Part of
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 23:1/2 (1996) ► pp.243254


An Icelandic Custom and an English Proverb”. Modern Language Review 521.386–389.


More on ‘Lang, and Lit’”. Essays in Criticism 81.327–334.
Thomas Hayward, Grammarian”. Neophilologus 431.64–74.


Some Connotations of old in Old and Middle English”. Modern Language Notes 741.314–322.


‘The Wanderer’ and ‘The Seafarer’ and the Old English Conception of the Soul”. Modern Language Review 551.1–10.
A Pioneer of the ‘Direct Method’ in the Erasmus Circle”. Latomus 191.567–577.


James Shirley and Some Problems of 17th-Century Grammar”. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 1971.287–296. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.87–96.)
Joseph Webbe: Some seventeenth-century views on language-teaching and the nature of meaning”. Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 231.324–340. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.15–31.)Google Scholar
An Ambitious Printing Project of the Early 17th Century”. The Library (London), 5th series, 161.190–196.


Review of Harry R. Warfel, Language: A science of human behavior (Cleveland, Ohio: Howard Allen 1962) Anglia 801.304–306.Google Scholar
Early Seventeenth-Century Punctuation as a Guide to Sentence Structure”. Review of English Studies N.S. 131.347–60. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.47–60.)Google Scholar
Historiographia Linguistica
231:1–2 (1996), 243–254. DOI logo ISSN 0302-5160 / E-ISSN 1569-9781 © John Benjamins Publishing CompanyGoogle Scholar


The Other Elizabeth Drury: A tragic marriage in the family of John Donne’s Patron”. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology 291.198–207. Bury St Edmunds.
Review of John Thompson, The Founding of English Meter (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1961) Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 2001.219–221.Google Scholar
Sentence-Types in Modern English”. Anglia 811.23–55.


Review of Barbara M. H. Strang, Modern English Structure (London: Edward Arnold 1962) Anglia 821.217–219.Google Scholar
Problems of Language Teaching: A discussion among Hartlib’s friends”. Modern Language Review 591.13–24. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.3–14.)Google Scholar


Review of Emma Vorlat, Progress in English Grammar, 1585–1735: A study of the development of English grammar and of the interdependence among early English grammarians. 41 vols. (Louvain: Catholic Univ. of Louvain 1963) Review of English Studies N.S. 161.408–409.Google Scholar
The Family of Ithamaria Reynolds Pell”. Pelliana N.S. 1:3.1–24. [On Bathsua Reynolds (b.1600), John Pell (1611–1685), and Henry Reynolds (c.1564–c.1635).]Google Scholar
Review of Stephen Ullmann, Language and Style: Collected papers (Oxford: Basil Blackwell 1964) Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 2021.370–372.Google Scholar


Language-Planning in Seventeenth-Century England; its context and aims”. In Memory of J. R. Firth ed. by C. E. Bazell et al. (London: Longmans), 370–397 (Repr. in Salmon 1979.129–156.)Google Scholar
The Evolution of Dalgarno’s Ars signorum (1661)”. Studies in Langage and Literature in Honour of Margaret Schlauch (Warsaw: PWN/Polish Scientific Publishers), 353–371. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.157–176.)Google Scholar
Sentence Structures in Colloquial Shakespearean English”. Transactions of the Philological Society 1965.105–140. (Repr. in A Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama. ed by V. Salmon & Edwina Burness, 265–300. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1987.)Google Scholar


Elizabethan Colloquial English in the Falstaff Plays”. Leeds Studies in English N.S. 11.37–70. (Repr. in A Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama ed by V. Salmon & Edwina Burness, 37–70. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1987.) [Italian translation in La grande festa del linguaggio ed. by Keir Elam (Bologna: Il Mulino 1986), pp.211–258.]Google Scholar


Review of Paul Cornelius, Languages in Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century Imaginary Voyages (Genève: Droz 1965) Modern Language Review 631.145–146.Google Scholar
Review of Whitney F. Bolton (ed.) The English Language: Essays by English and American men of letters, 1490–1839 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1966) Modern Language Review 631.450–451.Google Scholar


Review article on Noam Chomsky, Cartesian Linguistics (New York & London: Harper & Row 1966) Journal of Linguistics 51.165–187. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.63–85 [under the title “Pre-Cartesian Linguistics”].)Google Scholar


Review of Bror Danielsson & R. C. Alston eds. The Works of William Bul-lokar, vol.I1: A Short Introduction or Guiding 1580–1581 (Leeds: Univ. of Leeds 1967) Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 2071.220–221.Google Scholar
Review of Leonard Forster, Janus Grute’s English Years (Leiden: Leiden Univ. Press 1967) Ibid., 221–222.Google Scholar
Some Functions of Shakespearian Word-Formation”. Shakespeare Survey 231.13–26. (Repr. in A Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama ed by V. Salmon & Edwina Burness, 193–206. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1987.)Google Scholar


How Our Grammar Grew”. Times Literary Supplement (16 April 1971), p.445. [Review of Ian Michael, English Grammatical Categories and the Tradition to 1800 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1970).]Google Scholar


Review of Whitney F. Bolton & David Crystal (eds.) The English Language, vol. II1: Essays by linguists and men of letters, 1858–1964 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1969) Yearbook of English Studies 21.229–230.Google Scholar
Review of A[stley] C[ooper] Partridge, Tudor to Augustan English: A study in syntax and style from Caxton to Johnson (London: André Deutsch 1969) Ibid. 247–48 (1972).Google Scholar
The Works of Francis Lodwick: A study of his writings in the intellectual context of the seventeenth century
(London: Longmans 1972), xii, 263 pp.Google Scholar
Reviewed by W[hitney] F[rench] Bolton in Journal of Linguistics 9.365–366 (1973); Herbert E[rnst] Brekle in Anglia 92.416–419 (1974) and in Indogermanische Forschungen 79.194–95 (1974 [1975]), Simeon Potter in Yearbook of English Studies 4.239–240 (1974); Anon., “A Latin Guide to English Grammar”, Times Literary Supplement (21 July 1972), p.849; Michael Dobrovolsky in Canadian Journal of Linguistics 19:1.84–86 (1974); André R. Tellier in Bulletin de la Sociétié de Linguistique de Paris 68:2.256–257 (1973), and R. D. in English Studies 581.187–88 (1975).Google Scholar
Mirrors of Reality”. Times Literary Supplement (29 September 1972), p.972. [Reviews of (a) G[eoffrey] L[esley] Bursill-Hall, Speculative Grammars of the Middle Ages (The Hague: Mouton 1972); (b) Thomas of Erfurt: Grammatica Speculativa ed. and Transl. by G. L. Bursill-Hall (London: Longmans 1972), and (c) First Grammatical Treatise ed. and Transl. by Einar Haugen (London: Longmans 1972).]Google Scholar


Review of Susie L. Tucker, Enthusiasm: A study in semantic change (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1972) Modern Language Review 681.621–622.Google Scholar


The Evolution of English”. Times Literary Supplement (3 May 1974), 479–480. [= Review of the microfiche ed. of the 365-volume English Linguistics 1500–1800 series ed. by R. C. Alston (Ilkley, Yorkshire: Scolar Press 1973).]Google Scholar
John Wilkins’ Essay (1668): Critics and continuators”. Historiographia Linguistica 1:2.147–163. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.191–206, and in John Wilkins and 17th-Century British Linguistics ed. by Joseph L. Subbiondo, 349–364. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1992.)Google Scholar
For Grown-Up Grammarians”. Times Literary Supplement (8 November 1974), p. 12–67. [Review of R[obert] C[afrae] Alston, A Bibliography of the English Language from the Invention of Printing to the Year 1800, a corrected reprint of vols.I–X1 [in one volume, without tables and illustrations] (Ilkley, Yorkshire: Janus Press 1974).]Google Scholar


Review of
Brigitte Asbach-Schnitker, A Linguistic Commentary on John Fearn’s “Anti-Tooke” (1824/27) (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 1973) Anglia 931.443–446.Google Scholar
John Brinsley: 17th-century pioneer in applied linguistics”. Historio graphia Linguistica 2:2.175–89. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.33–46.)Google Scholar
A Tongue for Everyone”. Times Literary Supplement (28 November 1975), 1403–1404. [Review of James R. Knowlson, Universal Language Schemes in England and France, 1600–1800 (Toronto: Toronto Univ. Press 1975).]Google Scholar
The Representation of Colloquial Speech in The Canterbury Tales ”. Style and Text: Studies presented to Nils Erik Enkvist ed. by Håkan Ringbom et al. 263 277 Stockholm Språkförlaget Åbo Åbo Akademi
‘Philosophical’ Grammar in John Wilkins’s Essay ”. Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue canadienne de Linguistique 20:2.131–160. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.97–126, and in John Wilkins and 17th-Century British Linguistics ed. by Joseph L. Subbiondo, 207–236. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1992.)Google Scholar
Review of Alexander Gill, Logonomia Anglica, 1619. Part I1: Facsimiles of Gill’s presentation copy in the Bodleian Library. List of transcribed words by Bror Danielsson & Arvid Gabrielson. Part II1: Biographical and bibliographical introductions. Notes by B. Danielsson & A. Gabrielson transl. by Robin C. Alston (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell 1972) Indogermanische Forschungen 801.287–290.Google Scholar


John Brinsley and his Friends: Scholarship in 17th-century Leicestershire”. Transactions of the Leicestershire Archeological and Historical Society ed. by D. T. Williams, 511.1–14. Leicester 1975/1976.Google Scholar
Review of D[onald] G[eorge] Scragg, A History of English Spelling (Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press 1974) Modern Language Review 711.879–881.Google Scholar
Together with Paul B. Salmon). Review of Dell Hymes (ed. & introd.) Studies in the History of Linguistics: Traditions and paradigms (Blooming-ton & London: Indiana Univ. Press 1974) Language 52:2.499–502.Google Scholar
Cave Beck: A seventeenth-century Ipswich schoolmaster, and his ‘universal character’”. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology 331.285–296. (Repr. in Salmon 1979.177–190.)Google Scholar


Review of William R. Elkins, A New English Primer: An introduction to linguistic concepts and systems (London: Macmillan 1974) Modern Language Review 721.134–35 (1977).Google Scholar
Review of Emma Vorlat, The Development of English Grammatical Theory, 1586–1737, with special reference to the theory of parts of speech (Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press 1975) Journal of Linguistics 131.354–355.Google Scholar


Metalinguistic Models”. Times Literary Supplement (25 August 1978), p. 946. [Review of Murray Cohen, Sensible Words: Linguistic practice in England, 1640–1785 (Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press 1977).]Google Scholar


The Study of Language in 17th-Century England
. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, x, 218 pp. (2nd extended ed. 1988.)Google Scholar
Reviewed by R[obert] H[enry] Robins, “Linguistics avant la lettre ”, Times Literary Supplement (7 March 1980), p.252; Ian Michael in Indogermanische Forschungen 851.304–306 (1980); A[ndré] J[oly] in Histoire Épistémologie Langage 21.64 (1980); Herbert E[rnst] Brekle in Historiographia Linguistica 81.112–122 (1981); John Harman in History of Education 101.67–68 (1981); Pierre Swiggers in Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 441.371–372 (1982); BarbaraGoogle Scholar
M[ary] H[ope, Lady] Strang
(1925–1982) in Modern Language Review 771.408–410 (1982); Dell Hymes in Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 181.196 (1982); Arthur Palacas in Seventeenth-Century Studies, Fall 1983.55–56.Google Scholar
Review of A[stley] C[ooper] Partridge, A Substantive Grammar of Shakespeare’s Non-Dramatic Texts (Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia 1976) Yearbook of English Studies 91.259–262.Google Scholar


Review of Manfred Görlach, Einführung ins Frühneuenglische (Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer 1978) English World-Wide 11.133–134.Google Scholar


Review of James Monaghan, The Neo-Firthian Tradition and its Contribution to General Linguistics (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 1979) Indogermanische Forschungen 861.306–310.Google Scholar


As She Was Spoken”. Times Literay Supplement (1 January 1982), p.10. [Review of Fausto Cercignani, Shakespeare’s Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1981).]Google Scholar
Wh- and Yes/No Questions: Charles Butler’s Grammar (1633) and the history of a linguistic concept”. Language Form and Linguistic Variation: Papers dedicated to Angus Mcintosh ed. by John Anderson (Amsterdam: John Benjamins), 401–426. (Repr. as Chapter 6 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
Review of Jürgen Schäfer, Documentation in the O.E.D. (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1980) Modern Language Review 771.130–131.Google Scholar


A Nomenclature for Nature”. Times Literary Supplement (14 January 1983), p.37. [Review of Mary M. Slaughter, Universal Languages and Scientific Taxonomy in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1982).]Google Scholar
William Bedell and the Universal Language Movement in Seventeenth-Century Ireland”. Essays and Studies ed. by Beatrice White, N.S. 361.27–39. (Repr. as Chapter 5 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
Nathaniel Chamberlain and his ‘Tractatus de Literis et Lingua Philosophica’ (1679)”. Five Hundred Years of Words and Sounds: A Festschrift for E[ric] J[ohn] Dobson ed. by E[ric] G[erald] Stanley & Douglas Gray (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer), 128–136. (Repr. as Chapter 7 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar


Verbal Superpower”. Times Literary Supplement (24 August 1984), p.940. [Review of Jane Donawerth, Shakespeare and the Sixteenth-Century Study of Language (New York & London: Harper & Row 1984).]Google Scholar


Review of Charles C. Nickerson & John W. Osborne (eds.) William Cobbett: A Grammar of the English Language. The 1818 New York first edition with passages added in 1819, 1820, and 1823 (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1983) Notes & Queries 321.402–403.Google Scholar
Missionary Linguistics in Seventeenth-Century Ireland”. Historio graphia Linguistica 12:3.321–349. (Repr. as Chapter 11 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
The Study of Foreign Languages in Seventeenth-Century England”. Histoire Épistémologie Langage 7:2.45–70. (Repr. as Chapter 9 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar


Section on] “History of English Linguistics”. The Year’s Work in English Studies 641.34–39 (1986 for 1983).Google Scholar
Effort and Achievement in Seventeenth-Century British Linguistics”. Studies in the History of Western Linguistics in Honour of R. H. Robins ed. by Theodora Bynon & F[rank] R[obert] Palmer, 69–95. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. (Repr. as Chapter 1 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
The Spelling and Punctuation of Shakespeare’s Time”. William Shakespeare, The Complete Works. Original spelling edition ed. by Stanley Wells & Gary Taylor Oxford Clarendon Press xlii lvi
Review of Robert Burchfield (introduction), William Cobbett: A Grammar of the English Language (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 1984) Notes & Queries 331.199–200.Google Scholar


Section on] “History of English Linguistics”. The Year’s Work in English Studies 651.28–36 (1987 for 1984).Google Scholar
Bathsua Makin: A pioneer linguist and feminist in seventeenth-century England”. Neuere Forschungen zur Wortbildung und Historiographie der Linguistik: Festschrift für Herbert Ernst Brekle zum 50. Geburtstag ed. by Brigitte Asbach-Schnitker & Johannes Roggenhofer (Tübingen: Gunter Narr), 303–318. (Revised version published as Chapter 12 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
Editor, with Edwina Burness as associate editor). A Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama. (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 35.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, xxiv, 523 pp. [Note especially the principal editor’s “Introduction” (xiii–xxii).]
Reviewed by Martin Lehnert in Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 145 (225).161–63 (1988); Dirk Delabastita in Leuvense Bijdragen 7.8:21.227–229 (1989); Jean Suhamy in Études Anglaises 421.469 (1989); B. D. H. Miller in The Review of English Studies 441.237–239 (1989); R. McDonald in Shakespeare Quarterly 1989.360; Alan Ward in Notes & Queries 361.234–235 (1989).Google Scholar
The Dress of Thought”. Times Literary Supplement (17 July 1987), p.773. [Review of Stephen K. Land, The Philosophy of Language in Britain: Major theories from Hobbes to Thomas Reid (New York: AMS Press 1986).]Google Scholar


Standardising the Dialect of the Tribe”. Times Literary Supplement (20 October 1988), p.l156. [= Review of G. Arthur Padley, Grammatical Theory in Western Europe 1500–1700 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1988.)]Google Scholar
Section on] “History of English Linguistics”. The Year’s Work in English Studies 661.61–69 (1988 for 1985).Google Scholar
English Punctuation Theory 1500–1700”. Anglia 1061.285–314 (1988).Google Scholar
Anglo-Dutch Linguistic Scholarship: A survey of 17th-century achievements”. Historiographia Linguistica 15:1/2.113–137. (Also published in The History of Linguistics in the Low Countries ed. by Jan Noordegraaf, Kees Versteegh & Konrad Koerner, 129–153. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1988. – Repr. as Chapter 2 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
La politica linguistica della Chiesa nell’Inghilterra del XVI secolo”. Lingua, Tradizione, Rivelazione: Le Chiese e la communicazione sociale ed. by Lia Formigari & Donatella Di Cesare (= Linguaggi, teoría e storia della teoria, 3), 289–301 Milan: Marietti 1988 (The previously unpublished English original, revised and extended, forms Chapter 4 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
The Study of Language in 17th-Century England
. Second edition, with additional prefatory matter and bibliography. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1988, xix, 230 pp.Google Scholar
Reviewed by Jean Pauchard in Études Anglaises 45:2.193 (1992).Google Scholar


John Rastell and the Normalization of early Sixteenth-Century Orthography”. Essays on English Language in Honour of Bertil Sundby ed. by Leiv-Egil Breivik & Stig Johansson (= Studia Anglistica Norvegica, 4), 289–308. Oslo: Novus Forlag 1989.Google Scholar
Review of Roy Harris & Talbot J. Taylor, Landmarks in Linguistic Thought: The Western Tradition from Socrates to Saussure (London & New York: Routledge 1989), HSS Newsletter 121.30–31 (May 1989).Google Scholar
Review of Mohsen Ghadessy (ed.) Registers of Written English: Situational factors and linguistic features (London & New York: Pinter 1988) HSS Newsletter 121.31 (May 1989).Google Scholar
John Wilkins’s Essay (1668)”. HSS Newsletter 121.37–38 (May 1989).Google Scholar
Additions to Robin C. Alston’s Bibliography of the English Language ”. HSS Newsletter 131.7 (Nov. 1989).Google Scholar
Review of Daisuke Nagashima, Johnson the Philologist (Kansai: Univ. of Foreign Studies, Intercultural Research Institute 1988) HSS Newsletter 131.47–48 (Nov. 1989).Google Scholar
Review of William Cowan (ed.) Papers of the Nineteenth Algonquian Conference (Ottawa: Carleton University 1988) HSS Newsletter 131.48–49 (Nov. 1989).Google Scholar
Review of Jacek Fisiak, A Bibliography of Writings for the History of the English Language. 2nd ed. (Berlin-New York-Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter 1987) HSS Newsletter 131.49–50 (Nov. 1989).Google Scholar


Some Views on Meaning in Sixteenth-Century England”. Essays towards a History of Semantics ed. by Peter Schmitter, 33–53. Münster: Nodus 1990 (Repr. as Chapter 3 in the Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
Thomas Harriot and the Elizabethan Origin of Algonkian Linguistics”. HSS Newsletter 141.14–16 (May 1990).Google Scholar
Review of William A. Shipley (ed.) In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics (Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1988) HSS Newsletter 141.33–34 (May 1990).Google Scholar
Review of Mary Ritchie Key & Henry M. Hoenigswald (eds.) General and Amerindian Ethnolinguists. In remembrance of Stanley Newman (Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1989) HSS Newsletter 141.34–35 (May 1990).Google Scholar
Review of Frits Stuurman, Two Grammatical Models of Modern English: The old and new from A to Z (London & New York: Routledge 1990) HSS Newsletter 151.21–22 (Nov. 1990).Google Scholar
Review of The Scribes Journal of Legal Writing (An official Publication of Scribes. The American Society of Writers on Legal Subjects), Vol.I1. HSS Newsletter 151.22–23 (Nov. 1990).Google Scholar


The Henry Sweet Society: A report on the first seven years”. HSS Newsletter 161.3–5 (May 1991).Google Scholar
[Under “Miscellaneous Notes”] John Wilkins’s Essay (1668)”. HSS Newsletter 161.13 (May 1991).Google Scholar
Inaugural Conference of ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English)”. HSS Newsletter 171.4–6 (Nov. 1991).Google Scholar
Review of Helmut Gneuss, Die Wissenschaft von der englischen Sprache: Ihre Entwicklung bis zum Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts (Munich: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1990) HSS Newsletter 171.19–20 (Nov. 1991).Google Scholar
Review of Douglas A[lan] Kibbee, For to Speke French Trewely: The French language in England, 1000–1600; its status, description and instruction (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1991) HSS Newsletter 171.23–24 (Nov. 1991).Google Scholar


Review of Robert Wakefield, On the Three Languages [1524] ed. and transl. by G. Lloyd Jones (Binghampton, N.Y.: The Renaissance Society of America 1992) Anglia 1101.439–441.Google Scholar
La langue universelle”. L’Histoire des idées linguistiques ed. by Sylvain Auroux vol.II1 407 423 Liège Mardaga
Review of Manfred Görlach, Introduction to Early Modern English (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1991) HSS Newsletter 181.6–8 (May 1992).Google Scholar
Review of Michael Isermann, Die Sprachtheorie im Werk von Thomas Hobhes (Münster: Nodus 1991) HSS Newsletter 181.8–9 (May 1992).Google Scholar
Review of Kristian Jensen, Rhetorical Philosophy and Philosophical Grammar: Julius Caesar Scaliger’s Theory of Language (Munich: Wilhelm Fink 1990) HSS Newsletter 181.10–11 (May 1992).Google Scholar
Review of Konrad Koerner (ed.) First Person Singular II (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1991) HSS Newsletter 181.13–14 (May 1992).Google Scholar
Thomas Harriot (1560–1621) and the English Origins of Algonkian Linguistics”. Historiographia Linguistica 19.25–56 (1992) (Also in Occasional Paper No. 8 of the Durham Thomas Harriot Seminar, 1–28 1993. – Repr. as Chapter 8 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar


Review of Hedwig Gwosdek, Early Printed Editions of the Long Accidence and Short Accidence Grammars (Heidelberg: Carl Winter 1991) Anglia 1111.133–136.Google Scholar
The Tenth Annual Henry Sweet Society Colloquium, March 25, 1993”. HSS Newsletter 201.9–12 (May 1993).Google Scholar
Review (together with Paul B. Salmon) of Edward Sapir, Collected Works, Vol.V1: American Indian Languages, vol.I1 ed. by William Bright (Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1990) HSS Newsletter 201.29–32 (May 1993).Google Scholar


Francis Lodwick”. The Dictionary of National Biography: Missing persons ed. by Catherine S. Nicholls p.409 Oxford Oxford Univ. Press
John Hart and the Beginnings of Phonetics in Sixteenth-Century England”. Perspectives in English: Studies in honour of Professor Emma Vorlat ed. by Keith Carlon, Kristin Davidse & Brygida Rudzka-Ostyn 2 20 Louvain Peters
Arabists and Linguists in Seventeenth-Century England”. The Interest of the Natural Philosophers in ‘Arabick’ in 17th-century England ed. by Gül Russell, 54–69. Leiden-New York-Köln: E. J. Brill 1994 (Repr. as Chapter 10 in Salmon 1996.)Google Scholar
Francis Lodwick”. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics ed. by R[onald] E. Asher et al. vol.IV1 p.2283 Oxford Pergamon Press
Review of Pieter L. M. Loonen, For to Learne to Buye and Sell: Learning English in the Low Dutch area between 1500 and 1800. (= Studies of the B. Pierre Bayle Institute, 22.) (Amsterdam & Maarssen: APA-Holland Univ. Press 1991.) HSS Newsletter 221.27–28 (May 1994).Google Scholar
Review of Michael Olmert, introduced by Christopher de Hamel, The Smithsonian Booke of Books (Washington, D.C.: The Smithsonian Institution 1992) HSS Newsletter 221.28–30 (May 1994).Google Scholar
Women and the Study of Language in 16th and 17th Century England”. La Grammaire des dames ed. by Wendy Ayres-Bennett Histoire Epistémologie Langage, 16 95 119 Paris Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage
Review of Frits Stuurman, Dutch Masters and Their Era (Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Press 1993) HSS Newsletter 231.20–22 (Nov. 1994).Google Scholar


Some Reflections of Dionysius Thrax’s ‘Phonetics’ in Sixteenth-Century English Scholarship”. Dionysius Thrax and the Western Tradition ed. by Vivien Law & Ineke Sluiter Henry Sweet Society Studies in the History of Linguistics, 1 135 150 Münster Nodus
Review of Ian Michael, Early Textbooks of English (Reading: Colloquium on Textbooks, Schools and Society 1993) HSS Newsletter 241.13–14 (May 1995)Google Scholar
Review of Umberto Eco, The Search for the Perfect Language (Oxford: Blackwell 1995) HSS Newsletter 251.15–17 (Nov. 1995).Google Scholar


Lingua comune e lingua letteraria nel Cinquecento”. Storia delta civiltà letter-aria inglese ed. by Franco Marenco vol.I1 327 360 Turin UTET Translated into Italian from English original by Anna Bertolini
Lingua comune e lingua letteraria nel seicento”. Ibid., 629–652.
The Universal Language Problem”. Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft: Handbuch Sprachphilosophie ed. by Marcello Dascal et al. vol.II1 916 928 Berlin & New York Walter de Gruyter
Language & Society in Early Modern English
Ed. by Konrad Koerner Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 77 Amsterdam & Philadelphia John Benjamins viii, 274 pp.


Orthography and Punctuation 1476–1776”. The Cambridge History of the English Language ed. by Roger Lass vol.III1 Cambridge Cambridge Univ. Press
[In section on “Development of Special Registers in English: A historical review”] The Language of Religion, Journalism and Advertising”. Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft: Handbuch Fachsprachen ed. by Herbert E. Wiegand & Werner Hüllen Berlin & New York Walter de Gruyter
Universal Language”. A Companion to Irish Culture ed. by W. J. McCor-mack Oxford Basil Blackwell
Biographical entries on] “Charles Butler”, “John Brinsley”, “Cave Beck”, “Francis Lodwick”, “Thomas Harriot”. Lexicon Grammaticorum ed. by Harro Stammerjohann Tübingen Max Niemeyer
Tradition and Innovation in the Writings of Charles Butler (c. 1561–1647)”. To appear in a Festschrift.
Review of G. J. Toomer, Eastern Wisdome and Learning: The study of Arabic in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford: Clarendon 1995) HSS Newsletter 261.00–00 (May 1996).Google Scholar
Cited by

Cited by 2 other publications

Koerner, Konrad
1996. Publications By Vivian Salmon, 1957–1996. Historiographia Linguistica 23:1-2  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
Linn, Andrew R & William Poole
2013. GUEST EDITORIAL: Vivian Salmon (1921–2010). Language & History 56:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo

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