Publications received published In:
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 17:1/2 (1990) ► pp.241268
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those concerned with the theory and the mechanisms of language change, comparative-historical philology, and language typology. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in Historiographia Linguistica. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.
Actes du XVIIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes (Université de Trêves 1986) . Publiés par Dieter Kremer . Tome VII1 . Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , xi, 565 pp. in small 4° . [ This final vol. of the proceedings of the 18th Intl. Congress of RomanceLinguists and Philologists prints the papers and the ensuing discussions of 3 sections: XIV, “Histoire de la linguistique et de la philologie romanes”; XV, “Philologie romane et langues romanes: prise de conscience ou: la philologie pour quoi faire?”, and XVI, “Travaux en cours”. The first section, directed and edited by Hans Helmut Christmann, contains 19 presentations altogether, 4 given at a round table, 1 as a ‘séance extraordinaire’, the rest being regular communications. In the first category, there are presentations by Werner Bahner (“Quelques problèmes méthodologiques dans l’historiographie de la linguistique romane”), H. H. Christmann (“Quelques remarques sur l’histoire de la linguistique”; revised version in HL XV:3, 1987), Konrad Koerner (“Aux sources de la sociologique”; earlier version in LI X:2, 1986), and Rebecca Posner (“Histoire de la linguistique romane – questions de méthodologie”); among the regular contributions are papers such as “L’essay sur l’origine de la langue gasconne de [Antoine] Court de Gébelin [(1725–1784)]: un modèle non-latin pour l’origine des langues romanes” par Sylvain Auroux; “Entre [François-Marie-Juste] Raynouard [(1761–1836)] et [Friedrich Christian] Diez [(1794–1876)]: Humboldt romaniste” by Jürgen Trabant; “[Lorenzo] Hervás y Panduro [(1735–1809)] et les théories linguistiques des Lumières” by Gerda Hassler, “La linguistique et la philologie hispanique et l’histoire de l’espagnol en Amérique” by Hans-Dieter Paufler, and “Il primato della lingua parlata all’epoca del Rinascimento” by Richard Baum .]
, eds. 1990 . Historical Linguistics 1987: Papers from the 8th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (8.ICHL), Lille, 31 August – 4 September 1987 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 66 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 577 pp. [ Like previous volumes, the present one brings together revised versions of the majority of papers presented at 8.ICHL, 12 in French and 26 in English, including the following: Lyle Campbell, “Syntactic reconstructions and Finno-Ugric”; Jacek Fisiak, “Domesday Book and Late Old English dialects”; Anna Giacalone Ramat, “Discourse functions and syntactic change”; Catherine Holm, “Le cadre des changements phonétiques dans les langues romanes: mot et ‘syntagme phonétique’”; Merja Kytö, “Shall or will? Choice of the variant form in Early Modern English, British and American”; Silvia Luraghi, “The structure and development of possesive noun phrases in Hittite”; Jacqueline Picoche, “Ouir, entendre, comprendre: une vue psychomécanique sur le renouvellement du lexique”; Rebecca Posner, “Romance comparative grammar and linguistic change”; Jens Elmegård Rasmussen, “Germanie Verschärfung: tying up loose ends”; André Rousseau, “Mécanismes et nature du changement syntaxique: le case de la phrase complexe en indoeuropéen”; Dieter Stein, “Functional differentiation in the emerging English standard language: The evolution of a morphological discourse and style marker”; Robert P. Stockwell & Donka Minkova, “Verb phrase conjunction in Old English”; Roger Wright, “Semantic change in Romance words for ‘cut’”. Index of names (563–571); index of languages (573–577). – For further information, see the detailed conference report by John Charles Smith in Diachronica 4:1/2.263–267 (1988 for 1987) .]
. 1990 . Linguistics in America, 1769–1924: A critical history . (= Routledge History of Linguistic Thought Series , [ unnumbered ].) London & New York : Routledge , vi, 308 pp. [ The vol. covers the 155-year period between Benjamin Franklin’s (1706–1790) founding of the American Philosophical Society “for the promotion of useful knowledge” in Philadelphia in 1769 and the launching of the Linguistic Society of America in New York City in December 1924. It has the following major chaps.: 1, “In the beginning (1769–1815): The political conception of language”; 2, “From Philadelphia to the field: 1815–42”; 3, “The institutionalization of American linguistics: 1842–94” (which covers the period from the founding of the American Oriental Society to the death of Whitney); 4, “The arcs of development separate: 1875–1900” (distinguishing between the study of English, of American Indian languages, and the drive toward the development of ‘linguistic science’), and 5, “The search for autonomy: 1900–24”. The work is rounded off by a “Conclusion: American linguistics circa 1990”, endnotes, a bib. – which however does not include many historical references (such as Court de Gébelin 1773–1782, Hervás 1784, Pallas 1787–89, Adelung & Vater 1806–1817, Balbi 1826) – and indices of names (290–294) and of subjects (295–308). The front matter consists of a “Preface: American linguistics circa 1925” (1–10) and an “Introductory essay: The goals of linguistic historiography” (11–21). – A side remark: Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806), the main compiler of the voluminous Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde (completed by Johann Severin Vater after his death), should not be confused with his nephew Friedrich (von) Adelung (17681843), director of the Oriental Institute in St. Petersburg since 1824, who is best known for his Catherinens der Grossen Verdienste um die vergleichende Sprachkunde of 1815 (repr., Hamburg: Helmut Buske, 1976), actually an account of the background to Peter Simon Pallas’ (1741–1811) compilation of the (in fact Russian) Linguarum totius orbis vocabularia comparativa (St. Petersburg 1786/87–1789). – A detailed review is scheduled to appear in a 1991 issue of HL .]
, with the assistance of James W[oodrow] Marchand & Ladislav Zgusta , ed. 1990 . The Grimm Brothers and the Germanic Past . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 54 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 162 pp.; 1 portr . [ The vol. brings together revised versions of the linguistic and philological papers from the International Bicentenary Symposium on the Grimm Brothers held at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on 10–12 April 1986. It includes papers such as the following: Frans van Coetsem, “Grimm’s Law: A reappraisal of Grimm’s formulation from a present-day perspective”; Hans Frede Nielsen, “Jacob Grimm and the ‘German’ Dialects”; Gerd H0st Heyerdahl, “Wilhelm Grimm and the study of runes”; Oskar Reichmann, “Einige Thesen zur Bedeutungserläuterung in dem von Jacob Grimm bearbeiteten Teil des Deutschen Wörterbuches und im Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache von Daniel Sanders”; Konrad Koerner, “Jacob Grimm’s position in the development of linguistics as a science”. The back matter consists of a classified bib. of A. Dictionaries; B. Works by Jacob Grimm; C. Works by Wilhelm Grimm; D. Works by J. & W. Grimm; E. a master list of secondary sources (144–155), and a index of names (157–160), followed by brief notices about the contributors (161–162) .]
, ed. 1990 . Histoire des idées linguistiques . Tome I1 : La naissance des métalangages en Orient et Occident . Liège & Bruxelles : Pierre Mardaga, Éditeur , 510 pp. [ This is the first of altogether three volumes devoted to the history of linguistic thought; the other two are to bear the subtitles of Le Développement de la grammaire occidentale and L’Hégemonie du comparatisme, respectively, and scheduled to appear in 1991 and 1992. The present volume contains the following chapters with between 2 and 7 articles each: 1, “Mythe, conscience et savoir linguistique”; 2, “Le rôle de l’écriture”; 3, “La naissance de la réflexion linguistique occidentale”; 4, “La tradition arabe”; 5, “La tradition indienne”, and 6, “L’Extrême-Orient” (with two contributions concerning China, and one devoted to Japan). The volume – dedicated to the memory of Jean Stéfanini (1917–1985) – is introduced by the editor (13–37) who sets the stage for the individual contributions and discusses issues in present-day linguistic historiography. It contains the following back matter: “Appendice: Les terminologies métalinguistiques [in the various linguistic traditions, i.e., those of the Sumerians and Akkadians, the Arabs, the Chinese, etc. as well as of the Graeco-Latin tradition]” (465–476); brief capsule information on the contributors (477–478), a master list of references (479–499), an informative index of authors (501–505), and an index of subjects (507–510). – The contributors are: Marc Baratin, Georges Bohas, Herbert Ernst Brekle, Giorgio Casacchia, Antoine Cavigneaux, Jean-Luc Chevillard, Françoise Desbordes, Viktoria Eschbach-Szabó, Daniele Gambarara, Jean-Patrick Guillaume, Djamel Eddine Kouloughli, Jean-Claude Passerieux, Georges-Jean Pinault, Francisco Queixalos, Gérard Roquet, Cornelis H. M. (“Kees”) Versteegh, and Francis Zimmermann .]
, ed. 1990 . Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology . (= Trends in Linguistics; Studies and monographs, 45 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , xii, 752 pp. [ This massive vol. contains revised versions of the 29 (out of a total of 38) papers originally presented at the Workshop on Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology held at Stanford University during the (by now biennial) Summer Institute of the Linguistic Society of America in 1987, and organized by the editor. The papers are arranged under the following headings: I, “American Indian Languages”; II, “Austronesian Languages”; III, “Indo-European Languages”; IV, “Australian Languages”; V, “Altaic Languages”, and VI, “Afro-Asiatic Languages”. Each of these are introduced by a summary report on the papers given in each section (authored by Lyle Campbell & Ives Goddard, Robert A. Blust, Henry M. Hoenigswald, Robert M, W. Dixon, J. Marshall Unger, and Stephen J. Liebermann, in that order). Contributors include: Marianne Mithun, Margaret H. Langdon, Jeff Leer, George W. Grace, R. David Zorc, Isidore Dyen, Alfred Bammesberger, Calvert Watkins, Robert S. P. Beekes, Allan R. Bomhard, William R. Schmalstieg, Jeffrey Heath, Barry J. Blake, Geoffrey N. O’Grady, Samuel B. Martin, Robert Hetzron, Russell G. Schuh, Carleton T. Hodge, and M. Lionel Bender. The vol. is introduced by the editor with a survey on the ‘comparative method’ (1–13) and rounded off by indices of subjects (723–732), of languages (733–743), and of authors (745–752) .]
. 1989 . English Linguistics . (= Sprachwissenschaftliche Studienbücher; Erste Abteilung, unnumbered .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter , 208 pp ; 5 maps; 20 diagrams . [ The book has the following (unnumbered) chapters: 1, “Linguistics: problems and methods”; 2, “The sound system of English”; 3, “English morphology”; 4, “English syntactic patterns”, and 5, “The English lexicon”. The back matter consists of a “Retrospective [actually a historical comment on the Lord’s Prayer and its vocabulary]” (189–194), a bib. (195–202), and a word index (203–208) .] S
. 1990 . Die Morphologie des urgermanischen Nomens . (= Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Grammatik der germanischen Sprachen, 2 .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter , 290 pp. [ The monograph has the following chaps.: 1, “Der Bau des urgermanischen Nominalsystems”; 2, “Charakteristische Züge des indogermanischen Nomens”, followed by chapters 3 through 7 devoted to a detailed treatment of “Die a-[ō-, i-, u-, and n-] Stämme” in Proto-Germanic; 8, “Wurzelnomina”; 9, “Weitere konsonantische Stämme”, and 10, “Das Adjektiv”. The back matter consists of a bib. (262–276) and a “Verzeichnis der urgermanischen Rekonstrukte” (277–290) .]
1989 . La Naissance de la syntaxe à Rome . Paris : Les Éditions de Minuit ( avec le concours de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Fondation Émile Benveniste) et du Centre National des Lettres ), 539 pp. [ This massive study on the Latin tradition of syntactic theory roughly from Varro (1st cent. B.C.) to Cassiodorus (6th cent. A.D.) goes back to a thèse d’État prepared under the supervision of Pierre Flobert at the Université de Paris-Sorbonne and submitted in 1987 under the title of “Histoire des théories linguistiques: L’analyse syntaxique dans l’Antiquité latine”. Apart from a 10-page introduction and brief conclusion, the work has three (in effect four, if we take into account the almost 100-page “Prologue: enquête sur la conjonction”) parts: I, “Sur les chemins de la dialectique”; II, “Les analyses de la correction”, and III, “Priscien”, each of which is subdivided into between 4 (3) and 6 chapters, e.g., the third and last on Priscian’s Institutiones Grammaticae (ca. 515–520 A.D.) has the following: [0], “Introduction”, 1, “La structure de l’énoncé: sujet / prédicat et substance / accident”; 2, “L’énoncé minimal”; 3, “Du solécisme à la figure: le vrai pouvoir de l’énoncé”, and 4, “Le développement des analyses et leur éclatement final”. The back matter consists of a bib. (495–507), “Repères chronologiques” (509–510), an index of names, distinguishing between classic (511–515) and modern (516–517) authors, a subject index (519–528), and a “Table analytique des matières” (529–539). – Cf. the review by Irène Rosier in Bulletin d’Information de la Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage No.23 (1989), 21–23, for further details .]
. 1989 . Studien zur Saussure-Rezeption in Italien . (= Studia Romanica et Linguistica, 23 .) Frankfurt am Main – Bern – New York – Paris : Verlag Peter Lang , [xvii], 374 pp. [ As the author states in her “Vorwort” (p.[ix]), the book began as a state diploma thesis (Staatsexamensarbeit) which developed into a doctoral dissertation done under the supervision of Peter Wunderli, whose Saussure-Studien (Tübingen: Narr, 1981) she regards as basic to her own work. The study is divided into two major parts, distinguishing between a pre-critical phase in the reception of Saussure’s ideas by Italian scholars and critical one, beginning with Giorgio Derossi’s Segno e struttura linguistici nel pensiero di Ferdinand de Saussure in 1965, followed by Tullio de Mauro’s 1967 translation of the Cours, and the subsequent discussion of Saussurean ideas in Italy in the works of Cristina Vallini (who is particularly interested in Saussure’s diachronic work), D’Arco Silvio Avalle (who is especially concerned with Saussure the semiotician and literary analyst), Renzo Raggiunti (a philosopher who only late in his career took an interest in Saussure), Aldo Luigi Prosdocimi (an Indo-Europeanist who objects to Avalle’s extrapolations and argues in favour of a ‘demythologized’ Saussure), and Piero Battori (who in 1985 presented yet another discussion of the langue/parole dichotomy). The first part deals with the discussion of Saussurean ideas in the work of Benvenuto Aronne Terracini (1886–1968), Antonino Pagliaro (1898–1973), Giovanni Nencioni (b.1911), Tristano Bolelli (b.1913), Mario Lucidi (1913–1961), Giacomo Devoto (1897–1974), and Vittore Pisani (b.1899), who refused to recognize the importance of Saussure in linguistic theory. The writings of Giulio Ciro Lepschy (b.4935) from 1961 onwards are regarded as the “Aufbruch zum ‘authentischen Saussure’” (p. 122). The bib. (350–361) is rather short; life-dates of authors have been added by the reviewer. A general index (362–374) concludes the survey .]
Bibliographie Linguistique de l’Année 1987 et complément des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography […]. Comp . & ed. by Mark Janse & Sijmen Tol , with the assistance of Hans Borkent . Dordrecht-Boston-London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1989 , lxxi, 1,071 pp. [ This in the history of the BL largest volume carries close to 20,000 entries. The History of Linguistics (main title “Histoire de la linguistique et données biographiques”) has been given particular attention in that publications in this field are now organized under the following separate headings: 2.0, “General / Généralités”; 2.1 “Western Traditions”; 2.1.1 “Antiquity”; 2.1.2 “Middle Ages”; 2.2.3 “Renaissance”; 2.2.4 “Seventeenth Century”; 2.2.5 “Eighteenth Century”; 2.2.6 “Nineteenth Century”; 2.2.7 “Twentieth Century”, followed by 2.2 “Non-Western Traditions”, incl. the Indian and Arabic traditions, and followed by the subsection “Biographical Data”. The entire HoL portion of the BL now covers some 45 pages (35–81). Another special feature of the HoL section is that the editors have added life-dates of authors in the many instances that these are not given in the titles (as is common in obituaries) .]
. 1990 . Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachphilosophie in der Romania: Von den Anfängen bis August Wilhelm Schlegel . (= Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 339 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , xiii, 389 pp. [ This vol. is intended as a textbook introducing students in Romance languages as well as of general linguistics to the history of the field. It has the following main chapters of unequal length: 1, “Einleitung: Sprachtheorie zwischen der Sprache und den Sprachen” (1–16); 2, “Der erste Universalismus: ‘grammatica’ als universale Substanz im scholastischen Denken” (17–32); 3, “Der erste Partikularismus: ‘Deffence et Illustration’ der Mutttersprache im Zeichen des Humanismus” (33–169); 4, “Der zweiter Universalismus: von der ‘grammaire générale et raisonnée’ zur Universalität des Französischen” (170–269), and 5, “Der zweite Partikularismus: die Entstehung des Historismus zwischen Aufklärung und Romantik” (270–305). Given the author’s didactic intent, the back matter consists of the following items: “Zeittafel der Autoren [in chronological order from Petrus Hispanus (1210–1277) to, curiously enough, Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913), though the narrative ends with the work of Raynouard and A. W. Schlegel, with only four other scholars listed between him and Bopp]” (306–309); “Kurzbiographien der Autoren”, which rightly excludes Saussure but includes Henri (alias Heinrich) Weil (1818–1909), who was born in the year that A. W. Schlegel became a professor of Sanskrit at the newly established University of Bonn (310–328); a “Chronologische Bibliographie der Primärtexte [from Peter Helias (1140) to the already mentioned Weil (1855), although his oeuvre has little to do with the study of Romance languages]” (329–348); a bib. of secondary sources (349–382), and an “Index [of authors]” (383–389), but no index of subjects which would have been much more useful, especially in the present instance .]
1989 . Challenging Chomsky: The generative garden game . Oxford & New York : Basil Blackwell , xvii, 248 pp. [ A revision of the author’s The Generative Garden Game previously distributed as “Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics” No. 16., the book constitues, despite its jocular metaphors, a serious attempt to come to terms with Noam Chomsky’s linguistic theories and the tactics (usually rhetorical and polemical) employed by him to win the ‘game’. It is instructive and easy to follow, and has the following chapters of unequal length: 1, “The lie of the land” (1–11); 2, “The maze of mentalism” (12–124); 3, “The terrain of theory” (125–144); 4, “The marshes of method” (145–195), and 5, “Locus in the landscape of learning [i.e., linguistics vs. philosophy, mathematics, psychology, the brain sciences, and the natural sciences]” (196–205). The back matter consists of endnotes (208–226), bib. (227–235), and general index (237–248) .
, eds. 1990 . De Ortu Grammaticae: Studies in medieval grammar and linguistic theory in memory of Jan Pinborg . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 43 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 372 pp.; 1 portr . [ The vol., brought together as a memorial to the late Jan Pinborg (1937–1982), contains – in addition of an appreciation of Pinborg as a man and as a scholar by the first two editors as well as a select list of his writings (13–16), contributions by the following scholars: Hans Arens, E[arline] J[enny] Ashworth, B[ernardo] Carlos Bazán, Francis P[atrick] Dinneen, S.J., Niels Haastrup, D[esmond] P[aul] Henry, Even Hovdhaugen, Collete Jeudi, L[ouis] G[erard] Kelly, C[ornelis] H[enricus] Kneepkens, Vivien A. Law, Alain de Libera, A. Charlene McDermott, James J[erome] (“Jerry”) Murphy, Claude Panaccio, W[alter] Keith Percival, Irène Rosier & †Jean Stefanini, Aldo Scaglione, Mary Sirridge, and John A[llen] Trentman. The volume is rounded off by an “Index auctorum” (359–363), which includes life-dates of the authors discussed, and an “Index rerum” (365–372). – See also the vol. ed. by Kretzmann (1989) below .]
Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure No. 431 (1990 for 1989) . Geneva : Librairie Droz , 277 pp. [ This vol. contains a number of items of interest to historians of (especially Saussurean) linguistics, in particular John E. Joseph’s article “Bloomfield’s Saussureanism” (43–53) and K. Koerner’s paper on “Leonard Bloomfield and the CLG” (55–63) – note however the accidental omission of the important reference to Bloomfield’s review of the second (1922) edition, first published in Modern Language Journal 8.317–319 (1923) and reprinted in various places, including Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 21. 133–135 (1964), ever since. The section “Documents” prints, among other things, the “Correspondance [Charles] Bally [(1865–1947)] – [Antoine] Meillet [(1866–1936)] (1906–1932)”, ed. by René Amacker in collaboration with Simon Bouquet (95–127). Last but not least, the number contains the 5th instalment of Rudolf Engler’s “Bibliographie saussurienne”, covering the years 1983–1989 (155–265), preceded by addenda to the 1980–1982 years (149–154), and followed by a list of abbreviations of periodicals (266–269) and an “Index des matières et références internes” to this instalment (270–275). The first few pages of the vol. print (unsigned) obituaries of Edmond Sollberger (1920–1989) and Willy Borgeaud (1913–1989), both distinguished members of the Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure. (The latter was, from 1965 until his retirement in 1980, a professor in the Department of Classics, University of Ottawa; he died on 19 August 1989 in Lucerne, Québec, a bit over a mile from the present writer’s home.)
. 1984 . Le Gutenberg de la didacographie; ou, Coménius et l’enseignement des langues . Montréal : Guérin , éditeur ltée [address: 4501, rue Drolet, Montréal, Québec, Canada H2T 2G2] , 249 pp. [ This important monograph devoted to the work of Jan Amos Komenský (alias Comenius, 1592–1670) in the field of language pedagogy has thus far been largely ignored by historians of linguistics, though it has been widely reviewed elsewhere as the following list attests: Raymond Leblanc in Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation 11:2.387–388 (1985); Maylis Tiffou in Bulletin de l’ACLA (Association Canadienne de Linguistique Appliquée) 8:1.92–94 (1986); Rostilav Kocourek in The Canadian Modern Language Review 43:1.143–145 (1986); André Chervel in Histoire de l’Éducation No.30.96–100 (mai 1986); Renzo Titone in Orientamenti Pedagogici 33:3 (= No.l95).544–548 (1986); Jiří Beneš in Acta Comeniana 31.232–243 (1987), and Carla Pellandra in Documents pour l’histoire du Français Langue Étrangère ou Seconde – SIF-LES No. 1.23 (1988). – The work has the following chaps.: 1, “L’époque de Comenius [henceforth: C.]”; 2, “La vie de Jan Amos C.”; 3, “La pensée philosophique de C”; 4, “La pensée pédagogique de C”; 5, “C. et la linguistique”; 6, “La naissance de la didactique des langues comme discipline autonome”; 7–8, “La méthode des langues de C. (A) [and …] (B), and 9, “La méthode des langues de C. et la didactique des langues aujourd’hui”. The back matter consists of the following: A chronology of C’s life and times; a bib. of C’s works; a classified list of secondary sources; a glossary of historical terms and events, and facs.-reproductions from C’s published works, but no index .]
. 1988 . Language and Thought: German approches to analytic philosophy in the 18th and 19th centuries . Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , [ix], 267 p. [ As the author indicates in his Introduction (p.l), his “book investigates a tradition in philosophy that has been greatly neglected in Germany and has remained virtually unknown in the English speaking world.” By this ‘subterranean stream’ of 18th and 19th century philosophy of language the author means the post-Kantian current that he traces to Fritz Mauthner (1849–1923) and others in the early 20th century and which he identifies by the term Sprachkritik. The 17 chapters of the book include treatments of the language philosophy of Johann Georg Hamann (1730–1788), Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742–1799), Herder, Bacon (and his importance for German philosophical thought), Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743–1819), and such lesser thinkers as August von Einsiedel (17541837), Karl Leonard Reinhold (1758–1823), Otto Friedrich Gruppe (18041876), Conrad Hermann (1819–1897) – son of the much more famous classical philologist Gottfried Hermann (1772–1848), Gustav Gerber (18201901), and Georg Runze (1852–1922), but also the notorious F(riedrich) Max Müller of Oxford, Ludwig Noiré (1829–1889), and Karl Marx. Index of names (259–262); index of subjects (263–267) .]
, ed. 1990 . The Major Languages of East and South-East Asia . London : Routledge , xi, 234 pp. [ The book – and the one listed in the next entry – have been extracted from the voluminous The World’s Major Languages published by Croom Helm in 1987. The present volume brings languages of a certain geographic area together. There is only a language index (231–234). – Cf. Allan R. Bomhard’s review note on the original publication in Diachronica 4.270 (1987) .]
, ed. 1990 . The Major Languages of Western Europe . London : Routledge , xii, 315 pp. [ On the western Indo-European languages in Europe, in particular Germanic and Romance, authored by John A. Hawkins, Edward Finegan, Einar Haugen, John N. Green, and others. These are preceded by a survey article “The Indo-European language” by Philip H. Baldi. Index of languages (312–315). – Two more vols, are in preparation: one on the major languages in Eastern Europe, the other pertaining to those of the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa, all extracted from the 1,025-page volume The World’s Major Languages first published in 1987 (see the preceding entry) .]
, eds. 1989 . Linguistic Categorization . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 61 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 348 pp. [ The vol. goes back to the 16th Annual University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Linguistics Symposium held in Milwaukee, Wis., on 10–11 April 1987. The present vol. “represents a selection of the papers presented at this symposium [and] also contains contribuions which were solicited from authors who did not attend the conference, but whom we believed had something to add to the volume.” (Preface, p. vii). The papers are organized under 3 sections: I, “Prototype Effects in Language” (8 papers); II, “Categorization Processes” (2 papers), and III, “Cross-Linguistic Categorization” (3 papers). These are preceded by an Introduction by the first editor, “Linguistic and non-linguistic categorization: Structure and process” (1–28), and rounded off by indices of names (335342), of languages (343–345), and of subjects (347–348). – For HL readers the paper by Frans Plank, “On Humboldt on the Dual” (293–333), will be of particular interest .]
( with the assistance of Donatella Di Cesare, Raffaella Petrilli & Anna Maria Thornton ), eds. 1990 . Leibniz, Humboldt, and the Origins of Comparativism . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 49 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 329 pp.; 2 portr., figs . [ The vol. prints the revised papers first presented at the conference held at the Univ. of Rome “La Sapienza” in Sept. 1986 under the title “Leibniz, Humboldt e le origini del comparatismo”. The 14 papers, given in Italian (4), French (2), German (2), or English (6), are organized under 3 sections: I, “Leibniz to Humboldt”, in which the development of the comparative method from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) to the 19th century is traced (with contributions by Daniel Droixhe, Marcelo Dascal, Stefano Gensini, Robert H. Robins, Tilman Borsche, and Henry M. Hoenigs-wald); II, “Humboldt and the Aftermath”, which deals with particular aspects of Wilhelm von Humboldt’s (1767–1835) linguistic interests and their subsequent fate in the development of historical-comparative linguistics of the late 19th century (with contributions by Jürgen Trabant, Donatella Di Cesare, Christian Stetter, and Paolo Ramat), and III, “Comparative Linguistics before and after Humboldt”, which deals with subjects such as the place of linguistic change before the establishment of comparative grammar generally associated with the name of Franz Bopp, the importance of Friedrich Schlegel’s Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier (1808) in the history of comparative-historical philology, and issues in language typology (with contributions by Sylvain Auroux, Konrad Koerner, Mario Barba, and Pierre Swiggers). All papers in languages other than English have an English summary appended. The back matter consists of an “Afterword” by the first editor, in which a strong plea is made in favour of the study of the history of linguistics as a part of the training of a linguist, followed by detailed indices of names (311–317), of subjects (319–325), and of languages (327–329) .]
1990 . Peter of Spain: Language in Dispute. An English translation of Peter of Spain’s Tractatus called afterwards ‘Summulae logicales’ . On the basis of the critical edition established by L[ambertus] M[aria] de Rijk . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 39 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XXXIX, 271 pp. [ The transl, of the 13th-century text by Petrus Hispanus (Pope John XXI, c. 1205–1277) is based on the critical ed. prepared by L. M. de Rijk (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1972), which had superseded the edition published earlier by Innocentais Maria Bocheński (Rome: Marietti, 1947). It is preceded by a detailed introduction, “Peter of Spain’s Summulae, the Modistae, and Linguistics” (xvii–xxxix) by the translator, and rounded off by the following, at times very detailed, indices: ‘Index of references [to Aristotle, Boethius, Priscian, etc.] (206–207); “Index of words and things” – from Ablative to Word-Group (oratio) – (208–260!), and “Index of sophisms and examples” (261–271) .]
Directory of Programs in Linguistics in the United States & Canada . [ 6th updated and enlarged ed. ] Washington, D.C. : Linguistic Society of America , 1987 , xv, 181 pp. [ This volume is an important pool for anyone desiring (fairly) up-to-date information on (almost) all existing linguistics programs in North America, including those found outside the universities and colleges (cf. the section “Research Institutions”, pp. 113–128). It also includes information on the various “Linguistic Societies & Related Organizations” throughout the world (129–145), including those of Australià, India, Korea, etc., but not the Societas Lingüistica Europaea, although its secretary-treasurer is an honorary member of the LSA. For historians of linguistics it is interesting to note that a number of linguistics departments in North America have been reduced to linguistics programs over the past few years and that several new programs and a department or two (e.g., at the University of Manitoba) have recently been established. Another feature of interest to HL readers is the indication of the dates at which individual programs were established. The back matter consists of an “Index of Staff” (146–73) and an “Index of Uncommonly Taught Languages” (174–181). – For information on the preceding (1987) edition of the Directory, see HL 15:3.462–463 (1988) .]
. 1989 [©1984] . Searching for Aborignal Languages: Memoirs of a field worker . Chicago & London : Univ. of Chicago Press , [ix], 333 pp.; maps & illustr. [ As the author states in his “Afterword” (p. 331), these memoirs, originally drafted in Cambridge in the summer of 1980 (and first published in 1983 with the imprint of the Univ. of Queensland Press, St. Lucia), were written “entirely from memory” since the author had kept “no journal or diary or other notes”. The result is a very readable narrative of his experiences ‘in the field’, following his first encounter with languages spoken by Australian aborigines of the North Queensland region as a graduate student in 1963, until the mid-1970s. There is no index and no bib. however that would make the book useful to readers not familiar with the linguistic literature and the history of the field .]
. 1990 . History from below: The ‘Vocabulary of Elisabethville’ by André Yav . Text, translation, and interpretive essay. Edited, translated and commented by Johannes Fabian with assistance from Kalundi Mango . With linguistic notes by W[alter] Schicho . (= Creole Language Library, 7 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [v], 236 pp. [ Pages 11–31 reproduce (photographically reduced) a copy of the anonymously published 37-page typescript of the 1965 Vocabulaire de [la] Ville de Elisabethville, Provence du Katanga Oriental, followed by linguistic notes, translations into Shaba Swahili and English, and various historical, social, and cultural comments. Bib. (231–236); no index .]
, ed. 1989 . The History and the Dialects of English: Festschrift for Eduard Kolb . Heidelberg : Carl Winter , x, 277 pp.; 1 portr . [ The vol. brings together contributions reflecting the areas of interest of Kolb (see his c.v. and list of writings in the first section), namely, the history of the English language, etymology, Old, Middle and Modern English, and modern English dialects. Contributors include Udo Fries, Alfred Bammesberger, Ernst Leisi, René Derolez, Hans Schabram, Klaus Dietz, and a number of others, many of them Kolb’s former students. No index .]
( a cura di ). 1989 . Lingua tradizione rivelazione: Le chiese e la comunicazione sociale . (= Linguaggi: Teoria e storia della della teoria, 3 .) Casale Monferrato : Editrice Marietti University , [vii], 228 pp. [ This book brings together a dozen papers dealing with a variety of subjects concerning the significance of the Church in the development of the use of language from the 16th century to the present (though the bulk of the papers discusses 16th and 17th century cases in Italy, England, Germany and France). Contributions by Vivian Salmon, Utz Maas, Konrad Ehlich, and others were translated from the English and the German. From the contents: “Lodovico Castelvetro [(1505–1571)] tra grammatica ed eresia” (21–34) by Raffaella Perilli; “L’apprendimento della seconda lingua nei primi collegi gesuiti 1548–1599” (35–45) by Seán P. O. Mathúna; “L’antimisticismo di [Pierre] Nicole [the main author of the Port-Royal Logic]” by Marc Dominicy (151–160); “« Parlare alla moltitudine »: Questione linguistica e questione religiosa nell’Italia del Settecento” by Mari D’Agostino (175–195). No index .]
, ed. 1989 . Current Progress in Chadic Linguistics: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Chadic Linguistics, Boulder, Colorado, 1–2 May 1987 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 62 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [vi], 311 pp. [ The vol. brings together 14 papers presented at or prepared for the Chadic symposium held at the Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Colo. The ed. regrets that Paul Newman and Aaron Dolgopolsky, who had been invited to participate in the meeting, were unable to do so “for personal reasons” (Introd., p. 2). Contributors include Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (Leiden), Magashi M. Garba (Kano, Nigeria), Bernard Caron (Orléans, France), Russell G. Schuh (Los Angeles), Véronique de Colombel (Paris) – the only paper in French, William R. Leben (Stanford, Calif.), Carleton T. Hodge (Bloomington, Ind.), Sergio Baldi (Naples), and Hermann Jungraithmayr (Frankfurt, W. Germany). The vol. is rounded off by an “Index of Topics” (303–305), and “Index of Languages and Dialects” (307–308), and an “Index of Names (excluding self-citation)” (309–311) .]
. 1990 . C. K. Ogden: A bio-bibliographic study . Metuchen, N.J. & London : The Scarecrow Press , ix, 156 pp. [ The monograph on Charles Kay Ogden (1889–1957), who is best known for his co-authorship, with Ivor Armstrong Richards (1893–1979), of The Meaning of Meaning (London, 1923), and of his work on ‘Basic English’ (from 1930 onwards), consists of two parts: I, “C K. Ogden: A biographical essay (1–55, endnotes, 135–151), and “A[n annotated] Bibliography of the Works of C. K. Ogden (Arranged chronologically)” (57–99), though classified according to Books (57–69), Articles (70–81), Editorials (82–88), Notes (89–94), Reviews (95–97), and Translations (98–99), including Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, first published in a bilingual ed. in 1922 (London: Kegan Paul, Trench,Trübner & Co.) and frequently reissued ever since. As well, there is a bib. of secondary sources relevant to Ogden’s life & work (101–133). In brief, the book is a vademecum for anyone interested in Ogden. – See also in author’s paper, “Signifies and C. K. Ogden: The influence of [Victoria] Lady Welby”, in Schmitz ed. (1990:179–196) in the present section below .]
, eds. 1989 . Lexion der Renaissance . Leipzig : VEB Bibliographisches Institut , 797 pp. ; many illustrations and some 65 coloured reproductions . [ This encyclopedic work on the history, art, and culture of the Renaissance also includes useful information for the historian of linguistics, in particular in the form of biographical entries on grammarians, language philosophers as well as pedagogues. Many other entries, such as those on academies (p. 19), “Grammatiken” from Donatus to Schottelius (305–307), the study of Hebrew (p. 325), the questione della lingua (p. 679). The “Kurzbibliographie”, appended at the end of the volume includes a section on “Sprachwissenschaft” (p. 794), which lists publications by Karl O. Apel (31980), Werner Bahner (1956, 1977, 1978), Martin H. Jellinek (1913), Eduard Stengel (1890; new ed. by H-J. Niederehe, 1976), Mirko Tavoni (1984, 1987), and a number of others; there is however no separate entry on linguistics .]
1990 . A Life for Language: A personal memoir of Leonard Bloomfield . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 54 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 129 pp.; portr. and ill . [ This monograph traces the career of Leonard Bloomfield (1887–1949) from his childhood and schooling in chap.l, “The Early Years (1887–1909)” – through his various academic appointments in Chapter 2, “Cincinnati and Illinois (1909–1921), Chapter 3: “Ohio State (1921–1927)”, and Chapter 4, “Chicago (1927–1940)” – to his concluding years in Chapter 5, “Yale (1940–1949)”, followed by an assessment of his “Posthumous Fortune” in Chapter 6. The back matter consists of endnotes (95–99), secondary sources (101–104), and a very complete “New Leonard Bloomfield Bibliography” (105–118), followed by an “Index of biographical names (119–124) and an “Index of subjects, terms, and languages” (125–129). The book reproduces all available pictures of Bloomfield and the title pages of his 1914 and 1933 books .]
, eds. 1990 [c.1988] . The Romance Languages . (= Croom Helm Romance Linguistics Series, [unnumbered] .) London : Routledge , xii, 500 pp. [ This paperback ed. is identical with the early hard-bound copy. Following an overview by the first ed., “The Romance Languages” (1–25), the vol. brings together 11 studies presenting a succinct description of the structure of the following languages of the Romance family: Latin (Author: Nigel Vincent), Spanish (John C. Green), Portuguese (Stephen Parkinson), Catalan (Max W. Wheeler), French (Martin Harris), Occitan (Max W. Wheeler), Italian (N. Vincent), Sardinian (Michael Jones), Rhaeto-Romance (John Haiman), Rumanian (Graham Mallinson), and Romance Creoles (John C. Green). Each article follows a similar pattern of a general introductory characterization of the language, followed by comments on the phonology, morphology, and syntax of each, and concluded by a select bibliography. The back matter consists of 11 maps, depicting the distribution of these languagwes and their varieties, and a general index (489–500) .]
. 1988 . Language, Saussure and Wittgenstein: How to play games with words . (= Routledge History of Linguistic Thought Series, [unnumbered] .) London & New York : Routledge , xv, 136 pp. [ The book, which is devoted to a comparison of the views on language of the two thinkers who ‘ushered in’ the revolution which ‘has yet to run its full course’, comprises ten chapters entitled as follows: 1, “Texts and contexts”; 2, “Names and nomenclatures”; 3, “Linguistic units”; 4, “Language and thought”; 5, “Systems and users”; 6. “Arbitrariness”; 7, “Grammar”; 8, “Variation and change”; 9, “Communication”, and 10, “Language and science”. The back matter consists of useful (though far from accurate, especially where the former is concerned) biographical sketches of Saussure and Wittgenstein (130–132), and a list of references of altogether 21 entries, only one of them (De Mauro’s 1972 ‘édition critique’ of the Cours) pertaining to Saussure. General index, which includes Plato and Queen Victoria, among others (135–136) .]
. 1989 . Landmarks in Linguistic Thought: The Western Tradition from Socrates to Saussure . (= Routledge History of Linguistic Thought Series, [unnumbered] .) London & New York : Routledge , xviii, 199 pp. [ The vol. is something of an anthology of linguistic ideas from antiquity to the turn of the 20th century. Each of the 14 chapters consists of selections from well-known sources interdispersed with comments and interpretations provided by the authors/editors. They begin with excerpts from Plato’s Cratylus, and are followed by extracts from Aristotle’s work (De interpretatione, Poetics, etc.), the Bible, esp. Genesis II, and subsequent discussions of the biblical view on the origin and diversification of language, and topics such as “Varro on linguistic regularity”, “Quintilian on linguistic education”, “Thomas of Erfurt on the modes of signifying”, the Port-Royal Grammar, Locke, Condillac, Home Tooke, Humboldt, “[Max] Müller on linguistic evolution” – why not Schleicher? – and “Saussure on language and thought [sic]”. The “Bibliography and suggestions for further reading” (191–195) is rather limited; the index is less than 3 pages long. – See the review by V. R. Jastrežembskij in Obščestvennye Nauki za Rubežom, Serija 6: Jazykoznajia. No. 1/1990.14–18. A full-fledged review is also to appear in one of the next issues of HL .]
. 1989 . Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1747–1822) – bewundert, beneidet, umstritten: Übersetzer mit Verdiensten. Dichter ohne Talent. In Weimar kluger Verwalter der fürstlichen Privatschatulle, erfolgreicher Herausgeber und Verleger, Freund Goethes. Ein Kapitalist und Philanthrop der Aufklärung . Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , x, 236 in 4°; many reproductions & illustrations . [ A carefully researched and amply documented biograhy of the Weimar publisher (first of literary works, including translations, then also of journals, magazines, and books for all sorts of practical purposes) and close contemporary of Johann Wolfgang (von) Goethe (1749–1832). The section “Bertuchs Werke (Auswahl)” (99–149), however, does not include the publication he may be known for to historians of linguistics, namely, the Archiv für Ethnographie und Linguistik which he edited together with Johann Severin Vater (1771–1826), the editor of Johann Christoph Adelung’s (1732–1806) famous Mithridates (1806–1817). In this periodical, which appeared only in one volume in 1808, the term ‘linguistic’ seems to have been used in the modern technical sense for the first time. The select “Werkkatalog” (214–221) supplies useful biobibliographical data .]
, eds. 1988 . Wozu Wissenschaftsphilosophie? Positionen und Fragen zur gegenwärtigen Wissenschaftsphilosophie . (= De Gruyter Studienbuch, [unnumbered] .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , vii, 433 pp. [ The altogether 12 major papers and about as many formal replies brought together in the present volume have their source in a seminar organized by the editors (in lieu of Paul Feyerabend) at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich, in the summer of 1987. It was addressed to the question indicated in the title of the book. As the editors state in their Einleitung (91–15), there are a number of competing theories and methodologies in the philosophy of science necessitating the establishment of a dialog between them as well as the raising of the question of the use(fulness) of the subject to the practicing scientist. The major papers include the following: “Dauer und Wandel im Selbstverständnis der Wissenschaftsphilosophie” by Elisabeth Ströker; “Der Nutzen wissenschaftstheoretischer Analyse; dargestellt an der Frage der Gültigkeit und aus strukturalistischer Sicht” by Wolfgang Balzer; “Wozu Wissenschaftsphilosophie? Die falsifikatorische Methodologie im Lichte des Ökonomischen Ansatzes” by Gerard Radnitzky; “Karl Poppers wissenschaftsphilosophische Intentionen” by Werner Flach; “Paul Feyerabend und die rationalen Rekonstruktionen” by Hans Primas; “Philosophische Grundlagen der Wissenschaften: Über wissenschaftstheoretischen Historismus, Konstruktivismus und Mythen des wissenschaftlichen Geistes” by Jürgen Mittelstrass; “Wissenschaftsentwicklung als zyklischer Typenwandel – Grundlagen einer dialektischen Theorie” by Herbert Hörz; “Wie ist Naturwissenschaft möglich? Grundzüge eines naturalistischen Idealismus” by Nicholas Rescher, and several others. Index of names (419–424), index of subjects (425–429), and list (including addresses) of authors (431–433) .]
. 1989 . « Their Manner of Discourse » Nachdenken über Sprache im Umkreis der Royal Society . Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , xii, 292 pp. [ The monograph deals with the question of what impact the theories of the natural sciences in 17th-century Britain – especially those developed by members of the Royal Society founded in 1660 (i.e., Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke, John Wilkins, and others) – have had on the linguistic thinking of the period. It has the following chapters: “Historiographische Orientierungen”; “[Francis] Bacon über Sprache”; “Der Stil von Experimentberichten und regionalen Naturhistorien”; “Der Stil von Naturhistorien und Handbüchern über Bienen un Bienenzucht”; “Stil und Utopia: Überlegungen zu Thomas Sprats History of the [Institution, Design and Progreß,] of the Royal Society of London [of 1667]”; “Sammeln, Ordnen und Beschreiben: Zur Geschichte und zur Konzeption von Museumskatalogen”; “Über Konzepte von Universalsprachen [esp. Wilkins’ philosophical character]”, and “Die Suche nach dem onomasiologischen Alphabet”. Bib. of primary (246–260) and secondary (260–285) sources and index of authors (286–292) .]
. 1990 . Briefe an Friedrich August Wolf Textkritisch herausgegeben und kommentiert von Philip Mattson . ( Im Anhang: Humboldts Mitschrift der Ilias-Vorlesung Christian Gottlob Heynes aus dem Sommersemester 1789 ). Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , [ix], 635 pp. [ This is a critical and annotated ed. of 150 letters of Humboldt to the classical philologist Friedrich August Wolf (1759–1824) written between 1792 and 1823, the testimony of an enduring friendship which had begun as a result of H’s deep interest in Classical Greek and ended with Wolf’s death. It is preceded by an Introduction detailing this friendship (1–9) and the background to the present ed. (9–16) – which also explains (p. 9n.27 and p. 10) why only 16 letters by Wolf to H are extant (which have been excerpted in the notes to the letters) – followed an ed. of notes taken by H of lectures on Homer’s Iliad given by Christian Gottlob Heyne (1729–1812) – W’s former teacher – at the Univ. of Göttingen in 1789, and which H had handed over to W at a later date (333–370). The remainder of the impressive vol. is taken up by a detailed Commentary on the letters (378–581) and on the lecture notes (581–599), followed by a bib. (601–605), and a “Register” (606–635), which provides biographical information on both contemporary and classical authors, thus making it an important reference tool. (In the case of H’s half brother von Holwede [(1762–1817)], add his first names: Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig Ferdinand, since none were provided in the otherwise very complete index .)]
. 1990 . Morphology: Word structure in generative grammar . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 70 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 210 pp. [ The book has the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Morphemes”; 3, “Morphological features”; 4, “Morphological process”; 5, “Lexical morphology and phonology”; 6, “Compounds”; 7, “Inflections and paradigms”; 8, “An inflectional system in detail: the Latin verb”, and 9, “Morphophonemics”. Each chap, (except the first) have a number of exercises from a large variety of languages (except in chapter 8, of course). The back matter consists of an “Appendix: phonetic symbols” (195–196); a bib. (197–203), and a general index (205–210). – The book is also available in an inexpensive softbound edition .]
, ed. 1988 . La Linguistique génétique: Histoire et théories . [ Villeneuve-d’Asq :] Presses Universitaires de Lille , 501 pp. [ The vol. goes back to papers given at a round table meeting held at the Univ. de Lille III on 21–23 Oct. 1982 under the general title of “La diachronie, hier et demain”. They are here organized under the following headings: “La diachronie avant Saussure” (contributors: Sylvain Auroux, Simone Delesalle, Anne Nicolas, Christian Peeters, and R. H. Robins); “Saussure et la diachronie” (contributions by Rudolf Engler, Peter Wunderli, and others); “Diachronie et typologie des langues” (contributions by Bernard Cerquiglini, Claude Hagège, Martin B. Harris, and Bernard Pottier), and “Perspectives” (with the largest number of contributors, incl. Marc Wilmet, Tore Janson, Suzanne Romaine, Claude Guimier, Alexandru Rocchetti, and others). The back matter consists of a “Index des noms d’auteurs”, which frequently does not even supply the authors’ initials (483–489), and an “Index des matières”, which includes languages (490–501) .]
, ed. 1986 . Die Dioskuren: Probleme in Leben und Werk der Brüder Humboldt: Abhandlungen von Hanno Beck, Helmut Gipper, Hilmar Grundmann , [ et al. ]. (= Abhandlungen der Humboldt-Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Bildung E.V., 9 .) Mannheim : Verlag der Humboldt-Gesellschaft [ address: Riedlach 12, D-6800 Mannheim 31, Germany ], 259 pp. [ The bulk of the 13 articles in this vol. deal with Wilhelm von Humboldt, though there are 5 which are exclusively devoted to his younger brother Alexander (1769–1859), in particular his geographical work. Those on the former include “Sprache und Denken in der Sicht Wilhelm von Humboldts” by Helmut Gipper (33–58); “Die sprachlichen Weltansichten gleichen sich aus: Ein Begriff Wilhelm von Humboldts und die gegenwärtige Sprachentwicklung” by Rudolf Hoberg (59–73); two appraisals, by Erwin Stein and Bernfried Schlerath, respectively, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Humboldt’s death, and “Wilhelm von Humboldt – ein ‘toter Hund’? Anmerkungen zu einem Symposium, das vieles hinterließ, worüber nachzudenken wäre” by Hilmar Grundmann (99–103), in effect a report on the Humboldt Symposium held in Darmstadt in Nov. 1985, and a response to the claim made by Horst Rosenfeld at that meeting according to which Humboldt was a ‘dead dog’. The back matter consists of information on the conributors (apparently printed on the basis of c.v.’s submitted by each of them) and publicity concerning publications of the Humboldt Society, but no index .]
, ed. 1988 . Humane Zukunft: Abhandlungen von Lothar Bossle, Sepp Domandl, Hartmut Fröschle , [ et al. ]. (= Abhandlungen der Humboldt-Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Bildung E.V., 10 .) Mannheim : Verlag der Humboldt-Gesellschaft [ address: Riedlach 12, D-6800 Mannheim 31, Germany ], 424 pp. [ This vol. contains contributions from a varierty of authors coming from as academic disciplines such as geography, education, political science, economy, etc. as well as fields such literature, journalism, and the performing arts. Indeed, the legacy of Alexander von Humboldt is more prominent among the members of this Society than his elder brother Wilhelm (as may be gleaned from the Index of the contributions to the 9 preceding volumes, printed here on pp. 403–424), exept perhaps for the vol. listed in the preceding entry. However, the present number contains an important article by Clemens Menze, “Wilhelm von Humboldt und die Französische Revolution” (301–333) .]
, eds. 1989 . General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In remembrance of Stanley Newman . (= Contributions to the Sociology of Language, 55 .) Berlin & New York : Mouton de Gruyter , xv, 499 pp; 2 photographs [ The vol. brings together a impressive number of papers arranged under the following section headings: “The History of Linguistics and Stanley Newman’s Six Decades” (9 contributions, 4 by Newman himself); “American Indian Studies” (5 items); “Grammar and Discourse” (8), followed by smaller sections headed “Word Formation” (3), “Phonology” (3), “Comparative Studies” (4), “Oral Tradition” (3), and “Ethnological Studies” (4). Contributors include, inter alios, Doris Bartholomew, Philip K. Bock, Regna Darnell, Philip W. Davis, John Fought, Geoffrey Gamble, Donna B. Gerdts, Kenneth Hale, Carleton T. Hodge, James M. Kari, Dale Kinkade, Herbert Landar, Margaret Langdon, Saul Levin, André Martinet, Velma B. Pickett, Eunice V. Pike, Ross Saunders, Joel F. Sherzer, and Michael Silverstein. General index (491–499). The first section includes an autobiographical sketch by Stanley Stewart Newman (1905–1984), “How I discovered linguistics” (11–30), actually written shortly before his death at the urgings of the present writer, and a list of his writings (33–40) .]
, eds. 1989 . Studies in Romance Linguisics: Selected papers from the Seventeenth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (XVII.LSRL), Rutgers University, 27–29 March 1987 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 60 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 496 pp. [ As the editors report (Preface, p.ix), “From the Call for Papers circulated in early fall of 1986, we received over 80 abstracts, 26 of which were accepted for presentation at the conference or as alternates.” With four invited speakers (Henrietta Cedergren, John Goldsmith, Beatriz Lavandera, and Nicolas Ruwet), altogether 25 papers have been published, including contributions by Denis Bouchard, Luigi Burzio, Heles Contreras, Jorge M. Guitart, James W. Harris, José I. Hualde, John E. Joseph, Christiane Laeufer, Terrell A. Morgan & Richard D. Janda, Mario Saltarelli, Sanford A. Schane, Margarita Suñer, and Dieter Wanner. There is only a rather brief general index of less than 2 pages (495–496) .]
, ed. 1988 . Meaning and Inference in Medieval Philosophy: Studies in memory of Jan Pinborg . (= Synthese Historical Library: Texts and Studies in the History of Logic and Philosophy, 32 .) Dordrecht -Boston – London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , xi, 400 pp.; 1 portr . [ This Jan Pinborg memorial vol. complements the one ed. by G. L. Bursill-Hall and others (see above), concentrating on issues in medieval (and in one instance, post-medieval) philosophy, not linguistic thought. The contributions (of which there are 12 altogether) include the following: L[ambertus] M[aria] de Rijk, “On Boethius’s notion of being: A chapter of Boethian semantics”; Eleonore Stump, “Logic in the early twelfth century”; Gabriel Nuchelmans, “The distinction actus exercitus/actus significatus in medieval semantics”; Sten Ebbesen, “Concrete accidental terms: Late thirteenth-century debates about problems relating to such terms as ‘album’” Norman Kretzmann, “Tu scis hoc esse omne quod est hoc: Richard Kilvington [(d. 1361)] and the logic of knowledge”, and Alfonso Maierù, “Logic and trinitarian theology: De Modo predicandi ac sylogizandi in divinis [Ms lat. 17290, ff.l36r-145v., Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München]”. The vol. is rounded off by a “General bibliography” (371–393) – which to some extent replaces and at any rate updates the bib. on “Medieval Linguistic Thought” published in HL 7.265–299 (1980), and an “Index of persons” (395–400) .]
( Transl. & Ed. ) 1989 . La Grammaire de Denys le Thrace . Paris : Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique , 281 pp. [ This is a revised and extended version of the editor’s transl, of the Téchnē grammatikē ascribed to Dionysius Thrax (c.100 B.C.) first published in the Archives et Documents de la Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage 6.1–104 (Paris, 1985), to which the ed. has also added the original Greek text as established and published by Gustav Uhlig in Grammatici Greaci 1:1 (Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1883). Following the regular front matter and a fairly detailed “Introduction” (13–39), which places the text into its historical context and discusses questions concerning its authenticity, there is the original text with a French rendering on opposite page (40–65). The bulk of the vol. is taken up by commentary and critical notes (67–251). The book is rounded off by a bib. (253–258) and an index of subjects and terms (259–281 .]
, ed. 1990 . Language Typology 1987: Systemic balance in language. Papers from the Linguistic Typology Symposium, Berkeley, 1–3 December 1987 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 67 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 212 pp. [ The vol. brings together papers from the return conference – the first one, published under the main title of Linguistic Typology 1985 in 1986 (cf. Diachronica 3.299, for details), had been held in Moscow two years earlier – by 5 Soviet scholars and 8 North American linguists, incl. Robert Austerlitz, Alice C. Harris, Joseph H. Greenberg, and Michael Krauss, on subjects like “General and specific tendencies in historical change of language type” (by Viktoria N. Yartseva); “Typology and phonological history” (by Alan Timberlake); “On the source of the genitive in ergative languages” (by Georgij A. Klimov); “Diachronie typology and reconstruction: The ‘archaism’ of Germanic and Armenian in light of the glottalic theory” (by Thomas V. Gamkrelidze); “Historical morphemics and unit-order typlology” (by Viktor A. Vinogradov) and “Syntactic residues” (by the editor). The back matter consists of a master list of references (189–201) and a general index (203–212) .]
1989 . The Speech of the Negros Congos of Panama . (= Creole Language Library, 4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 159 pp. [ The study has the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction: the negros congos of Panama”; 2, “Syntactic and semantic characteristics of congo speech”; 3, “Phonological characteristics of congo dialect”; 4, “Congo dialect and Panamian Spanish: phonology”; and 5, “The possible African basis for congo speech”. Bib. (115–128); “Appendix: Transcriptions of congo speech” (129–159). No index .]
, eds. 1990 . When Worlds Collide: Indo-Europeans and Pre-Indo-Europeans. The Rockefeller Foundations Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Lake Como, Italy, 8–13 February 1988 . (= Linguistica Extranea, 19 .) Ann Arbor, Mich. : Karoma Publishers , viii, 401 pp.; various illustrations . [ The volume brings together some 20 papers presented at a special symposium devoted to various issues pertaining to the Indo-European homeland question; historians, archaeologists as well as linguists contributed to the discussion (selections from which are reproduced on pp. 395–401). The archaeologists include Colin Renfrew and Marija Gimbutas. The following is a selection from the contributions by linguists: “On the problem of an Asiatic original homeland of the Proto-Indo-Europeans” by Thomas V. Gamkrelidze (5–14); “Language contacts in the Caucasus and the Near East” by Igor M. Diakonoff (53–65); “Kartvelian contacts with Indo-European” by Alice C. Harris (67–100); “The postulated pre-Indo-European substrates in Insular Celtic and Tocharian” by Karl Horst Schmidt (179–202);,” Arménien et iranien: Une théorie linguistique passée inaperçu” by Giancarlo Bolognesi (227–236). No index. – A review is scheduled to appear in Diachronica VII:2 (Fall 1990) .]
. 1990 . Change in Language: Whitney, Bréal, and Wegener . (= Routledge History of Linguistic Thought Series, [unnumbered] .) London & New York : Routledge , xiv, 213 pp. [ As the author indicates in her Introduction (p.xi), it is the book’s thesis that the American William Dwight Whitney (1827–1894), the Frenchman Michel Bréal (1832–1915), and the German Philipp Wegener (1848–1916) “tried to solve the mystery of language-change in new ways”. Part I is devoted to Whitney and Bréal; Part II to Wegener. The book has the following chaps.: 1, “The bio-bibliographical background [of Whitney and Bréal]”; 2, “Friends and enemies”; 3, “Evolution, transformation, or ‘The Life and Growth of Language’?”; 4, “Language, its nature and origin”; 5, “The mystery of language-change”; 6, “Laws of language change”; 7, “Linguistic creativity”; 8, “Language and the speaking subject”; 9. “Whitney and Bréal, Paul and Steinthal, and their relation to Wegener”; 10, “The bio-bibliographical background [of Wegener]”, and 11, “The life and growth of language”. The less than 1-page “Conclusion” (p. 192) is followed by a bib. of primary (193–203) and secondary sources (204–208) as well as a general index (209–213) .]
Nordlyd: Tromsø University Working Papers on Language & Linguistics No. 151 . Tromsø : Inst, for Språk & Litteratur, Univ. i Tromsø , 145 pp. [ This number brings together 10 papers devoted to various aspects of Norwegian, including dialectology, language contact, and toponomastics; only one paper, by Peter Trudgill (on “Language contact and simplification”) is in English .]
Obščestvennye Nauki za Rubežom Serija 6 : Jazykoznajia . Nos. 1–6 ( 1989 ), ca. 180–200 pages each . Moskva : Institut Naučnoj Informacii po Obščestvennye Naukam , Akad. Nauk SSSR . [ As in previous numbers since the creation of this periodical some ten years ago, these issues provide reviews of the various linguistics publications appearing outside the Soviet Union; the first section in each number is regularly devoted to publications in the History of Linguistics; tfor instance No.3 prints a review of Cloeren (1988) – see this rubric (above), and No.4 carries reviews of Amsterdamska (1987) and Koerner (1988) – cf. HL 15.449 and 475 (1988), for details, to mention just a few .]
Obščestvennye Nauki za v SSSR . Serija 6 : Jazykoznanija . Nos. 1–6 (1989). Moskva : Institut Naučnoj Informacii po Obščestvennym Naukam , Akad. Nauk SSSR . [ This is the corresponding publication informing on Russian linguistic scholarship – see entries in earlier issues of HL for further details .]
n.d. [ 1990 ]. Taalopbouw als Renaissance-ideaal: Studies over taalopvattingen en taalpraktijk in de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw . Published under the editorship of G[erardus] R[utgerus] W[ilhelmus] Dibbets, J[an] Noordegraaf & M[arijke] J. van der Wal . Amsterdam : Buiten & Schipperheijn , [5-] 204 pp. [ This vol. of collected papers was brought together on the occasion of the 65th birthday of the author. It contains 10 studies on the study of Dutch in the 16th and 17th century, including subjects such as standardization, the Latin tradition in grammatical analysis, rhetorical as well as sociological aspects, and historiographical questions. Two contributions deal with individual authors: Dirk Volckertszoon Coornhert (1522–1590) and Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft (1581–1647). These papers are preceded by an introduction entitled “Socioculturele aspecten en factoren in de Vroegnieuw-nederlandse taalgeschiedenis” (9–15), and concluded by a general bib. (179–200) and an index of authors (201–203) .]
. 1990 . El Verbiginale: Una gramática castellana del siglo XIII. Estudio y edición crítica . (= Lingüística y Filología, 9 .) Vallado-lid : Secretariado de Publicaciones, Univ. de Valladolid ; Salamanca : Casa de Ahorres y M. P. de Salamanca [ address: Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Univ. de Valladolid, E-47071 Valladolid, Spain ], 379 pp. [ This study was submitted in Jan. 1987 as a doctoral thesis at the Univ. de Valladolid; Millán Bravo Lozana, thesis director. It consists of two main parts, a discussion of the history, context, and main features of the Verbiginale, a grammatical treatise from the first half of the 13th-century (dedicated to Tello Téllez de Meneses, bishop of Palencia, who died in 1246) and authored by a certain Petrus Blasensis (probably not identical with Pierre de Blois), followed by a critical edition of the text of which several MSS are extant (161–316, plus “Appendix commentarii”, 317–336). The back matter consists of an “Index verborum” (337–365), a list of references, divided into primary (p. 367) and secondary (367–372) sources, and a detailed table of contents (373–379). The first sections of the study map out the intellectual situation in late medieval Spain and the place of grammar in the curriculum of medieval education .]
. 1989 . The Living Philology: Il pensiero linguistico di Henry Sweet . Roma : Bagatto Libri , 193 pp. [ The study of the work of Henry Sweet (1845–1912) consists of altogether 9 chapters organized under three major headings/parts: I, “Henry Sweet: La vita e le opere” (13–28), which ends in a chronological bib. (1869–1911) of S’s writings (26–27) and a list of the titles of books that have since been reprinted between 1958 and 1980 (p. 28); II, “Il contributo di Sweet alla linguistica generale” (31–127), which constitutes the bulk of the work, and III, “Il contributo di Sweet alla metodologia dell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere” (131–171). Select bib. (187–192); no inde* .]
( a cura di ). 1990 . Episteme: In ricordo di Giorgio Raimondo Cardona . (= Quaderni Linguistici e Filologici [of the Univ. of Macerata ] V1 1986–1989 .) Roma : Editrice Herder , 302 pp. [ This vol. in memory of R. G. Cardona (d.l988) consists of 14 papers by (mostly) Italian scholars of philology and/or linguistics; only two – by Wolfgang Dressier (on “Preference vs. strict universal in morphology”) and Bruce Lincoln (“Prophecies, rumors, and silence: notes on Caesar’s last [political] initiative”) are in English. The first item is a short paper by Cardona on “Tradizione et etnografia della communicazione” (9–17), which is in fact taken from a handbook of linguistics he had been working on .]
. 1989 . Terminografische Index op de oudste Nederlandse grammaticale werken: Voorreden (1568); Twe-spraack (1584); Noodige waarschouwinge (1624); De Nederduytsche grammatica (1625); Neder-landsch tael-bericht(1628); Die Nederduytsche spraec-konst (1633); Waerne-mingen op de Hollandschetael Ont-werp der Neder-duitsche letter-konst (1649); Aanmerkingen op de Neederduitsche taaie (1653) . Preface by Jan Noordegraaf . Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandistiek V[rije] U[niversiteit van Amsterdam] , xliii, 357 pp. [ This very detailed index of grammatical terms (pp. 1–357) in the works mentioned in the book’s subtitle (and given in full, including references to modern editions on pp.xxvi–xxvii) is preceded by various front matter, including an overview of grammatical terminology from the classical period to the mid-17th century (xii–xxv) and a bib. (xxxix–xlii) .]
Sǎpostavitelno ezikoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics Nos. 1–6 ( 1989 ). Sofia : Univ. of Sofia . [ A specific feature of this periodical is that it regularly prints obituaries of Slavic scholars and thus provides biobibliographical information on them which is hard to find elsewhere; it also publishes appraisals of the work of (usually) well known Western scholars on the occasion of particular anniversaries of their birth or death .]
. 1990 [©1989] . Kurs obecené lingvistiky . Vydal Charles Bally a Albert Sechehaye za spolupráce Alberta Riedlingera. Komentáře napsal Tullio De Mauro. Přeložil František čermák. [Prague:] Odeon , [5-] 467 pp. [ This is the first translation of the Cours de linguistique générale into Czech, happily arriving on the scene at the moment that the Cercle linguistique de Prague, first launched in 1926, is being reconstituted, with several original members like Josef Vachek and Vladimír Skalička (both born in 1909) still alive and active. The translator used the so-called ‘édition critique’ – i.e., the French transl, of Tullio De Mauro’s Italian edition, to which De Mauro had added a critical commentary and other useful bio- and bibliographical as well as historical data (here pp. 347–428 and 255/57–343, respectively) – as the basis for his work. To this translator added an informative foreword of his own (15–28), a brief comment on the Czech translation (29–31), and comments added at the bottom of De Mauro’s text. The back matter consists of a bib. (430–452) – which lists the majority of other translations of the CLG, including the Vietnamese one of 1973 and the Turkish one of 1976 (p. 447) – and an index of names and subjects (453–467), which finally includes the term terme (p. 465) that the editors of the original text never seem to have recognized as a terminus technicus in Saussure’s theoretical argument .]
. 1990 . De Hollandse Significa: Een reconstructie van de geschiedenis van 1892 tot 1926 . Transl, into Dutch by J. van Nieuw-stadt . Assen & Maastricht : Van Gorcum & Co. , Publishers , 485 pp. [ This book is essentially a translation of the author’s Habilitationsschrift submitted at the University of Bonn in 1985, Verständigungshandlungen: Eine wissenschaftshistorische Rekonstruktion der Anfänge der signifischen Bewegung in den Niederlanden (1892–1926).The work has 6 main chaps, and an ‘Introduction’ (17–34), which begins with the first contacts and subsequent friendship between Victoria Lady Welby (1837–1912), the originator of the ‘significs’ mouvement (and long-time corresponent of Charles Sanders Peirce), and Frederik van Eeden (1860–1932), poet, psychiatrist and social reformer. The subsequent chaps, are entitled: 3, ‘Foundation and development of the “signifies of law” by Jacob Israël de Haan [(1881–1924)]’, a Jewish poet and lawyer killed in Palestine; 4, L[uitgens] E. J. Brouwer [(1881–1966)] and the plan to found an “International Academy of Practical Philosophy and Sociology’”; 5, ‘The “International Institute for Philosophy” in Amsterdam ‘; 6, ‘The “Signifie Circle” [founded in 1922 by the Dutch mathematician and philosopher Gerrit Mannoury (1867–1956) together with Brouwer, Van Eeden, and Jacobus Joannes Antonius (= Jacques) van Ginneken (1877–1945)]’. The final chap. – no.7 – is entitled ‘Summary: Looking back from four different perspectives’. The back matter consists of endnotes (367–389); a chronological survey of the ‘Signifie Movement’, 1892–1926 (391–401); doc-uments related to the movement (403–433); bib. (down to 1987) of primary and secondary sources (435–480); index of authors (481–485). – For further information in English, consult the editor’s paper, “Frederik van Eeden and the Introduction of Signifies in the Netherlands”, published in the next entry (pp. 219–246) .]
, ed. 1990 . Essays on Signifies: Papers presented on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Victoria Lady Welby (1837–1912) . (= Foundations of Semiotics, 23 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 313 pp. [ This volume brings together 14 papers organized under 5 headings: I, “The Social and Literary Background: The Welby family”; II, “Signifie Signposts at the Turn of the Century”; III, “Signifies between Semantics and Semiotics”; IV, “The Signifie Movement in the Netherlands [see the preceding entry for further information!]”, and V, “The Scientific Remains of V. Lady Welby”. Contributors include Sylvain Auroux & Simone Delesalle, Gérard Deledalle, Johann G. Juchem, Augusto Ponzio, W. Terrence Gordon, and others. The vol. is rounded off by a “Bibliography of Publications on Lady Welby and her Signifies” (289–301) and an index of names (303–313) .]
, ed. 1989 . Reconstructing Languages and Cultures: Abstracts and materials from the First International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Language and Prehistory, Ann Arbor, 8–12 November 1988 . (= Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics, 20 .) Bochum : Verlag Dr Norbert Brockmeyer , [iv], 176 pp. ; 4 photographs – one of the late Vladislav Markovič Illič-Svityč (1934–1966) . [ The book essentially reproduces either long or short (e.g., Roger Wescott’s “Linguistic Prehistory” amounts to no more than 16 lines) summaries as submitted by the conference participants, which included, to mention only the more widely known scholars, Henrik Birnbaum, Vladimir Dybo, Joseph H. Greenberg, Mary Ritchie Key, Karl Menges, Edgar Polomé, Aron Dolgopolsky (who has a longer paper as well as a summary to his credit, pp. 90–98, 99–103, respectively). The remaining portion of the vol. constitutes a translation, with an introduction (125–130), by Mark Kaiser of a posthumous paper by Illič-Svityč on early reconstructions of Nostratic – basically a list of proposed cognates (131–176). No index .]
1989 . A Primer of Modern Standard Hindi . Delhi-Vara-nasi-Madras, etc. : Motilal Banarsidass , xvi, 293 pp. in small-4o . [ A textbook for the learning of Hindi, its writing system, its grammar and lexicon, concluded by a short “Guide for further study” (250–254) and a “Hindi-English glossary” (255–293) .]
, ed. 1990 . Pidgin and Creole Tense-Mood-Aspect Systems . (= Creole Language Library, 6 .). Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvi, 240 pp. [ The vol. contains the following papers, preceded by a general introduction by the ed. (vii–xvi): “On the adequacy of natural languages. I: The development of tense” by William Labov; “Papiamentu tense-aspect, with special attention to discourse” by Roger W. Andersen; “Time reference in Kikongo-Kituba” by Salikoko S. Mufwene; “Tense, mood, and aspect in the Haitian creole preverbal marker system” by Arthur K. Spears; “Tense and aspect in Capeverdean Crioulu” by Izione S. Silva, and several others. The vol. is rounded off by indices of authors (231–233), of languages (235–236), and subjects (237–240) .]
. 1989 . Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft . Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , xiv, 376 pp. [ The book has two main parts of unequal length entiüed “Historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft” (1–267) and “Areallinguistk” (269–329), respectively. Part I consists of the following major chaps.: 1, “Rahmenbedingungen für die historisch-vergleichende Erforschung genetisch verwandter Sprachen”, which surveys the field from the beginning of the 19th century onwards, including the typological work done since the Schlegel brothers; 2, “Aufgaben und Ziele der historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft (vornehmlich am Beispiel der ie. Sprachen)”, and 3. “Methoden und Verfahren der historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft”, which deals with subjects such as internal reconstruction, sound law and analogy, special issues in IE phonology, morphology, and syntax, and glottochronology and lexicostatistics. Part II deals with subjects such as Sprachbund phenomena, language mixture, and various kinds of language contact and convergence. The back matter consists of endnotes (330–345), a detailed bib. (346–371), and subject index (372–376) .]
Studia Celtica Japonica New Series 2 ( Dec 1989 ), [iii], 57 , [ 3 unnumbered pages ]. Toyojhashi : The Celtic Society of Japan . [ Contributions by Setsuko Mori, Ivan P. S. G. Cosby, Eric P. Hamp, Mártín O Murchú, and Alfred Wollmann. – For information, write to: Prof. Keishiro Okuma, Department of Humanities, Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, TOYOHASHI, Japan 440 .]
. 1989 . The Morphosyntax of Detransitive Suffixes -þ- and -n-in Gothic: A synchronic and diachronic study . (= Studies in Old Germanic Languages and Literature, 1 .) New York-Bern-Frankfurt am Main-Paris : Peter Lang , xviii, 307 pp. [ “This study investigates the morphosyntax, i.e. the interaction of morphology and syntax, of certain deverbal suffixes […]. It aims to show that these suffixes, despite divergent derivational functions on the surface, share a fundamental feature: detransitivization” (Preface, p. xiii). The work goes back to a Ph.D. dissertation done under the supervision of Winfred P. Lehmann at the Univ. of Texas at Austin and completed in July 1986. The back matter consists of the following: bib. (269–281); index of authors (283–284); subject index (285–287), and “Index of Gothic passages” (289–292), and a list of Gothic words mentioned in the work (293–307). – A review is scheduled to appear in the fall 1990 issue of Diachronica .]
, comp . 1990 . A Bibliography of Bibliographies of the Languages of the World . Vol. 11 : General – Pre-Indo-European languages – Indo-European languages of Europe . (= Library & Information Sources in Linguistics, 19 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxii, 473 pp. [ This is the first of a two-volume work which presents a historical record and guide to bibliographic efforts on all the languages of the world. The present vol. contains nearly 2,500 entries and covers the Indo-European languages of Europe, plus Etruskan and Basque, as well as general and multi-language references, including sections on dictionaries, dissertations, and specialized topics. Most entries are briefly annotated to indicate the number of entries in each bib. and how they are arranged as well as information on the actual scope and coverage of the work (where not obvious from the title) and whether or not they are annotated and what kind of indexes are included .]
Voortgang: Jaarboek voor Neerlandistiek IX-XX1 ( 1988–1989 ). Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandistiek V[rije] U[niversiteit van Amsterdam] , 252 and 312 pp, respectively . [ Vol.9 includes papers by J. L. M. Hulsker (“Pronken met anderman’s veren: Casparus van den Ende [(1614-C.1690)] en zij klankmethode”) and Jan Noordegraaf (“Universele taal of universele grammatica? J. M. Hoogvliet [(1860–1924)] en het Volapük”) which deal with topics in the history of linguistics. Likewise, vol.10 contains a paper of interest to HL readers, namely, Frank J. N. Vonk’s on “Karl Bühler’s [(1879–1963)] taaltheorie in de Nederlandse talkunde en psychologie tussen 1920 and 1950” (239–278) .]
. 1989 . Lexical Innovation in Dasypodius’ Dictionary: A contribution to the study and deveklopment of the Early Modern German lexicon based on Petrus Dasypodius’ Dictionarium Latinogermanicum, Straßburg 1536 . (= Studia Linguistica Germanica, 24 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , xv, 486 pp. [ The work constitutes a revised version of the author’s doctoral dissertation submitted to Trinity College, Dublin, in 1986. It investigates the role of the Latin-German dictionary (by an author whose German family name has not been ascertained; p. 3n.22 offers five possibilities) published in 1536 in the history of modern German lexicography and on the emergence of the modern German standard language. After a fairly brief introduction which supplies information on the work analyzed, the author deals, in successive chapters and sections, with subjects such as ‘Lexicographical technique [of the dictionary]’, a descriptin of the corpus, the question of possible innovations (and the innovative process of word formation), and, in the chapter entitled “Implications”, in which the major sources for Dasypodius’ lexical work are discussed, in particular the question of the importance of Martin Luther’s translation of the Bible (which the author thinks was much less significant than has been thought by many). Bib. (465–486); no index .]