy, done under the supervision of Leslie Stevenson at the Univ. of St. Andrews, Scotland, approaches the subject in two major parts, a presentation of the Speech Act Theory followed by a discussion of ‘the social aspects of language use’. Endnotes (157–158), and bib. (159–65); no index .]
. 1986 . Language and Production: A critique of the paradigms . (= Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 96 .) Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster-Tokyo : D. Reidel Publ. Co. , xv, 190 pp. [ According to the “Editorial Preface” signed by the series editors Robert S[onne] Cohen & Marx Wartofsky (p.vii), the present book “presents […] a profound critique of contemporary social theory: of the philosophy and methodology of thde social sciences; of the philosophy of language; of hermeneutics and critical theory; and finally, of Marx and of Marxism.” The study consists of 2 major parts: I, “On the Paradigm of Language: Positivism and hermeneutics as theories of objectivation”, and II, “On the Paradigm of Production: Marxian materialism and the problem of the constitution of the social world”. Two appendices are devoted to a discussion of “Four forms of critical theory – some theses on Marx’ development” and “Marx and the problem of technology”. Detailed endnotes (165–88); index of names (189–90) .]
. 1987 . Surface Syntax of English: A formal model within the meaning-text framework . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 13 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvii, 526 pp. [ This is an updated, revised and enlarged version of studies untertaken by the authors during the early 1970s in Moscow, and of which Leo Stern had done a first translation in 1975. The present English version was edited by Richard Kittredge. Bib. (507–520); index of subjects and terms (521–26) .]
, ed. 1986 . Language and Discourse: Test and protest. A festschrift for Petr Sgall . (= Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 19 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphias : John Benjamins , xiii, 611 pp. [ This vol. unites some 30 papers under the following 6 headings: I, “Semiotics and Semantics”; 2, “The Sentence and Its Structure”; 3, “Below the Sentence Structure”; 4, “Topic and Focus”; 5, “Text and Content”, and 6, “Formal and Computational Methods”. Contributors include: David G. Hays, Irena Bellert, Victor Yu. Rosen-tsveig, Herbert E. Brekle, Josef Vachek, Nils Erik Enkvist, Ferenc Kiefer, Helmut Schnelle, llpo Tapani Piirainen, Paul L. Garvin, and many other well-known scholars. No index .]
. 1985 . Whose Language? A study in linguistic pragmatics . (= Benjamins Paperbacks, 1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , ix, 412 pp. [ “The present book is the result of many years’ ruminations on how language functions in society, or, if one prefers: people’s ways and means of using their language.” (Preliminary Remarks, p.2). It has 4 major chaps.: I, “Language and manipulation” (19 to 85); 2, “Language and industry” (86–163), 3, “Making a theory [of language use in industrialized society of today]” (164–334), and 4, “What about linguistics [in this discussion]?” (335–74). Bib. (375–90) followed by indices of persons (391–95) and of subjects (397–412) .]
. 1986 . From Logic to Rhetoric . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, Vll:3 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 147 pp. [ The monograph has two main parts, devoted to ‘Logic and Language’ and ‘Language and Context’ respectively, and 7 chaps, in all entitled: I, “[Gottlob] Frege or the recourse to formalization”; 2, “[Bertrand] Russell’s synthesis [of Frege]”; 3, “[Ludwig] Wittgenstein: From truth tables to ordinary language and the implications of generalized analycity”; 4, “[Jaako] Hintikka or the theory of possible worlds”; 5, “Syntax, semantics, pragmatics and argumentation”; 6, “Dialectic and questioning”, and 7, “Argumentation in the light of a theory of questioning”. Endnotes (137–42); bib. (143–47); no index .]
, eds. 1986 . Substrata versus Universals in Creole Genesis: Papers from the Amsterdam Creole Workshop, April 1985 . (= Creole Language Library, 1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [vii], 315 pp. [ The vol. brings together the bulk of the papers presented at the University of Amsterdam workshop on ‘Universals versus Substrata in Creole Genesis’; contributors are, among others: Glenn Gilbert, Derek Bickerton, Peter Mühlhäusler, Pieter Seuren & Herman Wekker, Ian Hancock, Salikoko S. Mufwene, and Hilda Koopman. No index .]
. 1987 . De vi ac potestate litterarum . Introducción, edición, traducción, notas y edición facsimilar [prepared by] Antonio Quilis & Pilar Usábel . (= Historiografía de la Lingüística Española; Serie clásicos españoles, unnumbered [No.2] .) Madrid : Sociedad General Española de Librería , 171 pp. [ Critical ed. of Nebrija’s (1441/441–522) fifth work, first published in Salamanca in 1503. Eds.’s introduction (13–26, bib., 27–30), Latin text (33–72), Spanish translation (75–129), and facsimile of original printing (135/137–69); brief “indice tematico” (171) .]
. 1986 . The Politics of Linguistics . Chicago : The Univ. of Chicago Press , vii, 171 pp. [ The book has the following chaps.: I, “The study of language” (1–14); 2, “The rise of autonomous linguistics [beginning with 19th-century comparative-historical linguistics]” (15/17–28); 3, “Structural linguistics” (29/31–62); 4, “The Chomskyan revolution” (63/65–97); 5, “The opposition to autonomous linguistics” (99/101–126), and 6, “Some thoughts on the autonomous controversy” (127/129–50). Endnotes (151–63), where readers may look in vain for a reference to Newmeyer and Joseph Emonds’ 1971 paper, “The Linguist in American Society”, Papers from the Seventh Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 285–303, in which more about the ‘politics’ of American linguistics could be found. – Cf. the review of this book (together with Chomsky’s Knowledge of Language of 1986) by Ernest Gellner, “Sentiments and Sentences”, The New Republic (23 March 1987), 34–38 .]
. 1987 . Alfonso el Sabio y la lingüística de su tempo . (= Historiografía de la Lingüística Española; Serie monografías, unnumbered [No.3] .) Madrid : Sociedad General Española de Libreria , S.A. , 251 pp. [ Spanish translation of Die Sprachauffassung Alfons des Weisen (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1975) – cf. the review article by Francis P. Dinneen in HL 6.87–102 (1979) for details .]
, eds. 1987 . Die Frühgeschichte der romanischen Philologie: Von Dante bis Diez. Beiträge zum deutschen Romanistentag in Siegen, 30.9.-3.10.1985 . (= Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 303 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , 205 pp. [ This book contains 11 papers devoted to aspects in the history of Romance philology and linguistics, and is preceded by an introduction by the second editor (7–13), commenting on individual contributions. Of particular interest appear to be the following papers: “Die ersten Grammatiken der romanischen Sprachen: Sprachgeschichte und Renaissance der romanischen Philologie” by Richard Baum (15–43); “Die Beschreibung kolumbianischer Indianersprachen am Modell lateinischer Grammatiken” by Christiane Dümmler-Cote (45–63); “Consu-etudo, usus, usage, uso: Zur Sprachnormproblematik bei Vaugelas und Manzoni” by Jörn Albrecht (109–121); “[Antoine] Fabre d’Olivet [(I767 to 1825)] – am Ende einer Wissenschaftstradition?” by Georg Kremnitz (20I-205) – note that Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897–1941) was an avid reader of Fabre d’Olivet’s writings. No index .]
. 1983 . Sprache und Individualität: Die Bedeutung individueller Rede für die Sprachwissenschaft . (= Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 223 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , [ix], 201 pp. [ This former doctoral diss, (completed in 1981) is devoted to the place of individual speech within general linguistic theory, an aspect usually relegated to the periphery of the discussion; compare Saussure’s treatment of ‘parole’ in relation to ‘langue’. The study has 4 major parts: I, “Die Bedeutung individueller Rede [in linguistic theory]” (7–36), in which Humboldt’s ideas receive particular attention; II, “Sprache als Gegenstand der Sprachwissenschaft” (37–84), which discusses the main concepts of the Cours de linguistique générale (whose first, not second [as the author maintains on pp.155 and 199], edition ap- … peared in 1916), followed by the reception of the CLG by Leonard Bloomfield and his followers (66ff. – note that Bloomfield reviewed the second [not first, as stated on p.66] ed. of the CLG of 1922); III, “Sprache als regulärer Prozess” (85–126), which is devoted to Noam Chomsky’s theory of language (read: grammar), including his forays into ancestor-hunting activities, and IV, “Konversation und menschliche Rede” (127–53), in which the author summarizes her position according to which individual speech is part of language, but cannot form the basis of general linguistic theory. Endnotes (154/56–190); bib. (191 -201), with few titles beyond 1975. No index .]
Obshchestvennye nauki za rubezhom, Serija 6: Jazykoznanie Nos. 2–4 & 6 ( 1986 ), Moskva : Akademija Nauk SSSR , between 165 and 190 pp. each . [ No.2 contains, among others, a review of E. Winter et al.’s book on J. S. Vater [see below in this section] by S. A. Romashko (9–10) as well as one of the I984 book by Ulrich Ricken [cf. HL 12:305–306 for details] by the same reviewer (10–14); No.3 carries reviews by two recent books on J. C. Adelung (7–16), again by the same reviewer [cf. HL 13.116–23 and 139–40, for details]; No.4 contains a review of the 1985 book by the late Arthur Padley [cf. this issue’s review of the same book by M. Breva] by N. Ju. Bokadorova; No.6 has a long review by the 2 above-mentioned reviewers of Sylvain Auroux’s ed. of the papers from ICHoLS II (7–13) – cf. the entry in HL 13.139 (1986) – as well as a brief review of Hans Arens’ Aristotle’s Theory of Language and its Tradition (14–15) – cf. HL 12.189–92 (1985) for details .]
Obshchestvennye nauki v SSSR , Nos. 2–4 and 6 ( 1986 ), between 185 and 229 pp. each , Moskva : Akademija Nauk SSSR . [ The section on ‘History and Modern State of Linguistics’ of each issue carries reviews of recent publications in this area from the Soviet Union, such as a I985 book by V. A. Ol’xovikov on ‘Theory of language and grammatical description in the history of linguistics: Origin and development of a canon for grammatical description in Europe’ by V. S. Straxoba (No.2. 13–18), a vol. of papers on ‘Grammatical concepts in 19th-century linguistics’ ed. by the late S. D. Kacnel’son and others, reviewed by F. M. Berezin & S. A. Romashko (No.3.11–16); or of a book by I. K. Germano-vich dealing with the life and work of White Russian linguists, also reviwed by S. A. Romashko (No.6.16–18) .]
, eds. 1985 . The Natural Philosophy of Leibniz . (= The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, 29 .) Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster-Tokyo : D. Reidel Publ. Co. , viii, 342 pp. [ This vol. brings together papers first presented at two conferences, one held at the Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ont., in Spring I982, the other at the Univ. of Tokyo in the Fall of the same year. Following an introd. by the editors (1–6), there are altogether 9 papers devoted to particular aspects of Leibniz’s scientific views, e.g., “The problem of indiscernibles in Leibniz’s 1671 Mechanics” by Frangois Duchesneau (7–26); “Why motion is only a well-founded phenomenon” by Ian Hacking (131–50); “Leibniz and Kant on mathematical and philosophical knowledge” by Jürgen Mittel-strass (227–61), or “Leibniz on scientific realism” by William Seager (315–31). General index comp, by Gordon McOuat (333–42) .]
1986 . William Bathe, S.J., 1564–1614: A pioneer in linguistics . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 37 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiii, 218 pp. , facs., 2 folding pp. [ English transl., by the author, of a book first published in Irish in 1971 (cf. HL 12.303, for ref.). On Bathe, see also his article of 1981, “The Preface to William Bathe’s Janua Linguarum (1611)”, HL 8.131–64. The present book deals with Bathe’s family background, his life and service as a courtier, diplomat and, finally, Jesuit educator, and, in particular, his contribution to the study of language. Bib. (198–211); general index (213–18) .]
, eds. 1985 . The Ubiquity of Metaphor: Metaphor in language and thought . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 289 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xix, 628 pp. [ In this vol. are united 18 original papers, organized under 3 major headings:!, “Metaphor and the System of Language” (1–176), with contributions by Winfried Nöth, Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Peter Mühlhäusler, Rene Dirven, René Jongen, and Peter Bosch; II, “Metaphor and Language Use” (177–326), with contributions by Günter Radden, Brygida Rudz-ka-Ostyn, Sabine de Knop, Emma Vorlat, and Peter Newmark; and III, “Metaphor and Psycholinguists Processes” (327–628), with papers by Robert R. Hoffman, Richard P. Honeck & Clare T. Kibler, Wolf Paprotté, James D. Pickens et al., Franz-Josef Stachowiak, and Bencie Woll. No index .]
, eds. 1985 . Exigences et perspectives de la sémiotique : Recueil d’hommages pour Algirdas Julien Greimas/ Aims and Prospects of Semiotics: Essays in honor of Algirdas Julien Greimas . 21 vols. Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxi, 549, xi, [551/53-]1,065 pp. [ This massive festschrift prints some 150 contributions by scholars from around the world who have been working in various areas of semiotics. They include authors such as the following: Jerzy Pele, Roland Posner, Michel Arrive, Umberto Eco, Peter Haídu, Solomon Marcus, Klaus Heger, Bernard Pot-tier, Frangois Rastier, Vladimir N. Toporov, Frederic Nef, Thomas [or Toma] Pavel, Paul Ricoeur, Cesare Segre, Paul Zumthor, Dell Hymes, and many others. These papers are organized under 6 major headings: I, ‘Philosophy, Logic and Semiotics’; II, ‘Epistemological and Methodological Problems of Semiotics’; III, ‘Linguistics, Rhetorics, Stylis-tics’; IV, ‘Domains of Application [of semiotics]’; V, ‘Semiotic Approaches of [sic] Philosophical, Scientific, Religious, Socio-Political [and] Literary Discourses’, and 6, ‘Semiotics of Culture: Mythology, folklore, religion, [and] ethno-literature’. Vol.I (pp.liii-lxxxv) contains “Eléments de bio-bibliographie” brought together by Jean-Claude Coquet, in which a biographical sketch of Greimas (b.1917) is interwoven with an account of his scholarly output between 1943 and 1983. – One regrets the absence of any index from this voluminous festschrift .]
, ed. 1986 . Santob de Carrión: Proverbios morales . Ed. with commentary . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , xiii, 233 pp. [ An ed. of the 14th-century text by Santob [pseud, of Rabbi Shem Tov ben Yitzhak Ardutiel], which, as the large number of extant MSS attests, was very popular at the time. The present ed. is based on the MS Madrid, Biblioteca National, No.9216. It consists of an introd. (i-vi), a list of bib. abbreviations (vii-viii), a bib. (ix-xiii), the text itself (1–94), a commentary (95–204), and a glossary (205–233) .]
1985 . Charles S. Peirce and the Linguistic Sign . (= Foundations of Semiotics, 9 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vi, 118 pp. [ This monograph is essentially an exposition of Charles Sanders Peirce’s (1839–1914) kinds of linguistic (?) sign concepts, at times with reference to subsequent interpretations. In individual chaps, the following subjects are discussed: I, “The sign, semiosis, and pragmatism” (10–29); 2, “Sign typology” (30–43); 3, “Lexical icons”; 4, “Lexical indices”, and 5, “Sound symbolism” (44–69, 70–87, 88–102, respectively). Selected bib. (103–111); general index (112–18). – The CLG first appeared in 1916, not 1915 (as indicated on pp.44, 69n. 12, 73, 75, and elsewhere) .]
, eds. 1985 . Social Setting, Stigma, and Communicative Competence: Explorations of the conversational interactions of retarded adults . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VI :6 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [v], 137 pp. [ The book publishes material researched by the editors and several other project members, e. g., “‘About ostriches coming out of communist China’: Meanings, functions, and frequences of typical interactions in group meetings for retarded adults” by Joseph Graffam (9–39) and “Taking sides: Resolution of peer conflict in a workshop for retarded adults” by Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt (41–74). Endnotes (117–20); bib. (121–24), and two appendices (125–27, 129–37) transcribing two such interaction sessions. No index .]
. 1986 . Deutsche Naturwissenschaftssprachen: Historische und kritische Studien . (= Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung, 2 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , 251 pp. [ This study is devoted to the investigation of scientific language as employed by German writers from the Renaissance to the present. The first part (10–39) surveys the history of the subject; the second (42–199) presents 6 case studies, beginning with the transition from ‘Gelehrtenlatein’ to the use of German as a scientific language, and ending with a chap, on “Populäre Sachprosa und naturwissenschaftliche Sprache” – other sections deal with the ‘metalanguage’ used by Linne, Goethe, Freud, and others. Part III constitutes in effect a ‘Seitenblick’ on the doubtful advantage of rendering language ‘scientific’ (202–220). Bib. (221–237), list of sources (238), and indices of words (239–44), of names (245–48), and of subjects (249–51) .]
. 1986 . Epistemología del lenguaje e historia de la lingüística: Momentos de su desarrollo bibliográfico en el ámbito hispanohablante . (= Bibloteca Románica Hispánica, II: Estudios y ensayos, 346 .) Madrid : Editorial Gredos , 179 pp. [ This account of the contribution by Spanish-writing authors to the study of the history of linguistics combines discussion of epistemological and methodological problems with extraits from salient articles or larger studies, comments on these, and listing of such publications, including a section on work in the HoL published in the “Revista Española de Lingüística” from its first publication in 1971 (pp.77–95), followed by comments on these (96–102). Part III (105–135) deals with the papers presented in Dec. 1981 at the 12th meeting of the Sociedad Lingüística Española held in Oviedo. Another section discusses in detail the contribution by Guillermo L. Guitarte to the 1984 double issue of HL devoted to the HoL in Spain – cf. Quilis & Niederehe (1986) below – as an exemplar of historiographical work (139–47). Index of names (169–76) .]
. 1986 . Multiplex sane linguarum ac dialectorum varietas: Zur Quellenrekonstruktion im “Mithridates” (1555) des Konrad Gesner am Beispiel des Keltischen . (= Arbeitsberichte, 6 .) Münster : Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität , 66 pp. [ On the Celtic material in Conrad Gessner’s (1516–1565) 1555 Mithridates: De differentiis linguarum turn veterum turn quae hodie apud diversas nationes in toto orbe terrarum in usu sunt (Zürich: Froschauer), of which there exists a 1974 reprint (Aalen: Scientia), with an introd. by Manfred Peters. Bib. (56–66) .]
. 1986 . Strategies and Structures: The processing of relative clauses . (= Current Issues in Lin-Theory, 46 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 197 [ The stu dy deals with the subject under the following headings: ‘Cognitive strategies’, ‘Relative clauses’, ‘Relative acceptability’, ‘Comprehension and production’, ‘Relative clauses’, ‘Relative acceptability’, ‘Comprehension and production’, ‘Text analysis’, and ‘Studies from other languages’. Bib. (167–75), appendices (177–87), and general index (189–97) .]
, eds. 1986 . The History of Linguistics in Spain . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 34 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 360 pp. [ Separate publication of the double issue of HL II:1/2 (1984) devoted to the HoL in Spain, with detailed indices compiled by the second ed., who in effect was the main editor of the enterprise for all practical purposes. The ‘Index nominum’ (349–56) supplies full names and life dates of authors discussed as well as references to their work; the ‘Index rerum’ supplies references to terms (usually giving the Spanish one) and subjects (357–60) .]
. 1984 . The Social Significance of Telematics: An essay on the information society . Transl. from the Danish by Philip Edmonds . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, V:7 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xviii, 228 pp. [ “The word ‘telematics’ means much less in technological terms than it does in sociological terms. Technically, we are talking about ‘an integrated system of telecommunication and information processing’. But telematics can also mean a higher standard of living, democracy, happiness – or equally, it can mean unemployment, repression and cultural impoverishment.” (Introduction, p. 1). Bib. (221–28); no index .]
, eds. 1986 . The History of Linguistics in Italy . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 33 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 364 pp. [ This vol. combines the papers published in HL 9:3 (1982), which was devoted to the HoL in Italy with an original article by Franco Lo Pipa-ro expressly written for it (“Sign and Grammar in Dante: A nonmodistic language theory”, 1–22), and a paper first published in HL 10:1/2 (1983), namely, Claudio Marazzini’s on Carlo Denina (175–94). The present vol. carries in addition an index of subjects (347–53) as well as an index of names, which supplies biobibliographical references to authors diuscussed (355–64), prepared by Hans-Josef Niederehe .]
1986 . Complementation: Its meanings and forms . (= Typological Studies in Language, 10 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [xi], 226 pp. [ The chaps, are inscribed ‘The information modalities’, ‘The evaluation modalities’, ‘The combined modalities’, ‘The higher sentence and its complement modalities’, and ‘The representation of modality and its implications’. Bib. (221–26); no index .]
. 1985 . Speech Act Taxonomy as a Tool for Ethnographic Description: An analysis based on videotapes of continuous behavior in two New York households . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VI:7 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 153 pp. [ The study analyzes material gathered by Marvin Harris of Columbia Univ. for the project on ‘Domestic Authority in Low Income Urban Domiciles’ during 1970–1971 under headings such as The ethnography of speaking and the ethnography of doing’, ‘The structure of speech acts’, and ‘Behavioral counts of speech acts’. Bib. (129–38) and transcriptions (139–53) .]
Recherches surle Frangais parlé . No. 71 ( 1985 ). Aix-en-Provence: G.A.R. S. [= Groupe Aixois de Recherches en Syntaxe] , 1986 , 168 pp. [ Contains an “Éloge de Jean Stefanini [(1917–1985)]” by Maurice Molho (7–14), an interview with the late scholar held on 20 and 21 June 1984 by Véronique Xatard (15–56, with notes on pp.56–59) as well as the following papers of interest to HL readers: “La linguistique historique devant la variation: Le cas de [Antoine] Meillet [(1866–1936)]” by Pierre Swiggers (61–74), and “Le Journal grammatical de la langue frangaise (1826–1830). Deuxième épisode: Note sur le courher des lecteurs” by Sonia Branca-Rosoff (75–88) .]
1987 . Structures and Their Functions in Usan: A Papuan language of Papua New Guinea . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 13 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvii, 369 pp. [ A thorough study of Usan, a language spoken by some 1400 people on the Southern slopes of the Adalbert Range in the Madang province of Papua New Guinea, based on 4 years of study ‘in loco’ during the late 1970s and early 1980s under the auspices of the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Bib. (360–66); index of names (367–68) and index of languages (369) .]
Rhetorica: A journal of the history of rhetoric . Vol. IV , Nos. 1–4 , and Vol. I , No. I ( 1986–87 ), ca. 85 pp. each . Berkeley : Univ. of California Press . [ From the contents: Jan Lindhardt, review of Jacques Chomarat, Grammaire etrhétorique chez Erasme, 2 vols. (Paris, 1981) in 4:2.183 to 187 (1986); Jane Sutton, “The Death of Rhetoric and Its Rebirth in Philosophy” (4:3.203–226); Don Paul Abbott, “A Bibliography of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century Spanish Treatises [on Rhetoric]” (ibid., 275–92); Pierre Lardet, “Jules-César Scaliger et ses maîtres: La rhétorique dans le champ du savoir” (4:4.375–94; English, German andltalian summaries on pp.305–306); Peter Sharratt, “Recent Work on Peter Ramus (1970–1986)” (5:1.7–58), concerning ‘Grammar’, see esp. pp.26–28 .]
, ed. 1984 . Ezourvedam: A French Veda of the eighteenth century . (= University of Pennsylvania Studies on South Asis, 1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , v, 214 pp. [ The edition of an 18th-century ‘Vedic’ text, most probably written by a European missionary residing in India (cf. the extensive discussion of the supposed authorship, which occupied the minds of many scholars ever since the manuscript was presented to Voltaire in 1760 by a French colonial officer, in the present volume, pp.28–60). Text ed. (105–206), followed by an “Index of Idian terms in the Ezourvedam” (207–214). Secondary sources (90–104) .]
. 1985 . Sprachwissenschaft und Rassenideologie in Deutschland . München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 238 pp. [ In 11 chaps, the author delineates the history of racism in 19th and 20th century Germany, in particular as found in the writings of linguists (until the fall of the Third Reich). It begins with the development of evolution theory in the works of Lamarck, William Lawrence (1783–1867), Prichard and others, reaching considerable heights following the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species (1859), and ends with the persecution and elimination of the European Jewry (“Die Juden”, 171–80). The other chapters are entitled: 1, “Ansichten von Völkern und vom Laufe der Geschichte”; 2, “Klassifikation und Wertung von Menschen”; 3, “Sprach-wissenschaft und Ethnologie”; 4, “Die Wissenschaft von den indogermanischen Sprachen”; 5, “Die Indogermanen”; 6, “Die Germanen”; 7, “Klassifikation und Wertung von Sprachen”; 8, “Die Verschränkung von Rassenklassifikation und Sprachenklassifikation”; 9, “Die Rasse als Ursache der Sprachgestalt”, and 10, “Der Volksgeist als Ursache der Sprachgestalt”. Endnotes (181–202); bib. (203–232); index of names (234–39). – Cf. the review by Reinhard Olt, “Geschichte einer unheiligen Allianz”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (4 Sept. 1986), No.201 .]
1987 . The Rhetorics of Popular Culture: Advertising, advocacy, and entertainment . (= Contributions to the Study of Popular Culture, 16 .) New York-Westport, Connecticut-London : Greenwood Press , xiv, 175 pp. [ Bib. on popular culture (165–68) and , on rhetoric (169–72); general index (173–75) .]
. 1985 . Maimonides: Essays and texts. 850th anniversary . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [viii], 171 pp. [ A collection of papers devoted to the work of Moses b. Mainmon (1135–1204), whom the author characterizes as ‘the greatest scholar of all time’ and the ‘greatest authority on Jewish law in the Middle Ages’ (p.1). Pp.43–67 reproduce texts from M’s writings. Bib. (155–164); index of names and subjects (165–69) .]
. 1986 . Connaissance et langage chez Condillac . (= Histoire des idées et critique littéraire, 242 .) Geneve : Librairie Droz , 471 pp. [ This major study of Condillac has 4 major parts, titled “Re-situer Condillac”, “Reconnaître Condillac”, “Relire Condillac”, and “Re-trouver Condillac” (in that order). Of particular interest may be the chapters dealing with Herder (372–81) and Humboldt (382–97). Detailed classified bib., ind. those by Condillac (430–32), primary sources (432–41), and ‘sources critiques [1951–1985]’ (441–60). Index of names (461–67) .]
, ed. 1986 . Diversity and Diachrony . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 53 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 430 pp. [ “This volume contains a selection of papers originally presented at the Twelfth Conference on New Ways of Analyzing Variation, held at the Centre de recherches mathématiques of the Université de Montreal on October 27–29, 1983. The thirty-three contributions appearing here (out of sixty-one read at the conference) have been anonymously refereed and in many cases extensively revised and updated.” (Preface, p.ix). Contributors include: Sharon Ash, Edouard Beniak, Henrietta J. Cedergren, Chet A. Creider, Ralph W. Fasold, Edward Finegan, Judith G. Hochberg, William Labov, Raymond Mougeon, Shana Poplack, Matti Rissanen, Deborah Schiffhn, Benji Wald, Douglas C. Walker, Rodney Williamson, and others. “Author index” (425–30) .]
, n.d. [ c.1949 ]. Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture, and Personality . Ed. by David G[oodman] Mandelbaum . Berkeley-Los Angeles-London : Univ. of California Press , xv, 617 pp. [ Although no date of the present ed. has been given, there is good reason to believe that it was printed in 1986. Unfortunately, even the present reprint does not contain any index. The volume brings together a selection of Sapir’s most important papers in linguistics and anthropology published between 1916 and 1939, the year of his death. – For relevant reviews of the volume (following its first publication), see the ones by Harry Hoijer (1904–1976), Stanley S. Newman (1905–1984), Joseph H. Greenberg (b.1915), and Zellig S. Harris (b.1909) reprinted in Edward Sapir: Appraisals of his life and work ed. by Konrad Koerner (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1984), pp.53–57, 59–65, 66–68, and 69–114 (in that order). Pp.197–209 of the same vol. reprint the bib. of Sapir’s scientific writings from the Mandelbaum volume, but also addenda 1916–1984 (211–17) .]
, eds. 1986 . The Politics and Rhetoric of Scientific Method: Historical studies . (= Australiasian Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 4 .) Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster -Tokyo : D. Reidel Publ. Co. , xxxix, 305 pp. [ Following an extensive introduction by the editors (ix-xxxvii), the volume brings together 8 original papers, including the following: “The Galileo that [Paul] Feyerabend [(1975)] Missed: An improved case against method” (1–31) by Alan Chambers; “Cartesian Method as Mythic Speech: A diachronic and structural analysis” (33–95) by John A. Schuster – which does not even touch upon linguistic matters (nor is Chomsky mentioned); “The Order of Ideas: Condillac’s method of analysis as a political instrument in the French Revolution” (203–225) by W. R. Albury, and “Scientific Method and the Rhetoric of Science in Britain, 1830–1917” (227 to 297). Index of names (301–305) .]
, general editor ( Editorial Board : Paul Bouis-sac, Umberto Eco, Jerzy Pele, Roland Posner, Alain Rey, and Ann Shukman ). 1986 . Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics . 31 vols. Berlin-New York-Amsterdam : Mouton de Gruyter , xi, 1179 , and Bibliography [ = vol.3], [iv], 452 pp. [The first two vols, cover concepts from (C. S. Peirce’s) ‘abduction’ to (T. A. Sebeok’s) ‘zoosemiotics’ and include entries on major thinkers in the field of semiotic studies from Peter Abelard to Ludwig Wittgenstein. The more than 150 contributors include (in addition to the editors): Allen Walker Read, Claude Panaccio, Cesare Segre, Dwight L. Bolinger, Eva Picardi, Georges Mounin, Herman Parret, John B. Carroll, Josef Vachek, Klaus Oehler, Lia Formigari, Louis G. Kelly, Manfred Bierwisch, Marcelo Dascal, Peter Schmitter, Raimo Anttila, Rulon S. Wells, Stephen A. Tyler, Manfred Nöth, Rudolf Engler, and many others .]
. 1985 . Lectures on Contemporary Syntactic Theories: An introduction to government-binding theory, generalized phrase-structure grammar, and lexical-functional grammar . Stanford : Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford Univ. , [x], 214 pp. [ The book consists a 4 major chaps.:1, “Basic concepts of syntax” (1–17); 2, “Government-binding theory” (19–76); 3, “Generalized phrase structure” (77–133), and 4, “Lexical-functional grammar” (135–91). Chap.5 is a postscript by Thomas Wasow, commenting on the evolution of the frameworks discussed in this book (193–205). Bib. (209–214); no index .]
1986 . An Introduction to Unified-Based Approaches to Grammar . (= CSLI Lecture Notes, 4 .) Stanford, Calif. : Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford Univ. , iv, 105 pp. [ Apart from a brief introduction (1–3) and an equally brief conclusion (65–68), the monograph consists of 3 central chaps. – “The underlying framework [of the formal grammars presented here]” (5–10); “The simplest unification-based formalism” (11–36), and “Extended Formalisms” (37–64) – and an appendix containing 4 sample grammars (69 to 87). Brief discussion of the relevant literature (89–93), followed by a regular bib. (95–100). General index (101–105) .]
. 1986 . Contemporary Sociolinguis-tics: Theory, problems, methods . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 15 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [vii], 193 pp. [ English transí. – by the author himself – of Sovremennaja so-ciolingvistika (Moscow: Izd. “Nauka”, 1976). It consists of 4 chaps.: 1, “Philosophical foundations of contemporary sociolinguistics [Marxism, behaviorism, social anthropology, etc.]” (5–50); 2, “Theoretical problems of sociolinguistics” (51–105); 3, “Some problems of sociolinguistics” (106–147), and 4, “Methods of sociolinguistic studies” (148–68). Bib. (169–84); indices of names (185–90) and of subjects (191–93) .]
. 1986 . Introduction to Sociolinguistics . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 14 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 171 pp. [ An English transl, (by the first author) of Vvedenie v sociolingvistiku (Moscow: Izd. Vysshaja shkola, 1978), and similar in content to the preceding entry. It consists of 3 main parts entitled “The Philosophical Problems of Sociolinguistics”, “The Theoretical Problems of Sociolinguistics”, and “Methods of Sociolinguistic Studies”. Endnotes (155–56); bib. (157–71), and indices of subjects (173–75) and of authors (177–79) .]
, eds. 1986 . Studies in Turkish Linguistics . (= Typological Studies in Language, 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vi, 300 pp. [ This vol. brings together 15 original papers devoted to various aspects of Turkish, incl. passive constructions, lexical causatives, sentential subject constraint(s), topic switching, anaphora, semantic effects of word order, and the acquisition of relative clauses. They are preceded by a “Bibliography of Modern Linguistic Work on Turkish” compiled by Robert Underhill (23–51), briefly annotated and covering the years 1970–1982, with a few earlier entries. Indices of names (295–97) and of subjects (299f.) .]
. 1985 . The English Dictionary before Cawdrey . (= Lexi-cographica; Series Maior, 9 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , vii, 444 pp. [ This study complements the work of De Witt T(almage) Starnes (1895–1967) & Gertrude E(lizabeth) Noyes (b.1905), The English Dictionary from Cawdrey to Johnson, 1604–1755 (Chapel Hill, N.C.: Univ. of North Carolina Press, I946), of which a new ed. is in preparation. The work of some 20 chapters begins with the presentation and discussion of the earliest lexicographic attempts, namely 8th-century Anglo-Saxon glossaries, and ends with works appearing during the last decade of the 16th century, notably John Florio’s (c.1553–1625) A Worlde of Wordes or Most copious, and exact dictionarie in Italian and English (London: Printed by Arnold Hatfield for Edward Blount, 1598), though the “Chronological List of the Relevant Works” (410–431) goes beyond the 1604 date, i.e., the publication of Robert Cawdrey’s A Table Alphabetical! (London: Printed by John Roberts for Edmund Weaver), indicated in the book’s title. The vol. concludes with “An Alphabetical List of the Works Studied” (432–44), which lumps together primary and secondary sources; there is no index. – For bio-bibliographical information on these English dictionary makers, the . reader may wish to consult the book by Tetsuro Hasyashi, The Theory of English Lexicography, 1530–1791 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1978), especially the section “Primary sources” (145–57) .]
. 1986 . Jordanian Arabic between Diglossia and Bilingualism: Linguistic analysis . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VI :8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvi, 131 pp. [ The monograph has 3 central chaps, titled “Scope, aim, hypothesis and methodology”, “Linguistic analysis of speech patterns: Diaglossia or triglossia”, and “Jordanian Arabic and the state of bilingualism”, respectively. There is an appendix listing loanwords in the colloquial Arabic of Jordan (101–126), the bulk of which derives from English, and a bib. (127–31), but no index .]
. 1986 . Grammaire et théorie du langage au dix-hui-tième siède: «mot«, «temps«, «mode« dans l’Encyclopédie Méthodique . [ Villeneuve d’Ascq (near Lille) ]: Presses Universitaires de Lille , 112 pp. in-4°1 . [ The book is essentially a photomechanic reprint of the entries on ‘mot’, ‘temps’, and ‘mode’ from the Encyclopédia Méthodique: Grammaire et littérature compiled by Nicolas Beauzée (1717–89) and Jean-Frangois Marmontel (1723–99), which appeared in 3 vols, during 1782–86 (Paris & Liege: Panckoucke & Plomteux), each preceded by an introduction (pp.21–35, 55–67, and 101–107, respectively). All 3 entries were written and signed by Beauzée and had previously been published in Diderot & D’Alembert’s much larger Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers (Paris: Le Breton, David & Durand, 1751–80), ex-traits from which had been made earlier by Sylvain Auroux in his book L’Encyclopédie: “Grammaire” et “Langue” au XVIIIe siécle (Paris: Maison Mame, 1973). The front matter consists of a brief introduction (9–11) and a “Bibliographie selective” (13–18). There is no index .]
, comps. 1985 . A Bibliography of Vico [Studies] in English, 1884–1984 . Bowling Green, Ohio : Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State Univ. , xi, 150 pp. [ The bib. consists of 3 major parts: 1, “Works on Vico” (1–43); 2, “Works Citing Vico” (45–96), and 3, “Reviews and Abstracts of Works on Vico” (97–114). An appendix lists English translations of Giambattista Vico (1668–1744), published between 1834 and 1983 (115–16). The chronology of research on Vico in English begins with Robert Flint’s book Vico (Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1884; repr., New York: Arno Press, 1979). The vol. ends with a name index (117–50) .
. 1985 . Les noms de lieux de Haute-Loire . Fontaine-lés-Dijon : A.B.D.O. , iv, 60 pp. [ This is the fourth monograph by the author (the earlier ones being devoted to the regions of the Loire, the Cote d’Or, and the Jura), giving detailed explanations of 268 place names in the Departement Haute-Loire, preceded by an introduction discussing general problems of toponomastic research .]
(1911–1985). 1986 . Ei lingüista español Lorenzo hiervas . Estudio y selección de obras básicas. Edición al cuidado de Jesús Bustamante . (= Historiografía de la Lingüística Española; Serie clásicos españoles, unnumbered [No.1] .) Madrid : Sociedad General Española de Librería , 366 pp. [ The volume reprints, in facsimile, the 1785 (not 1784, as is usually given in the literature – cf. also p.89 in the present volume) edition of Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro’s (1735–1809) famous Catalogo delle lingue conosciute e notizia della loro affinitñ, e diversitñ (Cesena: Gregorio Biasini), 260 pp. [= pp.95–354 in the present ed.], of which a much more enlarged Spanish edition (in 6 volumes) appeared in Madrid (Impr. Administración del Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia; repr., Madrid: Atlas, 1979). This text is preceded by an introduction (21–71), which consists of the following 6 chaps.:1, “Lorenzo Hervás y la lingüística histórica”; 2, “Vasco e ibérico en L.H. y W. von Humboldt”; 3. “L.H. en la víspera del descubrimiento del indoeuropeo”; 4, “Hervás como estudioso de las lenguas célticas”; 5, “Hervás y las lenguas india de América del Norte”, and 6, “H. y las lenguas indígenas de América del Sur”. To this J. Bustamante has added an “Apéndice con algunas notas complementarias” (73–87). There is further a bib. (89–94) and indices of subjects (355), of names (357–59), and also of geographical locations (361–62) and of languages (363–366) .]
. 1986 . Apeliotes, oder, Der Sinn der Sprache: Wilhelm von Humboldts Sprach-Bild . (= Supplemente, 8 .) München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 226 pp. [ This monograph on Humboldt’s views of language consists of the following chapters: 1, “Vom Bild zur Sprache” (15–42); 2, “Einbildungskraft und Sprache von Eden nach Tegel” (43–66); 3, “Anti-Semiotik der Sprache” (67–98); 4, “Die Gewalttat des Verstandes: Die Sprache des Wissens” (99–127); 5, “Kritik der willkürlichen Vernunft: Condillac und Humboldt” (129–55), and 6, “Sinn für die Sprache: Perspektiven einer humboldtschen Sprachwissenschaft” (159–207). The back matter consists of a bib. (209–222) and an index of names (223–226) .]
, ed. 1986 . The Kaleidoscope of Science: The Israel Colloquium. Studies in History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science . (= Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 94 .) Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster-Tokyo : D. Reidel Publ. Co. , xii, 250 pp. [ The present vol. brings together papers presented within the framework of the annual Israel Colloquium held since the academic year 1981–82. From the 19 contributions, the following may be mentioned here: Stephan Körner, “On the Empirical Application of Mathematics and Some of its Philosophical Aspects” (1–13; with comments by Haim Gaifman, 13–16); Hilary Putnam, “Meaning and Our Mental Life” (17–32, with comments by Eddy M. Zemach, 33–37); Amos Funkenstein, “The Persecution of Absolutes: On the Kantian and Neo-Kantian theories of science” (39–63, with comments by Nathan Rotenstreich, 65–73); Martin J. S. Rudwick, “The Group Construction of Scientific Knowledge: Gentlemen-Specialists and the Devonian Controversy” (193–217, with comments by Silvan S. Schweber, 219–23). Index of names (247–50) .]
( with Hubert Cuyckens as special editor ). 1985 . Language and Logic: A speculative and condition-theoretic study . (= Language & Beyond Companion Series, 2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiv, 256 pp. [ The monograph has the following chaps.: 1, “Methodology, contents, and relevance” (1–7); 2, “From possible worlds to human action” (9–39); 3, “Speech acts and meanings” (41–60); 4, “Towards a reflectionist and condition-theoretic logic” (61–127); and 5, “Propositional operators” (129–215). The back matter consists of endnotes (217–27), a bib. (229–50), and a general index (251–56) .]
. 1986 . Petite histoire de la traduction en Occident . (= Bibliothéque des Cahiers de I’Institut de Linguistique de Louvain, 30 .) Louvain-Ia-Neuve : Cabay , 106 pp. [ In 9 chaps, the book sketches the history of translation from antiquity to the 20th century, “L’âge de la traduction” (100–106). Following the introduction, there are chapters entitled “L’héritage antique” (7–9); “L’aube se lève en Occident” (10–11); “L’avènement des langues vulgaires” (12–23); “Sous le signe de la Renaissance” (24–41), etc. No bib., and no index .]
. 1986 . A Dictionary of Old Spanish Terms in the Works of Alfonso X . Ed. by Jvy A. Corfis . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , xxxviii, 113 pp. [ This is the first printing of a 1939 doctoral dissertation done under the direction of Américo Castro; it is of particular interest to those who await the appearance of the complete dictionary of the work of Alfonso X, the Wise (1221–84), of Spain, which has been announced by the Seminary for some time. From the point of view of history, the introduction is of particular interest, as it treats contemporary linguistic material (though many references are incomplete) used by Alfonso. It remains unclear however who authored this introduction as the literature referred to therein does not go beyond 1936 – as if there had not been major publications since then (e.g., Messmer 1951, Roudil 1970, Niederehe 1975 [cf. Niederehe 1987 above]) .]
. 1986 . Neuere Entwicklungen in der Phonologie . Berlin-New York-Amsterdam : Mouton de Gruyter , xi, 90 pp. [ This monograph goes back to a lecture presented at the plenary meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft held in Hamburg on 1 March 1985. It has 4 chaps.: I, “Phonologie in der Transformations-grammatik” (1–9); 2? “Silbenphonologie” (11–46); 3, “‘Metrische Phonologie’” (47–60), and 4, “Phonologische Universalienforschung” (61–66). There is a brief summar in English (71–72), a bib. (73–77), and a general index (79–88) as well as an index of names (89–90) .]
. 1985 . International News Reporting: Metapragmatic metaphors and the U-2 . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, VI:5 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 109 pp. [ The present study is part of a much larger investigation of the reporting of news in the U.S.A. on the Soviet Union during the Khrushchev years. Following a more general discussion, the monograph presents the relevant statements in The New York Times , followed by a textual (‘functional’) analysis .]
. 1986 . L’île déserte phonologique: Essai de psycho-phonétique quantitative . (= Collection linguistique, 17 .) Paris : Didier Erudition , viii, 107 pp. [ This investigation was based on data received in the following manner: “128 subjects were presented with the list of the French ‘phonemes’ and asked to select the three they would take with them on a desert island.” (English summary, p.107). Evidence suggests that their choices were not accidental, but phonologically motivated. – Daniel Levrard aided in the mathematical calculations .]
. 1986 . The Southwest of England . (= Varieties of English around the World,: Text series, 5 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiv, 231 pp. , plus cassette . [ The aim of this work is “by presenting fifty-five texts – to provide a broad description of SW English from the mid sixteenth century to the present day, together with some remarks on the events, linguistic and otherwise, which shaped and developed it as a major variety of English speech.” (Preface, p.vii) .]
1987 . Informal Fallacies: Towards a theory of argument criticisms . (= Pragmatics & Beyond Companion Series, 4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 336 pp. [ In 11 chapters the author deals with ‘hot rhetoric’, the ‘logic of propositions’, ‘logical dialogue games’, ‘enthymemes’ (i.e., “an argument that has one or more enthymematic premisses”, meaning those not stated explicitly by the arguer), ‘fallacious arguments’, ‘equivocation’, and other subjects. Bib. (323–30); index of names (331–32) and index of subjects (333–336) .]
. 1987 . Tibeto-Burman Tonology: A comparative account . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 54 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xviii, 512 pp. [ The work is based on intensive field research on over 40 Sino-Tibetan languages undertaken during 1978 and 1984. It has the following major chapters: 1, “Introductory remarks and summary of content” (1–7); 2, “Phonation types of Chepang” (8–36); 3, “The glottal stop or creaky Phonation of Limbu” (37–81); 4, “Tonal comparison of Lolo-Burmese with other Tibeto-Burman languages” (82–172); 5, “Is *h/TC-lll a reconstructive entity of proto-Tibeto-Burman?” (173–214); 6, “Tone categories in the North Assam division” (215–59); 7, “Phonation and tone in the Tamang /Gurung/Thakali nucleus” (260–312); 8, “The development of tone systems in the Karen languages” (327–67); 9, “Phonation and tonology of stopped syllables” (368–482), and 10, “Outlook on further tonogenetic investigations” (483–91). Endnotes (493–96); etymological index (497–507); bib. (509–512) .]
. 1986 . Sprachbiographien von Ausländern der zweiten Generation [in Switzerland] . Unter Mitarbeit von Michele Bähler, Francesca Roncoromi-Waser, Zvi Penner, Renato Piva, Lothar Seetha-ler . [ Bern ]: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Univ. Bern , 21 parts , [viii], 86 , and [vi, 86-] 151 pp. [ Part I contains the discussion of the data; Part II prints the “Transkript eines Beispielinterviews”. Bib. (85ä 86); no index .]
( with the collaboration of I. Ohnheiser, E. Olaru & G. Schröter ), eds. 1984 . Johann Severin Vater – Ein Wegbereiterderdeutsch-slawischen Wechselseitigkeit. Zu Vaters slawistischen Studien im Lichte seiner Briefe an Friedrich Adelung in Petersburg . Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , [viii], 200 pp. , 2 portraits, 2 facsimiles, 2 photographs . [ The volume prints (19–181) the letters written by J. S. Vater (1771–1826) to Friedrich Adelung, nephew of the better known Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806), during 1807 and 1823, while Adelung (1768–1843) lived in St.Petersburg since 1797, occupying a variety of posts in the intellectual life of the city and in public administration. The letters are preceded by an introduction placing Vater and Adelung in their historical context (1–18), and followed by select bib. of Vater’s (182–83) and of Adelung’s (184) writuings; a detailed index of persons mentioned in V’s letters (185–197); an index of languages (198–99), and other back matter. – Vater is of course best known for his collaboration with (and the completion of) J. C. Adelung’s Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde (Berlin: Voss, 1806–1817), to which Friedrich Adelung (as well as Wilhelm von Humboldt) contributed (cf. vol.IV, ix-xii, I-272) .]
. 1986 . The Language of Love and Guilt: Mother-daughter relationships from a cross-cultural perspective . (= Benjamins Paperback, 3 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiv, 252 pp. [ Detailed bib. (220–47); indices of names (248) and of subjects (249–53) .]
. 1986 . Zur Geschichte des Dietrich Reimer Verlages, 1845–1985 . Berlin : Dietrich Reimer Verlag (Dr. Friedrich Kaufmann) , 83 pp. [ The monograph deals with the history – including the prehistory, as Georg Andreas Reimer (1776–1842), his father, was a publisher as well (II-240), known especially for his bringing out the famous works on world geography by Carl Ritter (1779–1859). Bibliographical endnotes (77–83); various pictures .]
. 1983 . The Origins of Russian Grammar: Notes on ther state of Russian philology before the advent of printed grammars . (= UCLA Slavic Studies, 5 .) Columbus, Ohio : Slavica Publishers , 176 pp. [ This book offers “a fresh reading of several of the Jagic’ [i.e., the collection published in Berlin in 1896] mss., a reordering of their often confused material into a more systematic (often, a paradigmatic) format, and in a number of cases, an analytic description more detailed that thart provided by [Vatroslav] Jagic’ [(1838–1923)]…” (Foreword, p.7). Apart from discussing the various anonymous grammatical treatises, special chapters are devoted to ‘Konstantin the Grammarian’ (22–34) and Maksim Grek (alias Michael Trivolis), b. ca. 1470 in Greece, who arrived at the Russian court in the early 16th century (65–75). The bulk of the study is devoted to the Donatus translation, which from 1522 onwards infiltrated Russian grammar. Bibliographical endnotes (167–76); no index .]
. 1986 . Discourse and Word Order . (= Pragmatics & Beyond Companion Series, 6 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 361 pp. [ “The objective of this book is to explore the gray area between grammar proper and pragmatics, in an effort to establish a theory of what can be called communication-al competence, within which Disciourse Grammar (or Functionalism) constitutes a well-defined component.” (Foreword, p.ix). The book consists of two major parts, I, “A Model of Knowledge Transactions”, and “Russian Word Order”. Bib. (337–53), and indices of subjects (355–57) and of names (359–61) .]