Publications received
Publications received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene schriften
References (89)
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.
Anuario del Seminario de Filologia Vasca “Julio De Urquijo”: International Journal of Basque linguistics and philology, vol. XXV, no. 3, 1991. San Sebastián: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, [659-] 1004 pp. [This volume contains papers on Basque linguistics and philology, but it prints a Spanish translation of Chomsky’s recent paper “Some Notes on the Economy of Derivation and Representation” (659–696). Some of the contributors are: José I. Hualde, “Manuel de Larramendi [fl.1929] y el acento vasco” (737–750); Manuel Breva, “Las ideas lingüísticas del siglo XVIII en Lorenzo Hervás: la description de las lenguas del mundo” (769–781). There are other papers on Larramendi by Gidor Bilbao Telletxea (751–768), Ricardo Gómez (783–796) and Blanka Urgell (901–928), and several reviews (977–1004).]
Abercrombie, David. 1991. Fifty Years in Phonetics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, vii. 127 pp. [The book, according to the preface, emphasises the importance of phonetics in language studies and of the history of linguistics to the field. It is a collection of papers, some of them hitherto unpublished; they deal with subjects ranging through phonology, writing systems, aphasia, and British accents. They include: 1, “Fifty Years: A memoir”; 2, “Phonetics and Phonology”; 3, “Phoneme, the Concept and the Word”; 4, “Segments”; 5, “Hylomorphic Taxonomy and William Holder”; 6, “Daniel Jones’s Teaching”; 7, “RP Today: Its position and prospects”; 8, “The Accents of Standard English in Scotland”; 9, “Some Functions of Silent Stress”; 10, “‘Stress’ and Some Other Terms”; 11, “The Indication of Pronunciation in Reference Books”; 12, “Phonetic Iconicity in Writing Systems”; 13, “Paralanguage”; 14, “Encounter with Aphasia”. Index (117–127)].
Ågel, Vilmos & Regina Hessky, eds. 1992. Offene Fragen – offene Antworten in der Sprachgermanistik. (=
Reihe Germanistiche Linguistik, 128.) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, vii, 232 pp. [This volume is a collection of articles on German linguistics by various contributors. It has an index of names (225–232).]. 

Bammesberger, Alfred, ed. 1991. Old English Runes and their Continental Background. (=
Anglistische Forschungen, [unnumbered].) Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 632 pp. [This volume contains papers read and discussed during a conference on Old English runes and runic inscriptions convened at the Catholic University of Eichstätt, Germany, 9–11 October 1989. Some papers not read at the conference are also included. Part I: Old English Runes and Runic Inscriptions: “Anglo-Saxon Runic Studies: The way ahead?” by R. I. Page; “The Archaelogical Context of Runic Finds” by Catherine Hills; “Some Observations on the Runic Inscriptions of Early Anglo-Saxon England” by John Hines; “Runica Manuscripta Revisited” by René Derolez; “Inconsistencies in the Main Runic Inscriptions on the Ruthwell Cross” by Sir Christopher Ball; “Three Old English Runic Inscriptions: (1) The Lovedon Hill Urn; (2) The Overchurch Stone; (3) The Derbyshire Bone Piece” by Alfred Bammesberger; “A Survey of Anglo-Saxon and Frisian Coins with Runic Inscriptions” by Mark Blackburn; “Recent Finds From London” by Kevin Gosling; “Runes and Semantics” by Christine E. Fell; “Coming Back to Cynewulf” by R. W. V. Elliot; “The Lid as Conclusion of the Syncretic Theme of the Franks Casket” by Marijane Osborn; Part II: Runes on the Continent and in Scandinavia: “Kontinentale Runeninschriften” by Klaus Düwel; “Altfriesische und altenglische Runen” by Arend Quak; “Unaccented Vowels in Runic Frisian deda” by Alfred Bammesberger; “The Scandinavian Runic Inscriptions of the Older Fuϸark and Old English Personal Names” by John Insley; “Yew Wood and Runic Inscriptions in the Frisian Terp-Area” by Tīneke Looijenga; “The Bones with Runic Inscriptions from the Lower Weser River. New Results of Scientific Investigations Concerning the Problem: Original(s) or Fake(s)” by Peter Pieper; “A New Theory of the Origin of the Runic Script: Richard L. Morris’s Book Runic and Mediterranean Epigraphy” by Bengt Odenstedt; etc. It has a general index (571–584); index verborum (585–597); index of maps (p.597); list of participants and contributors (599–601) and plates.]
Benot, Eduardo. 1991. Arte de Hablar: Grammática filosófica de la lengua castellana. Introducción de Ramón Sarmiento. (=
Lingüística: Autores, textos y temas, 4.) Barcelona: Editorial Anthropos, xlix, 461 pp.; 11 portr. [This volume consists of a facs.-repr. of Benot’s (1822–1907) posthumously published (Madrid: Sucesores de Hernando, 1910) summa of his linguistic thought concerning the grammar of Spanish (v-xxxiv [= prefatory materials by the original ed., José Torres Reina], 1–423 pp. in 16° = 3–459 of the new pagination), and a new 42-page introduction, in which the reader is provided with an account of Benot’s biography and intellectual background (including his political engagements) and an evaluation of his contribution to Spanish grammatical theory. It also contains a list of Benot’s “Producción científica y literaria”, 1850–1945 (xiii-xiv) and a list of secondary sources (xv-xvi).]
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft. Vol. I, No. 3. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 1991, [185-] 284 pp. [This issue contains the following two articles on general linguistics by different authors: Pierre Swiggers: “Note sur la linguistique générale en 1921–1922. Avec l’édition de deux lettres de Joseph Vendryes [(1875–1960)] à Edward Sapir [(1884–1939)]”, and Stefano Gensini: “Metaphor and history: Looking for a specific feature of the Italian linguistic thought”. It also contains reports on meetings (207–208); a discussion (209–220); reviews (221–254), and a list of new publications (255–284).]
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft. Vol. 2, No. 1. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 1992, 284 pp. [This volume contains the following articles: Rüdiger Schreyer, “Not invented by Art: Wilkins and the Chinese language”; Geert R. W. Dibbets, “‘Duits’ und Hochdeutsch bei niederländischen Grammatikern des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts”; Erich Poppe, “Lag es in der Luft? – Johann Kaspar Zeuß und die Konstituierung der Keltologie”; Peter Jaritz, “August Schleicher und Hegel, der vielgeschmähte Meister”. It has a discussion on “Romantikforschung oder neuromantische Bewegung?” by Peter Schmitter (77–83), reports on meetings (85–110), and reviews (111–136).]
Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 1989, et compléments des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1989 […]. Edited by Mark Janse & Sijmen Tol [with the assistance of a number of international contributors – see pp.v-vi, for their listing]. Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991. Pp. lxxviii, 1,239 pp. [The total number of pages and the coverage (21,215 entries) constitutes the largest annual volume of the BL to date, representing an increase of over 60% if compared to volumes appearing as recent as 1983. The History of Linguistics section shows a noticeable augmentation too: 693 (as against 425 in 1985) items in the regular HoL section (pp.66–102) and 540 (compared to some 350 in BL 1985) in the “Biographical Data / Données biographiques” section (pp.102–124). Given the wide areas and periods covered by historiographers, users of the BL will appreciate that the HoL section continues to be subdivided into a variety of subsections from “Western traditions” generally via “Antiquity”, “Middle Ages”, etc. down to “Indian tradition” and “Arab tradition”. However, this should not prevent historians of linguistics to consult other sections in the Bib., such as the “Festschriften/Mélanges in honorem” rubric (17–24), congress reports, and the general subsections in sections devoted to specific language fields or preceding (or sometimes even dispersed in) those devoted to general linguistic theory and philosophy of language. Another recent feature maintained in the HoL section is the addition of life-dates of authors in entries devoted to individual linguists.]
Blommaert, Jan & Jef Verschueren, eds. 1991. The Pragmatics of International and Intercultural Communication: Selected papers of the International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, August 17–22, 1987 (Volume III), and the Ghent Symposium on Intercultural Communication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vii, 249 pp. [This volume contains papers dealing with the problems of intercultural and international communication presented at the 1987 International Pragmatics Conference, and papers from the Ghent Symposium on Intercultural Communication. The papers include: Jan Blommaert & Jef Verschueren, “Intercultural and International Communication: Introduction”; Jan Blommaert, “How Much Culture is There in Intercultural Communication?”; Johannes Fabian, “Accident and Method in the Study of Intercultural Communication: Colonial Description of Swahili in the Former Belgian Congo”; John Gumpertz & Celia Roberts, “Understanding in Intercultural Encounters”; Volker Hinnenkamp, “Talking a Person Into Interethnic Distinction: A Discourse Analytic Case Study”; Laura Miller, “Verbal Listening Behavior in Conversations Between Japanese and Americans”; Rik Pinxten, “Fieldword as a Form of Intercultural Communication”; Susanne Niemeier, “Intercultural Dimensions of Pragmatics in Film Synchronisation”; Hans Julius Schneider, “Objectivism in Pragmatics as a Hindrance to Intercultural Communication”; Sara W. Smith, “Foreigner Talk Revisited: Limits on Accommodation to Nonfluent Speakers”; Jef Verschueren, “A Pragmatic Perspective on International Communication”. It has a bib. (211–231), index of names (233–238), index of subjects (239–249).].

Booij, Geert & Jaap van Marie, eds. 1991. Yearbook of Morphology. Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 264 pp. [According to the introduction, the articles included in this book represent current research on morphological classes which has been independently performed by a number of investigators. The articles were presented at a symposium organized as part of the 1990–1991 annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in Chicago in January 1991. Some of the articles are: Stephen R. Anderson, “Syntactically Arbitrary Inflectional Morphology”; Mark Aronoff, “Noun Classes in Arapesh”; Morris Hale, “The Latvian Declension”; James W. Harris, “The From Classes of Spanish Substantives”; Mark C. Baker, “Morphological Classes and Grammatical Organization”; Harald Baayen, “Quantitative Aspects of Morphological Productivity”; Laurie Bauer, “Scalar Productivity and -ily Adverbs” etc. It also has book reviews (243–248); book notices (255–260); and publications received (p.261).]
Bærentzen, Per, ed. 1992. Niels Danielsen Papers in Theoretical Linguistics (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 23.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vii, 224 pp; 11 portr. [In the foreward, the editor indicates that the volume contains a selection of papers which the late Niels Danielsen had intended to publish himself but was prevented from doing so by a fatal illness. The articles reprinted in this volume were chosen to throw light on the essential components of Danielsen’s linguistic theory and include the following: “On the Universality of Language”; “Die Relativa im Neuhochdeutschen – und anderen Sprachen: Eine Vorstudie zu einer konstitutionellen Sprachtheorie”; “On the Nucleus Constructions in Human Language: Preamble to a Semasiosyntax”; “A First Constitutional Step towards a Universal Syntax”; “The Cases Unravelled (Or: Back to Linguistics!)”; “A Final Wrest: On existence, existential disseminations and their delegations”; “Plädoyer gegen die generativen Tiefenoperationen: Kritik einer Scheinlehre”; “Kinetic Analysis of Sentences”; “A Concise List of the most Important Symbols and Abbreviations used in a Nomic Analysis”. It has an Index of Languages (219–221), and an Index of Authors (223–224).]
Boltz, William G. & Michael C. Shapiro, eds. 1991. Studies in the Historical Phonology of Asian Languages. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 77.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vi, 249. [This volume contains a collection of papers given in a series of lectures on various aspects of the historical phonology of Asian languages sponsored by the Asian Linguistics Colloquium of the Department of Asian Languages and Literature, University of Washington, in Seattle. Contributors include: William H. Baxter III on “Zhōu and Hàn Phonology in the Shījīng”; Robert I. Binnick on “Vowel Harmony Loss in Uralic and Altaic”; William G. Boltz on “The Old Chinese Terrestial Rames in Saek”; Reinhard F. Hahn on “Diachronic Aspects of Regular Disharmony in Modern Uyghur”; Ian Hancock on “Vlax Phonological Divergence From Common Romani: implications for standardization and orthography”; Hans Henrich Hock on “Dialects, Diglossia, and Diachronic Phonology in Early Indo-Aryan”; Bh.Krishnamurti on “The Emergence of the Syllable Types of Stems (C)VCC(V) and (C)VC(V) in Indo-Aryan and Dravidian: conspiracy or convergence?”; Roy Andrew Miller on How Many Verner’s Laws Does an Altaicist Need?”; Jerry Norman on “Nasals in Old Southern Chinese”; S. Robert Ramsey on “Proto-Korean and the Origin of Korean Accent”. It has an index of langauges (239–244) and an index of names (245–249).]. 

Brentari, Dianne, Gary N. Larson & Lynn A. MacLeod, eds. 1992. The Joy of Grammar: A festschrift in honor of James D. McCawley. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, ix, 400 pp. 11 portr. [The volume contains papers by friends, colleagues and students of James D. McCawley.covering several areas of linguistic analysis. Some of the papers are: Noriko Akatsuka, “Japanese Modals are Conditionals” (1–10); Donka F. Farkas, “Two Types of ‘Word-Creating’ Predicates” (35–63); John A. Goldsmith, “Tone and Accent in Llogoori” (73–94); Eric P. Hamp, “A Semantic Etymology”; Paul M. Postal, “Phantom Successors and the French Faire Par Constructions”; Jerrold M. Sadock, “A Paper on Yiddish for James D. McCawley”; Arnold M. Zwicky, “Jottings on Adpositions, Case Inflections, Government, and Agreement” (369–383). Other Contibutors are: Bill Darden (11–24); Paul D. Deane (25–33); Louanna Furbee (65–71); Georgia M. Green (95–127); Wesley M. Jacobsen (131–160); Kostas Kazazis (161–171); George Lakoff (173–197); D. Terence Langendoen (199–211); Alexis M. Ramer (213–223); Salikoko S. Mufwene (225–250); Younghee Na & Geoffrey J. Huck (251–274); Almerindo E. Ojeda (275–288); Y. Tagashira (329–336); Timothy J. Vance (337–350); Margaret E. Winters & Geoffrey S. Nathan (351–367). It has an index of subjects (385–389), an index of names (391–397), and an index of languages (399–400).]. 

Brogyanyi, Bela, ed. 1992. Prehistory, History, and Historiography of Language, Speech, and Linguistic Theory. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 64.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ix, 407 pp. [This volume containing a collection of papers by various writers dealing with topics in general linguistics, and the history of linguistic science is dedicated to Professor emeritus Oswald Szemerényi of the University of Freiburg on the occasion of his 75th birthday. It is divided into seven parts each dealing with a specific theme: I, “The Origin and Prehistory of Language”; II, Historiography of Linguistics”; III, “Phonology and Phonetic Change”; IV, “Morphologhy and Syntax”; V, “Socio-Neurolinguistics and Multilingualism”. Section II contains papers by the late János Balázs (on Samuel Brassai, c.1800–1897), Konrad Koerner (on the history of Amerindian linguistics), Aldo L.Prosdocimi & Maria Pia Marchese (on Saussure as an Indo-Europeanist and phonetician), and Jindřich Toman (on Trubetzkoy and Dmitrij Čiževskij, 1896–1977). It has an index of authors (401–407).]. 

Broselow, Ellen; Mushira Eid; & John McCarthy, eds. 1992. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics IV. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 85.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vii, 282 pp. [This volume contains eleven of the sixteen papers presented at the Fourth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics held as Wayne State University, Detroit, 2–3 March 1990. The book is in three parts: Part I deals with ‘Arabic Dialects: Implication for General Linguistics’; Part II, ‘Sociolinguistic Perspectives’; Part III, ‘Historical Perspectives’. Some of the papers are: “Parametric Variation in Arabic Dialect Phonology” by Ellen Broselow; “Vowel Shortening in Two Arabic Dialects” by Mahasen Abu-Mansour; “Pronouns, Questions, and Agreement” by Mushira Eid; “Cairene Arabic Auxiliaries and the Category AUX” by John Eisele; “How Different are Men and Women: Palatalization in Cairo” by Niloofar Haeri; “Code-Mixing in the Speech of Arabic-English Bilinguals” by Ahmad Atawneh; “Variable Agreement with Nonhuman Controllers in Classical and Modern Standard Arabic” by R. Kirk Belnap & Osama Shabaneh. It has an index of subjects (279–282). Of particular interest to HL readers is Karin C. Ryding’s contribution, “Morphosyntactic Analysis in Al-Jumal fii l-naḥw [ascribed to Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad (d. c.791)]: Discourse structure and metalanguage” (263–277). Index of subjects (279–282).]. 

Busse, Winfried & Françoise Dougnac. 1992. François-Urbain Domergue: Le grammairien patriote (1745–1810). Préface de Lucien Grimaud. (=
Lingua et Traditio: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 10.) Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. 243 pp. [Life and work of this important Fench grammarian, richly documented with reproductions of title-pages of his writings, autographs, selections from his work, and other documents. The back matter includes, inter alia, an “Inventaire des lettres écrites par Domergue” (213–226), a bib. of his writings (227–233), a list of secondary sources (234–243). No index. – Cf. Busse’s bibliographical review article on Domergue in HL 12.165–188 (1985).]
Carlton, Terence R. 1990. Introduction to the Phonological History of the Slavic Languages. Columbus: Slavica Publishers, 461 pp. [The book summarizes the achievements of Slavic historical linguistics. By showing what Proto-Slavic was like before Slavic speech came to be preserved in written form, the author makes it possible for the interested reader to understand how Slavic has moved slowly from one unified language to the present situation. It has an appendix containing a comparison of basic vocabulary (334–349), some parallel texts in Slavic languages (350–368), dialect maps (369–385), glossaries of the Slavic words used in the text (386–437); a bibliography (438–451); and an index (452–461).]
Courts, Patrick L. 1991. Literacy and Empowerment: The meaning makers. (=
Series in Language and Ideology, [unnumbered].) New York & London: Bergin & Garvey, xxvii, 183 pp. [This monograph contains the following chaps.: 1, “Language and Literacy”; 2, “An Historical Perspective: or, How we got from here to there”; 3, “Anxiety and Language in Society: or, Penetrating the Impenetrable”; 4, “Readers and (as) Texts”; 5, “Readers as Authors”; and 6, “Literacy beyond the English Class”. Bib. (171–176) and Index (177–183).]
Cousineau, Robert H. 1991. Zarathustra and the Ethical Ideal: Timely meditations on philososphy. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins; vii, 225 pp. [According to the preface, this work comments on our time as a time in need. It reflects on human comportment. Religious, social, psychological and ethical implications are brought to bear on it. It includes an index of texts (221–224) and an index of names (p.225).]. 

Desnickaja, A[gnija] V[asil’evna], ed. Istorija lingvističeskix učenij: Pozdnee srednevekov’e. Sankt-Peterburg: “Nauka”, 265 pp. [This vol. is the fourth of a series of collective vols. on the history of linguistics (the earlier ones appeared in 1981, 1982, and 1986 and dealt with the Ancient World, the Near East, and the Middle Ages); the present one is devoted to ‘linguistic trends’ in various European countries, from the medieval grammarians to contemporary, more philologically oriented work on German, French, Slavic and other languages. No index.]
Directory of Programs in Linguistics in the United States & Canada. [7th updated ed.] Compiled under the direction of Margaret Reynolds & Mary Niebuhr. Washington, D.C.: Linguistic Society of America, 1992 [actually published late in 1991], xiv, 164 pp. [This volume is an important pool for anyone desiring (fairly) up-to-date information on (almost) all existing linguistics programs in North America, including those found outside the universities and colleges (cf. the section “Research Institutions”, pp. 103–113). It also includes information on the various “Linguistic Societies & Related Organizations” throughout the world (115–164), including those of Australia, India, Korea, etc, but unfortunately not the North American Association on the History of the Language Sciences (NAAHoLS), although it has been meeting regularly together with the annual meetings of the LSA during the past few years. For historians of linguistics it is interesting to note that a number of linguistics departments in North America have been reduced to linguistics programs over the past few years and that several new programs and a department or two (e.g., at San José State University) have recently been established. Another feature of interest to HL readers is the indication of the dates at which individual programs were established. The back matter consists of an “Index of Staff” (131–158) and an “Index of Uncommonly Taught Languages” (159–164). – For information on the preceding (1987) and (1990) editions of the Directory, see HL 15:3.462–463 (1988) and HL 17:1/2.251–252 (1990), respectively.]
Dollerup, Cay, & Anne Loddegaard, eds. 1992. Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Training. talent and experience. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 343 pp. [This is a collection of papers from the First Language International Conference, Elsinore, Denmark, 31 May – 2 June 1991. The papers are grouped under the following major headings: “National Perspectives and the Future”; “Teaching Translation: Ways and means”; “An Inter-discipline and its Affiliation”; “Words, Words, Words”; “New Media and Teaching”; “Interpreting and Translation”; “Interpreting”; “Assessment”; “The World Beyond School”. It has a bib. (315–328) and an index (331–343).]. 

Drijkoningen, Frank & Ans van Kemenade. 1991. Linguistics in the Netherlands 1991. (=
AVT Publications, 8.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, x, 170 pp. [This volume publishes 17 papers given at the 2nd annual meeting of the Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap (General Society for Linguistics) held in Utrecht on 19 January 1991. From the contents: “Serial verbs, ‘object sharing’, and the analysis of dative shift” by Marcel den Dikken (31–40); “Hiatus deletion, phonological rule or phonetic coarticulation?” by Vincent van Heuven & Annelies Hoos (61–70); “Old French proclisis and enclisis: The clitic group or the prosodic word?” by Haike Jacobs (91–100); “The dummy DE in Chinese resultatives” by Rint Sybesma (131–140). No index.]
Fife, James & Erich Poppe, eds. 1991. Studies in Brythonic Word Order. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 83.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vii, 360 pp. [This is a collection of articles on the Brythonic branch of Celtic (comprising Welsh, Breton & Cornish). The introduction , “Word Order in Brythonic” is by the editors. Other articles are: “On the Prehistory of Britonic Syntax”, by John Koch; “Further Notes on Constituent Order in Welsh”, by Proinsias Mac Cana; “Focus and Welsh ‘Abnormal Sentence’: A cross-linguistic perspective”, by James Fife & Gareth King; “Word Order in Beunans Merisiak, by K. J. George; “Some Constituent-Order Frequencies in Classical Welsh Prose, by James Fife; “Discourse Pragmatics of NP-Initial Sentences in Breton” by Lenora A. Timm; “The Directionality of the Head Subcategorization in Welsh”, by Maggie Tallerman, and “The Function of the Cleft and Non-Cleft Constituent Orders in Modern Welsh”, by T. Arwyn Watkins”. It has a Subject Index (353–360).]. 

Gauger, Hans-Martin & Wolfgang Pöckl, eds. 1991. Wege in der Sprachwissenschaft: Vierundvierzig autobiographische Berichte. (=
Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 362.) Tübibgen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 259 pp. [This volume contains a collection of articles as a festschrift for Mario Wandruszka. Some of the articles are: Matilda Caragiu Marioţeanu, “May I Introduce Myself?”; Norman Denison, “Linguistics with a Human Face”; Witold Mańczak, “Deux questions fondamentales concernant la linguistique”.]
Gee, James P. 1992. The Social Mind: Language, ideology, and social pracice. (=
Series in Language and Ideology, unnumbered.). London & New York: Routledge, 175 pp. [The book goes beyond cognitive science’s new theory of ‘connectionism’ to formulate a dynamic social theory of mind and meaning. The author shows that such psychological entities as memories, beliefs, values, and meaning are formed in a social or cultural context that is inherently ideological or political. It has an extensive bibliography (153–166), and an index (167–175).]
Gipper, Helmut. 1992. Wilhelm von Humboldts Bedeutung für Theorie und Praxis moderner Sprachforschung. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 273 pp. [The reprints, under two major headings, “Humboldts Sprachauffassung” and “Humboldts sprachliche Weltansicht: Konstrukt oder nachweisbare Realität?”, respectively (though not quite accurately where the second is concerned), 12 essays and papers previously published between 1956 and 1986. The focus is much more in applied linguistics than on Humboldt. It has a bib.(249–266) and an index of names (267–273).]
Goodman, Edward J. 1992. The Explorers of South America. Norman, Okla. & London: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 408 pp. [This book is a narrative history of knowlegde of South America obtained through the efforts of explorers and other travellers from Columbus to Colonel P. H. Fawcett, the British explorer who disappeared in the interior of Brazil in 1925. It has an extensive bibliography (381–397) and an index (399–408).]
Gvozdanović, Jadranka, ed. 1992. Indo-European Numerals. (=
Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs, 57.) Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter, v, 943 pp. [This volume contains chapters on numerals in the Indo-European languages by various authors. The original contributions date from late 1960s and early 1970s. The contents include: Chap. 1, “Remarks on Numeral Systems” by Jandranka Gvozdanović; 2, “Some Thoughts About Indo-European Numerals” by Werner Winter; 3, “Anatolian” by Heiner Eichner; 4, “Tocharian” by Werner Winter; 5, “Old Indian” by Ronald Emmerick; 6, “Middle Indo-Aryan” by K. R. Norman; 7, “Modern Indo-Aryan” by Hermann Berger; 8, “Iranian” by Ronald Emmerick; 9, “Armenian” by Werner Winter; 10, “Thraco-Phrygian” by Edgar C. Polomé; 11, “Greek” by Frederik M. J. Waanders; 12, “Italic” by Robert Coleman; 13, “Romance” by Glanville Price; 14, “Celtic” by David Green; 15, “Germanic” by Alan S. C. Ross – Jan Berns; 16, “Balto-Slavonic” by Bernard Comrie; 17, “Albanian” by Eric P. Hamp. The back matter has “Appendix I: List of lesser-known languages” by the late Alan S. C. Ross (923–928), who also compiled “Appendix II: List of lesser-known place names” (929–934). An index of authors concludes the volume (935–943).]. 

Harre, Catherine E. 1991. Tener + Past Participle: A case study in linguistic description. London & New York: Routledge, vii, 213 pp. [The work focuses on the study of tener+past participle as used in modern Spanish and provides an historical survey of its evolution. While it is primarily aimed at linguists specialising in the structure of the Spanish language, it should also provide useful comparative material for those with an interest in theories of linguistic description covering Romance languages as a whole. The topics treated include: 1, “The question of auxiliary status”; 2, “Tener+past participle in modern Castilian”; 3, “Historical development of tener+past participle”; 4, “Historical development in Portuguese”; 5, “Comparison with other Romance languages”; 6, “Conclusions”. It has a bib. (200–206), name index (207–208), and a subject index (209–213).]
Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo. 1991. I: Vocabolario poliglotto; II: Saggio pratico delle lingue. Estudio introductorio y edición facsimil prepared by Manuel Breva-Claramonte & Ramón Sarmiento. (=
Historiografía de la Lingüística española; Serie Clasicos universales, [unnumbered].) Madrid: Sociedad General Española de Libreria, 541 pp.; 11 portr. [This vol. reprints the two most (linguistically) important volumes of Hervás’ (1735–1809) – in fact the last two – of his 21-volume Idea dell’ Universo, che contiene la Storia della vita dell’ uomo, elementi cosmografíci, viaggio estatico al mondo planetario, e Storia della terra, e delle lingue (Cesena: Gregorio Biasini, 1778–1787), both first published in 1787. The 17th volume of 1784, entitled Catalogo delle lingue conosciute, e notizia della loro affinità, e diversità, which contained a 260-page introduction dedicated to the Kings of Spain, was subsequently published by Hervás in a much enlarged 6-volume ed., Catálogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas, y numeración, división, y clases de éstas según la diversidad de sus idiomas y dialectos (Madrid, 1800–1805; repr., Madrid: Atlas, 1979). (The Ital. original was reprinted, together with an introd. by the late Antionio Tovar, in 1986 in the same ‘Casicos universales’ series as the present volume.) The introd. by Breva & Sarmiento to this vol. consists of 3 parts: I, “Semblanza bio-bibliográfica” (11–16); II, “Lorenzo Hervás: El binomio lengua-nación y la description de la lenguas del mundo” (17–32), and III, a brief conclusion (33–34), followed by a bib. (35–37).]
Horsman, Reginald. 1992. Expansion and American Indian Policy, 1783–1812. Norman & London: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, Paperback edition, vii, 209 pp. [The book – originally published in 1967 (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press) and now reissued as an “Oklahoma Paperback” with a new Preface by the author (vii-x) – discusses the policies of the early Americans towards the Indians from 1783 to 1812. Chap.7, “The ambivalence of Thomas Jefferson” (104–114), for instance illustrates how Jefferson as third President of the United States had to compromise between his ideals and the necessities imposed on him by the settlers. It has a bib. made up of primary (195–198) and secondary sources (198–201), and an index (202–209).]
Hyldgaard-Jensen, Karl & Arne Zettersten eds. 1992. Symposium on Lexicography V: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Lexicography, May 3–5, 1990 at the University of Copenhagen. (=
Lexicographica, 43). Tübingen: Niemeyer, 425 pp. [This volume contains papers presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Lexicography held at the University of Copenhagen in 1990. Some of the papers are: Joachim Mugdan, “On the Typology of Bilingual Dictionaries” (17–24); Klaus Schubert, “Lexicography, or Corpus-based Knowledge Acquisition?” (81–89); Roda P. Roberts, “Methods of Bilingual Dictionary-Making: The Canadian experience” (91–116); Edward Gates, “Should a Dictionary Contain Only the ‘Good’ Words?” (265–280). It has an introduction in English (1–5), French (7–11), and German (13–16); list of participants (397–400); and appendices written by Broder Carstensen (401–404), Walter Voigt (405–408), Franz Josef Hausmann (408–411), Veronika Schorr (411–413), Herbert Ernst Wiegand (414–418), Günther Drowdowski (418–421), and karl Hyldgaard-Jensen (422–425).]. 

International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. William Bright, ed.-in-chief (with a host of editorial advisors such as Eli Fischer-Jørgensen, André Haudricourt, Henry M. Hoenigswald, R. H. Robins, and many othes). 1992. New York & Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 4 vols. Pp. xvi + 429; viii + 440; viii, 456, and viii, 482 in-4°, respectively. [This largest encyclopedia of linguistics to date includes many items of interest to readers of HL, not only those which are expressly devoted to the History of Linguistics, which are all chronologically arranged under this heading (in vol.II, 140–175), consisting of individual entries such as “Ancient India” (Rosane Rocher), “Ancient Greece and Rome” (R. H. Robins), “Early Middle Ages” (Vivien Law), “Medieval Scholastic Grammar” (Michael A. Covington), “The Renaissance” (W. Keith Percival), “Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Europe” (Pierre Swiggers), “Comparative-Historical Linguistics” (Anna Morpurgo Davies), “Early Structuralism” (Giulio C. Lepschy), “The Prague School” (Josef Vachek), “The London School” (Eugénie Henderson & R. H. Robins), and “American Structuralism” (John G. Fought). The Encyclopedia also includes entries such as “Anthropological Linguistics: An overview” by Jane H. Hill (I, 65–69); “Early History [of Anthropological Linguistics] in North America” by Regna Darnell (ibid., 69–71); “Applied Linguistics: History of the field” by Peter Strevens (80–84); a rather short entry on the IPA by Michael K. C. MacMahon II, 226–227); “Phonetics: History of the Field” by John Kelly (III, 198–200), who also authored individual entries on Otto Jespersen, Daniel Jones, Paul Passy, Eduard Sievers, Henry Sweet, and John Wallis. Other greats of linguistic science, such as Bloomfield, Bopp, Grimm, Humboldt, Sir William Jones, Pott, Sapir, and Schleicher have received separate entries as well; however, there are no such entries devoted to Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829), Rasmus Kristian Rask (1787–1832), August Leskien (1840–1916), Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929), Hermann Paul (1846–1921), Karl Brugmann (1849–1919), Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913), to mention just the most obvious 19th-century linguists. Vol.IV not only includes an interesting entry by Philip K. Bock on “World View and Language” (248–251), which traces the so-called ‘Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis’ back to Aristotle and Vico, before Humboldt’s formulations of the Weltanschauungstheorie, but also informative back matter, namely, a detailed “Glossary” prepared by David Crystal (273–348), which however does not refer to individual entries, a directory of contributors (349–362), a “Synoptic outline of contents” (362–377), which also includes a list of all the “Languages of the world” which are mentioned or described in the Encyclopedia (368–377), and an impressive general index of names, subjects, and terms (379–482).]
Jucquois, Guy & Pierre Swiggers, eds. 1991. Le Comparatisme devant le miroir. (=
Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l’Institut de Linguistique de Louvain, 58). Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 155 pp. [The volume contains the following sections: I, “Epistémologie du comparatisme”; II, “A travers l’histoire de la réflexion comparatiste”; III, “Thèmes comparatistes”.]
Kac, Michael B. 1992 Grammars and Grammaticality. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 78.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, x, 259 pp. [This book covers issues concerning the intuitive concept of ‘grammaticality’ in generative grammar. The Introduction gives a brief account of why the study was undertaken. The book is divided into two main parts. Part I deals with “The Content of Syntactic Theory” and covers the following chapters: 1, “The nature of the project”; 2, “Syntactic theory and psychology”; 3, “Etiological analysis of ungrammatically”. Part II deals with “A Theory of Syntax and its Aplications” and has the following chapters: 4, “The framework”; 5, “Finite verb complementation in English”; 6, “Infinitival complementation”; and 7, “Constraints on predicate coordination”. It has an appendix made up of pedagogical exercises (230–244), bibliographical references (245–252), and a general index (253–259).]. 

Kartunen, Frances. 1992. An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl. Norman & London: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, ix, 349 pp. [This is a comprehensive dictionary of one of the major indigenous languages of Mexico. The Introduction includes a brief history of the study of Nahuatl, beginning with Alonso de Molina’s dictionary which appeared in Mexico City in 1571 (xvii-xxiii). One important feature of this analytical dictionary is that it is the first to stress the distinction between long and short vowels and the glottal stop as a consonant. It has a user’s guide (xi-xvi), and an introduction (xvii-xxxiv).]
Kasher, Asa, ed. 1991. The Chomskyan Turn. Cambridge, Mass. & Oxford: Basil Blackwell, ix. 410 pp. [The book contains a collection of papers presented at the international workshop on “The Chomskyan Turn: Generative Linguistics, Philosophy, Mathematics, and Psychology”, held on 11–14 April 1988, at Tel-Aviv University; organized under the auspices of the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas and of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. It contains the following papers: Part I, “Linguistics and Adjacent Fields: A personal perspective” by Noam Chomsky; “Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences: Problems and Mysteries” by Noam Chomsky; Part II, “Why Phonology is Different” by Sylvain Bromberger & Morris Halle; “Language and Brain: Redefining the goals and methodology of linguistics” by Victoria A. Fromkin; “Grammar, Meaning, and Indeterminacy” by Norbert Hornstein; “Pragmatics and Chomsky’s Research Program” by Asa Kasher; “‘Cartesian’ Linguistics?” by Justin Leiber; “Psychological Reality of Grammars” by Robert J. Matthews; “Rules and Principles in the Historical Development of Generative Syntax” by Frederick J. Newmeyer; “Rules and Representations: Chomsky and Representational Realism” by Zenon Pylyshyn; “On the Argument from the Poverty of the Stimulus” by Ken Wexler; Part III, “On the Status of Referential Indices” by Luigi Rizzi; “Concepts of Logical Form in Linguistics and Philosophy” by Shalom Lappin; “Syntax, Semantics, and Logical Form” by Robert May; “Elliptic Conjunctions – Non-Quantificational LF” by Tanya Reinhart; “LF and the Structure of the Grammar: Comments” by Susan D. Rothstein. It has a subject index (396–403) and a name index (404–410).]
Kent, Raymond D. 1992. Intelligibility in Speech Disorders: Theory, measurement and management (=
Studies in Speech Pathology and Clinical Linguistics, 1.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 365 pp. [This volume is the first in a series intended to provide a platform for the development of academic discussion and enquiry into the related fields of speech pathology and linguistics. The present volume contains papers by various authors including the following: Nicholas Schiavetti, “Scaling Procedures for the Measurement of Speech Intelligibility”; R. Bross, “An Application of Structural Linguistics to Intelligibility Measurement of Impaired Speakers of English”; Gary Weismer & Ruth E. Martin, “Acoustic and Perceptual Approaches to the Study of Intelligibility”; Lorraine Olson Ramig, “The Role of Phonation in Speech Intelligibility: A review and preliminary data from patients with Parkinson’s disease”. Other contributors are: James Emil Flege (157–232), Mary Joe Osberger (233–264), Kathryn M. Yorkston, Patricia A. Dowden & David R. Beukelman (265–285), W. Hardcastle & S. Edwards (287–328), Steven M. Barlow (329–361). Index (363–365).]. 

Kess, Joseph F. 1992 [published December 1991]. Psycholinguistics: Psychology, linguistics, and the study of natural language. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 86.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, xiv, 360 pp. [This textbook presents an interdisciplinary view of psycholinguistics and is intended for graduate students as well as undergraduate students at the senior levels. It has the following chapters: 1, “Introduction[: The nature of psycholinguistic inquiry]”; 2, “A History of psycholinguistics”; 3, “Speech perception and production”; 4, Morphology and the mental lexicon”; 5, “Syntax”; 6, “Discourse”; 7, “Semantics”; 8, “Language and thought”, 9, “Biological prerequisites”, and 10, “First language acquisition”. The volume is rounded off by a large bib. (323–351) and a general index (353–360).]. 

Kramer, Michael P. 1992. Imagining Language in America: From the Revolution to the Civil War. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, xvii, 239 pp. [This book is a study of the rhetoric of American writings on language. It includes the following: Part I: “Teaching Language in America”; Chap.1, “Wow is the Time, and This is the Country”’: How Noah Webster invented American English”; chap.2, “‘A Fine Ambiguity’: Longfellow, Language, and Literary History”; chap.3, “‘A Tongue According’: Whitman and the Literature of Language Study”; Part II: “The Philosophy of Language in America”; chap.4, “Consensus through Ambiguity: Why Language matters to The Federalist”; chap.5, “Language in a ‘Christian Commonwealth’: Horace Bushnell’s Cultural Criticism”; chap.6, “Beyond Symbolism: Philosophy of Language in The Scarlet Letter”; Conclusion, “From Logocracy to Renaissance”. The back matter consists of notes (203–233) and an index (236–239).]
Kusch, Martin. 1991. Foucault’ s Strata and Fields: An investigation into archaeological and genealogical science studies. (=
Synthese Library, 218.) Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ix, 262 pp. [The book provides a detailed reconstruction and defense of the late Michel Foucault’s philosophy and history of science. Part I deals with “Foucauldian Archaeology”. It includes the following: 1, “Introduction”;, 2, “On the Very Notion of ‘Archaeology’”; 3, “The New Histories in France”; 4, “Archaeology, the New Histories, and the History of Ideas”; 5, “The Archaeological Model I: Identifying discourse formations”; 6, “The Archaeological Model II: Beyond continuity and discontinuity”; 7, “Archaeology of Knowledge and other Histories of Science”; Part II: “Foucaultian Genealogy”: 8, “Introduction”; 9, “The Concept of Power”; 10, “The Genealogical Conception of Power I: Fields and networks”; 11, “The Genealogicl Conception of Power II: Social power and scientific knowledge”; 12, “Genealogical Research Strategies”; 13, “Genealogical Perspectivism”; 14, “Genealogical Criticism of Power and Rationalities”. It has an extensive bib. which includes: 1, “Writings, Editions, and Interviews by Foucault” (235–237), and 2, “Other sources” (237–249). Index of names (250–256) and of subjects (257–262).].

Larson, Mildred L., ed. 1991. Translation: Theory and practice tension and interdependence. (=
American Translators Association Monograph Series, vol.5.) Binghampton: SUNY, 270 pp. [This volume contains papers on the theory and practice of translation by different authors. It has the following main sections: 1, “What Happens When One Translates”; 2, “Some Theoretical Aspects of Translation”; 3, “Translating Non-prose Genres”; 4, “Putting Theory to Practice”; 5, “Language Specific Issues in Translation”; 6, “Translation in the University Setting”. Some of the contributors are: Marilyn Gaddis Rose (5–12), Alex Gross (27–37), Jean-Paul Vinay (157–171), and Francisco Gomes De Matos (254–259). It has a list of contributors (260–262), a list of ATA Corporate Members as of May 8, 1991 (263–266), a list of ATA Institutional members as of May 8, 1991 (267–268), and ATA Officers and Board of Directors, 1991.]. 

L’Encyclopédie, Diderot, ‘L’esthétique: Mélanges en hommage a Jacques Chouillet 1915–1990. 1991. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 329 pp. [The book is organized into three parts: I, “Itinéraire vers Diderot”; II, “Diderot, la philosophie, l’esthétique”; III, “L’Encyclopédie, les Lumières, l’esthétique”. It has a general index (325–329).]
Maclean, Ian. 1992. Interpretation and Meaning in the Renaissance: The case of law. (=
Ideas in Context, 21.) Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 235 pp. [The book examines theories of interpretation and meaning in Renaissance jurisprudence. The author investigates Renaissance problems connected with the authority of interpreters, the questions of signification, definition, verbal propriety and verbal extension, the performative functions of language, and custom and equity as means of interpretation etc. It has a bibliography of primary sources (215–225), an index of citations from the Corpus Juris Civilis (226–228), an index of names (229–235), and an index of terms (236–237).]
Malmgren, Sven-Göran & Bo Ralph, eds. 1991. Studier i Svensk Språkhistoria 2. (=
Nordistica Gothoburgensia, 14.) Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 283 pp. [The book is a report from the second conference on history of the Swedish language held at the Department of Scandinavian Languages (now the Department of Swedish Language), Gothenburg, in March, 1990. The papers cover about 1,000 years of Swedish, from runic texts to 20th century Swedish. Syntactic, morphological and semantic topics, as well as metalinguistic and language planning issues are covered. English summaries of the papers are provided (273–283), but there is no index.]
Mańczak, Witold. 1991. La Classification des langues romanes. Kraków: Universitas, 134 pp. [This book discusses the classification of the Romance languages on a statistical basis of its shared vocabulary. It has a bibliography (123–131) but no index.]
Mann, William C. & Sandra A. Thompson, eds. 1992. Discourse Description: Diverse linguistic analyses of a fund-raising text. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vii, 409 pp. [This is meant to be a resource book for undergraduate and graduate courses in discourse and text analysis as well as for researchers in that area. The various contributors analyse the same text – a letter from the Zero Population Growth organization to its donors. The papers are organized into two main sections: I, “Text Organization”, and II, “Lexico-Grammatical Approaches to the Text”. Some of the contributors are: Kathleen Callow & John C. Callow (5–37); Bonnie J. F. Meyer (79–108); Robert E. Longacre (109–130); Wallace Chafe (267–294); M. A. K. Halliday (327–358), etc. It has an appendix: “Should Canada Get Bigger or Better?” by John Meyers (407–408).]. 

Meder, Gregor & Andreas Dörner, eds. 1992. Wörte, Wörter, Wöterbücher: Lexikographische Beiträge zum Essener Lnguistischen Kolloquium. (=
Lexicographica, 42.) Tübingen: Niemeyer, 224 pp. [The volume contains papers on lexicography by various authors. Some of the papers are: Joachim Mudgan, “Zur Typologie zweisprachiger Wöterbücher”; Jörge Allhoff, “Die Berücksichtigung von Affixen in Wörterbüchern”; Broder Carstensen, “Anglicisms in German: The description of the loan-process”. It has a list of authors (p.224).]. 

Mesthrie, Rajend. 1991. Language in Indenture: A sociolinguistic history of Bhojpuri-Hindi in South Africa. London & New York: Routledge, 325 pp. [This book is a history of one of the Indic languages, Bhojpuri, as used in South Africa. The author focuses on the struggle of this language to survive in a predominantly English environment. Current patterns of usage in the form of colloquial sentences, traditional folk tales, proverbs, riddles, are documented and described. It has appendices (241–303), a bibliography (313–322), and an index (323–325).]
Munévar, Gonzalo, ed. 1991. Beyond Reason: Essays on the philosophy of Paul K. Feyerabend. (=
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 132.) Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ix, 535 pp. [This volume contains a collection of essays by authors around the world on the thought of Paul K. Feyerabend. According to the preface, the essays “range from acerbic, even personal critiques, to analyses of the profound significance of Feyerabend’s ideas for our understanding of science and for philosophy in general”. Index (529–535).]. 

Murray, Denise E. 1991. Conversation for Action: The computer terminal as medium of communication (=
Pragmatics & Beyond: New Series, 10.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, xii, 180 pp. [This book contains four “parts”: 1, “The web of communication”; 2, “Terminal literacy”; 3, “Conversation for action”, and 4, “Conclusions”. “References” (167–176), Author Index (177–178); Subject Index (179–180).]. 

Naumann, Bernd, Frans Plank & Gottfried Hofbauer, eds. 1992. Language and Earth.: Elective affinities between the emerging sciences of linguistics and geology (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 66.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 445 pp. [The volume contains papers presented at a symposium sponsored by the Werner-Reimers-Stiftung in Bad Homburg in which historically and philosophically interested geologists and linguistics shared mutual influence of their disciplines. Some of the papers are: Bernd Naumann, “The History of the Earth and the Origin of Language: The case for catatrophism”; Frans Plank, “Language and Earth as Recycling Machines”; E. F. Konrad Koerner, “William Dwight Whitney and the Influence of Geology on Linguistic Theory in the 19th Century”. It has a name index (437–441) and a subject index (443–445).]. 

Nebrija, Elio Antonio de. 1992. In prolatione quarundam litterarum errare grœ-cos et latinos facile potest demonstran. Reglas de Orthographia de la lengua Castillana. Estudio y edición por Antonio Roldan Pérez & Abraham Esteve Serrano. Murcia: Publicaciones del Congreso Internacional de Historiografía Lingüística ‘Nebrija V Centenario’, [iv], xvii, 159 pp.; 11 portr. [This volume presents an edition, translation into Spanish, and a facsimile of the first of the two above works of Nebrija (1444–1522), which actually was only 7 pages long in its original (pp.21–27), and a facsimile of the same author’s Reglas, first published in Alcalá in 1517, as edited in 1735 by Gregorio Mayans y Siscar (Madrid: Juan de Zuñiga), xxx, 96 pp. in its original pagination (here: pp.33–158), with Mayans y Siscar’s (1699–1781) “Reflecciones” and elegy on Nebrija taking up pp.115–151 and 152–158, respectively. They are preceded by an account “Las dos últimas obras ortográficas de Nebrija” by the editors (i-xvii), which details on the publication history of these works and analyzes Nebrija’s orthographic (and ‘phonological’) proposals.]
Nerlich, Brigitte. 1992. Semantic Theories in Europe 1830–1930. (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 59.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 359 pp. [The book traces the history of semantic theories in Europe between the years 1830 and 1930. It is divided into three main parts. Part I, “The Development of Semasiology in Germany”; Part II, “The Development of la Sémantique in France”; Part III, “The Development of Semantics in England – From sematology to significs and beyond”. It has notes (269–292), a list of abbreviations (293–294); bibliographies of primary (295–332) and secondary sources (333–346); an index of authors (347–355), which supplies biographical dates; and an index rerum (356–359).].

Noordegraaf, Jan. 1991. Theorie en beginsel: R. J. Dam en zijn controverse met H. J. Pos. (=
Cahiers voor Taalkunde, 4.) Amsterdam: Stichting Neerlandistiek VU, 45 pp. [The essay reports on the episode which took place in the early 1930s when a certain Dr Roelf Jan Dam (1896–1945), principal of a Dutch highschool, lodged a public complaint against the philosopher-linguist Hendrik Josephus Pos (1896–1955) because he feared that the latter’s structuralist views were not in conformity with Calvinist principles of the Reformed Church (which at the time was running the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam where Pos was a professor of classics and linguistics). English summary (44–45).]
North-Western European Language Evolution. 1992. (=
NOWELE 19.) Odense: Odense Univ. Press, 107 pp. [This volume contains the following articles:Merja Kytö, “Shall (should) vs. Will (Would) in Early British and American English: A variational study of change”; Kenneth Shields, “On the Origin of the Germanic Decads 70–100”; Frederik Kortland, “The Germanic Fifth Class of Strong Verbs”, among others.]
Nuyts, Jan. 1992. Aspects of a Cognitive-Pragmatic Theory of Language. (=
Pragmatics & Beyond, New Series, 20.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, ix, 399 pp. [This book, according to the preface, discusses a number of elementary problems concerning natural language and the sciences investigating it. It is a theory of natural language built on the observations that: i) linguistic behavior requires an extensive cognitive structure in a human being, and that the sciences of language have to reveal the principles; ii) linguistic behavior is functional for a human being and that the sciences of language have to account for this instrumental character. The book is divided into three main sections: “Elements of Theory”; “Linguistic Knowledge and Language Use: Chomsky revisited”; and “Linguistic and Conceptual Systems in Language Processing”. It has extensive bibliographical references (335–378), a subject index (379–392), and an index of names (393–399).]
Ohde, Ralph N. & Donald J. Sharf. 1992. Phonetic Analysis of Normal and Abnormal Speech. New York & Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan International, 386 pp. [This book is intended for use in phonetic and other courses that include the study of the descriptive analysis of speech sounds, especially those that constitute part of the training of speech and language pathologists. The text covers the subject matter of introductory phonetics, and the phonetic and phonologic aspects of speech and language disorders as well as a phonetic system for transcribing them. It has a bibliography (364–373), a defined terminology index (374–377), an author index (378–381), and a subject index (382–386).]. 

Ostler, Rosemarie. 1992. Theoretical Syntax 1980–1990: An annotated and classified bibliography (=
Library and Information Sources in Linguistics, 21.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, v, 192 pp. [According to the preface, this bibliography is intended for both practicing scholars who are interested in recent progress of theoretical syntax or a subfield within it and for students who are approaching the topic for the first time. The contents include: I, “Introduction to Syntax”; II, “General Studies”; III, “The Morphology/Phonology Interface”; IV, “Semantics and Syntax”; V, “Historical Syntax”; VI, “Syntactic Universals and Typology”; VII, “The Acquisition of Syntax”; VIII, “Computational and Mathematical Syntax”; IX “Stylistics and Discourse Analysis”; X, “The Syntax of Specific Languages”. It has an author index (174–182), a topic index (183–189), and a language index (190–192).].

Pellegrini, Giovan Battista. 1991. Dal Venetico al Veneto: Studi linguistici preromani e Romanzi. (=
Filologia Veneta; Testi e studi, 2.) Padova: Editoriale Programma, 371 pp. [The vol. has the following chaps.: 1, “La lingua venetica e l’eredit a paleoveneta”; 2, “Noterelle epigrafico-linguistiche”; 3, “Noterelle venetiche”; 4, “Osservazioni lessicali sulle lingue preromane dell’Italia superiore”, and some ten more, concluding with a “Breve storia linguistica di Venezia e del Veneto” (333–349). A lexical and toponomastic index (353–366) and an index of authors (367–371) round off the work.]
Pinnow, Heinz-Jürgen, ed. 1990. Die Na-Dene-Sprachen im Lichte der Greenberg-Klassification. (=
Abhandlungen der Völkerkundlichen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 64.) Nortorf: Völkerkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft. 38 pp. [A critical assessment of the Na-Dene languages in the light of Joseph H. Greenberg’s (1987) classification]. For information on the ethnological working group, write to the following address: Völkerkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft, c/o Uwe Johannsen, Postfach 1142, D-W 2353 Nortorf, Germany.]
Rask, Rasmus Kristian. 1992. Von der Etymologie überhaupt: Eine Einleitung in die Sprachvergleichung. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von Uwe Petersen. (=
Lingua et Traditio: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 11.) Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 108 pp. [A German translation of portions of Rask’s famous Undersögelse om det garnie Nordiske eller Islandske Sprogs Oprindelse (Copenhagen 1818), with an introduction, “Rasks Stellung in der Sprachwissenschaft”, a summary (75–79), a commentary (81–102), and a classified bib. (103–108) by the translator (who ignores almost all of the pertinent scholarship on 19th-century historical-comparative linguistics published during the past 20 or more years). No index.]
Renner, Egon, ed. 1990. Fallstudien zum Fachverständnis deutscher Ethnologen I: Der Umgang mit der interdisziplinären Evolutionstheorie der amerikanischen Ethnologie. (=
Abhandlungen der Völkerkundlichen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 69.) Nortorf: Völkerkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft. [Presents case studies for the benefit of German ethnologists not familiar with the inter-disciplinary theory of (social and cultural) evolution propounded by North American scholars in the field.]. Editor’s address: Völkerkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft, c/o Uwe Johannsen, Postfach 1142, D-W 2353 Nortorf, Germany.]
Renner, Egon, ed. 1988. Kognitive Anthropologie versus ethnologischer Historismus: Zur Situation der deutshen Ethnologie und ihrer Ausbrecher. (=
Abhandlungen der Völkerkundlichen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 60.) Ibid., 70 pp. [This paper offers an assessment of the present state of German ethnology.]
Recherches sur le Français parlé. 1992. (=
Groupe Aixois de Recherches en Syntaxe, 11.) Marseille: Université de Provence, 132 pp. [It contains articles such as “Sujet postposé et double marquage” by Mylène Blasco & Paul Cappeau and “A propos des énoncés sans verbes: les énoncés réponses” by Claire Blanche-Benveniste.]
Rousseau, André, ed. 1991. Sur Les Traces de Busbecq et du Gotique. (=
Travaux & Recherches
.) Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille, 230 pp. [According to the preface, “le présent volume réunit, à l’exception d’un texte, les contributions originales présentées lors d’un Colloque international qui s’est tenu à Bousbecque (Nord) et à l’Université Charles-de-Gaulle/Lille III du 30 novembre au 2 décembre 1989”. It is divided into two main parts: Part I, “Augier Ghislain de Busbecq (1522–1591)”, which supplies historical and biographical detail; and Part II, “Le gotique de Crimée”, which is devoted to studies on ‘Krimgotisch’.]
Rüdiger, Johann Christian Christoph. 1990. Von der Sprache und Herkunft der Zigeuner aus Indien. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1782. Mit einer Einleitung von Harald Haarmann. (=
Linguarum Minorum Documenta Historiographica, 6.) Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, xxvi, [35-] 84 pp. [The study here reprinted is an essay taken from Rüdiger’s (1751–1822) Neuster Zuwachs der teutschen, fremen und allgemeinen Sprachkunde in eigenen Aufsätzen, Bücheranzeigen und Nachrichten, Part I (Leipzig: P. G. Kummer, 1782), pp.37–84, not an originally separate publication. In his inrod. (vii-xxvi) the ed. places Rüdiger’s insightful article of the Indic origin of the gypsis in an historical context.]
Ruijsendaal, E[ls]. 1991. Letterkonst, het klassieke grammaticamodel en de oudste Nederlandse grammatica’s. Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij, [x], 498 pp. [This former dissertation constitutes massive study on the tradition of the Greek grammatical model in the Netherlands. It consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Griekenland”; 2, “De grammatica in de Rommeinse tijd”; 3, “De Middeleeuwen”; 4, “Humanisme en Renaissance”; 5, “De Nederlanden”; 6, “De Nederlandse grammaticale werken 1568–1700”; 7, “Opbouw en beschrijvingssysteem van de triviumgrammatica”; and 8, “Het klassieke grammaticamodel in de volkstaal i.c. het Nederlands”. Bib. (429–444), and Index (445–456).]
Ruwet, Nicolas (edited and translated by John Goldsmith). 1991. Syntax and Human Experience (=
Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, [unnumbered].) Chicago & London: The Univ. of Chicago Press, xxv, 334 pp. [The book contains, as front matter, “Editor’s Foreword” (by Goldsmith), an “Introduction” by te author (xvii-xxiv); and five chaps.: 1, “Je veux partir / *Je veux que je parte: On the distribution of finite complements and infinitival complements in French”; 2, “Raising and control revisited”; 3, “On weather expressions”; 4, “Weather verbs and the unaccusativity hypothesis”, and 5, “On the use and abuse of idioms in syntactic argumentation”. The back matter consists of “References” (315–330) and an “Index” (331–334).]
Šabršula, Jan. 1992. La Linguistique dans les érits Latins de coménius. (=
Listy Filologické, Supplementum, 1.) Praha: Ústav pro klasická studia ČSAV, 104 pp. [An analysis of Jan Amos Comenius’ (1592–1670) linguistic theories as found in his Novissima linguarum methodus (1648) and other works.]
Sapir, Edward. 1991. The Collected Works of Edward Sapir. Vol. VI1: American Indian Languages 2. (Volume editor: Victor Golla). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 559 pp. [This is the second part of the collection of Sapir’s works on American Indian languages and it is divided into the following sections: 6, “Athabaskan and Na-Dene Languages”; 7, “Penutian Languages”; 8, “Wakashan and Salishan Languages”; and 9, “Other American Languages”. Section 6 contains articles, reports, lecture notes, and other materials such as “Problems in Athapaskan Linguistics”. Section 7 contains materials such as “Preliminary report on the language and mythology of the Upper Chinook” (1907). Section 8 contains items such as “Some aspects of Nootka language and culture [excerpt]” (1911). Section 9 contains “A Tutelo vocabulary” (1913) and “Review of B. Bibolotti, Moseteno Vocabulary and Treatises” (1918). “References” (525–542). “Index to Volumes V and VI” (543–559).]. 

Searle, John R. et al. 1992. (On) Searle on Conversation. Compiled and introduced by Herman Parret & Jef Verschueren. (=
Pragmatics & Beyond, New Series, 21). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 154 pp. [This volume contains an article entitled “Notes on Conversation” which John Searle presented at an international conference of linguists and philosophers held in 1981 at the Universidade Estadual of Campinas, Brazil, and eight comments on it written by various authors: Julian Boyd, Marcelo Dascal, David Holdcroft, Andreas Jucker, Eddy Roulet, Marina Sbisà, Emanuel Schegloff, and Jürgen Streeck. It has an index of names (149–150) and a subject index (151–154).]. 

Sebeok, Thomas A. & Jean Umiker-Sebeok, eds. 1991. Recent Developments in Theory and History: The semiotic web 1990. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter, ix, 554 pp. [This volume contains papers dealing with the philosophical and philological foundations of semiotics; and primary and secondary modelling systems. The contents include: “Self-Portrait of a Russian Semiotician in his Younger and Later Years”, an autobiography by Vyacheslav Ivanov; “Semiotics and Edward Sapir” by Ann E. Berthoff; “Josiah Royce and Communal Semiotics”,by Robert S. Corrington; “Giambattista Voco and Semiotica” by Marcel Danesi; “The Semiotics of Ogden” by W. Terrence Gordon; “Semiotics and Gottlob Frege” by Eugeniusz Grodziński; “Kant’s Semioitics: On his 200-Year-Critique of Judgement” by János Kelemen; “The Semiotics of J R. Firth” by Nigel Love; “Merleau-Ponty and the ‘Syntax in Depth’: Semiotics and language as ‘another less heavy, more transparent body’” by Glen Mazis; “Semiotics and Hermeneutics” by Ursula Niklas; “Semiotics and Gilles Deleuz” by Dorothea Olkowski; “On Jakobson on Translation” by John Sturrock; “An invitation to the Semioics of Georges Mounin” by Catherine Tihanyi; “Semiotics and Geography” by Kenneth E. Foote; “Semiotics and Narrative” by William O. Hendricks; “As American As Apple Pie – and Sushi and Bagels: The semiotics of food and drink” by Adrienne Lehrer; “Semiotic Primitives and Symbolic Machines” by Jean-Guy Meunier; “Semiotics and Cartography” by Bohumil Palek; “Law, Semiotics, Coding, and Communication” by W. T. Scott; “Semiotics and Sign Language Research and Practice” by William C. Stokoe; “Semiotic Perspectives on Joyce” by Lorraine Weir. There is an index (545–554).]. 

Shapiro, Marianne. 1990. De Vulgari Eloquentia: Dante’s book of exile. Lincoln & London: Univ. of Nebraska Press, ix, 277 pp. [This book is a translation of Dante’s treatise on how to raise the Italian language to the status of Latin. The translation is preceded by an introduction (1–46) by the author. It has an extensive bib. (259–270), and an index (271–277).]
Stamenov, Maxim, ed. 1992. Current Advances in Semantic Theory. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 73.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, xi, 565 pp. [The volume contains selected contributions to the International Symposium on “Models of Meaning” held on 25–28 September, 1988 in the Druzhba resort near Varna, Bulgaria, under the auspices of the Institute of the Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. It has two main parts: I: “Multidisciplinary Perpectives on Meaning”; II: “Toward Broadening the Scope of Linguistic Semantics”. Some of the papers are: “Meaning Prior to the Separation of the Five Senses” by Eugene T. Gendlin; “Consciousness and the Cognitive Psychology of Meaning” by Hary T. Hunt; “Models of Interpretation” by Marcelo Dascal; “Word Meaning, Imagery and Action”; “Linguistic Relativity and Semantic Research” by Stefana Dimitrova; “Some Considerations on the explicitness and Completeness of Semantic Descriptions” by Franz Hundsnurscher; “Semantic ‘Oppositions’: (Animacy)” by Maya Pencheva. It includes a detailed subject index (555–565).]
Subbiondo, Joseph L., ed. 1992. John Wilkins and 17th-Century British Linguistics. (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 67.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, ix, 374 pp. 11 portr. [This volume brings together studies that discuss the place of Wilkins and his Essay towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language (1668) in 17th-century Britain. It is divided into six main sections: I “John Wilkins (1614–1672): Life and Work”; II, “Wilkins and the 17th-Century Reconciliation of Science, Religion, and Language”; III, “The Sources of Wilkins’ Philosophical Language”; IV “Theory and Practice of Wilkins’ Philosophical Language”; V, Wilkns’ Classification of Reality”; VI, “Wilkins’ Legacy”. It has a select bib. made up of: A, “Writings of John Wilkins” (365); B, Secondary sources (366–370); and an index of biographical names (371–374).].

Suchan, Elke & Michael Pielenz, compilers. 1990. Bibliographie Linguistischer Literature: Bibliographie zur allgemeinen Linguistik und zur anglistischen, germanistischen und romanistischen Linguistik, Band 161 / Bibliography of Linguistic Literature: Bibliography of general linguistics and of English, German, and Romance linguistics, vol. 161. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, xiv, 754 pp. [This volume contains very useful bibliographic data on general linguistics and the linguistics of English, German and the Romance languages for 1991. It is organized into the following sections: “General Linguistics”; “German Linguistics”; “English Linguistics”; and “Romance Linguistics” each of which is further subdivided, according to the aspect dominant in the listing of their respective items, into a form section, a systematic section, and a language section. It contains 14305 listings. It has an introduction in German and English (XIV/XV), a list of periodicals exploited (XVI-XXXI), a list of collective works exploited (XXXIII-XXXIX), a subject and name index (603–662), author index (666–754).]
Sundby, Bertil, Anne Kari Bjørge & Kari E. Haugland, eds. 1991. A Dictionary of English Normative Grammar 1700–1800. (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 63.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 486 pp. [The book has the following sections: “Introduction”, Part I, “Background”; II, “The eighteenth-century grammar book”; III, Principles of delimitation and selection”; IV, “Error typologies”; V, “Overall structure”; VI “Error categories”; VII, “Sources quoted by grammarians”; VIII, “Labels”; IX, “Guide to the use of the dictionary”; X, “Grammatical code”; XI, “List of error categories and main entries”, and “The Dictionary”. It has an extensive bibliography made up of primary sources (439–457); other early sources (458–459); and modern works consulted (459–462); as well as an index (463–486).]. 

Trudeau, Danielle. 1992. Les inventeurs du bon usage (1529–1647). Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit, 226 pp. [This study focuses on the intellectual climate that preceded Vaugelas’ famous 1647 Remarques sur la langue françoise, a climate in which the written word was more prestigious than the spoken word, and learning was highly valued. Major issues in this pre-Vaugelas era were the origin of French, the legitimacy of the dialects, and control over changes in the language. The language of the court, and the written language, were already preferred, the author finds, already before the official birth of the French value of bon usage which underlies modern French attitudes toward grammar. After an introduction (9–14), the first chapter deals with the search for the original French language (15–44), followed by chapters Écrivains et courtisans (45–68), on linguistic pluralism and the value placed on the language of the court, L’ordre de l’usage (69–94 on 16th-century grammarians’ recognition of the rule-governed nature of language), La grammaire gauloise de Pierre de la Ramée (95–115), dealing with Ramus’ idea that French in its basic essence reflected the old language of the Druids who preserved classical learning brought via Italy before the Latin of the church tradition imposed borrowings to obscure the real origin of French, Henri Estienne et la purété de la langue (116–140), emphasizing comparisons between Greek and French and distinguishing between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ French even among the ‘good’ speakers and writers at court, La tyrannie de l’usage commun (141–166 dealing with the influence of Malherbe among others), and La doctrine du bon usage en 1647 (167–195), focusing on the work of Vaugelas). A conclusion (196–202), appendices (203–220, citing original sources), an index of names (221–223), and a table of contents (225–226) conclude the volume. Characteristic of the book as a whole is a insistence on social context, including very readable highlights of the life of individual grammarians. – Carol F. Justus, San José State Univ.]

Verschueren, Jef, ed. 1991. Pragmatics at Issue: Selected papers of the International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, August 17–22, 1987. Vol. I1. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vii, 314 pp. [This volume contains a selection of papers such as: “Preschoolers’ active search for pragmatic knowledge” by Judith A. Becker; “Children’s pragmatic knowledge of narrative tasks” by Barbara Bokus; “Psychopragmatics vs. sociopragmatics: The function of pragmatic markers in thinking-aloud protocols” by Josianne Caron-Prague & Jean Caron; “Semantics, pragmatics, and situated meaning” by Aaron V. Cicourel; “Conceptual and semantic co-ordination in children’s dialogue” by Aileen Clark & Simon Garrod; “How much pragmatics and how much grammar: The case of Haruai” by Bernard Comrie; “ A sociolinguistic model of successful speech act construction” by Jeff Connor-Linton; “Towards a model for generating cleft sentences” by Judy Delin; “Four properties of speech-in-interaction and the notion of translocutionary act” by Alessndro Duranti; “The study of argumentation from a speech act perspective” by Frans H. van Eemeren & Rob Grootendorst; “Intensional ascription, autism and troubles with content” by Beatrice de Gelder; “Children’s referential communication in a game situation” by Lisbeth Hedelin & Erland Hjelmquist; “Towards a computational theory of speech acts” by Peter Smith & David Holdcroft; “A description of utterances in conversation” by Amy Bik-may Tsui; “Primal content and actual content: An antidote to literal meaning” by Robert Wilensky. It has an extensive bib. (277–299), an index of names (301–304), and an index of subjects (305–314).]. .

Verschueren, Jef, ed. 1991. Levels of Linguistic Adaptation: Selected papers of the International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, August 17–22, 1987 Vol II1. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vii, 339 pp. [This volume contains the following papers: “On the contextualizing function of speech rythm in conversation: Question-answer sequences” by Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen & Peter Auer; “Explaining a missing modal meaning: Ideology and paradigm as pragmatic parameter” by Steven Cushing; “Elements of morphopragmatics” by Wolfgang U. Dressler & Lavina Merlini Barbaresi; “Switch reference anomalies and ‘topic’ in west greenlandic: A case of pragmatics over syntax” by Micheal Fortescue; “Intonational phrases and syntactis focus domains” by Thorstein Fretheim; “A pragmatic analysis of control in Chinese” by Yan Huang; “Empathy as motivation for style shifting in narrative” by Joseph F. Kess & Ronald S. Hoppe; “From syntax to pragmatics: Inalienable possession in Brazilian Portuguese” by Michael D. Kliffer; “On reference and deixis” by Barbara Kryk; “Contradiction and paradox in discourse” by Neal R. Norrick; “On the language-internal interaction of prosody and pragmatic particles” by Jan Ola Östman; “Ethnolinguistic and interpretative concepts in explaining language shift” by Rosita Rindler Schjerve; “Prologomena to the pragmatics of ‘situational-intentional’ varieties in Kilivila language” by Gunter Senft, “The pragmatics of French newspaper headlines” by Clyde Thogmartin; “My mom and I are the best friends” by Ruth Wodak & Muriel Schultz. It has an extensive bib. (295–324), an index of names (325–330), and an index of subjects (331–339).]. 

Waugh, Linda R[uth] & Stephen Rudy, eds. 1991. New Vistas in Grammar: Invariance and variation. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 49.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, x, 540 pp. [The volume publishes revised versions of twenty-five papers first presented at the second international conference devoted to the legacy of Roman Jakobson (1896–1982), held at New York University in October 1985. They are here organized under the main following headings: I, “The Question of Invariance” (contributors: Edward Stankiewicz, Erica García, Yishai Tobin); II, “Invariance and Grammatical Categories” (Igor Mel’čuk, Howard I. Aronson, Rodney B. Sangster, Monique Monville-Burston, John S. Robertson, Pierre Swiggers, Madeleine Newfield & Linda R. Waugh); III, “Grammar and Discourse” (Linda Waugh, Nils B. Thelin, Henning Andersen, Flora Klein-Andreu); IV, “Grammar and Pragmatics” (Herman Parret, Cornells H. van Schooneveld, Olga T. Yokoyama, Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Edna Andrews), and V, “Typology and Universals” (Joseph H. Greenberg, Hansjakob Seiler, Elmar Holenstein, Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, John A. Hawkins, Ivan Fónagy). These papers are preceded by an Introduction by Waugh (1–7) in which the background to the ‘invariance in the midst of variation’ theme is supplied, and rounded off by indexes of names (517–523), of ‘topics’ (525–540), and a fully-fledged, informative index of subjects, terms, and languages.]. 

Weiß, Helmut. 1992. Universalgrammatiken aus der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland: Eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung. Münster: Nodus Publicationen, 191 pp. [The book consists of two major parts, preceded by a short “Einleitung”: I, “Systematische Darstellung”, which surveys the history of universal grammars in Germany between 1700 and 1750 and offers a three-fold typology: ontological-deductive, logical-deductive, and comparative; II, “Grammaticae universales theodiscae”, which analyzes, in separate sections, 19 different grammars, many of which were written by schoolmasters and aren’t ‘household names’ in 18th-century linguistics. Among the better known authors discussed here are Georg Friedrich Meiner (1718–1777), Elias Caspar Reichard (1714–1791) – though not for the unpublished grammar mentioned by the author (p. 158), and the influential philosopher Christian Wolff (1679–1754). (It is a bit puzzling in a contribution to the history of linguistic ideas to have the works treated not in the chronological order of their genesis or publication but in an alphabetical order by authors’ names.) The back matter consists of a bib. (172–186) and an index of names (187–191).]
Wickens, Mark A. 1992. Grammatical Number in English Nouns: An empirical and theoretical account. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 76.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, ix, 321 pp. [According to the introduction, the aim of this study regarding the nature of number is to provide evidence to validate Walter Hirtle’s theory of number in English and to investigate some of the problems mentioned in his work. The topics treated are: 1, “Ailment names”; 2, “Liquid names”; 3, “Nouns in -ings”; 4, “The names of binary objects”; 5, “The abstract -s”; 6, “The external singulars”; 7, “Problems and prospects”. It includes appendices (235–286); bibliographical references (287–305); and an index (307–321).].

Winters, Christopher, gen. ed. (together with David Lonergan, Thomas L. Mann, Hans E. Panofsky et al. as members of the editorial board). 1991. International Dictionary of Anthropologists. New York & London: Garland Publishing, xl, 823 pp. in-4°. [As the gen. ed. states in his lengthy Preface (p.xi), “The Dictionary’s chief purpose is not to serve as a history of the discipline but rather to provide readily accessible concise biographical information about some major contributors to anthropology.” And further: “We have gone to some lengths to assure broad international coverage” (ibid.). As a matter of fact, the coverage is rather broad, both in terms of number of biographical entries (my estimation: ca. 1,000) and nationality (at least half of these are devoted to non-North American scholars, including in fact people from places as far away as China, the Middle East, and the Philippines, to mention just a few geographical areas). However, one may question the inclusion of certain (at times quite minor) persons who cannot be credited with any contribution to ‘anthropology’ even if the subject is very loosely defined; great linguists too actually included here, such as Bopp or Saussure, do not belong in a volume such as the present. More regrettable is the exclusion of scholars such as Dorothy D[emetracopoulou] Lee (1905–1975), Ph.D. in anthropology (Berkeley, 1931), whose work on Amerindian languages and whose contribution to the linguistic Weltanschauung-debate (which preceded Whorf’s) are duly mentioned in the International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (see above, vol.IV, p.249), and Frederica de Laguna (b.1906), Emeritus Prof. of Anthropology, Bryn Mawr College. But perhaps these are included in the volume ed. by Ute Gacs et al., Women Anthropologists: A biographical dictionary (New York, 1988), not seen by the present writer. These omissions aside (others may note different ones), this volume includes a tremendous wealth of information on scholars born before 1920 which makes it an important reference tool for many years to come. The back matter consists of a glossary of anthropological subjects and terms (781–788) and a general index which “provides page-references to virtually all the personal names that occur in the Dictionary” but also to major institutions and geographical and ethnic names (789–823).]
Wooldridge, T[erence] Russon, ed. 1992. Historical Dictionary Databases. (=
CCH Working Papers, 2.) Toronto: Centre for Computing Studies, Univ. of Toronto, 151 pp. [The papers in this volume were first given at a symposium on “Historical Dictionary Databases and Data Retrieval Requirements” held at the University of Toronto in October 1991. The papers include the following: Brian Merrilees, William Edwards, & David Megginson, “The Dictionarius of Firmin Le Ver (1440)”; T. Russon Wooldridge, “The Estienne-Nicot Corpus and Database (1531–1628)”; Douglas A. Kibbee, “The 16th-Century Bilingual Dictionaries (French-English): Organization and access, then and now”; Ian Lancashire, “Bilingual Dictionaries in an English Renaissance Knowledge Base”; Philippe Caron, Louise Dagenais, Gérard Gonfroy, “Le Dictionaire critique de la langue française de l’abbé Féraud (1787)”. It has English and French abstracts of the papers (146–151).]
Wotjak, Barbara. 1992. Verbale Phraseolexeme in System und Text. (=
Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 125.) Tübingen: Niemeyer, vii, 202 pp. [The volume contains the following three main sections: I, “Zur Vernetzung lexikalischen Wissens: theoretisch-methodologische Ausgangspostulate”; II “Phraseologismen im System: PLtype als Inventareinheiten”; III, “Phraseologismen und Text: PLtoken als Einheiten der Rede”. It has a bibliography (181–199) and an index (201–202).].

Zgusta, Ladislav, ed. 1992. History, Languages, and Lexicographers. (=
Lexicographica, 41.) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 155 pp. [The volume contains a collection of articles on lexicography by various authors. Some of the articles are: Ladislav Zgusta, “History and Its Multiple Meaning (Introduction)”; Henry & Renée Kahane, “The Dictionary as Ideology: Sixteen case studies”; R. H. Gouws & F. A. Ponelis, “The Development of Afrikaans and the Lexicographical Tradition”; Thomas B. I. Creamer, “Lexicography and the History of the Chinese Languages”. It has both a German (137–138) and a French résumé (139–140); and indices of topics (143–150), dictionaries (151–152), and of references (153–155).]. .