Publications received published In:
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 23:1/2 (1996) ► pp.255266
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the Study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.
. 1996 . Language Change in the Works of Kruszewski, Baudouin de Courtenay and Rozwadowski . Poznań : Motivex , 175 pp. [ This Univ. of Poznań Habilitationsschrift (Rezensenten: Ruta Nagucka and Kazimiez Polański; external examiner: Konrad Koerner), in three individual chapters, investigates the statements made by three Polish scholars of the later 19th and early 20th century, of which only te third, Jan Michal Rozwadowski (1867–1935) has not become a ‘house-hold name’ in the annals of linguistic science. Some may therefore question the choice of Rozwadowki, given that Poland can boast several more distinguished historical linguists in this century, notably Jerzy Kuryiowicz (1896–1978), who has contributed important theoretical work, e.g., on laryngeals in Indo-European and the analogy principle, in addition to his positive work. Bib. (165–175); no index .]
, eds. 1995 . A New Philosophy of History . Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Press , ix, 289 pp. [ The book reflects on the development in historical writing over the last two decades, as historians attempt to answer the question “What is history?”. With essays from the editors, Nancy Partner, Richard Vann, Arthur Danto, and other intellectual and social historians, and literary critics, the book investigates the philosophical, cultural, linguistic and aesthetic matrices in which historical insight is generated. Also examining the history of discourse, the book covers such topics as the narrative theory of history, the question of voice and the personal presence of the historian in the text and the relevance of nonliterary models such as museums and paintings to conceptions of historical discourse. General index (284–289) .]
, eds. 1995 . Knowledge and Postmordenism in Historical Perspective . New York : Routledge , vi, 559 pp. [ The volume chronicles the Western engagement with the nature of knowledge during the past four centuries while providing the historical content for the postmodernist thoughts of Jacques Derrida, Michael Foucault, Richard Rorty, and Hayden White. It brings Historiographia Linguistica 23:1–2 (1996), 255–266. DOI 10.1075/hl.23.1-2.17pub ISSN 0302-5160 / E-ISSN 1569-9781 © John Benjamins Publishing Company to light the challenges which the ideas of these thinkers pose to the conventional ways of thinking, writing and knowing. The book reveals the linkages between science, the history of science, hermeneutics, anthropology, sociology, linguistics and philosophy, from Francis Bacon’s 17th-century call for experimental engagement with nature to Jürgen Habermas’s recent analysis of the civil society spawned by the Englightenment .]
, ed. 1995 . The Early Stages of Creolizatiion . (= Creole Language Library, 13 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 297 pp. [ The volume contains a collection of nine papers, some of which were first presented at the Amsterdam Creole Workshop Creolization: The Early States. Some of the contributors include John Victor Singler “The Demographics of Creole Genesis in the Caribbean: A Comparison of Martinique and Haiti”, Linda Fiens “Creole or non-creole?”, and Andrienne Bruyn “Relative Clauses in Early Sranan”. Indices of authors (287–290) and of subjects (291–297) .]
1995 . National Myths in Renaissance France: Francus, Samothes and the Druids . Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press , ix, 269 pp. [ The book examines certain aspects of nationalism in the works of French writers of the Renaissance. Partly due to uncertainty and partly to avoid unwanted restrictiveness, the author made no attempt to define the exact duration of the period covered in the book, preferring instead to stated the period as renaissance. The first part of the book examines certain themes in writings by historians; the second part looks at the way in which these themes were handled in poetry. A general index is provided .]
. 1995 . Sprachbewahrung nach der Emigration: Das Deutsch der 20er Jahre in Israel (= Phonai, 42 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , 449 pp. , plus cassette . [ Based on the author’s field work in Israel, the carefully transcribed interviews with speakers of German who left Germany during the 1930s document a fairly high rate of retention of the language among these emigrants .]
, eds. 1993 . Bio-bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachwissenschaft des 18. Jahrhunderts: Die Grammatiker, Lexikographen und Sprachtheoretiker des deutschsprachigen Raums mit Beschreibungen ihrer Werke , Vol. 41 : H–I . Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , xvii, 404 pp. [ This is the third in a series of about ten volumes providing (in fact rather detailed) biobibliographical information on 18th-century authors in German-speaking lands, who have a least one book dealing with language to their credit. – For an early presentation of this ongoing research project, see Herbert E. Brekle & Hans-Jürgen Höller, “Biobibliographical Handbook of 18th-century Scholars in the Language Sciences in German-Speaking Countries”, HL 8:1.171–190 (1981), with a preliminary list of authors (175–188). Apart from the well-researched information (biographical sketch, analysis of scholarly output, bibliography, and references to secondary sources) provided for each entry from Friedrich Wilhelm Haack (1706–1754) to Johann Lorenz Isenbiehl (1744–1818) in the this volume (1–391). Among the scholars with distinguished careers and/or important works are, inter alios, Father Johann Ernst Hanxleden (60–62), Arnold Hermann Ludwig Heeren (146–148), Christian Friedrich Hellwag (194–195), and Johann Gottfried Herder (222–238!), but also a large number of lesser or unknown authors. The front matter provides a list of abbreviations (vii–xi), addenda to the list of abbreviations for secondary references (xii–xiii), and an index of authors (xiv–xvii). An appendix (393–404), entitled “Anhang I (Irrelevante)” lists authors who have been excluded from extensive treatment for a variety of reasons, such as the fact that their work appeared after the 1800 cut-off date, that work ascribed to them was actually done by someone else, or whatever. Still, one may question the assignment of a detailed entry (in the main part of the volume) of this supposed contributor to – not author of! – an anonymous grammar of French to a person with the suggestive family name Hohl (353–354), when nothing is known about him, neither his first name(s) nor his life-dates .]
, ed. 1996 . English Historical Linguistics 1994: Papers from the 8th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (8.ICEHL), Edinburgh, 19–23 September 1994 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 135 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 403 pp. [ Organized under headings such as Phonology, Morphology, Lexis, Syntax, and Sociohistorical Linguistics, the volume publishes revised versions of altogether 19 papers. Among the contributors are: April M. S. McMahon, Richard M. Hogg, Donka Minkova, Seiichi Suzuki, Dieter Kastovsky, Manfred Görlach, Edgar W. Schneider, Olga Fischer, David Denison, and Wilklem F. Koopman. Indexes of persons (385–390) and of concepts & terms (391–403) .]
. 1995 . Speakers, Listeners and Communication: Explorations in discourse analysis . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xi, 251 pp. [ The book explores the ways in which speakers and listeners use language collaboratively to discuss events and actions. It examines conditions under which communication is said to be successful and conditions under which it is said to have failed. Employing a cognitive and pragmatic approach to discourse analysis, the seven-chapter book focuses on the role of the listener in discourse. General index (246–251) .]
. 1995 . Grammaticalization in Creoles: The development of determiners and relative clauses in Sranan . (= Studies in Language and Language Use, 21 .) Amsterdam : Institute for Functional Research into Language and Language Use , vii, 281 pp. [ The five-chapter book deals with the role of grammaticalization in the development of Sranan, an English-based creole spoken by the inhabitants of Surinam in South America and some Surinamese descendants in the Netherlands. The investigation centers on articles, demonstratives and relative clauses and their development between the 18th and 20th century. The study examines diachronic data ranging from 1718 to the 1980s. No index .]
, eds. 1995 . Modality in Grammar and Discourse . (= Typological Studies in Language, 32 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 575 pp. [ The volume brings together a collection of 18 papers that examine the expression of modality in the grammars of natural languages, with emphasis on its manifestations in naturally occurring discourse. Though the individual contributions reflect a diversity of languages, of synchronic and diachronic foci, and of theoretical orientations all within the broad domain of functional linguistics, they nonetheless converge around a number of key issues: the relationship between ‘mood’ and ‘modality’, the delineation of modal categories and their nomenclature; the elusive category ‘irrealis’, and the relationship of modal notions and categories to other categories of grammar. Some of the contributors include Edith Bavin, Joan Bybee, Carmen Silva-Corvalán and Suzanne Romaine. Indices of subjects (553–564), languages (565–568), and authors (569–575) are provided .]
. 1995 . Cognition and Representation in Linguistic Theory . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 112 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , v, 163 pp. [ The book aims at better acquainting linguists with a corpus of texts hitherto untranslated, containing the cognitive-based research in formal linguistics of one of the most important contemporary theoreticians in the field: Antoine Culioli (b.1924). The book is divided into 7 chapters dealing with a range of issues including ‘representing notions’, ‘notional domains’, ‘modalizing’, and ‘aspects and quantifiabilization’. Index of terms and concepts (161–163) .]
, ed. 1995 . Alternative Linguistics: Descriptive and theoretical modes . (= Current Issues in Linguistics Theory, 102 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 325 pp. [ The volume features a collection of papers presented at the Fifth Biennial Symposium of the Department of Linguistics, Rice University in March 1993, titled “Descriptive and Theoretical Modes in Alternative Linguistics”. Among the papers are “The Way of Language: Dimensions of voice” by the ed.; “Asserting Identity” by Janos Reval; “Viewing in Cognition and Grammar” by Ronald Langacker, and “Dictionaries vs. Encyclopedias: How to draw the line” by Anna Wierzbicka. Name index (317–321) and subject index (324–325) .]
, eds. 1995 . Translators through History . (= Benjamins Translation Library, 13 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 345 ; 24 illustr . [ The nine-chapter book aims at bringing translators from the ancient and recent past out of oblivion and illustrating the roles they played in the evolution of human thought. Published under the auspices of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), the book is organized around themes that illustrate areas in which translators have distinguished themselves through the ages. Some of the chapters deal with translators and the invention of alphabets, translators and the development of national languages, and translators and the emergence of national literatures. The book is the result of international collaboration on various levels, also involving U.N.E.S.C.O. Chapters were at times written jointly by at times as many as six authors (cf. p. 59). Detailed bib. (295–323) and index of names (327–345) .]
. 1995 . The Acquisition of Temporality in a Second Language . (= Studies in Bilingualism, 7 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 389 . [ The volume set out to: (1) widen the scope of second language acquisition with a better understanding of the structural properties and regularities of learner languages, (2) analyze the way an adult learner, without substantial exposure to classroom teaching, breaks down the complex concept of time as it is encoded in the target language, (3) use data from first language acquisition research as a tool to study the development of concepts in the human mind. In the 8 chapters, the book looks, among other things, at the acquisition of English, German, Dutch, French and Swedish. Author (281–282) and subject (283–288) indices provided .]
, eds. 1995 . Linguistics in the Netherlands 1995 . (= AVT Publications, 12 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia . John Benjamins , vii, 238 pp. [ The volume contains a selection of papers presented at the 26th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of the Netherlands, held in Utrecht on January 21, 1995. The 19 papers in the volume, including those by Cecile de Bakker, Rose-Marie Déchaine, Helen de Hoop and Marga Peter, present an overview of research in different fields of linguistics in the Netherlands. The volume contains articles in phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and language acquisition. No index .]
. 1995 . The Sigmatic Aorist in Indo-European: Evidence for the Space-Time Hypothesis . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph, 13 .) Washington, D.C. : Institute for the Study of Man , 154 pp. [ The book presents a thorough examination of the evidence for Indo-European s-aorist language by language, with the intention of testing the validity of the Space-Time Hypothesis. Forms attested in the oldest texts of such languages as Old Church Slavic, Old Latin, Rgvedic Sanskrit etc., which are purported to feature s-aorist, were collected. – Cf. John Hewson’s forthcoming review in Diachronica 13:2, Fall 1996, for details .]
. 1996 . Logisch-sematische Studien in der Grammatik des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts: Untersuchungen zur Kategoerienlehre von Simon Heinrich Adolf Herling . (= Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 160 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , xi, 164 pp. [ This 1994 doctoral dissertation, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, is devoted to one of the major ‘rational’ grammarians of the first half of the 19th century, S.H.A. Herling (1780–1849) – the others are Karl Ferdinand Becker (1775–1851) and Friedrich Schmitthener (1796–1850). Herling is particularly known among Germanists for his work on complex syntax, “als Begründer einer grammatischen Theorie des Zusammengesetzen Satzes” (p. 149). He advocates a logical approach to his subject. Before analyzing H’s theoretical argument in great detail, the author maps out the historical context (Chapter 2, “Herling und die rationelle Grammatik im Kontext der zeitgenössischen Sprahwissenschaft”) and provides a kind of template for his analysis (Chapter 3, “Zur Kategoriendiskussion in der neueren Sprachwissenschaft”), i.e., from the mid-1960s onwards. Bib. of primary (152–157) and secondary (“nach 1900”) sources (157–164); no index .]
. 1995 . The Theory of Absence: Subjectivity, signification, and desire . (= Contributions in Philosophy, 55 .) Westport, Connecticut & London : Greenwood Press , 182 pp. [ The book explores the relationship between post-structuralism and absence. It shows how post-structuralist theory can be seen as a system of studies of subjectivity in terms of absence, and how desire is based almost entirely on the precondition of absence. The book is divided into three parts. Part one deals with “The subjectivity of desire and absence”. Part 2 focuses on “The absence of gaze” while part 3 is entitled “Towards a Semiotics of Absence”. General Index (178–182) .]
. 1995 . Speech Acts and Conversational Interaction: Towards a theory of conversational competence . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xi, 248 . [ The book unites speech act theory and conversation analysis to advance a theory of conversational competence. It is predicated on the assumption that speech act theory, if it is to be of genuine empirical and theoretical significance, must be embedded within a general theory of conversational competence capable of accounting for how we do things with word in conversational analysis. The author analyzes a variety of naturally ocurring conversation, presenting them within a framework of computational interest and within Discourse Representation Theory. General index (240–248) .]
. 1995 . Kanji Politics: Language Policy and Japanese Script . (= Japanese Studies, [unnumbered] .) London & New York : Kegan Paul International , vii, 245 pp. [ The book examines the history and nature of the language policy process in Japan as it relates to script from the establishment of the inaugural National Language Research Council in 1902 to the completion of the postwar policy review cycle by the National Language Council in the late 1991. Among the questions it addresses are: How had language policy worked in the Japanese context? Why were policies necessary in the first place? Who has been responsible for formulating and implementing them? Whose interests have been served? What motives have driven the process? General index (243–245) .]
. 1995 . Grammar and Semantics in Medieval Arabic: A study of Ibn-Hisham’s ‘ Mughni l-Labib ’. Richmond, Surrey, England : Curzon Press , vii, 309 pp. [ The book is a revised version of the author’s doctoral thesis defended in July 1991. It focuses on a treatise of grammar and semantics by Jamāl al-Dīn ‘Abd Allāh ibn Yūsuf Ibn Hishām (d.761/1359) called Mughnī l-Labīb ‘an Kutub al-A’ārīb. The treatise itself is based on the Qur’ān as its main corpus of data, to the exclusion of citations from Arabic poetry. Bib. of primary (279–283) and ‘secondary Western’ sources (283–290); detailed general index (292–310) .]
. 1995 . Lexical Issues in Language Learning . Ann Arbor, Mich. : Language Learning ; Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 318 pp. [ The volume brings together nine major empirical studies recently published in Language Learning, addresses key issues in the development and use of vocabulary by child bilinguals and older second language learners. Major themes are the assessment of lexical development in bilinguals at different points in the lifespan, the psycholinguistic factors that determine the learnability of second language lexis and the conditions on communication tasks that promote the learning and retention of second language vocabulary or lead to different strategies for handling lexical problems. General index (313–318) .]
, eds. 1995 . Prague Linguistic Circle Papers vol 1 . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , v, 336 pp. [ The volume contains a collection of papers from the recently revived Prague Linguistic Circle. The papers are arranged into 7 chapters including an introductory survey, fundamental issues, sentence structure, discourse patterns, views on development, and theory of literature .]
. 1995 . Case Suspension and Binary Complement Structure in French . (= Current Issues in Linguistics Theory, 132 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 200 pp. [ The book investigates constructions with non-thematic external arguments and one suspended Case using Chomsky’s minimalist theory. It argues that the dual nature of internal Case in French correlates with a parallel limit on argument projection: a verb can have one subject and no more than two objects. The book is divided into 7 chapters dealing with minimalist syntactic representation, Case and argument structure, unaccusative verbs and affected datives, Case defective ‘psych verbs’, Case suspending pronominals, inalienable undatives, Case suspension and complement structure. Index of authors (191–193) and subjects (195–200) .]
. 1995 . Georgian: A structural reference grammar . (= London Oriental and African Language Library, 2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 714 pp. [ The volume serves as the first reference grammar of Georgian, a South Caucasian (Kartvelian) language spoken by 5 million people. The book is divided into 7 chapters. The first chapter introduces Georgian while the second describes the sound system of the language. Chapters 3 and 4 are devoted to the morphology of the language and chapter 5 to its syntax. Chapters 6 and 7, respectively, deal with texts and sample vocabularies in semantic fields. General index provided (709–714) .]
International Who’s Who in Translation & Terminology / Traduction et Terminologie: Répertoire biographique intyernational . Paris : Union Latine ; Nottingham : Preterms ; Bonn : International Where + How ; Wien : Infoterm , xxxviii, 427 ; 1 diskette . [ This reference work consists mainly of biographical and professional information on some 1,200 people involved in translation of various kinds from many countries of the world, from Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The front matter is presented in 4 languages (English, French, Spanish, and German); the entries are in one of them according to the individuals’ preferences .]
, ed. 1995 . Historical Pragmatics: Pragmatic developments in the history of English . (= Pragmatics and Beyond – New Series, 35 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 623 pp. [ The three-part volume contains 22 papers that encompass a wide range of approaches. All but two of the papers use English data; hence the author’s choice of the subtitle. Some of the contributions are “The Openness of Medieval Texts” by Heinz Bergner; “Justifying Grammars: A socio-pragmatic foray into the discourse community of Early English grammarians” by Richard Watts; “Pragmatic Maxims in Explanation of Language Change” by José Pinto de Lima, and “Diachronic Analysis of Japanese Discourse Markers” by Noriko Okada Onodera. Name and subject indices provided .]
. 1995 . Literacy and Religion: The Textual Politics and Practice of Seventh-Day Adventism . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 243 pp. [ The book argues that reading and writing are located social and cultural practices, occurring in specific historical, geographical, economic and institutional sites and thus cannot adequately be conceptualized in items of cognitive skills or ‘processes’ acquired independently of the beliefs, values, interests and relations of those who teach and learn them. The book also provides a sustained analysis of the reciprocal social construction of literacy, religiosity and subjectivity of one Seventh-Day Adventist Church community of Northern Australia. Indices of authors (334–337) and subjects (338–343) .]
, eds. 1995 . History an Rationality: The Skövde Papers in the Historiography of Linguistics . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 352 pp. [ The volume is a collection of 19 papers contributed by members of the Studienkreis ‘Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft’ in July 1994 and given in a chronological order of their topics. This order in turn reflects, in most cases, the original arrangements at the meetings at which they were first presented. Some of the papers include: “Early Language Typology: Attitudes Towards Languages in the 16th and 17th Centuries” by Marijke van der Wal; and “Good Language – Bad Language: Some case-studies on the criteria of linguistic evaluation in three centuries” by Werner Hüllen. Index of names provided .]
, eds. 1995 . Concise History of the Languages Sciences: From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists . Oxford & New York : Pergamon Press , xi, 497 pp. [ The book presents in a single volume, updated and/or revised versions of articles originally published in The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. In 12 sections, the book presents a comprehensive history of the language sciences, from ancient times to, and including, the 20th century, which in fact takes up a large portion (pp. 221–368). Section 10 which focuses on the 20th century, presents an overview and discussion of the various trends, schools and theoretical frameworks developed in the West since the Saussurean Revolution, which have effectively become the international discipline that is linguistics today. The last section of the book covers areas rarely found in histories of linguistics, such as the histories of translation, of phonetics and of speech technology. Detailed indices of subjects (453–481) and of biographical names (483–494). – See Andrew Robert Linn’s review in this issue (pp. 194–200) and the one by Peter Schmitter in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 6:1.171–172 (1996) .]
. 1995 . Professing Linguistic Histriography . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 79 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , v, 274 pp. [ In this two-part volume divided into 10 chapters, in which the author returns to subjects addressed in some of his earlier works going back twenty five years. Part I of the book addresses, among other things, some persistent issues in Linguistic Historiography, metalanguage in Linguistic Historiography as well as Saussure and the question for the sources of his linguistic theory. Part II offers historical accounts of Linguistic subfields including modern sociolinguistics, typology, and phonetics. Indices of authors (261–270) and subjects (271–274). – Cf. the comments by G[abriel] Bergounioux in Bulletin d’Information de la Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage S.H.E.S.L. No.36.50–51 (1996), and by Peter Schmitter, “Profession und Bekenntnis – oder: Konrad Koerners historiographischer Nachlaß, III. Teil”, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 6:1.152–158(1996) .]
. 1995 . Writings in General Linguistics . Ed. with an introd. by Konrad Koerner . (= Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics, 11 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xl, 188 pp. ; 1 portr.; illustr . [ The volume brings together an English translation of Kruszewski’s (1851–1887) O čerk nauki o jazyke (Kazan, 1883), by Gregory M. Eramian, followed by an English translation, revised by the editor, of his Ueber die Lautabwechslung (Kazan’, 1881), by Robert Austerlitz (1923–1993), with an introduction placing Kruszewski’s work in its historical context and an appraisal of his contribution to general linguistic theory. In addition to a picture of the author other biographically significant reproductions – for instance the title page of Ueber die Lautabwechslung carrying a handwritten dedication by Kruszewski “À Mr le professeur Ferdinand De Saussure” – have been added. Full bib. of Kruszewski’s writings (xxxiii–xxxix), “Works cited by Kruszewski” (175–178), “Index of biographical names” (179–180), “Index of subjects and terms” (181–186), and “Index of languages cited for examples” (187–188).]
1995 . More Names and Naming: An annotated bibliography . Westport, Connecticut & London : Greenwood Press , vii, 298 pp. [ With close to 2200 new items, this bibliography of names and naming supplements the author’s 1987 volume. The entries are grouped alphabetically in 47 major subject categories. Within each category or subcategory, the items are listed alphabetically by author. The category for an item was chosen on the basis of what appeared to be the most salient feature relating to onomatics. Cross references of entries that belong to more than one category are provided in the subject index (279–298). Author index (254–278) .]
1995 . The Discipline of History and the History of Thought . London & New York : Routledge , 280 pp. [ The book is concerned with elaborating a framework for the study and writing of history which would serve to identify the discipline as having a distinct rationale or coherence. In so doing, Lemon explores the nature of history by attempting to answer the familiar question “what is history?” The book is divided into 5 chapters. A general index is provided .]
. 1995 . Ancient Egyptian: A linguistic introduction . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xi, 322 pp. [ The seven-chapter book available in hard cover, traces the development of the language of ancient Egypt from its older phase (earlier Egyptian) to the more recent phase (later Egyptian). The book analyzes these two main historical forms of the Egyptian language from both synchronic and diachronic perspectives. It discusses the hieroglyphic system and its cursive varieties (Hieratic an Demotic), the phonology of Classic Egyptian and Coptic, the morphology and syntax of the literary languages and the semantic and pragmatic constraints on syntax. Also examined is the genetic connections of Egyptian within the Afrosiatic family, especially with Semitic languages such as Akkadian, Arabic and Hebrew. Indices of passages (293–300), morphemes (301–303), lexemes (304–312), and topics (313–322) .]
, eds. 1996 . English Postcoloniality: Literatures from around the world . (= Contributions to the Study of World Literature, 66 .) Westport, Connecticut & London : Greenwood Press , ix, 216 pp. [ The volume is a collection of essays which focus upon historical surveys of colonial literatures, the problematics in explicating the dynamic relationship between indigenous and mediated literatures/cultures of the neocolonial phase and some basic interpretations of postcolonial theory in the analyses of literary texts. General index (207–211) .]
, eds. 1995 . Essays in Semantics and Pragmatics: In Honor of Charles J. Filmore . (= Pragmatics and Beyond – New Series, 32 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 330 pp. [ The volume is a collection of papers which pay tribute to Filmore’s pioneering research into meaning. Taking semantics and pragmatics to define a kind of continuum, the papers range from lexicography to lexicology. Some of the authors include B.T.S. Atkins, George Lakoff, and Charles N. Li. General index (321–330) .]
. 1995 . Gestalt Psychology and the Cognitive Revolution . New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf , ix, 212 pp. [ The book discusses the historical relationships between behaviorism, Gestalt psychology and the cognitive revolution. It outlines the main principles of Gestalt psychology by focussing on the writings of the first generation Gestalt psychologists, Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Köhler. The book also emphasis the value of Gestalt psychology and argues for a re-evaluation of hitherto unexplored insights of Gestalt psychology. General index (207–212) .]
1995 . Generative Linguistics: A historical perspective . (= Routlege History of Linguistic Thought Series, [unnumbered] .) London & New York : Routledge , vii, 218 pp. [ The volume features a collection of all of Newmeyer’s essays on the origin and development of generative grammar. Spanning a period of fifteen years, they address the nature of the ‘Chomskyan Revolution’, the deep structure debates of the 1970s and the attempts to apply generative theory to second language acquisition. Name (211–215) and subject indices (216–218), respectively .]
, eds. 1996 . Discourse and Meaning: Papers in Honor of Eva Hajičová . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , v, 430 pp. [ The volume is a collection of 30 papers in honor of Eva Hajičová. The principal contributions cover topics ranging from the semantics of the sentence to the pragmatics of discourse and beyond. The topics are divided into five sections including: discourse, meaning, focus, translation and structure. Some of the authors include: Barbara H. Partee, Pavel Materna, James D. Mc-Cawley, and Margaret King. Indices of names and subjects (419–430) .]
, ed. 1995 . The Biology of Language . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 300 pp. [ The volume contains a collection of 14 papers presented and discussed at the International Symposium held in December of 1988 at Czerniejewo, near Poznań, Poland. Some of the authors are Jean Aitchison, David Barton, Bernard H. Bichakjian, Robert Payson Creed and Mary Ritchie Key. The central theme of the symposium was to relate the debate between Essentialism and Evolution with the nature of language. The volume, thus provides a useful overview for all those interested in the vital problems of the origins of language and speech. Indexes of names (277–287) and subjects (289–300) .]
. 1995 . Linguistique médiévale: L’épreuve d’ ancien français au concours . Paris : Armand Cohn , 584 pp. [ Te volume consists of selections from Old French literature – from La Chanson de Roland to François Villon’s Le Testament – followed by modern Frtench translations, remarks on the phonetics, morphology, and the various changes the formes have gone through from the Vulgar Latin period onwards, and observations on syntactic and grammatical features. A rather short “Bibliographie sélective” (575–577) and a still shorter index (579–581) conclude the volume which is to serve as a means of preparation for the examination of future high school teachers in “Étude grammaticale et stylistique d’un texte fraçais antérieur à 1500” (Avant-propos, p. 5) .]
1995 . Hebrew at the Crossroads of Cultures: From outgoing Antiquity to the Middle Ages . (= Orbis Supplemta, [unnumbered] .) Leuven & Paris : Peeters , 86 pp. [ The monograph aims at filling in the gap left by previous studies of the history of Hebrew. It targets the “dark” period, that is the period intervening between the last centuries of antiquity and the Middle ages, in the history of Hebrew language and its contact with other languages and cultures. The book tries to bring to light a number of new viewpoints which appear essential to us for the purpose of sketching a faithful history of the external as well as internal history of Hebrew. There are four chapters in all dealing with such issues as “Palestine as a Linguistics area”, “The language of the Jewish diaspora of Rome”, “The Jewish contribution to the formation of the vocabulary of the institutions of Medieval Europe” and “The nature of Medieval Hebrew: A great language of tradition is in regional differentiation” .]
. 1995 . Zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache . (= Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics, 16 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , lv, vi, 492 pp. ; 1 portr . [ Reprint of the influential first edition of Scherer’s 1868 (Berlin: Franz Duncker) book which the Neogrammarians regarded as epoch-making and leading them to new insights into matters of the sound law and analogy principles. It is preceded by new front matter, in particular a detailed Introduction in English by Kurt R. Jankowsky, in which Scherer’s life and work is appraised and the book placed into its original historical context (ix–xxiv). Select bib. of Scherer’s writings (xxv–xxvi), followed by secondary literature (xxvi–xxx), a list of works cited in Scherer’s book (xxxiii–xlix), and an “Index of Biographical Names” (li–lv) .]
1995 . An Introduction to Old Russian . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph, 15 .) Washington, D.C. : Institute for the Study of Man , 311 pp. [ The book is intended as an introduction to the Old Russian language primarily for undergraduate students of Russian. The treatment of problems of phonology, morphology and syntax of old Russian are simplified. Paradigms are normalized and ghost forms created to make paradigms complete. The use of the term “old Russian” follows the tradition of the past. The monograph is divided into 6 chapters. Chap.l introduces the Cryillic alphabet while chapter 2 gives a brief remark on the phonology of old Russian. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with adjectives and nouns respectively while chapter 5 focuses on the verbs. The final chapter deals with syntax .]
1995 . A Student Guide to the Genitive of Agent in the Indo-Euro-pean Languages . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series, 14 .) Washington, D.C. : Institute for the Study of Man , 52 pp. [ The concise monograph seeks to reaffirm and expand upon the old notion that the Indo-European genitive case was the original case of agent with many verbal constructions. It argues that the morpheme *-s case originally denoted agent in both sigmatic nominative and sigmatic genitive while the agent was well attested with the *-t- principles .]
1995 . The Voices of Eden: A history of Hawaiian language studies . Honolulu : University of Hawai’i Press , xvii, 512 . [ The book provides answers to questions about Hawaii’s post-contact linguistic past. Beginning with the observations of Captain Cook and his crew, continuing through the missionaries’ profound effect on the language and its speakers and ending with current issues of language policy, the book gives a historical overview of Hawaiian. It also critically examines most of the earlier works on the language. The book is divided into 16 chapters. The early chapters examine the attitudes expressed by Europeans and American visitors about Hawaiian in particular, and the influence of Noble Savage concept, which has resulted in the persistent notion that Hawaiian is a simple language. General index (494–512) .]
1995 . Linguistic Typology, Universality and the Realism of Reconstruction . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series, 12 .) Washington, D.C. : Institute for the Study of Man , viii, 133 pp. [ This monograph is primarily concerned with the method of using typology to evaluate and guide reconstructions of proto-languages. Focusing on a few theories of Indo-European verbal system, the book cited a few languages order than German, English, French and Dutch in attempting to show how typological framework may be used. The study is set up in three major parts: Part 1 lays out the principles of language relationship and reconstruction of proto-languages, the typological approach to language study and their integration. The second part examines the practice behind the theory while the third part applies the method to reconstructing morphology and examining the problems of Indo-European nominal and verbal morphology .]
, ed. 1996 . Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 125 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 342 pp. [ The volume brings together a dozen articles, most of them previously published, offering a critique of various aspects of sociolinguistic theory and practice. Contributors include Beatriz Lavandera, Ralph Fasold, Suzanne Romaine, Norbert Dittmar, Dell Hymes, and Wolfgang U. Dressier. Indexes of authors (333–337), of languages (338–339), and of subjects (340–342) .]
. 1995 . English Word-Formation as Described by English Grammarians 1600–1800 . (= Studia Anglistica Norvegica, 7 .) Oslo : Novus Forlag , 125 pp. [ The book attempts to correct the supposed oversight of previous studies on English word formation as described in early Modern English texts. It contends that word formation deserved to be studied on its own instead of being split between grammar and the lexicon. No index .]
, ed. 1995 . Jean-Claude Chevalier: Notice biographique et bibliographic (= Biobibliographies et exposés, 4 .) Leuven : Centre International de Dialeetologie Générale , 56 pp. [ For detailed analysis of its contents, see Gabriel Bergounioux in Bulletin d’Information de la Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage No.36, 67–68 (1966) .]
, ed. 1994 . Letters and Other Materials from the Moscow and Prague Linguistics Circles, 1912–1945 . (= Cahiers Roman Jakobson, 1 .) Ann Arbor : Michigan Slavic Publications , ix, 259 pp. [ The volume brings together a selection of letters and other materials by largely Russian writers who participated in the Moscow and, especially, the Prague Linguistic Circles. The volume was put together as an open-ended project on the history of linguistics and other formerly oriented humanities in Central and Eastern Europe. It elucidates some major complexes including the Russian interwar emigration and “Russian Prague” in particular. The collection also presents biographical information on Nikolaj Nikolaevič Durnovo (1876–1937), a linguist whose fate illustrates the perversity of the Stalinist purges in a more tragic way. It includes letters written by many well-known linguists of the time, not only of Trubetzkoy and Jakobson, but also Sergej Karcevskij (1884–1955), Vilém Mathesius (1882–1945), Bohumil Trnka (1895–1984), Bohumil Havránek (1893–1978), and Dmytro Čyžev’skyj (1896–1977), and also Edward Sapir. Index of names (236–244); bib. (245–259) .]
, eds. 1995 . On Extraction and Extrapostion in German . (= Linguistics Today, 11 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 315 pp. [ The volume documents current research and recent debates on extraction phenomena in German in the broader context of the Principles and Parameters framework (including recent Minimalist approaches). The contributions deal with the questions of which constructions are to be analyzed as involving extraction and which are not. Index of subject (311–314) .].
, ed. 1996 . Lexical Functions in Lexicography and Natural Language Processing . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 31 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvii, 355 pp. [ The volume contains a collection of articles that describe the recent work done on and with Lexical Functions as put forward in the framework of the Meaning-Text Theory. The goal of the book is to summarize the most important work carried out on and with Lexical Functions in the field of lexicography and computational linguistics. Most of the articles grew out of the papers at the International Workshop on the Meaning-Text Theory at the Institut für Integrierte Publikations- und Informationssysteme in Darmstadt, Germany, in July of 1992 .]
, eds. 1994 . Wilhelm von Humboldt und die amerikanischen Sprachen: internationales Symposium des Ibero-Amerikanischen Instituts Preußischen] K[ulturbesitzes], 24.–26, September 1992 in Berlin . Paderborn-München-Wien-Zürich : Ferdinand Schöningh , 299 pp. [ This volume publishes 14 papers by scholars from various countries, notably Germany, Italy, and Spain, devoted to Wilhelm von Humboldt’s (1767–1835) legacy with regard to the study of American Indian languages, e.g., Nahuatl (“Humboldt bei der Arbeit am ‘Mexikanischen’: Von der Grammatik zum Wortschatz” by Manfred Ringmacher), Otomí (“Wilhelm von Humboldts Grammatiken des Otomí” by Klaus Zimmermann), Mayan (“Wilhelm von Humboldt und die yukatanische Sprache” by Ramón Arzápalo Marín), Tupí-Guaraní (a contribution by Wolf Dietrich), and others. Considerable space is alotted to the work of Humboldt’s longtime assistant and subsequent editor, Johann Karl Eduard Buschmann (1805–1880), who published widely on ‘exotic’ languagues, not only Amerindian (cf. the contributions by Berthold Riese, Peter Masson and Ursula Thieme-Sachse). Given the importance of the volume, on cannot but regret the absence of any index .]