Historiographia Linguistica style sheet
References (10)
List of references
Authors are asked to keep footnotes to a minimum. Relevant citations are to be supplied in the text, and the full bibliographical detail should be supplied in the References at the end of the manuscript. The following conventions apply:
Book, monograph, or collective volume
Baratin, Marc & Françoise Desbordes (avec la participation de Philippe Hoffman & Alain Pierrot). 1981. L’Analyse linguistique dans l’Antiquité classique. Vol.I1: Les théories. Paris: Éditions Klincksieck.
Budagov, R[uben] A[leksandrović]. 1988. Portrety jazykovedov XIX-XX vv. [Portraits of linguists of the 19th and 20th centuries]. Moskva: Izd. “Nauka”.
Robins, R[obert] H[enry]. 1967. A Short History of Linguistics. London: Longmans; Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1968. (2nd ed., London: Longman, 1979.)
Versteegh, Cornelis H. M. [= Kees], E. F. Konrad Koerner & Hans-J. Niederehe, eds. 1983. The History of Linguistics in the Near East. (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 28.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Articles in periodical or collective volume
Auroux, Sylvain. 1986. “Actes de pensée et actes linguistiques dans la Grammaire générale”. HEL 8:2.105–120. 

Salmon, Vivian G. 1974. “John Wilkins’ Essay (1668): Critics and continuators”. HL 11.147–163. (Repr. in The Study of Language in 17th-Century England by V. Salmon, 191–206. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1979; 2nd ed., 1988.)
Sarmiento, Ramón. 1983. “La gramática del siglo de las Luces”. Serta Philologica F. Lázaro Carreter natalem diem sexagesimum celebranti dedicata, vol.11, 571–585. Madrid: Cátedra.
* Acronyms of well-known journals should follow the conventions of the annual Linguistic Bibliography / Bibliographie Linguistique (Dordrecht: Kluwer). Whenever in doubt, supply the full name.
Boyadjiev, Jivco. Forthcoming. Review of Budagov (1988). HL 17:3.
Michael, Ian. 1980. Review of Salmon (1979). IF 851.304–306.
Provided that the full reference to the book reviewed is supplied in the bibliography; otherwise the conventions of the next entry are to be followed:
Cowan, William. 1983. Review of Arab Linguistics: An introductory classical text
with translation and notes by Michael G. Carter (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1981). HL 101.120–124.