Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics, in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledged separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed. The Editor encourages young scholars, in particular, to write him if they wish to review any of the books listed below; items preceded by an asterisk have already been chosen for review in one of the forthcoming issues of HL.
Lingua straniera e comunicazione: Probierni di glottodidattica
[vii +] 209
pp. Paper, L
. [
Contents: Part. I, “Lingua, communicazione, apprendimento” (1–44); Part II, “Il metodo: criteri generali (45–87), and Part III, “Il metodo: criteri operativi” (89–190). Appendices (191–200); bibliography (201–03), and index of terms and names (204–09)
Grundzüge der Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft
Sprachwissenschaft, with the collaboration of
Rolf Dietrich and Siegfried Kanngiesser
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
pp. in -16°
Paper, DM 15.80
. [
This vol. contains a number of contributions of interest to the historian of linguistics, e.g., “Antike Grammatiktheorie” (91–97) and “Mittelalterliche Grammatiktheorie” (98–104) by Jan Pinborg; “Universalgrammatiken des Rationalismus” (105–17) by Winfried Lenders; “Sprachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland” (117–32) by Rolf Dietrich, and surveys of 20th-century ‘schools’, e.g., “Inhaltsbezogene Grammatik” (133–50) by Helmut Gipper; “Strukturale Linguistik” (150–77) by Gerd Lingrün; “Distributionalismus” (177–87) by Herwig Krenn and Klaus Müllner, and “Generative Linguistik” (187–238) by Siegfried Kanngiesser and Hans Lothar Meyer
(1850–1913). 1974
Die Anfänge der hebräischen Grammatik (1895), together with his Die hebräische Sprachwissenschaft vom 10. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert (1892)
New ed., with the following additions: Preface (v-vii) by the series editor, an article
, “
Wilhelm Bacher: Pioneer in the history of Hebrew linguistics
” (
Jack Fellman
, “
Bibliographie der Schriften Wilhelm Bachers
” (
compiled by
Ludwig Blau
and a supplement to Bacher’s bibliography
Dénes Friedman
). (=
Studies in the History of Linguistics, 4
John Benjamins
xviii, 57*+235
pp.; 1 portrait [of Bacher]. Paper, Hfl.
Probleme der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft
Transl. from the Fr. by
Wilhelm Bolle
. (=
List Taschenbücher der Wissenschaft, 1428
P. List
pp. in -16°. Paper, DM
,-. [
G. transl. of B’s collection of articles published between 1939 and 1964, Problèmes de linguistique générale (Paris: Gallimard, 1966 – not 1972, as suggested on p.4 of the present vol.); E. transl., Problems in General Linguistics prepared by Mary Elizabeth Meek (Coral Gables, Fla.: Univ. of Miami Press, 1971); It. transl., Problemi di linguistica generale prepared by M. Vittoria Giuliani (Bologna: Il Saggiatore, 1971). The vol. contains G. translations of such almost ‘classical’ articles as “Tendences récentes en linguistique générale” of 1954 (10–27); “Coup d’oeil sur le développement de la linguistique” of 1962 (28–42); “Saussure d’après un démi-siècle” of 1963 (43–60); “Nature du signe linguistique” of 1939 (61–68), and “‘Structure’ en linguistique” of 1962 (106–12). Cf. also Rainer Kuhlen’s account, “Was es mit Linguistik noch alles auf sich hat”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung No. 49, p.23 (27 Feb. 1975)
Metodoličeskie problemy istorii jazy-koznanija (= Teorija i istorija jazykoznanija, 2
Akad. Nauk SSSR
Inst. Naučno Informacii po Obščestvennym Naukam
The vol. consists of 3 major sections: Part I (original contributions) consists of the following papers: “Saussure’s philosophy of language” (9–27) by N(atalija) A(leksandrovna) Sljusareva; “Methodological principles of American linguists” (28–64) by A. D. Švejcer, and “On the philosophical principles in A. A. Potebnja’s linguistic theory” (65–83) by F. M. Berezin; Part II consists of detailed analyses of the following histories of linguistics: (1) Georges Mounin, Histoire de la linguistique (Paris: PUF, 1967) and (2) the same author’s La Linguistique du XXe siècle (Ibid., 1972) by I. G. Torsueva (84–110 and 111–36, respectively), and (3) of Gerhard Helbig, Geschichte der neueren Sprachwissenschaft (Leipzig: Bibliogr. Inst., 1970) by N. A. Sljusareva and V. S. Straxova (137–77); Part III contains (a) a transl., in abridged form, of Jan Baudouin de Courtenay’s (1845–1929) 1909 Pol. “Sketch of a history of linguistic science” – cf. HL 1:1.91–92 (1974) for a full reference – prepared by S. E. Nefedov (181–234), with a complete table of contents (178–79), and a brief foreword by A(leksej) A(lekseevič) Leont’ev (180–81), and (b) a transl, of Saussure’s lecture on morphology of the early 1890’s first published by Robert Godel in his Geneva School Reader (Bloomington & London: Indiana Univ. Press, 1969), prepared by N. A. Sljusareva (235–51)
Vida do Instituto de Estudos Românicos
de Faculdade de Letras de Coimbra
Separate da
Revista Portuguesa de Filologia
70 + xliv + 1
. “
Matteo Bàrtoli nel centenario delia Nàscita (1873–1973)
Separatum from Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere “La Colombaria”
Sprachtheorie und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft: 5 Studien
Transl. from the Span. by
Uwe Petersen
. (=
Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 2
W. Fink
pp. Paper, DM
,-. [
Transl. of C’s studies which were first published in one volume in 1962 under the title Theoría del lenguaje y lingüística general (Madrid: Gredos; 2nd ed., 1967): (1) Sistema, norma y habla (Montevideo: Univ. de la Républica, 1952); (2) Forma y sustancia en los sonidos del lenguaje (Ibid., 1954); (3) “Logicismo y antilogicismo en la gramática”, Revista Nacional No. 189, 456–73 (1957); (4) “El plural en los nombres propios”, RBF 1.1.-15 (1955), and “Determinación y entorno: Dos problemas de una lingüistica del hablar”, RJb 7.29–54 (1955). An It. transl., prepared by Raffaele Simone, appeared in 1971: Teoria del linguaggio e linguistica generale (Bari: G. Laterza). The G. transl. contains an “Autorenverzeichnis” (291–94), but no bibliography
Studies in Southeastern Indian Languages
Athenes Ga.
Univ. of Georgia Press
x + 453
pp. Cloth
. [
A collection of articles on “some of the Indian languages of the southeastern United States” by specialists in the field, i.e., W(illiam) L(ewis) Ballard, James M. Crawford, Mary R. Haas, Thruston Dale Nicklas, and others. The vol. contains very useful surveys of previous work done in the area by 19th and early 20th century linguists and copious bibliographies (e.g., on Southeastern Indian languages in general, 96–120), at times in chronological order (“Bibliography of publications on and in the Cherokee language” [231–36] comp. by Willard [Brewer] Walker). There is no index
with the collaboration of
G(erhard) Neweklowsky and O(skar) E. Pfeiffer
Phonologica 1972: Akten der zweiten Internationalen Phonologie-Tagung Wien, 5.-8. September 1972
W. Fink
pp. Cloth, DM
,-. [
The vol. contains contributions to phonological theory by Henning Andersen, Raimo Anttila, Andrei Avram, Henrik Birnbaum, Herman Bluhme, Dalibor Brozo-vić, James Ferrell, William Haas, Ilse Lehiste, and many others (34 papers in all). It concludes with a “Teilnehmerverzeichnis” (359–68), but no “Namen-index” as mentioned in the table of contents, p. 7. – The first “Phonologie-Tagung” took place in Vienna, 30 Aug.-3 Sept. 1966; its proceedings were published in 1967 under the title Phonologie der Gegenwart ed. by Josef Hamm (Graz-Vienna-Cologne: H. Böhlau)
A Chronological Bibliography of the Writings of Etsko Kruisinga
Inst. of Applied Ling., Univ. of Groningen
ii + 56
Linguistik und Sprachphilosophie
. (=
List Taschenbücher der Wissenschaft, 1427
P. List
pp. in-16°. Paper, DM
. [
The vol. contains the following contributions of interest to the historian of linguistics and the philosophy of language: Marlis Gerhardt, “Wilhelm von Humboldt und die moderne Sprachtheorie” (11–27); Elisabeth Endres, “Die Sprache als System: Ueber Ferdinand de Saussure und die Grundlagen der Linguistik” (28–54); Kuno Lorenz, “Der Beginn der sprachanalytischen Philosophie: Bertrand Russell und der logische Empirismus, George Edward Moore und der linguistische Phänomenalismus” (55–70) and “Der Höhepunkt der sprachanalytischen Philosophie: Ludwig Wittgensteins Vermittlung von logischem Empirismus und linguistischen Phänomenologismus” (71–86), and Karl-Otto Apel, “Noam Chomskys Sprachtheorie und die Philosophie der Gegenwart: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Fallstudie” (87–124; notes, 125–136, and bibliography, 136–40). The vol. concludes with an index of names (405–06), a subject index (307–11), and biographical notes on the contributors (313–15)
Language Typology: A historical and analytic overview
. (=
Janua Linguarum; series minor, 184
The Hague
pp. Paper, Hfl.
,-. [
Sep. publication of the author’s contribution to Current Trends in Linguistics, vol. 11 : Diachronic, Areal, and Typological Linguistics, 149–93. The Hague: Mouton, 1973.] Of particular interest to historians of linguistics is chap. III, “The History of Typology” (35–49), which surveys the development of typological studies from F. and A. W. Schlegel and Humboldt to the work of Schleicher, Steinthal, Misteli, Finck, Raoul de la Grasserie (1839–1914), Georg von der Gabelentz (1840–93), and others in the 19th and early 20th century, to the theories propounded by Sapir, Ernst Lewy (1881–1966), Vladimir Skalička, Boris Andreevič Uspenskij, and others since the 1920’s. The book concludes with a bibliography (73–78) and an index of names and terms (79–82)
Handbuch zur neueren Linguistik in Osteuropa
W. Fink
pp. Cloth, DM
,-. [
This bibliography of essentially Slavic linguistics contains close to 6.000 entries; 774 periodicals and collective vols, (listed pp. 17–39) have been covered. The bib. is subdivided into the following sections: (1) “Bibliographies (General Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Individual Languages)” (41–45); (2) “Contacts of Scientists (Congressses, Symposia, Colloquia)” (45–50); (3) “History of Linguistics” (51–59), including a section of obituaries and other bio-bibliographical accounts of individual scholars (57–58); (4) “Foundations of Linguistics” (60–68); (5) “Introductions to Linguistics” (69–71); (6) “Phonology, Phonetics, Prosody” (71–85); (7) “Morphology” (85–102); (8) “(Linguistic) Categories” (102–18); (9) “Syntagmatics” (118–56); (10) “Text Theory” (156–62); (11) “Stylistics” (162–66); (12) “Semantics” (166–82); (13) “Lexicology” (182–91); (14) “(Linguistic) Terminology” (191–98); (15) “(Theory of) Generative Grammar” (198–203); (16) “Computational Linguistics” (204–07); (17) “Machine Translation” (208–13); (18) “Mathematical Linguistics” (214–18); (19) “Statical Linguistics” (218–26); (20) “Formal Languages” (226–27); (21) “Information Theory” (228); (22) “Problems in Comparative and Contrastive Linguistics” (229–41); (23) “(Language) Typology” (241–46); (24) “Theory of Translation” (247–49); (25) “Language Teaching” (249–69); (26) “Psycholinguistics” (269–75); (27) “Sociolinguistics” (275–301); (28) “Theory of Linguistic Change” (302–06). “Index of Proper Names” (307–44), i.e., index of authors. The bibliography contains only titles of items written in a Slavic language; Cyrillic letters have been transliterated. At times, a transl. of an article into a Western language has been included, e.g., V. A. Zvegincev, “De la typologie des sens des mots”, RRLing 10:5.451–54 (1965) listed as No.4618
Commentary on “De Grammatico”: The historical-logical dimensions of a dialogue of St. Anselm’s
. (=
Synthese Historical Library: Texts and studies in the history of logic and philosophy, 8
Dordrecht/Holland & Boston
D. Reidel
[ix +] 351
pp. Cloth, Hfl.
,-. [
The vol. consists of the following chaps.: (1) “Introduction” (7–9); (2) “St. Anselm as a Logician” (10–14); (3) “Logical Frame of Reference” (15–26); (4) “Basic Presuppositions” (27–33); (5) “Summary of De Grammatico” (34–47); (6) “De Grammatico: Text and Translation” (48–80), and a 265-page “Commentary” (81–345). An index – which excludes reference to the titles listed in the bibliography (3–6) – concludes the book (346–51)
Aufsätze zur Sprachwissenschaft
Ed. by
Erhard Barth
with an introd.
, “
Zur Sprachtheorie von Louis Hjelmslev
” (
and a
Bibliographie zur Glossematik
” (
E. Barth
and a Statement by
Gisela Harras
, “
Zur Sprachtheorie Louis Hjelmslevs und zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Linguistik
” (
E. Klett
xxiii + 125
pp. Paper, DM
The book contains the following articles translated into German by E. Barth (titles originally written in E.) and G. Harras and Gaston van der Elst (from the Fr.): Hans Jørgen Uldall (1908–57) and Louis Hjelmslev (1899–1965), “Synopsis of an Outline of Glossematics” of 1936 (1–6) – all other items by Hjelmslev alone – “On the Principles of Phonematics” of 1936 (7–12); “The Syllable as a Structural Unit” of 1939 – also included in L. Hjelmslev, Essais linguistiques (Copenhagen, 1973); cf. HL 2:1, p. 138 -and “La structure morphologique” of the same year (13–19 and 20–43, respectively); “Language et parole” from CFS 2.29–44 (1942), “Linguistique structurale” from AL 1.v-xi (1944), and “Structural Analysis of Language” from SL 1.69–78 (1947) (this vol., 44–55, 55–61, and 62–69); “The Content Form of Language as a Social Factor” of 1953 (70–75); “La stratification du langage”, first published in 1954 in Word 10.163–88 (76–104), and “Pour une sémantique structurale” of 1957 (105–19). There is no index
Sievers’ Law and the Evidence of the Rigveda
. (=
Janua Linguarum; series practica, 216
The Hague
pp. in small-4°. Paper, Hfl.
,-. [
Originally a 1971 Columbia Univ. dissertation, the study investigates the validity of the conditions, which Eduard Sievers (1850–1932) first formulated in 1878, under which prevocalic resonants following consonants appear in syllabic or in non-syllabic form, and which Franklin Egerton (1885–1963) has in 1934 (cf. Lg 10.235–65) placed on a firm basis. Bibliography (69–72); index of names and terms (73–74)
The Transformational-Generative Paradigm and Modern Linguistic Theory
. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 1
John Benjamins
viii + 462
pp. Paper, Hfl.
,-. [
A collection of original papers, critical of transformational theory in the areas of syntax, semantics, phonology, morphology, general linguistic theory – including its empistemological foundations – psychology, language acquisition, and other aspects of linguistic investigation, by Raimo Anttila, Dwight Bolinger, Lyle Campbell, Bruce L. Derwing, Peter R. Harris, Hsin-I Hsieh, Dell Hymes, Esa Itkonen, Michael Kenstowicz, Robert Krohn, Leonhard Lipka, Adam Makkai, Edward R. Maxwell, Fred C. C. Peng, Walburga von Raffler-Engel, Royal Skousen, Uhlan V. Slagle, and Danny D. Steinberg
Proto-Indo-European Syntax
Austin, Tex. & London
Univ. of Texas Press
xi + 278
pp. Cloth
. [
The book consists of the following chaps.: I, “The Syntactic Framework” (3–29); II, “The Syntax of Simple Sentences” (30–56); III, “Nominal Modifiers” (57–90); IV, “Verbal Modifiers” (91–94); V, “Syntactic Categories of PIE” (175–221), VI, “Lexical Entries” (222–37), and VII, “Syntactic Developments from PIE the Dialects” (238–51). There is a copious bibliography (253–66), and a detailed index of terms and citation forms (267–78)
Deutsche Wortgeschichte
3rd rev. ed.
Grundriss der germanischen Philologie, 17:1–2
Berlin & New York
W. de Gruyter
vii + 581
v + 698
pp. Cloth, DM
,- and
. [
Vol. 1 contains the following contributions: “Indogermanische Ursprünge” (3–34) and “Germanisches Altertum” (35–52) by Friedrich Stroh; “Deutsche Frühzeit” (55–133) by Josef Weisweiler and Werner Betz; “Lehnwörter und Lehnprägungen im Vor- und Frühdeutschen” (135–63) by Werner Betz; “Frühmittelhochdeutsch (1065–1107)” (165–88) by Hartmut Freytag; “Die höfische Blütezeit” (189–253) by Edmund Wiessner and Harald Burger; “Spätes Mittelalter (1250–1500)” (255–322) by Hermann Kunisch; “Der romanische Einfluss auf das Deutsche bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters” (323–96) by Emil Öhmann; “Humanistische Strömungen (1350–1600)” (399–508) by Hans-Friedrich Rosenfeld, and “Luther und die neuhochdeutsche Schriftsprache” (509–81); vol. 2 covers the periods from the Baroque to the present in contributions by Willi Flemming, Friedrich Kainz, Hugo Moser, and others (1–645), and concludes with an article by Walther Mitzka, “Stämme und Landschaften in deutscher Wortgeographie” (647–98). Neither of the vols. contains an index; most articles have bibliographical footnotes and final (mostly brief) bibliographical statements. An exception to the rule is August Langen’s bibliography to his article, “Der Wortschatz des 18. Jahrhunderts” (II, 224–42)
Zur Kritik des sprachwissenschaftlichen Strukturalismus
. (=
Sprache und Gesellschaft, 3
Contains the following main chaps.: I, “Zum Verhältnis zwischen Sprachwissenschaft und Philosophie” (15–40); II, “Gemeinsame Grundzüge strukturalistischer Schulen” (41–64), which discusses at length Saussure’s linguistic doctrines and the aftermath, contrasting structuralist views in linguistics and other (social) sciences with Marxist conceptions of system and function in social theory and political economy (55ff.); III, “Behaviorismus und logischer Positivismus in der Sprachwissenschaft” (65–103), and IV, “Die Theorie der Generativen Grammatik und ihre rationalistische Interpretation” (104–78). There is a bibliography (185–92), but no index
Der moderne Strukturbegriff: Materialien zu seiner Entwicklung
. (=
Wege der Forschung, 155
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
vi + 434
pp. Cloth, DM
,-. [
The vol. consists of a collection of articles – most of them translated from the Fr. by Wolfram Schäfer – which originally appeared between 1921 and 1966. It includes the following ‘classic’ statements: Joseph Vendryes (1875–1960), “Le caractère social du language et la doctrine de F. de Saussure” of 1921 (7–15); Witold Doroszewski (b. 1905), “Quelques remarques sur les rapports de la sociologie et de la linguistique: Durkheim et F. de Saussure” of 1933 (46–56); Nikołaj (Sergeevič) Trubetzkoy’s “La phonologie actuelle” of the same year (57–80); Emile Benveniste (b. 1902), “Nature du signe linguistique” – cf. also Benveniste 1974 (above) – of 1939 (81–88); Niels Ege, “Le signe linguistique est arbitraire” of 1949 (105–27); Claude Lévi-Strauss (b. 1908); “Structural Anthropology” of 1952 (128–83); André Martinet (b. 1908), “Structural Linguistics” of the same year (184–206), and Louis Hjelmslev’s plea of 1957, “Pour une sémantique structurale” (249–69) – cf. Hjelmslev 1974 (above). More recent articles include Eric Buyssens, “Le structuralisme et l’arbitraire du signe” of 1960 (296–315), and Algirdas Julien Greimas, “Structure et histoire” of 1966 (421–34). There is neither an index nor a comprehensive bibliography of structuralism
Exploring Semantic Structures
. (=
Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 11
W. Fink
pp. Paper, DM
,-. [
The book consits of a collection of previously published papers by the author, with a new introductory chap., “Exploring Semantic Structures” (9–12), in which individual items are briefly characterized. The book reprints the following articles, inter alia: “The Identification of Morphemes”, LG 24.414–41 (1948); “A System for the Description of Semantic Elements”, Word 7.1–14 (1951); “Analysis of Meaning and Dictionary Making”, IJAL 24.279–92 (1958); “Semantic Components’” Babel 8.175–81 (1962), and “Linguistic and Semantic Structure”, Studies in Languages and Linguistics ed. by Albert H. Marckwardt, 13–33. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1963. There is a detailed bibliography (196–208) and an index of names and terms (209–11)
Discussing Language: Dialogues with Wallace L. Chafe, Noam Chomsky, Algirdas J. Greimas, M. A. K. Halliday, Peter Hartmann, George Lakoff Sydney M. Lamb, André Martinet, James McCawley, Sebastian K. Šaumjan, and Jacques Bouveresse
The Hague & Paris
ix + 428
pp. in small-4°. Paper, Hfl.
,-. [
A carefully edited publication of interviews recorded between summer 1972 and spring 1973, with a brief introd. (vii-viii), a “Synthesis” (279–99), which follows the interviews with the ten linguists, preceding the one with Jacques Bouveresse, the French philosopher of language (301–403), the most extensive ‘dialogue’ of all. In addition, the vol. contains bio-bibliographical notes on the scholars interviewed (407–11), a bibliography of writings mentioned in the interviews (413–22), and an index of names (423–25) as well as of subjects (426–28).] Revista Portuguesa de Filologia. Volume XII, tomes 1–2. Coimbra: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra; Instituto de Estudos Românicos, 1964–1965. (Editor: Manuel de Paiva Boléo). Pp. 752 + 15 + 14. [The vol. contains, inter alia, a detailed and informative account by the editor, with many bibliographical references (328–34 and passim in footnotes), of linguistic work done between roughly 1940 and 1960, “Algumas tendências e perspectivas da linguística moderna” (279–344), with a brief Fr. summary (345–46)
1967–68, 1974
Cours de linguistique générale
Critical ed. by
Rudolf Engler
O. Harrassowitz
xii, 1030
double pp.
], and
viii, 51 + viii*
pp. in -4°. Paper, DM
,- and
. [
While fasc. 1–3 (1967–68) constitute the critical ed. of the Cours which reproduces the “Vulgata”-text synoptically together with the MS-sources on which Charles Bally (1865–1947) and Albert Sechehaye (1870–1946), with the collaboration of Albert Riedlinger, who had attended Saussure’s first two courses on general linguistics (1907–09) and prepared the perhaps most complete notes, based their edition, the fourth fascicle (1974) prints Saussure’s own MS-notes which date from 1891 to 1911, part of which have previously been analyzed in Robert Godel’s Source manuscrites du Cours… (Geneva: Droz, 1957) and published under the title “Notes inédites de F. de Saussure”, CFS 12.49–71 (1954), and in A Geneva School Reader in Linguistics, 26–52. Bloomington & London: Indiana Univ. Press, 1969. For reviews of Engler’s critical ed., see the list in E. F. K. Koerner’s Bibliographia Saussureana, 1870–1970 (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1972), 89–90, to which the following accounts may be added: Ladislav Zgusta in JazA 6:2.16–18 (1969); N. A. Sljusareva in NDVŠ-F 14:4.56–64 (1971), and Giulio C. Lepschy in Linguistics 117.117–22 (Dec. 1973)
South Asian Digest of Regional Writing
South Asia Institute, Univ. of Heidelberg
Declinatio: A study of the linguistic theory of Marcus Terentius Varro
Studies in the History of Linguistics, 2
J. Benjamins
xv + 131
pp. Paper, Hfl.
,-. [
The book constitutes the first modern attempt to analyze Varro’s De Lingua Latina in terms of linguistic theory. It contains the following chaps.: “The Nature of the Study” (1–8); “The Nature of Language” (9–64); “The Nature of Grammatical Inquiry” (65–109), and “Summary and Conclusion” (110–15). It includes a detailed glossary of grammatical terms (116–20); “Index verborum” (121–22), and “Index locorum” (123–24), and a bibliography of primary and secondary sources (125–31)
Componential Analysis of Lushai Phonology
. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 2
J. Benjamins
xiv + 139
pp. Paper, Hfl.
,-. [
The study provides the first comprehensive account of the phonological system of Lushai, a language spoken by about 300.000 people in Mizoram Province, India. While, in a broad sense, ‘generative’, it constitutes a critique of the standard variety of generative phonology and makes regular use of traditionl concept such as phoneme, conditioned morpheme alternation, etc. However, these concepts have been embedded in a new framework of phonological analysis that aims at a high degree of descriptive adequacy